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Oakville Beaver, 17 Oct 2001, C06

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 17, 2001 training career training I I I general [ 1 | help wanted B A K E R Y / D eli C ounter help, fulltim e, Noon- 7pm, Mon.- Fri. Call Rocco 9053 36 -27 99; fax 905-3363059, Burlington NEED a Job? Are you un- . em ployed? 90% of our P a rtic ip a n ts get em plo y ment or training opportuni ties. C all the YM CA at (905)681-1140_____________ TIM H o rto n s h irin g !!!!! Mature, full-time, afternoon shift and day sh ift, sotre front, full-time baker, parttiem m idnight shifts. Apply 2355 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville or ca ll betw een 9am -4pm 905-257-1294 AC CESS to a com puter? W ork at hom e on-line. $2,000+ part time, $5,000+ full tim e. Call 1-877-4181741 www.123ezgold.com CH ILD & Youth W o rk e rsfu ll-tim e and re lie f C hild and Youth pos itio n s are a v a ila b le w ith in our re s i dential programs. Success ful candidates selected for an in te rv ie w w ill be c o n ta cte d . Please send re sume to: P.O. Box 65534, Dundas, ON, L9H2E8 D O M IN O 'S P izza h irin g now contract drivers. Cash paid nightly. Apply in per son at 495 W alke rs Line, B u rlington, a fte r 4pm ask for Ricardo V E L L A B u ild in g & Home Renovations requires ex perienced, all-around Ren ovator. Own transportation & tools for Oakvillle & sur rounding area. C all 905849-9556_________________ EXPER IENC ED fu ll tim e co u n te r help required for downtown O akville delica tessen, 44 hrs/week. Also, m ature person needed for European cooking and general clean-up 2-3 days/ week. Please call Mrs. Ordung 905-844-9857________ EXPER IENC ED E ques tria n W orking M anager. M a intaining grounds, tu rf and farm machinery, irriga tion & drainage. Carpentry skills, plumbing and electri cal know ledge an asset. Non- smoking environment. Call 905-827-2234_________ CUSTO M ER S e rvice/ Shippers Assistant required 40 hrs/w k and some Sat. mornings. Apply in person, fax: 905-849-0001 or email: bsm yth @ p sh ca n a d a .co m P o ttery S u pply House, 1120 Speers Rd.. Oakville. CUSTO M ER S e rv ic e Expanding Financial Serv ices com pany requires Customer Service Rep.- In surance or banking back ground an asset. Required im m ediately. Fax resume: (905)338-0977_____________ A T H LE TE S W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No e xtra s, no fees. M ust be a th le tic ! C all (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening. N A T IO N A L R eceivables M anagement Co. requires a ss e rtiv e , s e lf m otivated telephone negotiators. Out sourcin g e xpe rience pre ferred, w ill train s uitab le ap p lic a n ts . C o nta ct J. Spence 905-639-0465 _ _ EX PAN DING O a kville based F inancial Services o rg a n iz a tio n requires the services of a university or com m unity college gradu ate. The ideal candidate w ill have some accounting expe rience or have taken some accounting courses. Please Fax resum e: (905)338-0977.___________^ HEALTH food store requires experienced P/T & F/T help for sales and cashier positions. Fax (905)844-2943 LUNCHROOM Supervisors wanted for Brantwood Public School (near O a kville Trafalgar Hospital). Please call, 905-845-0731. Q U A L IT Y co n s c ie n tio u s com pany seeks dep e n d able person for assem bly work with good mechanical ability and experience with hand & power tools. Wage depends on expe rience. (Milton). Reply by fax only: (905)-875-4729. hospital, medical, dental BATHROO M S p e cia list, tile, plumbing, electrical, we do it all. References. G u a r antee. Call 905-949-2618 & decorating Prbtdcdl In Partnership Dental Reception Course · C ertified · Com puterized · Full / Part-time KAS Personnel Services Inc. CALL CENTRE AGENT With close to 3000 stations and still growing; Protocol is one of the fastest growing Marketing Service Companies in North Amer ica. With its current expansion in their Hamilton facility, located in a prestigious corporate building downtown, Protocol is presently hiring Customer Contact Representatives specializing in consul tative sales for our call centre. Hours of work: Full-time and Part-time positons available. Flexibility is