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Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, A3

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W ednesdsay February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 O akville M ayor A nn M ulvale had the hon o u r o f breaking ground Friday, for the O akville Fire D ep artm ent's new fire train ing cam pus. Looking on (1 to r) were:John D eh o o g e D ep u ty C h ief, W ayne G ou ld C hief, Linda H ardacre councillor W ard 2, Jim Strickland S truct-C on C onstruction L td ., and A n th o n y S ved as S ved as K oyanagi A rchitects Inc. P h o to by B arrie E rskine Get the Results You Want, at a Price You Can Afford! Now and Pay Only $39 Per Month with Down Payment A beautiful body doesn't take years of hard work and determination. It takes the right program! A program that incorporates strength, exercise, cardovascular exercise and proper nutrition. And the secret i s ... it doesn't have to take forever. `T h e new campus has the potential to raise the level of safety training across our com m unity from the very young to the elderly," he said. "Emergency response staff, whether it be in fire service or an industrial envi ronment, will benefit from this facility." Firefighters and businesses will learn from each other and so doing will bol ster confidence in each other's skill lev els, said deHooge. This also goes for neighbouring fire departments which will also take advantage o f the campus. In addition to its involvement with training, deH ooge added, O akville's corporate com munity has made signifi cant contributions to capital as well as other donations. T hese range from equipment to an old rail car from Procor and a road tanker from Praxair. `T h e support from the community has ju st been trem endous," said deHooge, who explained this initiative marks the first partnership o f its kind in Ontario. According to mayor Ann M ulvale, this co-operation will be reassuring to the public which expects its emergency services to maintain their skills. The centre has been designed by Svedas Koyanagi Architects Inc., the firm which designed Fire Station No. 7. New $ 2 .4 m facility will train town's firefigh ters B y H o w ard M ozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF 1 The last piece o f the O akville M aster Fire Plan puzzle is now under w ay with Friday's groundbreaking for the tow n's long aw aited fire training facility. The O akville Training Cam pus for Em ergency Excellence is the munici pality's first-ever theoretical and practi cal training centre, w hich will offer the latest in technology, fire safety and em ergency training. "T his is a great project," said Oakville Fire C hief W ayne Gould. "You get to do a lot o f exciting things in the fire service, but putting together an entire safety cam pus like this is a real challenge." The $2.4 m illion centre - now being built adjacent to Fire Station No. 5 on the South Service Road - will be avail able for use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and features training buildings and a six-acre practical training area ideal for sim ulating em ergency scenarios. Such exercises assist fire personnel and com m unity partners w ho require handson experience to learn and maintain em ergency response skills. Firefighters will be able to imm erse them selves in First A id and fire extin guisher training, confined space rescue, w ater and ice rescue and even fire code sem inars. Fully-equipped classroom s and meeting areas will accommodate gatherings o f all sizes. W ith only a small training facility in Fire Station No. 6, the fire department sporadically rents out the bum house ow ned by its Burlington counterpart and has even been using a house slated for dem olition on Dundas Street to prac tice. "Until this cam pus is done w e've had to be inventive in our training," said Gould. Imaginations will still be working overtime when the cam pus is fully oper ational: once out o f the classroom , trainees will w ork alongside actual gas and rail tankers, propane tanks, a simu lated industrial com plex, a bum house, spill creek, passenger rail coach and m uch more. The offices, classrooms and bum house will be ready for this summer, said D eputy Fire C hief John deHooge, while the ground installations will be added over the next year. A ccording to Gould, the centre will be a valuable resource for firefighters, the business com m unity and local resi