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Oakville Beaver, 2 Feb 2000, b4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 2, 2000 Helpful tips, support for smokers wanting to quit Each year, millions of Canadians try to quit smoking. Smokers in Halton are among 1.6 million Canadians who will try to quit this year. For most people, it will take a number of times before they successfully quit the habit. Smokers who want to quit, need lots of support and encouragement from loved ones and friends. You may have someone in your life who is a smoker and wants to quit or you may be reading this article and can identify with the struggles of being a smoker who wants to quit. Quitting smoking is a challenge and there are supports in the community that can help you take the steps needed to make the change in your life. The Stop Smoking Clinic at Lakeside Centre for Health in Lakeside Village, Lakeshore Road in Burlington, is one n a il H EA LTH NO TES of the services available in Halton to help people quit smoking. Dr Douglas Wilson o f the McMaster Smoke Stop Program, provides personalized cessa tion counselling services at the Stop Smoking Clinic. Sponsored by the Halton Health Department, the clinic provides educational materials, cessa tion tips and individual counselling to help people succeed. Here are 10 tips to help you quit: Recognize that smoking is a psy chological and a physical addiction and quitting will be difficult. Find a strong personal reason to quit: - pregnancy, health, money. Set a quit date for a time when you are most likely to succeed: - during the Quit Smoking 2000 Contest. Investigate quit smoking aids: the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, Zyban, support groups, counselling, acupuncture, hypnosis, laser therapy. Identify your triggers: - .what makes you want to smoke. Some Triggers you will be able to avoid like drinking coffee and watching TV. For other triggers, you will need to change your response to them. Decide whether you will quit cold turkey, or gradually cut down. Studies show that physical withdrawal symp toms may be worse if you cut down gradually. When quitting cold turkey, the body rids itself of nicotine in about 48 hours, although the psychological addiction lasts much longer. Develop a positive attitude and build your confidence by learning posi tive self-talk (the things that you think or say to yourself inside your head). Find a supportive friend to act as your buddy while you are becoming smoke free. Plan ahead of time how you will deal with any difficult and relapse situ ations. Reward yourself for your suc cesses, and if at first you don't succeed, try again. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, you might be interested in the Quit Smoking 2000 Contest. Smokers can enter the contest if they are a daily smoker, 19 years o f age or older and an Ontario resident. Participants are required to find two buddies to help them quit, complete the registration form and send it back to the Halton Region Health Department before mid night Feb. 29th. Smokers must quit smoking no later than March 1st and must remain smoke free until April 3rd to qualify for the contest prize draws. For information about the Quit Smoking 2000 Contest, call 825-6179. For more information about the Stop Smoking Clinic, or other resources in Halton call the Halton Region Health Department at 825-6060 Ext. 7525 or TTY 827-9833. Health Notes is prepared by sta ff o f the H alton R egional H ealth Department. Get the Results You Want, at a Price You Can Afford! Join Now and Pay Only $39 Per Month with Down Payment Localphotographerproduces Hamilton book Local photographer Mark Zelinski has explored the comers of Hamilton and pro duced a coffee table photog raphy book titled Greater Hamilton From The Heart. The hard-cover book con tains more than 150 colour photographs on 120 pages, and is designed as a promo tional tool for HamiltonWentworth. It contains pho tographs, and statements from the mayors, business leaders and citizens, of the region's six municipalities Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Glanbrook, and Hamilton itself. The Niagara escarpment, referred to as `the mountain,' or `east-mountain' or `downmountain' by Hamiltonians, stretches through five of these municipalities. The book, released last December, describes the his tory of Hamilton-Wentworth, its architecture, heritage and environment. " H am ilto n -W en t w orth (which came into existence in June 1973) is the sum of more than 200 years of histo ry and heritage, hewn from forests and rocks, by hardy settlers and more recently, forged in steel," states the first chapter, A Region Remembered. "This collection of pho Bound: the Inward Odyssey, published in 1991 to cele brate the 50th anniversary of the Outward Bound School. Zelinski traveled to more than 30 countries to produce this coffee table book. Its introduction was penned by HRH Prince Philip. Launched in Wales, the book has sold more than 9,000 copies worldwide. During his 20 years as a professional photographer, Zelinski has worked on all seven continents of the globe. He graduated as a top student from the Ontario College of Art in 1979. He is also a painter, and filmmaker His clients include the National Film Board of Canada, Petro Canada, SunLife of Canada, Ford, and Dofasco. Zelinski has won several awards, including the Governor General's Medal for Photography. To produce Greater Hamilton From the Heart, Zelinski, in addition to taking the photographs, solicited sponsors, co-wrote the text, co-designed the pages, and launched his own company, From The Heart Publishing. Raised in Oakville, Zelinski moved to Stoney Creek about three years ago, but maintain his local roots. A beautiful body doesn't take years of hard work and determination. It takes the right program! A program that incorporates strength, exercise, cardovascular exercise and proper nutrition. And the secret is ... it doesn't have to take forever. Circuit training is quick, easy and effective! Circuit training only takes about 30 minutes of your time. The results are fantastic and the workout is great! When you sign up this month, we'll include one week of circuit training instruction absolutely free! Form er Ontario L ieutenant-G overnor Lincoln Alexander helps photographer Mark Zelinski launch his new book, Greater H amilton From the Heart tographs can give only a glimpse into the diversity of people, businesses, activities, attractions and geography of Hamilton-Wentworth," wrote Zelinski in his preface to the book. "The lion's share of the photography was shot in seven weeks in the steamy months of June and July, 1999. What an experience. "A typical shooting day could consist of flying over the city upside down in a bi plane, driving around Dundas with Major John Addison in the back seat of my well-broken-in car, and photographing a surgery in hospital `greens.'" The writing was done by a team of eight writers "who had never met each other, linked by the Internet." The introduction to Greater Hamilton From the Heart was written by Lincoln Alexander, former Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. In it Alexander states: "Finally we have a book which truly represents our entire community, as told from the hearts of those who live and work here." This book is his second, a follow-up to Outbound To Join Call 844-1610 We Make Fitness Easy! THE m N autilus GYM NAUTILUS SPO R TS/M ED IC A L INC. 11 LAKESHORE RD. W,, OAKVILLE HaltonSearch.c ...jiu t'fc'd Jx k y -cu m j/l \ ! Discover why State Farm insures more homes than anyone .· s s NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A m eeting o p e n to the p u b lic is b e in g hosted b y M etrus D evelopm ent Inc. to seek public in p u t a n d com m ents fo r a p ro p o sed residential subdivision id entified on the m a p b elo w . M etrus D e v e lo p m e n t Inc. has p urchased the lands fro m Shell C a n a d a a n d is canvassing the p u b lic p rio r to subm itting a n a p p lic a tio n to the Town o f O a k v ille . A future fo rm a l p u b lic m eeting w ill b e held a t a d a te to b e d e term in ed u n d er the requ irem en ts o f the Planning A c t, a fte r the o ffic ia l a p p lic a tio n has been filed. The M e e tin g is as follow s: PLACE: H o lid a y Inn Express H otel 2 5 2 5 W y e c ro ft R oad O a k v ill DATE: Thursday, F e b ru a ry 1 0 , 2 0 0 0 TIM E : 7 : 0 0 p .m . to 9 : 0 0 p .m . Andrew Heidem an 2828 Kingsway Drive, 2nd Floor, Oakville STATE FARM 829-0018 M etru s 4 INSURANCE U i l M ^ Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there® STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE: SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO

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