required. Reporting directly to the Coach or Supervisor: the Consultative Sales Agent's main responsibilities will be to promote the pro ducts and/or services offered by Protocol's clients. Qualifications: · Fluent in ENGLISH: · Professional or commercial SALES experience; · Strong interpersonal and COMMUNICATION skills; « CREATIVE flair, initiative and ENTHUSIASM; · FLEXIBILITY is essential; We offer you: · A competitive BASE WAGE and commissions; · Growth opportunity across North America · Paid PROFESSIONAL training; · A career path program; · The opportunity to work with state of the art technology; · A FRIENDLY working environment Interested candidates, please call Shelley Murray @ KAS Personnel Services Inc. 4043 New Street (@ Walkers Line) Burlington Telephone (905) 637-9755 email: buriington@kasstaffing.com QUEENS GARDEN a new 128-bed long-term care facility located in downtown Hamilton, is dedicated to resident centred quality care. The foundation o f our care is built on recognizing each person's past experiences, community connections, and individual needs to foster a sense o f well-being and belonging. ^ painting · Start O ctober 23 n> HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE (905 ) 637-3415 4 6 0 B r a n t S t .. B u rlin g to n Providing leadership, you w ill ensure the highest standard o f resident care and be com m itted to resident centred care, team building, and continuous quality improvement. A nursing professional w ith proven experience in geriatrics and management, you have a strong desire for continual grow th. Director of Care Nurse Educator PAINTING - Interior/ Exte<rior, R esidential/ Com m er' -'_ ica l. W a llp a p e r re m o v a l^ F ree e s tim a te s . S e n io rs, Discounts. Call Mark, 905r.; 467-1326 * L A R R Y 'S M o v in g - big o * small jobs done to your §af-` isfa ctio n . P lease c a ll4 (905)528-9453 You are an innovative individual w ho advocates life-long learning for nursing staff. Experience in staff education w ith a focus on geriatrics and long-term care is an asset. There is opportunity fo r advancement. Please apply, indicating position o f interest, to: Tonia Palazzo, H um an Resources Departm ent, 1375 S o u th dow n Road, U nit 16, P.O. Box 308, Mississauga, O N L5J 2Z1 Fax: (905) 822-7959 e-mail: tpalazzo@ regencycare.ca C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / c h a ir co-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry-(906)-634-6706, m organinteriors@ hom e.com THE VILLAGE OF TANSLEY WOODS LTC (a project by Oakwood) is hosting a J o b Fair on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 from 1-5p.m. at the Tansley Woods Community Centre 1996 Itabashi Way Burlington, Ontario We are recruiting for: RN's · Charge Nurses · Dementia Nurse Specialist · Behavioural Management Specialist ·Quality Improvement/ Infection Control Nurse. * S H AW N 'S Tree Service, book now and save. 15% over regular seasonal rates o f prunings, large rem ov als, stump removal. Bobcat services available. Over 16 years experience. Fully in sured. Free estimates. 905SI 2-2889. BAKER- F/T- Mon-Fri. ear ly M orning sh ift. E xp e ri ence not nece ssary, w ill train. References required. A pply in person to Kevin, Bukamaranga Bean & Ba gel, 3305 Fairview St. Burlington (Beside Chapters) COUNTER help required. 6am -2pm . Also, daytim e prep staff needed. Fax re sume: 905-631-1098 or ap ply in person: Great Cana dian Bagel, Mapleview Mall 900 Maple Ave., Burlington. EX PER IENC ED S erv ers; Dishwashers; Contract Drivers. Part-time evenings. Apply: First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview, Burlington. EXPER IENC ED cle anin g ladies available for clean ing your house, apt., office. Best service. Competitive rates. C all Ewa 905-8498686; Anna 905-331-2715. I dating services M EET Burlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. Ham ilton (905)-319-3111. I massages A real, nice m assage by lo vely lady. Come relax and unw ind in M ississau ga. Ria 416-680-3041. RPN's for Meds and treatments. PSW's / HCA's Recreation Aides, Music therapist, horticultural therapist, chaplain, social worker, administrative assistant, accountant, environmental supervisor, maintenance person, dietary aides, chef, cook, housekeeping and laundry aides. G row ing cen tral M ississauga M anufacturer has an im m ediate opening for a full-tim e SUPPLY position available Mon./Tues. & Thurs. 