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Oakville Beaver, 17 Oct 2001, A07

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 17, 2001 - A 7 COMMENT WILLIAM THOMAS &n q lish Speed dating-love on the stop watch With so few m arriages today out lasting the warranty o f the wedding gifts, I don't know why I was so sur prised to learn about speed dating. Speed dating is the latest trend among "power daters" - singles in their late 20s looking for long-term mates in beat-the-clock board game style. Renting trendy clubs in 22 cities around the world, dating services are offering singles evenings in which a client can date seven people in 90 minutes.^ And that includes the tim e it takes for the guys to get up after a seven minute date at a table for two and move on to another woman. It's like the lonely hearts club on amphetamines. It's courting on anabolicsteroids. This is musical chairs with the distinct possibility o f intim a cy.. I'm not exaggerating here. One expert in today's Sex and the City sin gles scene is A ngele Yanor who's col umn in The Vancouver Sun is called Lucky Strike. So in today's world o f dating when bells go off, it's not love. That's actually the signal that all "dates" have come to an end and you must rotate to spend seven minutes trying to select the candidate who will someday bear your children. I'm thinking the cafe set-up is cost ing these daters valuable time. The walking to and from tables, the dis traction o f music and drinks - it's archaic. W hy not rent y our local Tim Horton's Donut shop for one hour every Saturday and speed date at the Drive Thru window. You could discuss all your likes and dislikes at the order station inter com so that by the tim e you actually pulled up to the window, you'd know everything about each other. And if everything went really well in the first five minutes you could get Tim Horton's m anager to marry you in a pre-packaged but lovely ceremony that would not exceed your remaining two minutes. She climbs through the window into your car, you drive to Cayuga Speedway for the honeymoon grabbing a fast beer and minute steak on the way and before you know it you've got two girls and two boys incubated on a "48 H our Special" at InvitroW orld, w ho start school Monday morning at the grade seven level on accelerated math programs. By Wednesday you could be in m arriage counselling, by Thursday divorced and after an appropriate healing period o f say, Friday, you wouldn't even lose your spot at Tim H orton's D rive-T hru for "Speed Dating - The Second Attempt," the following Saturday night. Perfect. Sorry but as baby boom ers, we took dating seriously, we respected dating as a foundation for a solid and lasting relationship. And we took our tim e as much tim e as we needed..... to chill a bottle o f M ateus Rose, bor row a joint and put on a Doobie Brothers album. We didn't get to know each other. H ell, h a lf the tim e we couldn't rem em ber we'd even met. And that made it even more special because your date always seemed new and interesting and you could use the* same lines over and over again. Today, well, it's different. I have a friend who's been on so many blind dates, one more and he wins a seeingeye dog. Though faster may well spell dis aster, the rules o f courtship and engagement have not changed. Here's my seven dating rules, one a minute if you're still on the clock. First, confirm that your prospec tive date is in fact someone o f the opposite sex. Sooner rather than later like when you're parked by the lake under a full moon and suddenly you're over the legal limit o f condom s, by one. Second, do not be misled by heavy m ake-up or false eyelashes. W ith the m edia spot light now o ff him, Bill Clinton could be dating again. T hird, rem em ber the strongest sense o f all - sm ell. W omen are attracted by the scent o f money while a guy prefers a perfum e that gives off the aroma of the interior o f a brand new car. Fourth, never underestim ate the power o f a good opening line like: "I know what you're thinking but as a m atter o f fact, I am the last man on earth. Can I pick you up at eight?" Fifth, get rid o f great expectations. O f course, he expects to land someone much better than himself. So do you. That's why you're both still dating. Sixth, com prom ise is the key to all working relationships. You begged him to take you horseback riding and he did and it was great until he ran out o f quarters. Technically, he's right on this one. Seventh, no illusions. M ake no m istake about it - a date is like a job interview. And if you don't believe that a date is a face-to-face applica tion for a position o f hard work, with long hours and little rew ard- go ahead, get married already. William Thomas' writing workshop Sat. N ov 3 at H enry o f Pelham Winery. See www.williamthomas.ca AD The World's A Circus m d`'` 9 -f f s Sn Canada's Largest D D D T IV CTA D T T C English Riding School D I / K l 111 5 l i u j L L u 3445 D undas W . (H w y . #5), O akville (1-1/2 M ilesW est of H w y . #25) (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -4 6 7 8 website www.bertinstables.com e-mail: bertin@webtv.net O A K V IL L E Tro o p e r sa ys: D R I V E D R Y ! A m e s s a g e f r o m t h e M a y o r 's S p e c i a l C o m m itte e A g a in s t Im p a ire d D riv in g THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION FOR: THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PARKING LOT LIGHTING AT OAKVILLE ARENA, OAKVILLE, ON Q-46-2001 (905) 845-6601 Tuesday, October 23,2001 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room Monday, October 22,2001 Planning & D evelopm ent Council Council C h am b ers 7 :3 0 p.m . Monday, November 5,2001 Council M eeting Council C h am b ers 7 :3 0 p.m . Monday, November 12,2001 Planning & D evelopm ent Council Council C h am bers 7 :3 0 p.m . QUOTATION NUMBER: SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 12:00 NOON, local time, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2001 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone 905-338-4197. A certified cheque or Bank/Trust Co. draft for the amount specified in the quotation document MUST accompany each quotation and will be retained without interest as a performance bond for the due and proper performance of this contract NOTE - MANDATORY PRE-BID SITE VISIT A pre-bid meeting for potential bidders will be held at Oakville Arena, 133 Rebecca Street. Oakville. ON) on: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 2001 AT 10:00 A.M. FAILURE TO ATTEND AND REGISTER AT THE SITE MEETING WILL RENDER ANY BID SUBMISSION INFORMAL. INFORMAL BIDS WILL NOT BE CONSID ERED FOR AWARD. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services C o un cil & C o m m ittee T o uch to n e P hone L ine 815 -5 9 5 9 -- ___ ---------_______ Notice of Public Information Meeting Town of Oakville Draft Noise Wall Retrofit Policy The Town of Oakville is considering a policy for the retrofit of noise walls on proper ties adversely impacted by noise from the Town's major roads. The consulting firm, Marshall Macklin Monahan Ltd, has been engaged by the Town to determine the candidate sites for the retrofit of noise walls based on the following key criteria: 1. Noise levels from road traffic exceed 60 db in the outdoor living space averaged over the daytime 16 hour period, 2. Noise prediction is derived from the Ministry of Environment computer model. 3. Noise attenuation (walls) must provide a minimum of 5 db reduction, 4. Noise attenuation policy would apply to single and semi-detached lots backing onto the Town's major road system. When approved by Council, the policy will allow residents to petition the Town to construct a noise barrier. Following a detailed engineering report confirming the noise attenuation effectiveness of the wall, and subject to the approval of funds in the Town of Oakville Capital Budget, the Town would then construct the noise wall with the homeowner contributing 25 % of its cost. The homeowners contribution would be collected under the terms of the Local Improvement Act. Future repairs and mainte nance of the wall would be the Town's responsibility. This draft policy and the financial arrangements are similar to the recently approved Region of Halton Noise Abatement Policy for Regional Roads. Residents are invited to a Public Information Centre: Location: Town of Oakville Municipal Offices Acorn Grill Cafeteria 1225 Trafalgar Road Time: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Presentation to commence at 7:30 P.M. Representatives of the Department of Public Works and the Consultants will discuss the details of the draft policy; review the methodology of the analysis, and the current noise level and the projected levels for 2006 and 2011, and the list of eligible candidate sites. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. Further information relating to this draft policy may be obtained by contacting Mr. L. D. McLeod, P. Eng., Assistant Director - Engineering and Construction at 905-845-6601 ext 3315 or by email at lmcleod@town.oakville.on.ca. R. G. Green, P. Eng., Director of Public Works THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE TENDER FOR: TENDER NUMBER Joshua's Creek Trail Construction - Phase 1 T-21-2001 SEALED TENDERS on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L615A6 until 2:00 p.m., local time, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30,2001 Plans, specifications and tender forms will be available on Wednesday. October 17. 2001 from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department 1225 Trafalgar Road. Oakville, Ontario; Telephone 905-338-4197. NOTE:There will be a mandatory pre-bid site visit for potential bidders beginning at the Southeast Sports Field Parking Lot on Armiger Lane, Oakville (adjacent to the Southeast Water Treatment Plant) at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, October 24, 2001. FAILURE TO ATTEND AND REGISTER AT THE SITE VISIT WILL RENDER ANY BID SUBMISSION INFORMAL. INFORMAL BIDS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. The Contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Performance Bond satisfactory to Town Council, equal to 100% of the contract price, and a Labour and Material Bond equal to 50% of the contract price. Alternately, the contractor may provide an irrevocable unconditional letter of credit for 100% of the contract price. An Agreement to Bond or Letter of Intent will be required with the tender submission. A certified cheque, Bank/Trust Co. draft or bid bond for the amount specified in the tender document MUST accompany each tender. Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, Octo ber 30,2001, at 2:30 p.m. local time. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services Tender advertising may be viewed on the O.P.B.A. website, http://vaxxine.com/opba -- ------ ------M l) YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Oakville Town Council invites you to volunteer your skills to assist it in its decision making. Every year, Council appoints citizens of Oakville to various committees, boards and authorities that make decisions on issues effecting Oakville. If you apply, you could be selected to share your ideas on matters like heritage buildings, public facilities, or community services. It is Town policy that a citizen can only serve on one committee at a time. I f you apply and are accepted to serve on a second committee, you must resign from the committee you are currently serving on. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? All Oakville residents are invited to get involved. To reflect the diverse nature of the Town's population, we encourage men, women, people with disabilities, native peoples, and racial and ethnic minorities to participate. HOW TO APPLY Anyone interested in applying, other than incumbents, must do the following: Fill out an application form and return it to the Town Clerk's Department or Oakville Municipal Offices, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, b\ October .?/. 2001. On line at www.town.oakville.on.ca SELECTION PROCESS Town Council will appoint qualified candidates for the positions based on the recom mendations of the Administrative Services Committee. All appointments are for a three year term commencing January 1, 2002 unless otherwise stated. REMEMBER Only RESIDENTS of the Town of Oakville are eligible. QUESTIONS? For more information, call Diana Lecinski @ 845-6601, ext 3136, or e-mail at dlecinski@town.oakville.on.ca. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged after the appointment process has been completed in mid-December 2001, at which time each applicant will be notified by mail. ADVISORY BOARD, COMMITTEE O R AUTHORITY Bronte District Advisory Com mittee (Applicants must reside in Ward One; the area bounded by the centre line of Burloak Drive, Lake Ontario, the centre line of Third Line and the centre line of the Q.E.W .) Oakville Centre Board of Directors Oakville Harbours Advisory Com mittee Parks, Culture & Recreation Advisory Committee Property Standards Committee Seniors Advisory Committee (Applicants must be over the age of 50 years) Traffic Advisory Committee NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Zoning Amendment & Draft Plan of Subdivision 2540 Rebecca Street, 266, 274, 280, 284 Bronte Road Part Lot 54 and all of Lots 55 -58, Registered Plan M-9 APPLICANT - Estate of Horace Gitto File: 24T-01001 & Z.1730.32 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant A Public Information Meeting will be held on October 25,2001 in the Trafalgar Room, commencing at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road. Oakville. If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the approval authority, in respect of the proposed Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, does not make oral submission at the public meeting, if one is held, or make written submission to Edward Salisbury, Director o f Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville at the above noted address, before the proposed Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Any written submission and/or questions may be directed to Sally Stull of the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext 3261, email address: sstull@town.oakville.on.ca. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal may be found below. Location - The subject site is located on the southwest comer of Bronte Road and Rebecca Street The land is legally described as Part Lot 54 and all of Lots 55-58, Plan M9. The municipal address is 2540 Rebecca Street and 266,274,280 and 284 Bronte Road. Official Plan - Figure 12, Bronte Community, West of Third Line, designates the subject lands as low density residential, 17 units per site ha. Zoning - The site is zoned R02, residential. Proposal - The applicants have submitted a proposal involving a zoning amendment and draft plan of subdivision to permit a total of 15 lots for detached dwellings. The proposed lots are to have frontage on a cul-de-sac accessed from Bronte Road. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 17* day of October, 2001 John Ghent Manager, Current Planning Section, Planning Services Department NUMBER O F VACANCIES MEETING SCHEDULE 3ri Thursday, monthly, evening 4'" Wednesday, monthly, morning 4" Wednesday, monthly, evening 2nd Wednesday, bi-monthly evening As required 41 * Wednesday in January, March, May, September & November, afternoon 1" Wednesday, monthly, evening 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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