dents. Circuit training is quick, easy and effective! Circuit training only takes about 30 minutes of your time. The results are fantastic and the workout is great! When you sign up this month, we'll include one week of circuit training instruction absolutely free! To Join Call 844-1610 W e M a ke F i t n e s s E a s y l A N a u tilu s NAUTILUS SPORTS/MEDICAL INC. Voted Oakville's Best Fitness Club 1999 11 LAKESHORE RD. W,, OAKVILLE 1 Dr. Kruno Tovilo Certified Specialist in Orthodontics for Children and Adults PRIVATE PRACTICE ORTHODONTICS Is Montessori for Your Child? Sheridan College invites you to attend our in form ation session about th e Montessori m ethod o f preschool education. Join us fo r an evening o f discussion, dem onstrations and a to u r o f th e Sheridan M ontessori Preschool Centre W hen: W here: February 21, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 pm Sheridan College 1430 Trafalgar Road Room B125 O R T H O D O N T IC S can help correct M O ST types o f tooth m al-alignm ent problem s C an ad ian A ssociation o f O rthodontists recom m ends all children see an O rthodontist by age 7 R eceiv e P E R SO N A L Attention w ith ALL PHASES O f Treatment Provided by the Doctor O NLY S elf-ligatin g M icro-braces or C lear braces are used exclusively N O H E A D G E A R or B A N D S are used P la y N intendo64 or w atch T V during treatm ent m i p i Play Sony PlayStation or watch TV during treatment Consultations are A L W A Y S F R E E ...W e w ill do our utm ost to m ake O R T H O D O N T IC S A F F O R D A B L E ! m t G e t the natural sm ile you deserve Orthodontically. C all us today.... To register fo r this Free Session o r fo r more in form ation, call 845-9430, ext. 3243. TOWN CENTER ORTHODONTICS 3 1 1 6 1 1 0 3 1 1 243 N orth Service R oad, W est Suite 301, O akville (905) 849-1717 f j r '95 DODGE NEON 4d r. A utom atic! A ir C onditioned! O nly 88.000 K 's! autom atic N eons under $7000 are non-existent anyw here but right he re ! This is the one! Full pricc only '93 PONTIAC ASUNA 4d r., autom atic. A M /FMcass. & m uch m ore!! T he "m uch m ore" is low , lowone ow ner K 's.all original bright re do aint. "as new " condition, full certification &clean air passed. Q uiteavalueeh ? Full price only `89 CHEV CAVALIER 4d r. A utom atic! O nly 147.000 km 's! B rand newpaint! R uns G reat! This beauty m ay not b e perfect, but it's aw fully closeto it! H owabout the price? Full price only '94 JEEP RENEGADE 4X4 4.06 cyl., 5spd., a ir, hardtop, black, beautiful, low km , perfection. R enegades arescarce and sell fast! Lowm iles in flaw less cond., are basical ly non existent! This isthe one! H urry! Full price only *6 ,9 9 9 * 4 ,9 0 0 *2 ,4 7 5 * *1 4 ,9 0 0 '95 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4 V 6, auto, A M /FMcass., air, cruise, tilt, pw , pdl, m ag, slider & m uch, m uch m ore. This beauty's w hite outside, charcoal grey inside, the kma re very lowand the condition is sim ply perfect!! Be price is pretty good loo!! ___ Full price only l/jSUU 1 iH O lIT T H E S E ! ! '98 GRAND CARAVAN SPORT O nly 23,000 km s, A B S , all-pow er, 16" m ags, 7passenger, tint, alarm . Loaded! Loaded! Loaded!! $10,000 less than newone! '3,500 down *359 + tax 48 months '98 FORD RANGER SPLASH V 6E ngine!! A utom atic!! A ir cond! O nly 30.000. one ow ner km s!! B lack!! B eautiful!! E nough said?! D on't d e la y. '2,000 down `285 + tax 48 months 1997 LEXUS LX450 F u lly, fully, fully loaded!! O nly 55.000 km ! S how roomfresh!! This is surelythe "flagship of the Lexus fleet", and sells brand newfor close to $100,000. *5,000 down *639 + t3X Pull nriro nnlu '99 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 6 cyl., p .w ., p.d.l, tilt, cruise, & m uch, m uch m ore! T housands less than anewoneand only 28,000 km . *5,000 down `449 + tax 80 months '99 JEEP CH ERO KEE LT D4X4 F ully loaded!! Leather int! O nly 17.000 km ! F actoryfresh!! W ant to save som em oney? T his one's priced around $8,000 under newretail & closeto $3000 under dealer cost!! O nly only! *3,500 down ·419 + tax 80 months Full price only Full price only ^ 2 2 ,8 0 0 Full price only *1 6 ,9 0 0 42 months *4 7 .5 0 0 FuM prlC8 only Firm Full price only *3 3 ,5 0 0 *2 8 ,9 0 0 E O o c lq e D odge Trucks CHRYSLER m r a m i DODGE CHfiYSLEB JT3H* 646 4th Line, Speers Road, O akville www.oakvilledodge.com *as traded. w Speers Rd. 845-4211 & S _l £ rr S 1

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