A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday January 5, 2000 Services worked as planned (Continued from page 1) P urchasean ynew2000W m d sta r, 2000 E xp loreror 2000 F -150a n dget "It was a non-event because of all the time, money and effort that was spent," said Gould. "From individual residents to the biggest organization, people planned and reacted accordingly." While Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital's ER department experienced a busy New Year's Eve, spokesperson Trish Carlton said that even at press time, the facility had experienced no Y2K problems. The same goes for Milton District Hospital which, together with OTMH, form Halton Healthcare Services (HHS). "Y2K planning has been a top prior ity at HHS and we are very happy that we have rung in the New Year with no Y2K related incidents," said HHS presi dent and CEO Roger Sharman. Like police, HHS officials say their Y2K preparations provided both the Oakville and Milton sites with updated and enhanced emergency plans. "The success of our Year 2000 pre paredness is a credit to the team effort that has been put into this project," said HHS vice-president of programs Sid Stacey, who led the Y2K initiative. "We have learned valuable information regarding our own ability to respond to a crisis and our role in municipal or regional emergency." Shaparew explained that Oakville Hydro was quick to correct such date sensitive systems as billing and finance, but said that operational systems - such as the generation and distribution of power - are far less vulnerable. Oakville did experience some spo radic power outages on Monday, but none of them were attributable to Y2K. (Water in the basement of Dr. Jrlea's flea market, for example, locked out a 27,000 volt switch.) The Town of Oakville also rang in the New Year problem-free, said Manager of Public Affairs and Communications Margaret Mercer. Key staff were armed with pagers in case something happened, but nothing mate rialized. "There were no Y2K problems reported at all," she said. According to Halton Regional Police Sgt. Frank Phillips, New Year's Eve was also uneventful from an operational point of view. "It was extremely quiet," said Phillips, who explained officers were summoned to some noisy party calls. "We had absolutely no problems." There were so few vehicles on the road, Phillips continued, that the Traffic Unit's RIDE spotcheck officers were hard-pressed to find drivers to stop. "It was quiet, but we were ready if it wasn't," said Phillips. Activity inside the ER was simply a continuation of the increased patient volumes that OTMH has experienced all holiday season, said Carlton. Much of that, she explained, was likely due to an outbreak of flu. On a light note, senior hospital offi cials visited the staff working on site New Year's Eve and distributed $25 gift certificates donated by Alice Fazooli's restaurant. "The staff were thrilled to receive the certificates," said Sharman. "Once again, we are reminded of how very for tunate we are to have the support of our community." Resolve to quit If you haven't made a new year's resolution yet, this would be a great time for smokers to quit. The Quit Smoking 2000 Contest will be launched on Weedless Wednesday (Jan. 18th), with winners named on May 31st, World No Tobacco Day. The Halton Region Health Department is looking for volunteers to distribute registration forms. For more information, call Tanya Kulnies at the Health Department, 8256060 ext. 7525. GET LOW INTEREST FINANCING AND YOUR FIRST LEASE PAYMENT IS ON US plus your Security Deposit is Waived on any net/u 2000 Taurus, Wmdstar, Explorer or F-150 B u ild a m in i- b o a t a n d b r in g y o u r p a re n ts t o t h e T o r o n to B o a t S how f o r FREE! T0 R0 NT HEY KIDS! January 15 - 23, 2000 National Trade Centre · Exhibition Place A ll children 12 and u n d er w h o bring a hand-made b o a t w ill receive 2-FREE a d u lt admission ticke ts to th e T o ro n to Boat Show! From eggshell cartons to popsicle sticks and plastic b o ttle s to pipe cleaners, any m aterials w ill do, to make on e -o f-a-kin d creations. Even m odel bo a t kits are allowed! ? m iil 1AUUIIK SI 1 iMIOII WirUDJilAlt IK | ?IHHI tXI'IOIUII I lilt Hl'llttI 1 .MID't I II.lt 1(11 ; l./UI IHl' T he c o lle ctio n o f kid -cra fte d boats w ill be p u t on display at the K id Z o n e at the bo a t show f o r all v is ito rs to enjoy. E P A YN OIN TE R E S TO NS E L E C TE DN E WIN -S TO C K1 9 9 9M O D E L SA N DS A V E .. H U R R Y , L IM IT E D T IIV 1 E O F F E R S YOUR OAKVILLE LINCOLN DEALER QEW B u ild -A -B o a t C o n te s t All boats are automatically entered in the contest O F F E R E X P IR E S D E C E M B E R 31, 1 9 9 9 H O U R S : O P E N F R O M M O N . D E C . 2 7 -F R I. D E C . 31 B U S IN E S S A S U SU A L · 1st PO*Z|E · 2nd POtZE · y d PCfZE - $500 Canada Savings Bond $200 Canada Savings Bon $100 Canada Savings B o n d ^ ^ ^ ! ·To receive the 2 FREE adult admission tickets, bring your mini-boat to the show office (Salon 103), located in the Galleria Lobby (Hall A) SH O W HOURS Saturdays Sundays Weekdays I0am -8pm I I am-6 pm Noon-9 pm A D M IS S IO N PRICES Adults Seniors Children (5-12) Children (under 5) Cf^twlnpton $ I 1.00 $9.00 $7.00 FREE A K -L A N D FORD LINCOLN 570 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVILLE at the Q.E.W. at ***~ B % 0 844-3273 O ak-L aid H in m t TheOakville Beaver Burlington Rrst For more information: call (416) 203-3934 o r visit us at www.torontoboatshow.com ^ J h e L r tic jle u tw in s s c o u r ilie O a k v ille p rr e es s s Jr co r n e w s y? In-, , A ` ?AR k o jo u r ^j a n u a r u ( S a le . FROM JANUARY 10TH - 16TH AT OAKVILLE PLACE WE'LL BE HAVING OUR INCREDIBLE JANUARY SALE. No wonder those bargain crazy Rigley boys eagerly anticipate our annual sale extravaganza, the stores in our mall w ill be offering incredible specials from Monday the 10th to Sunday the 16th. Our halls w ill be packed w ith end o f season items at prices too good to ignore. So make sure you get here early because you don't w ant those voracious siblings to get all the best bargains. #AKVILI.E PLACE 1 10 Fine Stores In c lu d in g T h e Bay · Sears · IGA w w w .o a kville p lac e.co m