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Oakville Beaver, 18 Nov 2001, Classifieds, p. 18

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18 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Sunday November 18, 2001 / ^ i T h e O akville B eaver C l a s s if ie d - BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 houses for sale SOUTH Burlington- Prime Ravenswood- Penn Drive. 3+1 bedroom s, inground pool, walk to Tuck/ Nelson. Large private lot. $344,900. By appointment only. 905634-8450.______________ OPEN House Sunday, 3pm-5pm, 259 Poole Drive. Fast closing, O akville- de tached, 3 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, double garage. Call 337-2712. Private, $269,900 BURLINGTON. One block to lake. $289,900. 3-bed room, 2 bath bungalowranch. Large m ature lot. 905-632-1538 / . | apartment 1 ' J torrent apartments & flats torrent LARGE 1-bedroom + den in sm all, clean building near lake, (Bronte). Imme diate. Parking included. (905)827-9153_____________ DOWNTOWN O akville. Renovated 1-bdrm apt, small building, very nice, $775/mo. +hydro. Immediate/ Dec. 1st. ________ (905)469-0892. DOWNTOWN O akville. Large 2-bedroom , A/C. $1025/mo.+ D e c.lst. Forbes, 416-420-3952__________ CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1&2 bedrooms available Imme d ia te ly / Dec/Jan. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. (905)632-5486.___________ EXCELLENT location near Brant & Lakeshore. 1bedroom , garage, quiet building. Dec. 1. $750 + hydro. 905-662-8558 1-BEDROOM basem ent suite in quiet, mature Bur lington neighbourhood. Bright, spacious, many closets, kitchenette, laun dry. D e c .ls t. $775/mo. in cludes utilities. No smoking or pets. References please. Now accepting applications. Call 905-331-2958 2-BEDROOM A partm ents availab le in w ell- m ain tained O akville building. Close to schools & profes sional services. Easy a c cess to QEW & 403. 905844-2646_________________ 2-BEDROOM Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington M all. C all the 'R e gency*, 905-681-8115__________' ALDER SH O T- B right 1 bedroom basem ent. Im mediate. Parking, laundry, u tilitie s , cable, separate entrance, non-sm oker. $600./month 905-631-8517 O A K V ILL E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. 1&2 bedrooms from $845. (905)845-1777 The Hotel Alternative for Christmas " " \( Do you have g u ests com ing to c e le b ra te C hristm as? S taying fo r 2 w eeks o r m o re ? Size Matters! Bigger. Better 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartm ents with view of lake. Close to all a m enities, newly renovated. Quiet, clean. & picturesque location S1050/up. For more info and appointm ent call: C A R LIS LE . 2-bedroom semi, 2 baths, largte familyroom with gas fireplace, w/o to private patio, sunroom, clean, bright & sunny! Per fect for professional couple. No children or pets. $1250/ mo. includes utilities. Avail able Jan.'02. 905-689-5109 W ESTOAK T rails, 4-bed rooms, 3-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A, fireplace, familyroom, $2050/mo. Dec. 15th. T rafalga r (O akville) Realty Inc., 905-338-1130. RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings verifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net A V A ILA B LE im m ediately Large 3-bedroom , 3 ap pliances. fenced yard. Brant/ Plains Rd. area. · $1500/m o+ u tilitie s . 905332-3542_________________ BURLINGTON. One block to lake. 3-bedroom, 2 bath bungalow ranch. Nonsmokers. Nov. 15th. $1600/ mo.+ utilities. 905-632-1538 BURLING TO N 4-bedroom new home. 2250 s q .ft., 2-car garage, fu ll basem ent. Available D e c .ls t, $2.000/mo. +utilities. 416-456-4148.