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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jan 2000, B4

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B4 J THE OAKVILLE BEAVER M ilto o Vfo* O .ik v iiie -! M W ednesday, January 26, 2000 ^ J h e W om en's C l u f ^ FITNESS WELLNESS OAKVILLE Begin the New Year with a New You! Trafalgar Village 125 C ro ss Ave. (Across from the Go Station) (905) 849-9696 Join us during our Millennium Celebration for a free workout or a tour of our facility! Then take advantage and get your FIR ST 2 months FREE. § Bring a friend and Receive 4 months free! Photo by P eter C. McCusker Dr. Laurence Chau, Dr. Bob N osal, R oger Sharm an, President and CEO H alton Healthcare Service^ and Bill Boyle, M anager R espiratory Therapy break the tobacco habit. BONUS QuitCare takes aim at smokers By Claudia D'Souza SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER An innovative anti-smoking program gives Halton residents all the support they need to butt out once and for all. T his com bined w ith the province-w ide Q uit Sm oking Contest 2000 may lead to thou sands of smoke-free people by M arch 1st. Launched last Thursday by H alton H ealthcare Services (HH S) at O akville-T rafalgar M em orial H ospital, the Q uitC are Sm oking Cessation Program uses the latest researchproven m ethods for behavior change. This behavioral com ponent is key says Bill Boyle, m anager o f respiratory therapy for HHS, whose departm ent has taken the lead role in providing the pro gram to the community. "The program is unique because it addresses both the psychological and physical dependence smokers may devel op," he says. "We are very excit ed about offering this program in Halton." Led by respiratory therapists Kathy Good and Eileen Gagne, clients choose to participate in the program format that best suits them - self-directed, indi vidual telephone counselling or a supportive group setting. The telephone form at is delivered individually over fo u r 45minute sessions, while the group form at consists o f six 90-m inute sessions. Q uitCare helps participants understand and intercept sm ok ing triggers - the w hen's and w hy's o f smoking. Final ses sions show how to prevent relapse, deal w ith stress and address other threats to being smoke-free. All reg istran ts receive a handbook th at in clu d es self monitoring records, skill devel opm ent exercises, assignm ents and reference readings. A fter consulting with their physician, clients may choose to use a nicotine patch, although it's not required. The program is being offered to Halton health care w orkers at a 50% discount, according to O TM H presid en t and CE O Roger Sharman. If a healthier lifestyle isn't enough incentive to break the habit, the Quit Sm oking 2000 contest sponsored by the Halton Council on Sm oking and H ealth provides a co m petitive ch a l lenge. Six successful entrants will receive prizes for rem aining sm oke-free for the entire m onth o f M arch including a Caribbean Cruise for two, a diam ond pen dant necklace, a Sony T V and VCR, a three-day w eekend for two at the Sheraton H otel and more. R egistrants over 19-yearsold enlist the help o f two non smoking buddies who support their effort and verify they're not smoking. A urine test is also required to confirm their smokefree status. T he H alton Council on Sm oking and H ealth m ust receive entry forms by Feb. 29th. The draw takes place on April 3rd. The goal is 1,000 partici pants across Halton. That's a small num ber - only 1 to 2% of H alton's estim a ted 25% or 70.000 sm okers, says Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton Region M edical Officer o f H ealth, but it's a start. "You could call it bribery, but we prefer to call it motivation to get you to quit," he says o f the contest. "Tobacco is the num ber one cause o f preventable illness and death. Every day in Halton, one person dies o f a tobaccorelated illness and it kills three tim es more people than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, elicit drugs and suicide com bined. O f those 70.000 smokers, 35,000 o