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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2000, A2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday January 26, 2000 19% W { f t to 4 8 /n o n tm F I N A N C I N G oh % fV*ARKET FOR m ' m e Heansnc n ice rnar cars ono rrucKS are setting ror in m e Mornerpiace ...is establishing a marker value price for each vehicle ...gives you the confidence of knowing that rhe price you pay is fair and realistic. ...is our way of saying, in advance, rhank you. We respecr and value you as a customer Your trade-in is welcome at Oakland Ford Lincoln. We tell our customers rhe ACTUAL CASH VALUE of their trade-in. Which can be applied to any vehicle we sell. Photo by P eter J. T hom pson OUTDOOR SKATE: G uy A rm stron g and d a u g h ter M arina enjoy a skate at C oronation P ark's ice rink Sunday. Prices dearly displayed in ail windows of new 0 used vehicles. Shop 24 hours a day on our lot. School board open house Jan. 31st The H alton D istrict S chool B oard will be holding an open house on Jan. 31st as part o f its student acco m m o dation study for N ortheast O akville. T he open house is from 2 p.m . to 9 p.m . at the O ak v ille M u n ic ip a l O ffices, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. A t the open house, the b oard w ill present several student acco m m o d a tion scenarios for N ortheast O akville, w hich have been p repared by b oard p lanning staff. B o a rd s ta ff are se e k in g p u b lic fe e d b ack on the sc en ario s fo r a d raft re p o rt to th e sc h o o l b o a rd in F ebruary. T h e N o rth e a st O ak v ille are a is bo u n d by D u n d as S treet, the Q ueen E liz ab e th W ay, W in sto n C h u rch ill B o u lev ard an d S ix teen M ile C reek. *O A K -L A N D · FORD LI NCOLN -V F V PRS-£ Civic Scene W ednesday, Jan. 26th: A public inform ation m eeting reg ard in g a N inth Line fishing pond is at 7:30 p.m. in the Oakville R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Thursday, Jan. 27th: A public inform ation m eeting reg ard in g H aum ont Inv estm en t File 24T99005/1411.13 is at 7 p.m. in the T rafalgar R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building. M onday, Jan. 31st: The Oakville Planning and D evelopm ent Council m eets at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Cham bers o f the Oakville M unicipal Building. Tuesday, Feb. 1st: T he Oakville Site Plan Com m ittee m eets at 5:30 p.m. in the T rafalgar R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building. W ednesday, Feb. 2nd: LA CA C (L ocal A rchitectural C onservation A dvisory C om m ittee) m eets at 7:30 p.m. in the B ronte R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building. Thursday, Feb. 3rd: A public inform ation m eeting regarding a p ro posed zoning am endm ent for the 5 D rive Inn is at 7 p.m . in the Trafalgar R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building. QEW 570 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVILLE at the Q .E.W . · 8 4 4 - 3 2 7 3 EDITORIAL PRINCESS CRUISES C z£ Alaska Gold Rush How Much of Alaska do you want to see Some of it or All of it? "The G reat L and" - Twice as big as Texas!!! You are probably w ondering w hy is she w riting about A laska in our w in ter! W ell it's because this is an am az ing place to visit. T his "G reat L and" is tw ice as big as Texas, has 3 m illion lakes, the highest m ountain in N orth A m erica and features plenty o f glaci ers including, the C olum bia G lacier w hich covers an larger than the city o f L os A ngeles. As you m ay know, T he G reat Land (A lask a's official nicknam e) is one o f the m o st p o p u la r d estin a tio n s for cru isin g . T h e go rg eo u s co a stlin e, m assive m ountains o f ice, and abun dant w ildlife are best seen from the deck o f a cruise ship. T he frontier flavour o f ports such as K etchikan, Sitka and Skagw ay offer m ore than a history lesson; they are a chance to experience the gold rush, fur trade, native culture and pioneer history in a real way. The A laska cruise season runs from early M ay to late S eptem ber and the "best" m onth to go really depends on the type o f experience you w ant. The M idnight Sun peaks m id-June, but it virtually extin g u ish es the celestial show put on by the N o rth ern L ights. O p p o rtu n itie s for w hale w atching are plentiful since both O rcas and hum pback w hales enjoy the ab u n d a n t feed in g grounds. T he aw e som e sight o f glaci ers caving into ice bergs can be seen throughout the sea son right from the com fort o f your cruise ship. T here are 2 m ain itineraries. The Inside p assag e ro u te tak es you roundtrip from V ancouver or Seattle w hile the G u lf o f A laska travels one way betw een A nchorage and Vancou ver. H ighlights available on the Inside Passage cruise include a helicopter ride over the M endenhall Glacier, w alking on the w ooden boardw alks o f K etchikan and the N arrow gauge railw ay trip along the W h ite M ountain Pass in Skagway. The G ulf o f A laska also travels along the inside Passage route but extends the trip north to include the H ubbard G lacier and prince W illiam Sound. An excur- Voyage of the Glaciers Cruise Sun Princess May 15/2000 Cruising 7 nights from Vancouver to Anchorage from CAS 1849.00 pp includes air from Toronto* sion inland will also give you a more in-depth view o f this land rich in cul ture and beauty beyond belief. Com e to find m ore about A laska and why you w ant to cruise to the "G reat L and" . There is so m uch to Alaska. Please jo in us on Sunday, January 30th at the Ram ada Inn for an inter esting and inform ative afternoon w hat to see and do in Alaska. We have som e very special offers. Please call 905 338-8083 to let us know you are com ing. We at O akville CruiseShipC enters look forw ard to seeing you TH ERE. Join us for Alaska Cruise Afternoon Sunday January 30th - 2 p.m. Ramada Inn - Oakville Please R SV P to 905 338-8083 *Taxes and transfers are extra at $172.71pp We have 12 sailings and 18 Cruisetours dates to choose from. Pricing w ill vary with dates and categories selected. c r u i s c a ^ j c e n l c r s . k » tr ty u v n lo c a tio n ' c fp e c u tfo fr 300 Randall St just east ofTrafalgar S e t* ' DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Canada' s #7 Cruise Specialist ON Reg. number 04346425 Submitted by Sharon Stroh O akville C ruiseShipC enters. (905) 338-8083 J o r io ia lh e a lth , C ijn ih la M i l l s r e c o m m e n d s a d ie t o f p ic k le d e c jc js . r K < l in k L jo u m ic jh ip r e fe r a v i s i i to o u r " K lin e s * J L w . ON WE SATURDAY W ILL BE JA N U A R Y 29TH AN D SU N D A Y THE 30TH HOSTING A W O N D ERFU L W ELLN ESS SHOW. We all k n o w h o w im p o rta n t it is to keep o u r minds and bodies in shape. Stress, d ie t and clim ate all ta k e th e ir to ll. That's w h y w e th o u g h t it w o u ld be a g reat idea to p u t on a Wellness Show. Y ou'll be able to ta lk to experts and consultants on every aspect o f yo u r w ell-being, fro m arom atherapy to h e a lth y cookw are. Come in and fin d o u t how to g e t yourself in g reat shape. Trust us, it's a w h o le lo t safer th a n pickled eggs.

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