C8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday January 5, 2000 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Clothing firm finds special niche 35 years, also happens to come from a family of runners. "So I know my lycra", she laughs. Her Slinkee line of horse underwear and tail bags is designed to protect the animal's skin from being chafed and irritated by heavy horse blankets in win ter and from subum, mosquitoes and horse flies in summer. "This is the essence of my horse designs-- to By Nancy Alexander keep the coat shiny, clean and glossy" she explains. SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER "It was a natural progression for me, from being a ome people call her "the underwear lady". It competitve rider to designing clothes for horses and seems a strange nickname for someone who riders. I know the wants and needs." In addition to the lycra designs, Equiline Apparel designs and sells her own specialty line of carries a full Yukon Fleece line for horses which clothing for horses and riders. Verna Lum, owner of Equiline Apparel Design includes coolers, quarter sheets, blanket liners and polo wraps. Inc. of Oakville, says But lets's not forget the nickname is a the rider. Lum's result of her unique designs, marketed as line of horse under The Verna Lynn wear, including body Collection, run the suits, hoods, horse gamut from corporate, bras, tail bags and classic and casual blanket liners-- all wear to dramatic made of top quality evening wear dresses lycra. and fancy jackets Established in which can be worn in 1997, Equiline competition or for a Apparel Design Inc. glamourous night out. also recently "I really try to pro announced exclusive mote a dual function distribution rights to for my clothing," she the new Roots says. "I like to design Equestrian line of pieces that you can clothing. At present, show your horse in, the Speers Road shop but also wear out for a carries zip polar sweat special occasion" shirts in red, navy, Lum does custom green, black and oat meal; fleece half-zip anoraks in red and navy; fleece designs and fittings for her clients, noting that some full-zip jackets in green; fleece vests in navy and times, people simply come in with ideas and she green; ball caps; T-shirts and turtlenecks. Roots does the sketching. Her clothing line for riders-- which is available Equestrian also includes a melton wool baseball through mail order and in 11 tack stores across jacket in navy with tan leather sleeves. The line is designed to appeal to both horse and non-horse Canada-- includes classic fitted jackets for both English and Western riders, vests, body suits, hunt enthusiasts. When most of us think of horse blankets, we tend blouses, helmet covers and fleece riding breeches. The clothing can also be viewed on line at to think of something heavy, scratchy and plaid. But www.equilineapparel.com. like the clothing industry in general, clothing and Equiline Apparel Design Inc. is located at 1200 accessories for horses have evolved enormously. Speers Road, Unit 21. For further information, call Lum, who has been a competitive rider for over For Equiline Apparel Design, the comfort of horses is as important as the clothes designed for humans S Verna Lu m (inset photo) has found niche for her clothing lines, not only for people but also horses. H er lines include casual gear and m ix-and-m atch ensembles that can be as country or city as desired. Are you an investor or a speculator? M ark Fraser o f Berkshire Securities Inc. cordially invites you to an investment seminar featurin g... Michael Lee-Chin Chairman and C.E.0. o f AIC Group o f Funds For more than a decade, AIC has been creating wealth fo r investors through its p o rtfo lio o f excellent businesses. AIC measures long-term success, not short-term stock prices. Attend this unique seminar and find out the benefits of vesting versus speculating. 