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Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2000, D5

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W ednesday, February 16, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 Nock wins two silvers at Ontario Junior Championships OAC Iroquois Ridge student Melissa Nock had a productive weekend at the O ntario Junior C ham pionships, held at Humber College. In singles, she lost in the semifinals in a very close match against the number one seeded player from W oodstock, L aura McKerral, 11-7, 11-5. In girls doubles, N ock and her partner, Janis Kawamoto from Brantford, who were seeded second, indeed finished second, losing in the finals to the number one seeded girls doubles team o f Laura M cKerral and Helen Nichol who won in three games, 1510, 13-15, 15-10. In mixed doubles, N ock and her partner Ken Lockhart from the Boulevard Glub in Toronto defeated num ber two seeded Laura M cK erral and H ollum S utander from W oodstock in the semifinals, 10-15, 15-2, 15-10 in a very long and exciting match. They lost in the finals to Jon Vandervet from Brantford and Chloe Lennox from Toronto who won 15-13, 15-10. M elissa N ock at O n t. Jr. New kids in the hall T he O akville Sports H all o f Fam e, w hich opened in D ecem ber in its tem porary hom e at the R iver O aks Rec PHILTHY'S SPOTLIGHT: co n g ra tu la tio n s to the R oyal B ank C entre, is all set for its second annaul induction dinner w hich will take place T hursday (Feb. 17) at O tello 's L u m b e r ja c k s n o v ice h o u se le a g u e team w ho w on the n ov ice ch a m p i B anquet Hall, 2273 R oyal W indsor Drive. o n s h ip in th e r e c e n t N ik e /N H L m in o r h o c k e y ' to u r n a m e n t. T h e T he night gets underw ay at 6:30 p.m . w ith a silent L u m b e r ja c k s w on the to u r n a m en t fin al in con vin cin g fa sh io n at M ap le auction, entertainm ent and a com plem entary bar. D inner L e a f G a r d e n s on J a n . 30 w ith a 10-0 w in over an A u rora team . T he story w ill be served at 7:30 p.m . follow ed by the official ce re h a s p r e v io u sly b een in th e paper, but w e 're happ y to now b rin g you the mony. To o rder tickets contact any com m ittee m em ber, tea m p h o to . B A C K RO W : E ric C harron , Jason B row n, D avid B lack , JD including W ayne H ussey at 847-7747. L o n g m o o r e , J o e l G a g e , D a v id S la tter y , B rian S ch m eer, M a tth ew T he inaugural inductees included D onovan Bailey, C o r b e th a n d M a x D esch n er. F R O N T ROW : T aylor D u n n , C alvin W ain, Vic H adfield, S andra Post and O tto and M aria Jelinek. K y le M c H u g h , M a tth ew C arriq u e, M ich ael N om u ra, W illiam H yde and T his y e a r's inductees are ... E d w in O h . C o a ch es: R on D unn (head coach ), M ike B row n (asst, coach) · Larry C ain - O lym pic gold m edalist in canoeing and a n d C h a r lie C h a rro n (tra in er). a m em ber o f the C anadian Sports H all o f F am e; - P h ilth y's Spotlight Teams receive a $50 g ift certificate · Bud C orbett - long tim e supporter o f hockey and baseball in O akville; · Jack D uggan - C anadian profes sional boxer; M o rn in g sta r T aek w o n -D o stu d e n ts · D an F errone - tw o-tim e G rey B rothers have again com e out victorious on the C up cham pion w ith the A rgos; tournam ent circuit. M ich ael (11) O n Feb. 5, seven m em bers took a trip · and Phil Iafrati - lo ngtim e su c and K evin to H ull, Q uebec to participate in an IT F cessful soccer coach, currently at the (15) Vella T aekw ondo to u rn am en t w ith m em bers helm o f U -10 B lue Stars. BALL HOCKEY Halton BHL M en's (18+) & Old-Timers (30+) o n ly $ 1 2 0 0 for team registration get the most games in the top Oakville arenas at the best price Morningstar students at Quebec tournament V (905) 849-0980 Members o f Ontario Ball Hockey Association from across O ntario and Q uebec. F or M orningstar T aekw ondo, this was a great tune-up for the busy schedule ahead -- the provincials on Feb. 26 in R exdale, the nationals in R egina in M ay and the C an A m T aek