________ BEAUTIFUL Bronte. Ideal hom e for sqiall fam ily. 3bedrooms, 2-baths, finished basement, fenced yard. No pets. References. Available Dec. 1st., $1300/m o. (905)338-8834. C o m H om e, T o CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking C onveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited ST E P S to th e L ake - 4 bedroom, 1.5 baths, 5 ap p lia n c e s , fin is h e d b a s e ment, fenced yard. Avail Decem ber or January 1st $1350 + utilities call Tracy 416 -5 2 8 -4 3 4 5 o r 905 847-0369_________________ O A K V ILL E - W estoak- 3 bedroom, end unit, form er model home. 2.5 baths, D e c.lst. $1475/mo. 905469-8888, W alt D alziel, Sutton Group Quantum 6TH Line/ Upper M id d le 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, walk-out from familyroom, 5 appliances, garage. No pets. $1350/m o. includes hydro, D e c .ls t. (905)8444701._____________________ EXECUTIVE Condo Town house, North O akville, 2300sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 21/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 appliances, firepla ce, air, garage. Immediate/ Dec.lst. $1590/m o.+ u tilitie s. Call W arren H ill, T rafalga r Property Management, (905) 338-1130 Others Available 3-BEDRO O M townhouse, im maculate! 5 appliances, air, close to schools and shopping. O akville. A va il able immediately. 905-8495597______________________ BRANT/ QEW, Burlington. 3-bedroom townhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A, fireplace, ga rage. fenced rear, near GO. $1090/mo.+ utilities. Imme diate / D e c .ls t. T rafalga r Property M anagem ent, (905)338-1130 ______ S.E. B u rlington: Nearly new 3-bedroom, 1.5 baths, 4 appliances, C/A, attached garage, rec.room, prefer no pets or sm oking. Im m e diate. $1375/mo. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 BURLING TO N large 2bedroom , 2030 Bluefield Dr., fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $825/mo.+ hydro. Jan 1. 1-905-453-9929 (No Sunday calls Please)_______ BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom m aisonette available Jan. 1/2002. Close to Guelph Line/ QEW. No pets. 1-car parking. 905-335-0636 after 3pm.______________________ BURLING TO N. Luxury townhouses 3-bedroom , $1135; 4-bedroom, $1235. Fam ilyroom , basem ent, yard. Utilities extra, parking, $40.905-639-0950_________ BURLING TO N: - 2-bedroom, 5 appliances, c/a, fireplace, garage, Great lo cation, close to mall, shop ping, highway access. $1,000/mo. plus util. Avail. January. Call 905-577-3220 EXCLUSIVE home in Oak ville renting room s. B usi ness people only. $450 $ 5 0 0 /m o n th . K itch e n , laundry facilities & parking. By appointment only. Call (4 1 6 )8 7 7 -8 1 6 2 o r (905) 842-5374 _______________ UNFURNISHED, near bus. am enities, (E ight Line). Includes separate livingroom, c a b le /a ir (no parking). $410/m o inclusive. Immediate. 905-338-0938. IN Bronte starting January for 2 lucky children. After 21/2 ye a rs o u r tw in s are g ra d u a tin g to preschoo l. Our provider has 15 years e x p e rie n c e & o ffe rs nutritious meals, routines & consistency, active outings & lots of love. Call 905-8278880_____________________ ECE M om has space s a v a ila b le in fu n lo ving hom e d a yca re , B ronte. (905)469-0671 ________ P R O F E S S IO N A L E.C .E. ho n o u rs/m o m spaces available full/ part time and weekend care. N u tritious m e a ls /s n a c k s . D e v e lo p m ental^ appropriate activ itie s /c o g n itiv e c irc le and song s and o u td o o r play. Prefer 18 m onths and up References available. Call (905) 8 4 7 -7 4 5 2 G len Abbey Area_______________ EXPERIENCED Daycare has im m ediate openings. Daycare co nsu ltant ap proved. Monthly calendar show ing weekly them es based around a large var iety of daily activities. 15 years of references avail able. Headon Forest area. Please call 905-335-5980 AF FO R D A BLE, healthy, safe, hom e environm ent. References, receipts. Part/ full time. Any age. Burlington. Shelley 905-632-1550 AFTER SCH O O L caretransportation, 3pm-6pm, M ohaw k/ St. Pat's area. W arm snack, hom ework assistance, outdoor/ indoor activities. Excellent refer ences available. Safe, clean, loving. 