1-5pm. Wed. 9-5pm. Love + Learn Child Centre 905-336-8648 SP AR KLIN G clean house by Elizabeth. Professional house, cleaning. Excellent references. Friday ope n ings available. 905-545-3280 Data Administration Clerk The successful applicant will enjoy being directly involved in many aspects of the day to day operation of the office. Tasks will include order and invoice processing, making shipping arrangements to points throughout North america, handling the electronic commerce aspects of our dealings with major Canadian retailers, purchasing office supplies and operation of our payroll system. We are interested in a well-organized person with good interpersonal skills who can work with a minimum of supervision once trained on our systems. A variety of computer skills are needed including concise data entry capabilities and the use of common spreadsheet and word processing programs. A demonstrated ability to quickly master other software programs is essential and some basis accounting knowledge would be helpful. An attractive remuneration and benefit package will be offered to the right person for this position. Qualified applicants are invited to forward their resumes, including salary expectations to: The Added Touch ~Hiring Immediately F/T & P/T, seasonal positions. Flex, hours: days, evenings, weekends. $8/hr RETAIL- Friendly, help ful, professional staff: WAREHOUSE PACKERS Reliable, moderate physical activity required, strong attention to detail: CUSTOMER SERVICE OPERA TORS- Professional phone manner, able to handle high volume of incoming customer calls. Basic com puter skills necessary. Call Susan at 905-338- CommunityNotices Deaths BUNDY, Evelyn - After a brief illness on Monday, October 15, 2001 at her home. Evelyn (Booth), beloved wife of Chuck Bundy. Dear mother of Jennifer and her husband Warner Baxter, Jeff, Janet and her husband John Fulton. Loved sister of Ralph Booth, Helen B ie ne r and Alice Hoedemaker. Extra loving grandmother of Lauren, Matthew and Garrett. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Comm unity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. W ednesday. A Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate the life of Evelyn w ill be held 11:00 a.m . Thursday, October 18, 2001 at Hopedale P resbyterian Church, 156 T hird Line, O a k v ille . In te rm e n t T ra fa lg a r Lawn Cemetery. Legal Notice NOTICE TO: LAURA VANGHENT A CASE HAS BEEN STARTED AGAINST YOU in the Ontario Court of Justice, at 491 Steeles Avenue East, Milton, Ontario. The next court date is November 15th, 2001 at 10:00am, or as soon as possible after that time. The court may make an order in this case that may affect your rights. You can get more infor mation about this case from M.Pallett, Legal Services, 5045 South Service Road, Burlington; Telephone No. (905) 333-4441, ext. 204. If you do not come to court, an Order may be made without you and be enforced against you. 7399 or fax resume: 905-338-1486 general help wanted Box 4555, The Mississauga News, 3145 Wolfedale Rd., Mississauga L5C 3A9 BUSY real e state office seeks professional Recep tionist/S ecretary who pos sess a b o ve-a verag e o r ganizational and time man agement skills. Candidate must be team player who is solution oriented. Reply: Box 1873, c/o B u rlington Post, 2321 F airview St. B u rlington L7R 2E3 with references, salary require m e n t_______________ R E AL ESTATE R ecep tio n is t required for busy real estate office. Perma 1 nent- Job Share- 3 days/ week. Must be thoroughly com puter lite ra te , able to multitask. R/E experience preferred. Fax: 905-3354661. Only those qualified will be contacted.