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Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, A2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday February 16, 2000 Gift of snowboard treasured (Continued from page A1) tough, but let's go, let's do it.' H e never com plains and takes ev ery th in g in stride." "The hardest thing for him is not being able to snow board," Scott adds. "H e can't w ait to get back on his snow board." Last October, when the Children's W ish Foundation asked him w hat h e'd like, Chris replied a snow boarding trip to A lberta's Lake Louise, but he isn't strong enoough for the trip yet. A s a special surprise, the F o undation arranged for him to m eet six cham pion snow boarders in his hospital room . They gave him an autographed snow board worth $600 and som e m em ories he will always cherish. `T h e y 're a great bunch o f guys and it m eant so m uch to C hris," Scott notes. For m ore inform ation, call Canadian Blood Services at (416) 345-1531 and ask for the U nrelated D onor Registry or click onto w w w .bloodservices.ca. Sheridan student wins business aw ard Sheridan C ollege student Katie B aker has won an H onourable M ention in this year's Export Awards. Baker - w ho is currently attending the one-year postgraduate International Business program - was recognized in the International Business Studies and A chievem ent Award category. Baker is a graduate o f the University o f Toronto with an H onours D egree in Ibero-A m erican studies. P rior to enrolling at Sheridan she w orked for the National Bank o f Canada. A n accom plished linguist, B aker won the International Book Award for excellence in foreign languages and has traveled extensively in Latin A m erica and Europe. In fo rm atio n accu m u lated d u rin g her jo u rn ey s led B aker to p ro p o se and com p lete a p ro ject carried o ut by her classm ates in v olving research on the C hilean retail m arket. T h is ex p lo red th e p ro sp e c ts o f e s ta b lish in g an O ffice D epot-style o p eratio n in that country. T he aw ards are sp o n so red by the O n tario g o v ern m en t and the B an k o f M ontreal to g eth er w ith o th er partners in trade. E l pi r ........................................ * -- v , . T h e R e a l i s t i c P r ic e t h a t c a r s a n d tr u c k s a r e s e l l i n g f o r in t h e M a r k e t p l a c e ...is esioblishmg o marker value price for each vehicle . gives you the confidence of knowing rhar rhe price you pay is fair ond realistic. ...is our way of saying, in advance, thank you. We respecr ond value you as a customer Your trade-in is welcome ar Oakland Ford Lincoln. We rell our customers rhe ACTUAL CASH VALUE of their trade-in. Which can be applied ro any vehicle we sell. Man determ ined to proceed w ith project (Continued from page A1) Prices clearly displayed in all windows of new & used vehicles Shop 24 hours a day on our lot. O A K -L A N D FORD LINCO LN · Morkot Value Price IN C L U D E S I, FREIGHT 6 AIR TAX PROTECTOR PLUS ^ 7 -' vUg/ ANTI-THEFT QEW Briggs said he cam e up with the idea after listening to Elton John's musical tribute to Diana, the Princess o f Wales, w ho was killed in a car crash three years ago. It w as entitled "Candle in the W ind `97: English Rose." The details o f his efforts were dis closed during a federal court hearing on M o n d a y . during w hich B riggs w as found guilty o f contem pt o f Court over a tradem ark infraction involving his company. H e had been ordered not to use the copyright term, estate bond, and when he failed to stop w as fined $10,000 for ignoring the court order. Briggs has 30 days to pay the fine, o r face a possible jail sentence. D uring the hearing, B rig g s w as described as a "classic fraud artist" who w as out to dupe the public w ith his trib ute album to M other Teresa. B riggs never show ed up for his day in court, but says he w asn't doing any thing illegal. He said he is com m itted to helping the w orld's poor, and vow ed to go ahead with his project, despite w hat w as said about him in court. -- Torstar wire service Civic Scene W ednesday, Feb. 16th: A public inform ation m eeting regarding pro posed zoning am endm ents for the 5 D rive Inn is at 7 p.m. in the Bronte R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building, 1225 T rafalgar Rd. A public in fo rm atio n m eeting regarding W orld C ustom H om es is at 7 p.m. in the O akville R oom of the O akville M unicipal Building. A public in fo rm atio n m eeting regarding the O fficial Plan and zon ing in O ld O akville and Bronte is at 7 p.m . in the Trafalgar R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building. T hursday, F eb. 17th: A public in fo rm atio n m e etin g reg a rd in g Strategic L an d U se is at 7:30 p.m . in the O akville and T rafalgar R oom s o f the O akville M unicipal Building. T u esday, F eb . 22n d : T he O akville Site Plan C om m ittee m eets at 5:30 p.m. in the T rafalg ar R oom o f the O akville M unicipal B uilding. T h ursd ay, Feb. 24th: A public in fo rm a tio n m e e tin g re g a rd in g Strategic L an d U se is at 7:30 p.m . in the O a k v ille an d T ra fa lg a r R oom s o f the O ak v ille M unicipal B uilding. r p * 6 & « · NO M A ADMIN. FEES PDI CHARGE · 8 4 4 * 3 2 7 3 ·N O 5 7 0 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVILLE at the Q . E . W . MARTIAL · Lessons for 2 p e o p le · P r iv a te L e s S In ? | lift t.ltVM) (H M M V, ** £ ; w in e ;h H 1` V b ru iirv 19, 200(1 · ^ " | s^Grouo^FME REG ISTR A TIO N 1 IN 'N C L U D IN .N G U N IF O R M l \ T ill; I5ARN OAKVILLE TOWN CENTRE S1 0 0 V a lu e each. Expires Feb .29/00 Fitness/ROCK CLIMDING · NE!W1 G lo w in th e D a rk Rock C lim b in g · C o m e c h a lle n g e yourself! IN US FOR fru it, cheese and crackers H FM EM O N TH 1 | $ 3 0 V alue each. F J? 9 «oJ E N T E R FO R Y O U R C H A N C E T O " "S o o f f " i CLIMDING i or more. Expires Feb.29/00 W l \ A W INK C O U N TR Y . (illA V V W IO H TW O IN N IA G A R A -O N -T H E -L A K E W H IT E OAKS H IL L E B R A N D ESTATES i, on t i *f r.c l Ki*u»Kr a >pa w iN ilio p p n I JIT S I r 1 M O N T H | F R E E T R IA L I FILL 0 L T THIS BALLOT AND DEPOSIT AT THE WINE SIIOPPE, OAKVILLE T 0 W \ CENTRE, I 0R A CHANCE TO WIN. Phone # : ( ) S 5 0 V a lu e e a c h . Expires Feb.29/00 A WINE COUNTRY GETAWAY FOR TVYO IN NIAGARA- ON -THE-LAKE Would vou like to Ik* notified and s|ieeial promotions: hIhujI new wine releases Yes No Yes No .May we com m unicate with you via e-n if il: 0254223 461 NORTH SERVICE RD, UNITS 42-45, OAKVILLE -- Your ixioka^e includes: tw o-night suite accom m odations for tw o al the luxurious W hite Oaks Conference Resort \ S|>a: a w in e tasting (our at llilleh ran d Estates, on e o f Niagara's top wineries: am i d inner Tor tw o al Ilillebrand's Vineyard Cafe. H WHITE OAKS coH m . . . c. ... o. t . ,,* H ILL E B RAND ^ E -m ail address: Is this you r first visit to the W ine Shoppe: Yes J No ESTATES /Seeinm orefor delnil*.) G R A N D O P E N IN G C E L E B R A T IO N . FE B R U A R Y 19 T O M A R C H 19, 2 0 0 0

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