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Oakville Beaver, 17 Oct 2001, B06

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B6 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O cto b e r 17, 2001 Education Catholic teachers receive safety awards A trio of Halton Catholic District School Board teachers have been selected to receive awards from the Fire M arshal's Public Fire Safety Council. On Nov. 8, M aureen Callan, Heather Roy and Steve Soroko will be given their Fire Safety Awards at a luncheon ceremony in Toronto. The annual awards recognize outstanding contributions to fire protection and pre vention in Ontario. The three educators spearheaded the implementation of "Risk Watch," a classroom-based injury prevention pro gram for children, and helped other institutions adopt and customize the initiative. They also volunteered their time at numerous events. "This award recognizes (their) ded ication and leadership ... to improving fire and fire safety education in their region," said Ontario Fire Marshal Bernard Moyle. "The efforts by these individuals to keep the children of their community safe from fire or traumatic injury is an example to us all." This fire departments through the province nominated 59 individuals and organizations, from which 33 were chosen to receive awards. Consider the Advantages of a Bilingual Education Bilingual Coeducational Age 3 - OAC Extended Childcare INTRO Programmes International Baccalaureate Apply now for September, 2002 U p com in g Mississauga O pen Houses O ctober 25, December 6,9:30 am No previous experience in French required up to Grade 7 APPLEBY COLLEGE WELCOME TO APPLEBY COLLEGE w h^e students are as likely to be creating websites as they are to be excelling on the athletic fields. The days are action-packed for the school's 600 young men and women who thrive in the challenging university preparatory programme. · Every student is equipped with a Broad range of courses froir ThinkPad computer through the . traditional to the innovative e.school@applebym programme · Focused curriculum fofljRddle School · Challenging curriculum with extensive ( ^ f il^ T 'S c h o o l (9/11 arts, athletics and community service · School (11/12} Uticrc components \fExteosive dcajtajft) oppoituru · Accomplished teachers who motivate · Boarding and day program · Structure, discipline and individual · Picturesque 59-acres setting on the attention shores of Lake Ontario OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 20,2001 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario, L6K 3P1 To request general information, or to arrange a personal meeting contact: Admissions ( 4 ,^ 4 3 4 4 5 3 3 ^ 4 7 Mississauga Campus (Age 3-Grade 7): 1293 Meredith Ave. (Dixie / QEW) Toronto French School www.tfs.on.ca Michael \urse. D irector o f Admissions Tel: 905.S45.46S I, ext. 252 Fax: 905.S45.9505 E-mail: enrol@applebv.on.ca i 7 M W * www.appIebv.on.ca Auction for youth support servicThe Halton Adolescent Support Services (HASS) is gear ing up for its Fourth Annual Auction & Dinner to be held on Fri. Nov. 2 at the Burlington Convention Centre. HASS pro vides a variety of services to help adolescents return to the mainstream of society. One of those services is supportive hous ing, such as that * provided by Aberdeen House . in Oakville. The I program offers : affordable transi tional housing to fcyouth that are neither attending k school, enrolled in a job-training * program or in * entry level employment. The program encour ages youth to reflect on the cir cumstances lead ing to their resi dency and with the support of staff, work towards inde pendent living or a favourable return to their family. There are already some unique items up for bidding including a com plete Elvis Presley collection of videos, books CDs, LPs, mem orabilia and newspaper clip pings; his and hers' leather jack ets, fine dining certificates, jew ellery, gift bas kets, artwork and more. The theme for the evening is Over The Rainbow. Cost is $60 per person or cor porate tables of 10 at $55 per per son. The evening begins with champagne, hors d'oeuvres, recep tion and auction preview at 6 p.m. with dinner to follow at 7:30 p.m. For tickets and more inform a tion, call 905639-0025. Oakville Independent Schools OPEN HOUSE Appleby College Grades 7 - 1 2 540 Lakeshore Road W. 905-845-4681 ext. 252 fax: 905-845-9505 www.appleby.on.ca e-mail: enrol@appleby.on.ca ^ # 3 High School ^ k . 'T Z & l Supportive, Structured t? Nurturing Chisholm Academy Grades 9-12 1484 Cornwall Rd. (905) 844-3240 fax: (905) 844-7321 www.chisholmcentre.com e-mail: info@chisholmcentre.com 12 students p er class Glenbumie School Preschool - Grade 8 2035 U pper M iddle Rd. E. (905) 338-6236 fax: (905) 338-2654 www.glenburnieschool.com e-mail: admin@glenbumieschool.com OPEN HOUSE 9:30 a.m.-l:00 p.m. O akville is h o m e to an im pressive selectio n o f in d e p e n d e n t schools. W h e th e r you are se arc h in g fo r th e rig h t p resch o o l, e le m e n ta ry e d u c atio n , college o r university p re p a ra tio n , w e 're c o n fid e n t y o u 'll find th e school w h e re y o u r ch ild will thrive. W h y choose an in d e p e n d e n t school? T h e rea so n varies from fam ily to family. M any fam ilies voice th e ir d e sire for a stro n g a cad em ic fo u n d atio n . T h e y a re looking fo r sm all class size a n d p e rso n a l a tte n tio n , as w ell as o p p o rtu n itie s in arts, ath letics a n d e x tra cu rric u lar activities. T h e ch allen g e m e e tin g fam ilies is finding th e rig h t m atch. W h ic h school will b e st suit y o u r son o r d a u g h te r? W h ich will m e e t y o u r c h ild ' s lea rn in g n e e d s a n d b rin g o u t th e ir full p o te n tia l? E a c h O akville In d e p e n d e n t School is u n iq u e a n d g rad e con fig u ratio n s vary. To le a rn m o re a b o u t O akville In d e p e n d e n t Schools, visit us a t o u r O p e n H ouse. St. Mildred's-Lightboum School JK - OAC 1080 Linbrook Rd. (905) 845-2386 fax: (905) 845-4799 www.smls.on.ca e-mail: St M ildred's@smls.on.ca FERN SCHOOL HILL Fern Hill School Preschool - G rade 8 3300 Ninth Line Rd. (905) 257-0022 fax: (905) 257-2002 www.femhillschool.com e-mail: admissions@femhillschool.com Saturday, October 20 1 0 a.m . - 2 p .m . Dearcroft Montessori Preschool - G rade 3 1167 Lakeshore Road East (905) 844-2114 fax: (905) 844-3529 xvww.dearcroft.com f IE0 >MONT*55QRl' MacLachlan College JK - University Entrance 337 Trafalgar Rd. (905) 844-0372 fax: (905) 844-9369 www.maclachlan.on.ca e-mail: registrar@maclachlan.on.ca JK-Grade 5:Interviews & testing now being scheduled. Grade 6-University Entrance: SSAT date December 8,2001 Rotherglen School JK - G rade 8 2050 Neyagawa Blvd. (905) 849-1897 fax: (905) 849-1354 2045 Sixth Line (905) 338-3528 fax: 905) 338-9599 www. rotherglen.com Oakville Christian School JK - G rade 8 112 Third Line (905) 825-1247 ext. 221 fax: (905) 825-3398 www.ocsonline.org e-mail: ocsadmissions@ocsonline.org 20th A nniversary West Wind Montessori G rade 4 - 8 451 Lakeshore Road West (905) 849-9463 fax: (905) 849-9051 wxvw.westwindms.com

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