___________ R E C E P T I O N IS T , p a r t tim e. High pressure envi ronm ent in O a kville real estate office. Must be flexi ble, days- even ings w e e kends. E-mail resum es to: receptionad@aol.com DELIVERY PERSONS required for the distribution of a prestigious community newspaper and related flyers. Excellent pay. Please Phone Saliya, 905-469-1409 or 905-616-5388 A/R M an ag em en t Building products supplier located in Milton. Regular review of accounts, reconciling, collections, and co-ordination of legal action, 2 yrs. Experience required, knowledge of construction liens preferred. Ability to multi-task in a hands-on fast paced environment are a must. Fax 905-693-9475 Attn: Jim ibrown@ Deellumber.com ---------------------------------1 Funeral Directors O a k v ie w DEMENY, Esther (David) - SUPERCUTS * Come Join our Growing Team of MANAGERS Hourly wage and commission In-store advanced cutting classes < Excellent benefit package available" Work in a chemical-free environment1 All equipment supplied except shears Toll tree 1-888-888-7778 ext.1552 ,V sales help & agents sales help & agents S o m e tim e s You Have to be in th e at th e NOW HIRING > > OAKVILLE LOCATION Right Place Right Tim e. Like O a k v ille . Attend Edward Jones C areer Night. FORTUNE' 100 B E S TC O M P A N IE ST OW O R KF O R JOIN OUR H.R. TEAM Sodexho is the largest provided of integrated facili ties management & food service in North America. We are currently recruiting for an ·Jk I S 3 l0 n& S P ah e lP BUSY O ak v ille salon lo cated in M all requires Hairstylist or Apprentice & A s s is ta n t. C all Cosim o 905-825-1977. _ _ _ _ _ ES TH E TIC IA N required p a rt-tim e by busy dow n town O ak v ille salon. E x perience a definite asset! Contact Pam 905-845-1911 H A IR S T Y LIS T in W aterdown or rent a chair. Own your own shop. Also cos m etic and nail room avail able. Call 905-279-5281 HR AND BENEFITS ANALYST Burlington area. In this exciting role you will build and maintain an electronic database of HR information to be utilized in the strategic initiatives of our depart ment & organization. Our successful candidate has 35 years benefits/ payroll experience, completed CPA Level 1, has excellent PC skills and knowledge of ADP PCPW or ADP HRMS. Bilingual French / English required. Fax resume to D. MacMillan, Recruiting Manager at 905-632-7114 or email at dmacm iIlan@sodexhoca.com 2001 SALES HELP WANTED Experience an asset. Apply in person: Denninger's 699 Guelph Line Burlington Oakville's Premier Salon & Day Spa VEHICLE SALES CLERK · F/T Our busy dealership requires an energetic individual with strong reconciliation skills to handle the admin istrative functions of our vehicle sales. Bookkeeping background a must, dealership experience preferred. Please fax or drop off resume with handwritten cover letter to: Attn: L. Neville BURLINGTON TOYOTA 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington Fax. 905-335-4048 Images International requires a part-time Becom e an Edward, Jones investm ent representative, and we'll give you everything you need to succeed, in clu d in g a neighbourhood office, you r own a ssista nt and on-going train in g. This is a sales po sitio n like no other. Because yo u 'll help others reach th e ir goals. Attend Edward Jones Career Night. Peacefully on Sunday, October 14, 2001 at Jo se p h B ran t M em o rial H o s p ita l, B u rlin g to n , in her 69th year. Loving 'Nana" to Danielle, Kristin and Matthew. Tender and guiding mother to Russ and Ginny Dememy. Caring sister to Susan and W illiam M innis and the ir ch ild re n David and Bill (Cheryl) and their daughter Keely. Always devoted lifetime wife and partner of the late Tibor Thomas Demeny (1999). Will be fondly remembered by her many fam ily and friends. Esther's pa ssio n was d e d ic a te d to her g ifte d calling as an artist. She was founding President of the Oakville Arts Society and fo u n d in g C u ra to r o f the O a k v ille Art Gallery. Esther sat on the Art Council of Canada and was also a teacher of art in her s e lf-d ire cte d s c h o o l...p a in te r and sculptor extraordinaire. She leaves us and the world a better place. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 R e yn o ld s St., O a k v ille (90 5844-3221) on Friday, October 19, 2001 at 10 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. Receptiorv As an expression of sympathy, donations may be made to the Canadian Arthritis Society or the Red Cross. FU N ERA L H O M E Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick McDermott ·Tam my Cook 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Family Services A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 In Memoriam O RTH OD ON TIC o ffic e in the Halton region, seeks fu ll-tim e R eceptionist and C h airside A ssista nt. Ex perience an asset,, but not essential. Please, torward resumes to: Box 6354 c/o O ak v ille Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., O akville, L6K 3S4 or email to: orthoresume @ yahffo.com R E CE PTIO N IS T, With dental office experience re quired fulltime; Also, Dental A ssistaN T... for our busy Burlington fam ily practice. PDA preferred but not es s entia l. Some evenings and S aturdays in volved . Interested a p p lica nts please fax resume to 905332-5240__________________ P H AR M ACY T e c h n ic ia n Flexible part-tim e, Burling ton pharm acy. E x p e ri enced h ighly m otivated, custom er orien ted . C all Kris, Ken or Mamie at 905319-3333 or fax resume to: 905-319-1222 ' FU LL-TIM E Dental A ssis tant required for downtown Oakville office. Please fax resum e with han d-w ritten cover letter to 905-842-5476. H Y G IEN IST required fo r orth odontic office. Please drop resume at: Dr. Ray & Dr. John Bozek's office 4300 U pper M iddle Rd. Suite#5 Burlington, ON C E RTIFIED D ental A s sistant required for friend ly, patient-oriented dental office. 30 hrs/w eek. Fax resume to 905-689-9328 Rem em ber w ith a HUTTON, Hugh Graham Livingston - (Canadian Army Veteran and School Administrator). Peacefully at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Sunday, October 14, 2001 at the age of 84. Much loved husband and best friend of Dorathy. Adored father of Susan and her husband Rob Keyes of Toronto. Hugh served proudly in the Second World War (Dieppe and Holland), during the Korean Conflict and afterwards in Central Command (militia and army ca dets). After a distinguished 25 year career in the Canadian Army, Hugh also served in an administrative role at Scott Park High School in Hamilton. Cremation has taken place. A celebration service of Hugh's life will be held for family and friends at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville at 11a.m. Saturday, October 20. Special thanks to Dr. Schooling and his staff, Dr. McPhaden, the nursing staff of 4 West, OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial Hospital for their compassionate care, Reverend Paul Crittenden and the many friends who have been so supportive during Hugh's courageous battle with Leukemia. In lieu of flowers, donations in Hugh's memory may be made to the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Charitable Foundation or to the charity of your choice. donation Coming to Oakville: Monday, O ctober 29 at 6 p.m . 6 1 0 Ford Drive Oakville, ON Hosted by Robert M ulligan, Investm ent Representative Please call 905-338-1661 to RSVR Space is lim ite d , call now. Registered Massage Therapist Please call Judy 905-338-3333 S A N C TU A R Y Day Spa Inc., requires experienced Receptionists, F/T and P/T for their busy Oakville loca tions. ff you are high ener gy, frie n d ly and love the Spa Industry, please fax re sum e to V a le rie P otterJohns. Faxes only please 905-337-0045 1 -8 8 8 -9 3 9 -3 3 3 3 w w w .c a n c e r .c a toll free · 24 hours a day / 7 days a week S o c i6 t6 c a n a d ie n n e du cancer www.jonesopportunity.com skilled & technical help skilled & technical help Edwardjones Serving Individual Investors BUDDS' IMPORTED CARS of OAKVILLE requires a CLASS "A" TECHNICIAN To join our expanding Jaguar technical staff. The successful candidate is ASE certified with strong teamwork skills. We offer a comprehen sive benefit and pension plan package. If your career plans include working in a state-of-thea rt fa c ility w hich fo c u s e s on c u s to m e r ca ticfa rtin n mmj Burlington/Milton ; »Top hourly rates ! starting at $9 + ! comm. & bonuses j · Fun place to work | »Exc. Benefit Packsy I · Equip. Provided ! »No clientele req'd ' [·F /T & P /T > · Flex, hours" ! Call Robert or Brenda `The Oakville (Beaver willfeature special METROLAND Advertising Sales Representatives The Oakville Beaver is presently seeking FullTime Sales Representatives fo r ou r Retail Advertising departm ent. Candidates m u st be highly motivated and strive to achieve results. Be a