905-639-3200... C hristm as babysitting available, minimum 3 daysChristm as baking, games, trips, safe environment. FUN & loving care in River Oaks. 2 Full-time spaces, any age welcom e. Receipts. 905-842-0636. LO VING , nurturing care giver (working towards E.C.E. certificate) in River Oaks. CPR, F irst Aid, sm oke-free environm ent, stim ulating daily activities, nutrious meals & snacks. Kim (905)257-6661_________ MOTHER of one with 12 years nanny experience will provide quality daycare to your preschooler. Central Burlington close to parks, fun outdoor activities, safe indoor playroom . Flexible hours, references available. 905-634-9542________ QUALITY daycare, Guelph Line/ Hwy.5. Lots of fun/ toys. Nutritious meals, snacks, CPR, receipts. 905332-8510_________________ EXPERIENCED daycare provider has spaces avail able, nutritious meals, arts/ crafts. I supply references, receipts, all equipm ent. Palmer area. 905-336-0864. STAY-AT-HOM E Mom would like to share our happy home with your child, Birdland area. Receipts. 905-637-9083. TEACHER/ mother of 4-yr old boy, has full/ part-time childcare available, my home, W alker's/ M ainway area. 905-331-6220 DON'T PAY HIGH HOTEL PRICES C ontact B u rlin g to n T ow ers a b o u t o u r p o p u la r C o rp o rate S u ites fo r D ecem ber 905-825-9616 MOVE-IN c o n d itio n 2bedroom, 2 baths, large liv ing space, 5 appliances, Cl A, deck, sin gle garage. Hwy.5/ Walker's Line area. $138,500. 905-336-9978 CHEDOKE G olf CourseH am ilton, upscale 3 bed room ++ townhome condo. Rent- $1,695/mon. or sale$189,900. 905-528-4944 Call 905-639-8583 w w w .ontim .com em ail: btow ers@ lara.on.ca (Psst-The longer the stay in December, the low er the per night cost) O LD O akville. B e autifu lly m aintained, very clean, q uiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bed room, $1,005./mo., 2-bed room, $1200./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave mes sage)_____________________ O A K V ILLE . QEW/ T ra fa l gar. 2-bedroom from $899/ m o.* W ell m aintained building. Nellie, (905)3392028. ("included 2% prompt payment discount) REBECCA/ Dorval. Large 2-bedroom basem ent apartment, newly renovat ed. Laundry, separate heating system . On bus line, short walk to every thing! Immediate. $800/mo. inclusive. 905-337-0960 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1 bedroom apa rt ments available December & January. From $895/mo. 905-632-0129_____________ WHITE O aks, O akville. Spacious 1&2 Bedroom+ den, from $1125/mo. Imme diate/Dec. Well- maintained complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun ken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 905-815-1628 G EORGIAN Apartm ents. 1,2&3 Bedroom s. Im m e diate/Dec. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burl., 905-639-0456, MF: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm___ 1-BEDROOM Apartm ents a vailab le from $875/m o. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafal gar area. 905-844-1106 E A S T O A K V ILL E brig h t, bachelor basement, sepa rate entrance, partially fur nished, fireplace, satellite t.v.,* la undry. Suite single non smoker. Available De cember 2. $750/utilities included call (905)339-7545 O AKV ILLE Downtown. Near Trafalgar Park. Large bright 2-bedroom in quiet adult building, Hardwood floors, $800/mo. Available Dec/Jan. 1st. 905-277-4728 O A K V ILL E Downtown. Spacious im m aculately renovated 2-bedroom apartm ent. Parking. On Lakeshore Road/ Kerr Street, $1145/ $1075/mo. + u tilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets. 905-337-7135; 905331-1301._________________ O A K V ILL E - Kerr / Elm wood Rd. Spacious 1-bedroom apartment! C/A, park ing. Available Jan. 1st. $750/ mo. +utilities. (905)338-0491. O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2&3 bedroom apartm ents availab le im m ediately. $ 1 150/m o.