w o n d o c h a m p i onships in June. M orningstar T aekw ondo is the host o f the C an A m 's right here in O akville on June 10 at Sheridan College. F o r m o re in fo , v isit the w ebsite ww w.momingstartaekwondo.com H ere's the results: Errico Lucia (2nd patterns, 2nd sparring), Mike M inougue (1st patterns, 1st sparring), Kristina M akxam (3rd patterns, 2nd sparring), Kevin Vella (3rd sparring), Michael Vella (1st patterns, 1st sparring), Alex Llabres (1st pat terns, 1st sparring), J.P. Martindale (3rd pat terns, 2nd sparring). H A L T O N H IG H S C H O O L B O Y S H O C K E Y - V o lp e d iv is io n Team Blakelock Loyola Assumption Burl. Central 14 Q.E. Park 14 Iroquois Ridge 14 Aquinas 14 White Oaks 14 Oak Trafalgar 14 RESULTS; Loyola 3, Burl Central 2; 10. Aquinas 2; Q.E. Park 5, Iroquois Ridge 1; Assumption 4, Oak Trafalgar 2; Q.E. Park 5, White Oaks 1; Assumption 4, Iroquois Ridge 3; Burl Central 5, White Oaks 3; Loyola 2, Aquinas 2; Blakelock 5, Oak Trafalgar 1. FITNESS CENTRE & 3/ & ;>* i? 3/ ^ y Liferower Free W eights y Sunbeds Lifecycles 3 / Nordic Track Step Mill R eg'd M a ssag e Nutritional (ouncelling Therapists Babysitting c / Esthetician Hair Salon y Daily Aerobics Classes Saunas Nautilus Stairm asters Tread Mills MOHA house league report (Jan 29) T y k e W h it e T R A FA L G A R V IL L A G E G A TO RS 4 (goals to Jordan S m ith 2, C onnor K adw ell 2. A ssists to S tuart Pole, Jo rd an S m ith); L A N SIN G B U IL D A L L L U M BER JA C K S 1 (goal to M atthew B erkopec. A ssist to A lex W olski). P R O F O R M A C A N A D A W O L F PA C K 3 ( goals to Evan M agee, M ark M ayhew . D ylan Sauer. A ssist to C olin B arrett); H A RRY RO SE N EA G LES 3 (goals to D anny H aw thorn 2, D avid R obinson. A ssists to M athew B orden 2, D anny H aw thorn, D avid R obinson). O A K V IL L E H Y Y D R O W IN G S 3 (goals to C ole D ragone, W esley B row n 2. A ssists to R icky B ota 2, A lex Zych, S ean L iss, R yan D o u th a r t); N E S B IT T B U RN S V IK IN G S 1 (goal to R yan R oss. A ssists to S pencer G ow an). M OM S COW B O Y S 2 (g o als to Eric V ice, B radley H older. A ssists to Ju stin Beatty, M atthew C o ffin); T H E C O N S IL IU M G R O U P H O U N D D O G S 1 (goal to G eo ffrey K inney. A ssists to M atthew Z arrillio , John M yers). (F eb .5 ) T yke W hite TRA FALGA R V IL L A G E G A TO RS 4 (S tu art Pole, John N ard o zzi, D alton N ew so m , M ichael M acA rthur. A ssists to C o n n o r K adw ell 2, S tu art Pole, M ike M cC urdy, Ben D eH ooge, R yan S ousa, B enjam in W alsh); T H E C O N S IL IU M GROUP HOUND D OG S 3 (goals to John M yers 2, A ndrew M aganja. A ssists to M atthew Z arrillio 2, S pencer E arly 2). PROFORM A CANADA W OLF PACK 3 ( goals to Evan M ag ee, S cott T h o m p so n , P eter M arcinko. A ssists to C olin B arrett, D ylan S auer, Jeffrey D elorey, H ayden C ook); N E S B IT T B U R N S V IK IN G S 2 (goal to C u rtis L ogan, Pat F eric. A ssists to A n th o n y K ulla, S p en cer G ow an, M arc O svec). H A R R Y R O SE N EA G L E S 4 (goals to A ndrew D ziedzic, D anny H aw thorn 2, B lake Fletcher. A ssists to S teven M ann, D avid R obinson); O A K V IL L E H Y Y D R O W IN G S 1 (goal to R icky B ota. A ssist to G areth Insker) M OM S C O W B O Y S 3 (g o als to D aniel P ick ett, E dw ard Tupy, B radley H older. A ssists to Eric Vice, M atthew C offin, Ian Funk, D aniel P ickett); L A N SIN G B U IL D A L L L U M B ER JA C K S 2 (goal to Jesse Di Liello, K urt Spivak. A ssists to M ichael M cN evitts, K yle Di T rani, Ryan B em bridgei). 849-1021 467 SPEER SRD . (WO fD O R V A L) TO RUN O N THIS P A G E CALL N O W ! O a k v ille , lA & ed C a r / [ \ I h "H I / . / i USED VEHICLES We buy used cars and vans for cash. We take your trade. We w ill consign your car or van. USED VEHICLES Most cars and vans, certified and clean air, financing on the spot incl. 12 mth, 12 kilos powertrain warranty. We're willing to deal to make the car or van & deal right for you. '9 8 IN F IN IT I 1 3 0 Lots of luxury including CD player, leather, power roof, and much more. 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