part of our team w ith a highly attractive c o m p e n s a tio n p a cka g e , in c lu d in g s a la ry , com m ission and vehicle allowance. Your Responsibilities Include: CALL ROY KERSHAW AT 905-845-1443 F IE L D S U P E R V IS O R L eading su p p lier of concrete form ing system s requires an experienced Field Supervisor. * C onstruction experience required * Experience in Concrete Form ing Systems * Custom er service oriented * Leadership qualities, self-m otivated, driven to excellence * Travel required, w illing to w ork in O ntario & Quebec, bilingual an asset * C om petitive salary/benefit/exposure program Please subm it resum e to: EFCO Canada Co. H um an Resources Dept. 30 Todd Road Georgetown, ON, L7G 4R7 Fax #:305-877-1858 (905) 319-3155 M AN U AL m illing m achine operator required fo r cus tom work in Oakville. Min. 5 ye a r expe rience. Fax resume:(905)842-8453 office-clerical M ATURE O ffice C lerk re quire d. Bookkeeping knowledge, com puter lite r ate, pleasant phone m an ner. Phone 905-336-7170; fax: 905-332-8555._________ EXPERIENCED PDA with a great personality, a strong work ethic and a team player required F/T. No weekends. Oakville. Fax CV: 905-8497658, Dr. Stephen Thordarson · Servicing and enhancing new and existing accounts · Prospecting fo r and acquiring new accounts · Preparing form al w ritten and visual presentations as well as face to face and telephone sales · Establishing and surpassing personal budgets · Selling advertising into special supplements Your Qualifications Include: · Keen desire to succeed and advance · Ability to manage several projects concurrently · Good com m unication, organization and team skills Reply in confidence to: Daniel Baird, Retail Advertising Manager c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON., L6K 3S4 www.dbaird@haltonsearch.com (No telephone calls please) No Phone Calls Please KMOTT, E v e ly n - (nee Auty) (1924-2001). peacefully on October 15,2001, in Niagara Falls with Join the Winning Team her family around her. Beloved wife of the late Frank Philthy McNasty's Albert Knott (1957). Dear mother of Elizabeth Farhat Grill & Bar (Abbas), James Knott, Linda Ringer. Grandmother of & HIRING Ben (Kelly), Steven and Faith Ringer; Amanda, Ibrahim and David Farhat. Great-grandmother of full or part-time Michael and James Ringer. Predeceased by her · COOKS father, Arthur Auty and mother Verna Elliott, and ·WAIT STAFF brothers Frederick, Harold and Norman. Predeceased by sister Beulah Mansfield. Survived by brothers 210 N. Service Rd.W. Edwin (Joy), Bruce, Russell (Janice) and Harley Oakville Town Centre II (Diane) and by sister Doreen (Andrew) Hutchinson. Survived by a multitude of nieces and nephews. A J A K E 'S G rill & O yster House. Join the C re w !long time resident of Oakville and member of St. Immediate openings for fulty Cuthbert's Anglican Church. A former employee of part-tim e g rill, prep &line B.D. Waite. Active member in Sweet Adeline and cooks & dishwashers. En joy good wages, great at Toastmistress. She also delivered for Meals on m osphere & challe n g in g Wheels. A member of the Oakville Senior Citizens positio n in busy kitchen! Bring resume/ fill out appli(Kerr Street). Visitation will be held Wednesday 2-4 c ation :950 W alke r's Line pm and 7-9 pm at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 (at QEW ) beside T ravelLakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) odge.(905)6ajH084 Oakville. Funeral Service Thursday at St. Cuthbert's A BBEY G rilt Hiring*,Full & Part-time experienced staff ~ Anglican Church (for service tim e, please call for kitchen. . ^F le x ib te ^U fs , Oakview Funeral Home 905-842-2252). Interment to wages betwtfen Tdp W&ges follow at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. Donations in paid! Apply: 270 North lieu of flowers to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Service Rd. O akville. Tel: 905-338-5800 the Diabetes Association. Remembrance (Day Memoriams fo r loved ones ~ fa m ily relatives and friends ~ to be published Sunday, November 11 %emember that speciat someone at this time ` Deadline: Friday, 9{ov. 2, 5pm Cost: $25 (+QS` T) ` Max. 40 words ,

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