- $1360/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 2-BEDRO O M S: $820 / mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm, Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 RENO VATED 4-plex. Utilities included. Available immediately. Studio, $575.; 1-bedroom , $695.; Upper 2-bedroom , $795.; Quiet. References. No dogs. 905333-5506, Ext.74___________ 205 Q ueen M ary Drive, O akville. Near all am eni ties. Bachelor, $645/mo.+ hydro, Dec.; 2-bedroom , $1050/m o, im m ediate; 3bedroom, $1275./m o. im mediate; (+parking). 905844-9670 BEAUTIFUL WATER00WN! Edith Court 1&2 Bdrm Suites Available Dec.lst From $735./mo includes utilities. Parking Available 905-690-1896 I furnished rentals HOME Away From Hometem porary rental, weekly, m onthly. Sleeps up to a family of 5. (905)336-1036 L U X U R IO U S "N ew " C orporate Travel Suites. Up to: 1-4 bdrms & baths; Jacuzzi; F.P.; 6 appliances; 50" TV/VCR; C D /S tereo; pets ok! security; recreation centre. From $46.50/Night. Daily- M onthly, 40 Bldgs. V isa, Amex, M asterC ard. 905-681-7355, leave mess. FURNISHED Burlington Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/mo. utilities includ ed. Immediate. Short/ long term . (905)632-8354; (905)632-6189 m shared accommodation WE specialize in C o ndo m inium S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R ealtor, (905)333-4347 SHARE la rge executive townhouse with 1 female. End unit d ire ctly across from lake and park. Nice bedroom , private bath, share all facilities, parking. $700/mo. (905)639-7497 UPPER M iddle/ B ra n tshare house, se m i-fu r nished, 2 bedroom s, p ri vate bath, shared kitchen/ laundry, parking. Referenc es. Im m ediate. $550/m o. (905)319-1321, after 6pm. SHARE townhouse w ith 3 students, near Sheridan, private room, all facilities. $500/mo. Immediate. 905339-0998 G R E E N V IL L E 12 E state lots 3/4-1-1.8-and 1.9 acr es. C lo se to H ig h w a ys 403 , 407 , 5 and 8. C a ll (905)528-7605 m ^ lots & acreage industrial/ commercial space STORAGE Space wanted 1 0 0 0 -1 5 0 0 sq. ft. M ust have dock le ve l access. Call Steve (905)337-5553 GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove, $800/mo. -futilities, first/ last. Available January 1st. 905-336-7901, 9am6pm Only_________________ LARGE 3-bedroom , Feb. 1st. From $1199/mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage. pa rk-like setting. Longm oor Drive, Burlington. 905-681-0070_________ J A N .1ST. B rant/ Leighland. 3-bedroom s, 5 ap pliances, c/a., gas fireplace, 2.5 baths, garage, $1339/ mo. + u tilitie s . 9 0 5 -3 3 6 2009._____________________ BU RLING TO N: 2-bed room from $999./mo.+ utili ties, January. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190. ALD ER SH O T. Sublet approx. 300 sq.ft. office space in clude s u tilitie s , $425/mo. +g.s.t. Call 905541-7155._________________ O A K V ILL E , E xecutive Centre, offices from $300/ mpnth. M onthly/ long term leases. Secretarial/ other office services. 905-3371902._____________________ O A K V ILL E . 900 sq.ft., re tail space with washroom & shower, parking. $1450/mo. -fu tilitie s. C all 905-3311301 after 4pm. 12* S pringbok alum inium boat with 10hp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars. $1950. firm. Excellent condition. 905-632-0068. Burlington._________________ in memoriams IN M em oriam / Card of thanks Booklet available by callin g B urlington Post, 905-632-4440 or O akville Beaver, Ask fo r Loraine, 905-845-3824._____________ K J J m i lost & found FOUND- long haired orange cat. Walker's and Mainway. 'Sal* call 905-637-7325 FOUND: bicycle, red, black. Call to describe. 