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Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, D2

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D 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesd ay N o vem b er 21, 2001 Oakville Trafalgar lose G-HAC final, but still advance to OFSAA Friday/Saturday The Oakville Trafalgar Red Devils lost the G -HAC boys volleyball cham pionship to Georgetown last Friday in a super close 3-2 verdict. The Red Devils had upset the defending O FSA A provincial cham ps 2-1 in the Halton championship. W ith Georgetown winning last year's provincial title, how ever, O akville Trafalgar will still advance to this year's O FSA A cham pionship, w hich runs Friday/Saturday in Mississauga. Elementary volleyball `final four' championships on tap T h e H a lto n C a th o lic D is tric t S ch o o l B o ard v o lley b all `final f o u r' fo r elem en tary sch o o ls is on tap th is w eek. F in al team s w ere n ot av ailab le as o f p ress d ea d lin e , as the p relim in ary p lay o ffs en d e d last night. B u t the g irls `fin al f o u r' (sem is an d c h a m p io n s h ip g a m e s) ru n s to n ig h t (W e d n e sd a y ) at M o th e r T eresa in O ak v ille, sta rtin g at 6 p.m . T h e bo y s `fin al f o u r ' ru n s to m o r row (T h u rsd a y ) at S acre d H eart in B u rlin g to n sta rtin g at 6 p.m . Aquinas hoping to get back to OFSAA (Continued from page D2) `ItyatA Offer D are to Compare AUDIOVOX TRIMODE 8100 HANDSET PROMO 25 PLAN **· 50 local minutes d a y tim e per month Unlimited Evening & W eekends from 6:00pm - 8:00am **· 12:00pm - 1:00pm FREE lunch tim e local calling ** Billed per seco nd billing * * V oice Mail 3 -w a y co n fere n c e calling over 27,000 minutes for $25.00 month ·Plus taxes, licencing & activation fee Expires D ec. 31/01 Minimum one year activation any Postpaid Plan 1 Tree cAixe& wiy o f fiaice 'Ktgabs Q ear 2 Months FREE unlimited local calling Expires Fri.. 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As A quinas coach M ike Johnston noted prior to the Halton cham pionship gam e, in S unday's Beaver, "the bottom line is ourselves and Notre D am e are going to have to play tw o very tough team s from H am ilton in order to quali fy (for O FSA A )." One o f coach Johnston's greatest assets might very well be his team 's youth -- am azingly, four o f the five starters are in G rade 10 (and could have played for the ju n io r team). Being such a star studded, young team , the q u estio n is w h eth er the trem endous potential and upside that they have, if it can com e to the fore this season. C oach Johnston obviously thinks it can. A fter all, they had lost by eight points in early season -tournam ent action to N otre Dam e, and bounced back to beat them in M onday's Halton cham pionship. C oach Johnston obviously hopes they can bounce back from the earlier five-point loss to Bishop Ryan in sim i lar fashion in today's G -H A C final. "T hat was our second tournam ent o f the year w hen w e played B.R. (Bishop Ryan). "It was still relatively new to us. You know we start four G rade 10s. "So at the beginning o f the year, we w ent through a lot o f growing pains this year, and hopefully w e ju st w ant to have the team ready and peaking at the right time. A nd I think that's happened." A quinas w ere im pressive in M onday's Halton cham pionship game, and were never behind. At the sam e tim e, the gam e was much, m uch closer than the final 50-37 tally w ould indicate -- and even closer than the period scores w ould indicate (17-13, 26-20 and 3 1-23 for A quinas). The key point w as that Notre Dame kept m ounting rallies -- and finally drew dead even at 36-36 with ju st under three m inutes left in the game. A t that point, however, it doesn't take a high school math teacher to fig ure out that N otre D am e settled for ju st one m easly point, o ff a foul shot, com pared to 14 points for A quinas, who obviously w eren't hurt by their inexpe rience. Ironically, how ever, it w as their heretofore silent O A C veteran (at least on the scoreboard) Clare O 'C onnor w ho stole the spotlight, helping to salt the gam e aw ay w ith six o f her team 's next 10 points, including a basket o ff a steal. They w ere her only points o f the game. "T hey w ere key," agreed coach Johnston. "You know what, I talked to Clare at half tim e about veteran senior leader ship. I talked to her about body lan guage and things like that. She seemed like she was getting down. "A nd w hat can I say, she sucked it up at the end and sealed the gam e for us." It w as G rade 10 point guard Karen Z m irak that had the tim ely basket to restore the A quinas lead at 38-36. W hat coach Johnston lauded, how ever, w as "the g rittin ess o f K aren Z m irak -- she's such a tough kid." Z m irak said it was "a tough gam e." " Both team s are am azing. T hey played tough. We knew it was going to com e dow n to the w ire." She said, the Raiders were "a little w orried" to have their lead evaporate in the late stages o f the game. "But you know, Raiders, keep play ing, keep going. It's the fourth time w e've won Halton. As our coach said it's a legacy w e have to keep going." T he team, she said, learned from their previous loss. "T he last tim e w e played them we didn't really box out that well. So this tim e we boxed out and our defence kind o f picked up. O ur intensity was really, really good." A quinas, not by design, will have a new w rinkle to throw at Bishop Ryan in today's gam e, and that's Kara Lang. Lang, like Zm irak, not only played big m inutes on last y ear's O FSA A sil v er m edal w inning sen io r A quinas squad -- r- she started. B ut against N otre D am e she found herself on the bench for m uch o f the second half. "T he thing is we played that gam e pretty much w ithout Kara," said coach Johnston. "She got into early foul trou ble. A nd that's going to help us against Bishop Ryan. "B ishop Ryan is a very athletic team and w e're going to need Kara in the gam e." Tina Viliunas led the Raiders in scor ing with 13 points and she w as follow ed by Z m irak (11), O 'C onnor (6), Lang (6), Sarah Dillon (5), Natalie Leggatt (4) and Jacqueline Q uinn (3). Free test drive of High Speed Internet Nowth turn on Why switch to high speed? Because, frankly, it'll leave dial-up in your download dust. Watch video in real time. Download data, like MP3s. Get software upgrades in seconds. With high speed, you can simply do more on the Internet. Call 1-877-828-4663 or visit www.cogeco.com. 'Offer ends December 31, 2001. Valid for new customers only (disconnect > 90 days>. 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