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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2000, D2

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Blades hanging on to finalplayoffberth D2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday, January 26, 2000 Oakville Skating Club Catch nationals on television (Continued from page D1) By M att Nimmo S P E C IA L T O T H E B EA V ER T he O akville B lad es' scoring w oes continue as they dro p p ed a 7-4 decision to the G eorgetow n R aiders in Ju n io r A hockey last F riday night. W ith the m any chances they get, the B lades cannot seem to find the net. A nd especially against a first-place team , they need all the goals they can get. "W e 're n o t s c o rin g ," a g re e d B la d e s' co a c h Jay A n derson, w ho w as, nevertheless, "happy w ith how we p la y ed " ag ain st the league leaders. D espite the offensive lapses, the B lades continue to m ake up the d ifference in oth er areas. T h eir penalty killing is very effective, and they m ake things happen w hen dow n a player. T he B lad e s' goaltending unit play very strong betw een the pipes, allow ing their team to stay in the gam e. But w hen the o p p o sin g team is alw ays capitalizing on the key chances, it is hard to w in gam es. "W e had tw o d efensive lapses. W e co u ld n 't get the p u ck o u t o f the zone," said coach A nderson. T he first period saw the B lades dow n a goal, 2-1, and forcing them to com e back in the later periods. A sh o rt-h an d ed goal by G eorgetow n m ade it 3-1, and it co u ld have been 4-1 shortly after, but a cro ss-b ar and big sp raw lin g saves by C ollaton gave the B lades som e life. M arc P in izzo tto cut the d eficit to 3-2 w hen he slid the pu ck into the net o ff a fanned shot. W ith A dam G ow er getting a five-m inute m ajor penalty and a gam e m isconduct, the R aiders had a golden op p o r tunity to p u t the gam e out o f reach. B ut it w as the B lades that scored, tying it up at 3-3 on a nifty b reakaw ay goal by .Stu M acC rim m on. W ith the m om entum on th eir side, B ob Jaggard gave O ak v ille a 4-3 lead in the third p eriod on a tw o-m an advantage. It w ould be their only lead o f the gam e. G eo rg eto w n roared back w ith a vengeance w ith four unan sw ered goals, including tw o into an em pty net, seal ing y et an o th er d isappointing finish fo r the B lades w ho have w on only three o f their last 14 gam es (3 w ins, 7 loss es, 2 o v ertim e losses and 2 ties). HALTON HIGH SCHOOL Ontario Provincial Junior A hockey league - west division (n ot including Tuesday n ig h t' s games) GP W L T OTL GF GA Pts GAA M M GEORGETOW N 44 29 9 4 2 214 160 64 3.64 24.21 4 BRAMPTON 43 27 9 3 201 149 61 3.47 26.59 MILTON 42 27 11 1 3 202 135 58 3.21 27.45 STREETSVILLE 42 24 14 4 0 182 179 52 4.26 23.90 44 21 HAMILTON 16 5 2 216 188 49 4.27 14.68 BURLINGTON 1 150 141 48 3.28 25.08 43 21 16 5 4 166 196 38 4.45 17.86 M ISSISSAUGA 44 16 22 2 O AKVILLE 44 13 21 7 3 178 231 36 5.25 22.70 12 29 2 BUFFALO 45 2 150 212 28 4.71 16.97 BRAMALEA 4 43 10 27 2 118 178 26 4.14 20.55 * One point awarded fo r overtime loss MONDAY: Hamilton 6, Oakville 5 (OT); Georgetown 6, Buffalo 3 SUNDAY: M ississauga 6, Oakville 4; Brampton 1, Burlington 1 SATURDAY: Buffalo 3, Milton 0; Georgetown 8, Bramalea 3 FRIDAY: Georgetown 7, Oakville 4; Hamilton 3, Burlington 3; Bramalea 6. Streetsville 2; Brampton 4, Milton 2; M ississauga 8. Buffalo 2. Interclub and other results T he O ak ville S kating Club (O SC ) club com p etition w as held last m onth at R iver O aks A rena w ith the top tw o skaters from each event earning the right to represent the club at the M etro W est Interclub C ham pionships to be held at W estw ood A rena in Toronto, Feb. 1213th. Skaters w ho qualify in their Interclub event (w ith a top tw o fin ish) will then be eligible to com pete at the C entral O ntario Section Interclub cham pionship, M arch 4-5th. H ere are the skaters w ho qualified from the O akville Skating C lub co m petition (follow ed by results from som e previous c o m p e titio n s )... CLUB COMPETITION (Dec. 18) Pre-preliminary freeskate: Victoria Johnstone; Kaylen Shimoda. Pre-preliminary men's freeskate: Matthew Miniaci Pre-preliminary ladies