905-6812703______________________ FOUND: w atch, Skyway arena. Call to identify. 905336-6156._________________ FOUND: ladies ring at Ho pedale Mall on November 13th. Call to identify 905469-6390, after 6pm._______ FOUND: set of keys, Neyagawa Park, River Glen B lvd./ Neyagawa on N ov.7th. C all to identify, 905-257-5573._____________ LOST cat, white with grey ears and tail, approximate ly 10 months old, male, de claw ed. W alkers/H w y. 5 905-336-0152_____________ LOST: Gold rope bracelet at Burlington Mall, Novem ber 10th. Gift from biological mother. Reward!!! (905)6890804 Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from $759* 1-Bdrmslrom $829* 2-Bdrms from $949* Spacious and well main. tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 *(2% prompt pay. disc.) S H O R T Term fu rn is h e d wanted-starting January, 3 m onths m inim um , m ature coup le, non sm oking, no p e ts /c h ild re n Top re fe r ences up to $1,200/inclu sive (416)968-2872 NEW / W alker's, 3-bed room ranch, ground floor, firepla ce, 4 appliances, $890/m o. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor $D ISNEY$. D istrib u to rs needed for the most excit in g new m erchandising program ever! Exclusive li cense agreement, no se ll ing, no competition, backed by m ulti-m illion dollar pro m otional advertising cam paign. Harness the power of corporations like Disney/ Nintendo. Min. investm ent $17,600. Free info, pack· age: 1-800-754-9979 Burlington Towers. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments avail able January 1/2001 in much desired location. 905-639-8583________ * ___ LARGE 2-bedroom - close to lake, Guelph Line/ New St. area. Immediate. $795./ mo.+ hydro. No dogs. 905681-9087__________________ COZY 1-bdrm garden apartm ent, separate en trance, patio, laundry, utili ties, cable, parking includ ed. Non sm oking. $700./ mo. Jan.Tst. 905-845-8161 Ask about our Move-in Special! SPACIO US 2-bedroom basement apartment. Sep arate entrance. Recently renovated. Q uiet O akville neighbourhood. Close to schools and pub lic tra n s portation. $ 1 150/mo. in cluding u tilities, basic ca ble, 4 appliances, parking, gas fire p la c e , laundry, share large yard. Suits small family (non-smoking). Available immediately, 905815-9020__________________ QUIET, Convenient, WellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Spacious 2-bedroom apartment avail. January. (905)637-3921 PENTHOUSE, O akville. Facing Lake. 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, livingroom, for mal diningroom , kitchen with breakfast nook, private laundry facilities in-suite, 5 appliances. $1725/m o. Dec.lst. 905-844-9670 DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1&2 Bedroom s, January. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call 905-637-0321 BURLING TO NBrant/ Plains Rd. 1-bedroom , brigh t, new ly renovated. Hardwood, blinds, parking, laundry. $730/mo. D e c .ls t (905)336-7207 ' r RENT/ Sale- E xecutive condo- $1650./mo. 2 bed room, 2 bathroom. Grand Regency desira ble end unit. Very bright, spacious. 905-632-6272_____________ PINEDALE Estates. S pa cious 1-Bedroom. Luxury complex. 5 appliances. 24hr security. $950./m onth Call 905-637-0667_________ BR AN D new luxury con dominiums. 1 & 2 bedroom units. Utilities and parking included. S tate-of-the-art recreation centre. Starting as low as $1400 & $1600. C all (4 1 6 )-2 9 6 -1 0 1 2 fo r appointment to view. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) DON'T GET BOXED IN... Get comfortable in our 2-bdrm, 2-storey ground floor suites with w/o to private patio! Freshly painted just for you! 2 Locations at: 3-Bdrms from $950. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 TR AFA LG A R / W hite Oaks, Oakville. 