f them are th inking ab o u t quitting. M ost people try to quit at least five to seven tim es before they're successful so even an unsuccessful attem pt gets you closer to being sm oke-free." But how serious m ust you be to be successful w ith the Q uitC are program ? "The key thing about this program is it recognizes that people are at different stages," says N osal. "This program is for those w ho are thinking about quitting or are preparing to quit. The contest m akes it fun and there's built-in support." For more inform ation, or to register for Q uitCare, call 3384691 or send an em ail to quitcare<3>otmh.on.ca. F o r m ore inform ation ab o u t the Q uit S m oking 2000 C o n test, call 825-6060, ext. 7525. Offer expires Jan. 31/00 We all know it's im p orta nt, so w hy do so many w om en have a hard tim e trying to make it w ork? The W om en's Club understands th is and makes every e ffo rt to help busy w om en incorporate fit ness into th e ir hectic schedules. The latest sta tistics being reported are saying that over 50% of o u r N orth Am erican population are having a w e ig h t problem and are not com fortable w ith them selves. There's a nother larger percent that have wellness issues tha t need to be addressed and acted on w ith responsible, educated staff. The W om e n 's Club is quick to understand that w om en need special program s designed to suit th e ir busy lifestyles. Not o nly are they looking fo r a place to go, but a facility tha t w ill em pow er them w ith the kn o w l edge and m otivation to actually make a lifestyle change tow ard being fit'a n d well. M any o f o u r m em bers have issues including w eig ht loss, osteoporosis, a rth ritis, fibrom yalgia, gaining strength and increasing energy levels. M ore w om e n today are acknow ledging that som e fo rm o f w e ig h t bearing exercise is a necessary precaution to prevent osteoporosis. A certified n u tritio n ist on s ta ff can also help to design personal meal plans th a t can fit into any hectic schedule. For instance, o u r client C hristine Silva lost over 110 pounds in the last year by integrating a regu lar exercise program along w ith proper n utrition. The W om e n's Club insists tha t fitness and w e ll ness go hand-in-hand and th e ir m em bers agree. Just read w ha t the m em bers are saying. A ntoinette Civitella com m ents tha t she had put on w eig ht fro m tw o pregnancies, she had no energy, a bad back and diets did not help anym ore. " So, I w en t shopping fo r a club and d id n 't like the feel until I arrived at the W om e n 's C lub," she said. " I feel like I'm part of the club, not ju s t a number. I'm com fortable and feel like the staff is encourag ing me along the way. Betty Camara says " W hen I took the to u r w ith Elda, I saw w om en of all ages and all sizes w o rk ing hard to reach the ir individual goals. I realized that that this was an atm osphere I could feel com fortable in." " In A pril, I began w orking w ith Krista, w ho made changes in m y cardio program that w orked better fo r me. Joining the W om en's Club and w orking w ith Krista has been the best investm ent tha t I have ever made and I am w orth it." Susan C herubin states " I have been a m em ber of the health clubs and the in tim id a tio n w as over w he lm ing . This is how how I ended up at the W om en's Club. I now w o rk w ith a kine sio log ist w ho is also an a thletic therapist. She is helping me w ith m y back problem s as w ell as helping me to w a rd s m y o ther fitn e ss goals. I have fun so far, so g oo d."P a tty Foley states " The W om e n 's Club has made me feel tha t they are very much interested in m y w ell-b e in g . It feels special when you fall o ff tra ck and the phone call com es that rem inds you that the club is expecting you and it's tim e to rem em ber the c o m m itm e n t you made to y o u rs e lf." Heather Kelly states " I turned 50 and wanted to be fit. M y program is custom ized fo r m y neck problem . The variety of classes attracts me so I d o n 't get bored. I find the club clean, the staff frie n d ly and inform ative. The club is kept in