solo dance: Andrea Etherington; Amanda Lepholtz. Pre-preliminary mixed dance: Taylor Bradley; Matthew Miniaci Preliminary ladies freeskate: Kristen Robinson; Maggie MacFarlane. Preliminary men's freeskate: Cameron McCann Preliminary ladies solo dance: Renee Labelle; Jenna Haydar Junior bronze ladies freeskate: Allie Hawkrigg; Lauren Burke Junior bronze ladies solo dance: Karen Newman and Kimberley Richards Pre-juvenile A ladies freeskate: Kimberley Richards Pre-juvenile B ladies freeskate: Amanda Raponi; Krysten Becker. Juvenile ladies freeskate: Courtney Andison Juvenile men's freeskate: Eric Von Hagen Senior bronze ladies freeskate: Taryn Spiegelberg; Kara Egelton Senior bronze men's freeskate: Peter Ponert Jr. Senior bronze ladies solo dance: Lisa Taylor; Jillian Kurtz Junior silver ladies freeskate: Jacqueline Fisher; Alison Warren Junior silver ladies solo dance: Alison Warren, Katie Kellner. Senior silver ladies freeskate: Tanya Rank Senior silver men's freeskate: Danny Pursoo Senior silver ladies solo dance: Stephanie Kennedy; Sarah Yundt Senior silver men's solo dance: Brian Worfolk Jr. Silver artistic solo: Jennifer Vipond Gold ladies freeskate: Heather Wilkins. Gold ladies solo dance: Denise Fung; Melissa Visconti Juvenile mixed dance: Stephanie Van Veen and Adam Dawson COS SNOWFLAKE WEST (Dec. 11) PRE-PRELIM II. GROUP 1: Katherine Bonar, 5th PRE-PRELIM II. GROUP 5: Alexandra Kelly, 4th B ob Jaggard led the w ay w ith a goal and an assist, w ith o ther m arkers to M ike Lukajic, M arc P inizzotto, and Stu M acC rim m on. M ike T arantino had tw o assists w ith single h elp ers to C h ris P eth ick , M ik e P o rter, and S teve K innunen. T he R aid ers' M ike K neopfli led the his team w ith three goals and an assist w hile Joe Tenute, Scott M acD onald and Je ff Seeds each had a goal and one assist. Tristan Fairbarn had the other goal. A dditional assists w ere co n tributed by D avid L ajeunesse, B randon Valente, Ryan F airbarn and Stace Page. T W O M O R E LO SSES T he B lades w oes continued as they lost a couple o f road gam es, in close fashion, 6 -4 to the M ississauga C hargers on Sunday night and 6 -5 in overtim e against the H am ilton K ilty B 's on M onday night, the latter gam e, at least, w as w orth a point for the regulation tim e tie. U P C O M IN G A nd these days, the B lades need every p o in t they can get as they are no longer a lock to m ake the playoffs with both the B ram alea B lues and the B uffalo L ightning threat ening to usurp them for the eighth and final p lay o ff spot (see standings). A nd that m akes this F rid ay 's gam e against B uffalo L ightning a key `four p o in t' gam e. G am e tim e is 7:30 p.m . at Ice Sports O akville. (Does not include this week's games) BOYS HOCKEY - Volpe division Team W GF GA P Blakelock 10 59 26 21 Loyola 35 25 16 Iroquois Ridge 42 29 15 .6 Burl. Central 6 45 30 13 Assumption 4 41 42 12 Q.E. Park 5 40 44 11 Aquinas 7 3 31 42 White Oaks 7 35 50 2 24 49 Oak Trafalgar 2 RESULTS: Assumption , Burl Central 3; Q.E. Park 7, Oak Trafalgar 2; Loyola 5, White Oaks 2; Aquinas 2, Assumption 1; Iroquois Ridge 7, White Oaks 2; Loyola 4, Oak Trafalgar 2; Blakelock 4, Q.E. Park 3: Aquinas 5, Iroquois Ridge 3; Burl Central 3, Blakelock 3. GIRLS HOCKEY - Volpe division Team GF GA P Oak Trafalgar 32 9 14 Loyola 33 13 White Oaks 40 6 13 Blakelock 37 39 10 Q.E. Park 20 22 Iroquois Ridge 9 45 5 Aquinas 12 51 1 RESULTS: Blakelock 9, Aquinas 5; Loyola 2, Q.E. Park 1; Blakelock 4, Oak Trafalgar 3; White Oaks 5, Iroquois Ridge 0. Playoff series sweep over Brampton Giving up only two goals in three games, Oakville Rangers peewee A rep team (sponsored by TD A sset M anagem ent Inc./TD Evergreen and Encore Cinemas Inc.) put together a 3game sweep to win their first round in the Ontario M inor Hockey Association (OM HA) playoffs. Goalie Reuben Boissiere stopped 21 shots and earned the shutout with a top notch performance in the final game as Oakville beat a scrappy Brampton II team by a score o f 4-0. Team captain Craig Shimoda led the attack with a hat-trick and an assist, while Jon Nicholl also netted a goal plus 2 assists. W inger Mark Irish was the playmaker, with 3 assists to his credit. Defenceman Chris Slater also had an assist as Oakville