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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2000, C4

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, January 26, 2000 Community Notices Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice 407 ETR f T SLF AND EXEMPTION ORDERS HIGHWAY 407 ETR WEST EXTENSION QEW (FREEMAN INTERCHANGE) TO OAKVILLE LINK WITH HIGHWAY 403 The 407 ETR Concession Company Limited (407 ETR) is the private sector entity which has the obligation to develop, design, build, operate, maintain, repair and toll Highway 407 from the Queen Elizabeth Way in the City of Burlington to Highway 7 east of Brock Road in the Town of Pickering. The 407 West Extension includes the segment of the highway from the QEW Freeman Interchange in Burlington easterly to the Oakville Link Interchange (Highway 403) in Oakville. The initial stage of the West Extension project involves construction of a 6-lane toll highway within the above-mentioned limits by August 2001 (please refer to accompanying key map). H IG H W A Y 407 ETR W EST EXTENSION - QEW (FREEMAN INTERCHANGE) TO OAKVILLE 403 LINK Photo by Ron Kuzyk TEXTURAL HANDIWORK: A shley H aire, seen here w ith h er art w ork titled Physical Em otion, was one o f m any O A C stu d en ts in the art show at T. A. B lakelock H igh S ch ool, w hich en d s today (W ednesday). Note: Segment WS3, not shown on key map, covers all Standard Structures (Interchanges and Grade Separations). This phase follows earlier planning studies, design engineering and public consultation conducted by the the Ministry of Transportation for the highway, including public hearings through the Parkway Belt West Planning Study. The planning, design, construction and operation of Highway 407 from the QEW to the Oakville Link Interchange, have been exempted from the full application of the Environmental Assessment A ct by Exception Orders MTC-21/2, MTC-47 and MTC-52 (dated 1980,1981 and 1983 respectively). Design and Construction Reports (DCRs ) have been prepared and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for placement in the Public Record in accordance with the conditions of the Exemption Orders and will be available for review at MOE, Central Region Office, 5775 Yonge Street, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M2M 4J1. In addition, a copy of the documentation is available at the Burlington Central Library at 2331 New Street and the Oakville Public Library at 120 Navy Street. An Addendum has been prepared for DCR W S3-Standard Structures (Interchanges and Grade Separations) (July, 1999), with specific references to the Oakville Link (Highway 407/Highway 403) Interchange. The Addendum for DCR W S3 is being submitted for review to the MOE and is available for public review at the MOE, Central Region Office and the local public libraries noted above. The public review period for this DCR Addendum will terminate 30 days following the date of submission, after which 407 ETR may implement its proposals, subject to receiving all other required approvals, permits and authorizations. 407 ETR will continue to screen the components of the project during their design for significant new concerns and to ensure that the project progresses in compliance with the commitments made in the DCRs. Please direct any comments on the DCR WS3 Addendum by February 28, 2000 to: Attention all arts organizations T he O akville A rts Council (OA C) is seek in g n o m in atio n s from arts groups for the 2000 M ay o r's Awards for Business and the Arts. T he M ay o r's Awards, now in their 11th year, honour creative partner ships betw een the arts and business com m unities. T hese annual aw ards provide an excellent opportunity for O akville's m any arts organizations to thank the businesses that offer them outstanding in-kind, financial and volunteer sup port. A R ising Star, R unner-U p, and W inner are selected in each category. Recipients are aw arded hand-crafted one-of-a-kind item s at a special M ay o r's Aw ards G ala D inner. T he aw ards, com m issioned by CIB C , are created by students at Sheridan C o l leg e's School o f C rafts and D esign. N om ination form s can be picked up at the O A C office on the second floor o f Central Library, 120 N avy St. Com pleted nom ination form s m ust be returned to the O A C by 4 p.m ., W ednesday, M arch 1st. F or m o re in fo rm atio n , call the O A C at 815-5977. Enjoy OAC art show at OTHS O akville T rafalgar H igh S ch o o l's A rt Show w ill feature O A C art w ork in a variety o f form s, from photographs to sculptures to paintings, and in a vari ety o f m edia, tom orrow (T hursday) and Friday fro m 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . A closing reception on Jan. 28th from 6 to 7:30 p.m . for the 30-plus artists and their parents w ill com plete the show. I H 1 Hs \ 1 ,1 H i \ \ lliills l $ lilsl® Ian Upjohn, Environmental Manager SLF Joint Venture 2200 Lake Shore Blvd. West Toronto, Ontario M8V 14A Fax: (416) 201-5926 PECCYS Familv Services J Tender Bid docum ents for the contract or service 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M specified closing date. Bid documents can the Corporate Services Department, same 7031. Tender listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing, 3L1 w ill be received until 2:00pm. Oakville time on the be seen or obtained through the Purchasing D ivision of address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension DISTINCTIVE LADIES FASHIONS REQ U EST FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION A lco h o lics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 T e » s e l xIU Documents are $25.00 plus $1.75 GST and w ill be available for pick up on and after Thursday, January 2 0 ,20 00 . Linder no circumstances w ill facsim ile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. 00-P-021A PRE-QUALIFICATION FOR OFFICE FURNITURE CLOSING: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2000 J.L RINALD0 COMMISSIONER OF CORPORATE SERVICES www.etnbids.com www.reaion.hallon.on.ca/Services/DeDart/Coro/Purchasina A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER OF PURCHASING SERVICES E V E R Y T H IN G M U S T C O !! K-WEAR 6. MONTEREY 601 OFF OFF 60 % A LL W IN TER FASHIO N S Co-Ordinates ASSORTED CHRISTMAS SWEATERS KORET Career Suiting OFF 60% See more Community Notices on Page C6 50 LA RCE SELECTION O F W EEKEN D W E A R % O FF SS& *19.98 & *27.98%>X,. T R A FA LG A R VILLAGE, O A K V IL L E 8 4 4 - 5 361 Articles For Sale Under $100. $5.00 plus GST W ednesday and Sunday Call THEBIGTICKEl on sale now ! H urlGeSl Presents The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder Tonight to Saturday January 29 A corneas inspired by "Hello Dollx!" - the musical! Halfprice Wednesdaysfor Students and Seniors The Wyrd Sisters I Sat., Jan. 29 at 8:30 p.m. in the Studio Theatre . I suspect The W yrdSisters are on their tra y [ to significant sttmkm in this country..." -FelerGwv.'sli FormerHost CBC "Monmgside" /D Hoflman-La Roche < K O C n e > Limited/Limit6e Nathaniel Dett Chorale Sunday, February 6 at 3:00 p.m. 632-4440 A n n iv e r s a r y ? Classified Dept Burlington Post or (905 ) 815-2021 Presented in association with Enjoy an afternoon of classical, spiritual, gospel. jaziand ' ie and blues. aASSOLO fo Q IISMET memks save 20% Visit the box office, 13 0 N avy Street (a t tu k e sh o re ), M on day to Friday, noon to S p.m .; S aturday 2 to 5 p.m .; o r tw o hours Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare Friday, February 11 at 8:00 p.m. Presented by Repercussion Theatre, we bring you this much celebrated original classic tragedy. Ask about our student discount! 337-5610 Classified Dept. O akville Beaver Birth? before show tim e For m ore inform ation on u piom ing shows explore our website at w w w .o(4pa,com b y A ffirm a tiv e C om m unication s. T h e Qa k v iu e B ea v er

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