good repair and the atm osphere very inviting , positive and fun w ith o u t the intim id atio n. Bravo W om en's Club - it takes a bunch o f w om en to get it rig h t!" For more information call The Women's Club at 849-9696 KEYLESS ENTRY · VENT SHADES · DELUXE W O O D GRAIN · PENETR-OIL · RENU-A-SHINE We will put a rack on just about anything m w m CORRECTION For our 20 Page W arehouse Sale (C014F000) (Sale dates: Jan. 24-30,2000) PAGE 18 - SAVE 40% on selected Lego sets Mummy's Tomb #50574 & Sphinx Secret Surprise #50576 both items will be arriving late in most stores. Rain cheques will be issued at store level. PAGE 19 -1 /2 PRICE Craftsman 111 Pc. Mechanics Tool Set. Reg. 199.99 SALE 99.99. Regular price is quoted from our Tool Catalogue. For our 8 Page Red Hot Sale (W014W100) (Sale dates: Jan. 29-30,2000) PAGE 5 - SAVE $10 Sears 4-Head Hi-Fi VCR. Description is incorrect. Should read: 19 Micron Heads, 1-button instant record. We sincerely regret any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. Distress Centre needs volunteers Callers to the O akville D istress Centre have been hear ing a busy signal too often lately due to a shortage o f tele phone volunteers. "It's difficult to find volunteers at this tim e o f year," explains Sandy Beveridge, executive director o f the Centre. "Yet, we experience the highest volum e o f calls in the win ter months." Currently, the C entre handles over 10,000 calls a year and relies entirely on volunteers from the com m unity to staff the phone lines. A new volunteer training session is slated to begin soon and Beveridge is hoping for a large turnout to m eet the increased num ber o f callers to the line. After extensive training in listening and crisis m anagem ent skills, volun teers are asked to com m it to 12 hours per m onth on the phone lines. "O ur v o lu n teers provide callers w ith a confidential and em pathetic envi ronm ent, w here they can v en t their em otions," says Beveridge. T he D istress C entre is a U nited W ay M em ber A gency that has serv ed the com m unities o f South H alton for over 25 years. If you need som eone to talk to, o r^ if you w ould like to vol unteer, co n tact the Centre at 8494541. vomcimh big pow der hound · Ultraversatile · Holds six pairs of skis or four boards · Ratcheting mechanism closes . easily with one hand · Big red button opens with simple push (even with gloves) · Includes Yakima SkiLift for increased binding clearance · Folds m#«nn down when not in use · Wing and factory rack compatible with ^ | % J UU MightyMounts · Lockable with SKS cores #3029 B Y A K IM A BIG SKI SLOPES · Holds four pairs of skis angled for roof clearance · Space efficient · One hand ratchet ing closure · Same push button design as ButtonDowns · Wing and 4* n n factory rack compatible with MightyMounts · Lockable with SKS cores ^ ( K « uu #3032 Y O K IM A SPACE BOOSTER · Affordable compact luggage and ski box · Perfect for hiding your stash · 87" x 22" x 14" · 11 cu. ft./up to 110 lbs. most vehicles · Weighs 34 lbs · New m f * # \n n "Quick Release" attachment hardware · High impact UV-resistant ^ g l t t ABS plastic · Lid support eases opening/loading · Compatible with RoundBars, WingBars, rectangular bars and most factory racks · Flat bottom for versatility · Lockable with SKS cores · Black #7100 S a f e ! 318 Wyecroft Road SI1W1VU BEAK FOB CAllti (between Dorval & 4th Line) O a k v ille OPEN SATURDAYS (905) 844-8333 THURSDAY, JA N . 2 7 SUNDAY, JAN. 3 0 Kids from newborn to size 12 KEYLESS ENTRY · VENT SHADES · DELUXE WOOD GRAIN · PENETR-OIL · RENU-A-SHINEGUARDS u ® U U C D A V reg. price js v on Furniture during Ja n u a ry! 2 1 1 1 D u n w in D r . (M is s is s a u g a ) 11/2 blocks west of Erin Mills Parkway facing Dundas Fine Children's Furniture Linen and Decor THE TAX · C atim in i · P etit B o y · A bsorba · M arinus " Better Wear Children's Clothing" v v Fashionable Children's Wear 828-2525 SQ U AR E ON E S H O P P IN G If you have a news tip or story idea, call the Oakville Beaver at 845 - 3824 . ( 905 ) C E N T R E 279-4080

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