swept the best-of-five series. In the second game of the playoff round, the shutout went to goalie Mike Mierzwa, who handled 22 shots as the Rangers mounted a balanced, all-out effort to rack up a 5-0 victory on Brampton II's home ice. Scoring were Daniel Rodrigues, Tyler Wood, Mark M clsaac, Irish and Stephen Ferguson. The Rangers needed 34 shots to win the first game o f the series 3-2 in over time. Wood beat a hot goalie with a nifty over-the-shoulder shot to clinch it on a breakaway. Other goals went to Paul O 'Mahoney and Slater. Mierzwa got the win in goal. Because they won their regular sea son championship, the peewee A's were given a bye in the second round of the OMHA play-offs. They are to play the w inner o f the A ncaster/Flam borough second-round series. 6 6 6 6 M A C D O N A LD /FA W C E TT Ju lie M acD o n ald and M ich ael Faw cett began their dance training tw o years ago. Prior to that, M acD onald w as an outstanding C entral O ntario Section solo dance cham pion as w ell as a strong ladies freeskate com petitor. T h ey train at U p p er C an ad a Skating School under the guidance o f coach Roy Bradshaw. D uring this past spring and sum mer, M acD onald and Faw cett w orked very hard to com plete their ju n io r com petitive dance test w hile continu ing to prepare for their first o f two international assignm ents. In A ugust, they com peted at the N orth A m erican C hallenge Cup held in Thornhill and then in the early fall they flew to the N etherlands w here they com peted in their first ISU Junior G rand Prix at the H ague. In N ovem ber, they were bronze m ed alists at the C en tral O n tario Sectional Cham pionships. A LL W O R TH /L A N E D ebbie A llw orth and Jon L ane have been skating together for the last eight years. They train at the O akville Skating C lub w ith coach D ebbie Lee and at the Scarborough Figure Skating Club w ith coaches Jon Lane Sr. and Carol Lane. T h is year, they also train ed at Scarborough w ith Juris Razgulajevs. In 1998, they com peted in one international assignm ent, the N orth A m erican C h allen g e C up in L ake Placid. D uring th is p ast sum m er, th eir training and com petitions w ere inter rupted w hile Jon L ane u n d erw en t heart surgery. Fortunately, he m ade a fast reco v ery and they began training intensive ly again in the fall. T heir hard w ork paid o ff at this y ear's C entral O ntario Sectional C ham pionships w here they won the silver m edal for ju n io r dance. ON T E LE V ISIO N CT V is broadcasting this y e a r's national cham pionships from Calgary. Please confirm w ith T.V. listings but broadcast tim es are tentatively set for T hursday and Friday evenings, 8-10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 7-9 p.m. CT V Sportsnet is on the air Saturday from 7-9 p.m. PRELIM, GROUP 2: Kristen Robinson, 1st PRELIM, GROUP 4: Claire Follett. 1st SENIOR BRONZE GROUP 1: Kristen Jansen, 4th SENIOR BRONZE TEAM: Courtney Andison, Caitlin Harvey and Kristen Jansen, 4th JUNIOR SILVER SHADOW DANCE: Courtney Andison, Caitlin Harvey and Kristen Jansen, 1st RACCOON RALLY (Nov. 29) Pre-preliminary 2B, Group 1: Victoria Johnstone, 1st KESWICK INVITATIONAL (Nov. 27) INTRODUCTORY B: Katherine Bonar, 3rd; Elizabeth Iley, 5th; Larissa Haltigin, 6th PRELIMINARY A: Kristen Robinson, 4th JUNIOR BRONZE A: Jacobi Elliot, 3rd; Lauren Burke, 5th; Jenna Preston 6th; PRE-JUVENILE GROUP 5: Krysten Becker, 4th JUVENILE MEN: Eric Von Hagen, 2nd. O n tario C entre F o r M artial A rts ARTS m artial FREE REGISTRATION INCLUDING U N IFO RM Public Skating All t> a « v E v e ry · · · · 9 a.m . - 9:30 p.m. O utdoor ice rink Skate rentals H eated changeroom s · · · · , M Food concession Gift store B onfire nightly Self-use skate sharpening T > D a y ! PARKS Bronte Creek For rink conditions coll (905)827-6911 ext. 221 $ 1 0O Value each. Bronte Creek Provincial Park is located between Burlington and Oakville. Take the Q.E.W. to exit 109 (Burloak Drive) and go north approxim ately 1 km to the Park entrance. JIU-JITSU Expires Jan. 3 1 /0 0 Kick Doxing/ IfAUAM A U Looking lor an enjoyable & fulfilling volunteer opportunity? rav CAM C A T OAKVILLE i Mo nth ] FREE TR IAL ! $ 5 0 V a lu e each. 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