3-bedroom end unit. 3-bathroom s, 4 appliances, W ater, cable. $1,275/m o. Available Dec.lst. 905-331-1987. FREEHOLD townhouse, G len Abbey, 3-bdrm , fin ished basem ent, private yard. W alk to shopping, shools. G reat neighborhood. $1575. 905-827-7854 CHEDOKE G olf CourseHam ilton, upscale 3 bed room ++ townhome condo. Rent- $1,695/mon. or sale$189,900. 905-528-4944 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom townhouses available im m ediately/ D e c .ls t. 4 ap pliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336________ EXECUTIVE A ldershot 6 mos. old 2-bedroom townhome, $1495/mo. +utilities. 905-634-2628. - * " ' - MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pay m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 ' 0600 COM PUTER O n-S iteService: passw ord recov ery, netw o rking, tro u b le shooting, in stallatio n, up grading. Peter (416)-9 185118 www.ngwonline.ca I business services /personals PRIME Downtown Bur lington, Upgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents. S cenic view s. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374 and 478 Peart, 905-632-1643 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents available Jan. from $925./mo. Conveniently located Wood w a rd/ G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265 O A K V IL L E - Kerr & Lake shore. 2 bedroom, hardwood floors and ceramics through out. $875/m o, in clusive except hydro. January 1st. (416)330-2952, leave message. O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, w indow s. From $845./m o 905-844-5474 Tyandaga Terrace 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake & Bronte H arbour. 1-bedroom , im mediate, $975/mo. (+parking) 905-825-0816 · I * *1* *1* A C hristm as Present! Large 3-bedroom suite at B urlington T ow ers... a much desired location. Available D ec.lst. Features 2 balconies with separate views, easy QEW access, rec. centre with large in door pool. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm+ Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! YOUNG executive couple with 2 children looking to sit your home for December & January. Must move due to renovations. W ill continue to monitor your home even after move-out if necessary. References. (9 0 5 )3 3 8 8500, leave message. LIV E -IN nanny required. Oakville. 2 young children. Driver, swim m er, nonsmoker. Local references. 7am - 530pm. Some even ings, some Saturdays. Le5 only. 905-338-3743 NANNY required- O ak ville. 3 children, legals only, 7:30am-6pm +some even ings/ Saturdays. Swimmer, driver, non-sm oker, local references. 905-466-1478 O A K V IL L E - South East. Live-out part time nanny for 16 mo. old boy.Flexible hours. References required. Own transportation. 905-338-3235 "M OM 'S Taxi". Driver needed for 2 girls, Mon. & Tues., start 4:30 drive to & from after school activities & provide snack & care to 6:30. Safety conscious, re liable, non-sm oker. Per sonal references & drivers license check required. River Oaks. 905-257-6888. STAY-AT-HOM E Moms! Wee Watch urgently seek ing qua lity provid ers in · Oakville & Burlington. We offer regular pay cheques, paid statutory, ch ild sick days, lia b ility coverage & back up. Join the team of home day care professionals. 905-337-9221 O akville or 905-632-0551 Burlington. ®416-390-6279o I houses for rent A L D E R S H O T- King Rd. & Northshore. 3bdms, big lot, double garage. January 1st. $2200 + u tilitie s . (905)681-0921 * BRONTE: 2-bedroom , pri vate entrance, 5 applianc es, jacuzzi, gas fireplace, a/ c, walk to lake. No pets, non-sm oking. Parking. A vailable Dec. 1st. $1150/ mo. plus utilities. 416-993, 1622. GLEN AB B E Y . Share bath/ fa c ilitie s , TV room, parking, non-smoker, $450/ mo. First/ last. Dec.lst. Ref erences. 905-825-1439. FURNISHED m aster bed room, u tilitie s , cable & parking included, $400/mo. Francis Rd., Burlington. Call Mike, 905-632-4694

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