339-2313. DATE: LOCATION: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 Otello's Banquet Hall 2773 Royal Windsor Dr. Oakville, Ontario 7:00 p.m. Please call Gary at (905) 849 -4 700 ext.106 to register. Please register early as seating is lim ited. ./ Brought to you in part by AIC Group o f Funds A IC ·GROUP O F F U N D S - Economic Alliance annual meeting The first annual m eeting o f the O akville E con om ic D evelo p m en t A lliance (O ED A ) takes place Feb. 17th at the new H oliday Inn Express. The event - w hich runs from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m . - w ill provide an u pdate o f 1999 a ctiv ities o f the O E D A , w hich is a c o llab o rativ e entity form ed last year betw een the Town o f Oakville and the local busi ness community. The OEDA's 1999 Annual Report w ill also be released. This sum m a rizes valuable inform ation on the pro g ress o f O ak v ille's econom ic developm ent. For m ore inform ation, contact the OEDA O ffice at 338-4187. Monday January 10,2000 0) Steve Present... 8 W in n in g s t r a t e g i e s for EXT RAORDINARY TIMES WITH Canada's bcst-setfng personal finance author and host o f " Investment Television" on Q o b d y | II fares increase by 10 cents p e r ride w ith the r^ L e x c e p tio n o f the cash fare which w ill rem ain at $2 and the GO Transit M on thly Pass Stickers which have been reduced to $20. N ew tickets go on sale at a ll ticket agent locations Monday, January 10. , Jan. 10, 2 0 0 0 (M u st be a cco m p a n ie d b y a fare p a y in g p assenger) Cash Fares Pre-School Children Blind Patrons Children Students E x a c t Fare R e q u ire d $2-00 FREE FREE C ush F a n (w ith C.N.I.B. Card) (Grades 1 t o 8) Old Tickets GARTH TURNER · · · · · · · Achieve 100% foreign content Make a contribution without cash Which mutual funds have a future 5-point action plan for Baby Boomers Invest with a cash-deductible mortgage Turn your RRIF into a money machine The Long Wave and a 50,000 Dow * £ </> 8 c Effective January 10, 2000, custom ers depositing o ld tickets purchased a t the 1999 fare rate into the farebox, are required to deposit an additional 10 cents into the fare box. (Grades 9 t o 13, in c lu d in g u n iv e rs ity a n d c o lle g e stu d e n ts. M u s t c a rry c u rre n t s c h o o l I.D.) A dults Senior Citizens Seniors' Passes: 1999 Seniors' Passes are valid u ntil January 31, 2000. $2-00 $9-50 Cash F a n $2-00 B o o k o f te n t ic k e ts $14.50 W e e kly Pass $1550 C ash F a n $2-00 B o o k o f te n tic k e ts $16-00 W e e kly Pass $1700 B o o k o f te n t ic k e ts ,$2.oo c/1 (65 years o f age o r o ld e r) B o o k o f te n tic k e ts (S e n io r I.D . m a y b e re q u ire d ) S e m i-A nn u al Pass (M ust use w ith Mississauga Transit P ho to I.D.) A n n u a l Pass (M ust use w ith M ississauga Transit P ho to I.D.) Weekly Passes: A d u lt and Student Weekly Passes purchased fo r the week o f January 10 w ill be sold at the new price o f $17 fo r adults and $15.50 fo r students, effective imm ediately. <0 5 </> $75-00 $13000 GO Sticker GTA ]/]/eekly Pass (U n lim ite d tra v e l w ith in th e G re a te r T o ro nto A re a o n these tra n s it system s: M ississau g a T ra n s it TTC. B ra m p to n Transit, Vaughan Transit, R ic h m o n d H ill T ra n sit a n d M a rk h a m Transit.) $20.oo $ 3625 (M u s t use w ith GO Tra n sit M o n th ly P ass a va ila b le fro m GO s ta tio n s) M IS S IS S A U G A L iv in g A rts C e n tre J a n 6 · 7 :3 0 p m 4141 L iv in g A rts Dr. This sem inar is paid in part by: O) g§§ I - V* I MUTUAL FUWPS ® I H Mackenzie Unfitting Financial In d ep e n d en c e !2 G O Transit Monthly Pass Stickers: GO Transit m on thly pass users m ay purchase the Mississauga Transit sticker fo r connect ing trips at the reduced rate o f $20 fo r GO Passes sold after January 10, 2000. For reservations call: 416-234-6700 EQ UION SECURITIES CANADA LIMITED Wealth Creation, Preservation and Management Member of CIPF 4 L . .. * Pre-school children and blind patrons w ill continue to ride for free 121913 For further inform ation, call City-Link at (905) 615-4BUS, or (905) 615-INFO Visit our w eb site a t w w w . city, mississauga. on.ca ...under 'SERVICES' Just click on the bus. mississauga transit