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Oakville Beaver, 31 Oct 2001, c6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 31, 2001 Nothing to do? No place to go? Over 90 artisans at school craft show Blown-glass ornam ents, cem ent garden accents, intricate angels, designer bears, hand-painted folk art, hand-crafted Santas and holiday arrangements will be among the items on sale at Iroquois Ridge High School's annual Craft Show on Satur day, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The vocal and instrumental talents of the school's musicians will serenade shoppers as they browse among the booths of over 90 artisans in the cafe teria and the atrium-style hallway. Bar gain seekers can also enjoy baked goods, a hot lunch or afternoon tea. Admission is free to the school at 1123 Glenashton Dr. (east of 8th Line). Music students and staff co-ordinate this Craft Show each year to help finance the school's band and vocal groups. Proceeds will go to the music program to help buy more instruments. November 2 - 4,2001 International Centre, Mississauga .Free trip giveaways Free Parking Kids under 12 FREE Things to do. People to see. Places to go. The 2001 Travel & Leisure Show is where you want to be. Everything under the sun. Check out hundreds of exhibits, including tour operators, air, rail and cruise lines, hotels, spas and luxurious resorts. Take advantage of great deals and special discounts on a wide variety of trips and destinations. Other highlights: Live entertainment Indoor golf driving range Performances by Cirque Eloize D-Jay the Clown Wine sampling Blue Jays pitching cage 24'Climbing wall Cooking demos courtesy of Longo's Kitchen catering And much more... Singing priest releases new CD Father M ark Curtis, chaplain at St. M ildred's-Lightboum School, has released a new CD. The Call , his 13th recording, repre sents 25 years o f perform ing and recording for charities in Canada and the United States. A portion of sales from The Call will go to support The Rose Cherry Home, Canada's first hospice/respite for terminally ill children, and the New York Relief Fund. For more information on Father Curtis or his CDs, visit www.fathermarkcurtis.com. W e e k e n d H ig h lig h ts Fifty-P lus D ay F rid a y , N o v e m b e r 2 1 2 :0 0 p m - 9 :0 0 p m H oneym oon D ay S a tu rd a y , N o v e m b e r 3 1 0 :0 0 a m - 6 :0 0 p m F a m ily D a y Sunday, N o v e m b e r 4 1 0 :0 0 a m - 5 :0 0 p m A d m is s io n : A d u lt s $ 1 0 * S e n io r s (5 0 + ) & Y o u th s $ 7 · K i d s u n d e r 12 F R E E (when occompanied by an adult) Sponsored by: - RoyalCaribbean N T E R N A T I O N A L RBC INSURANCE Robin Mitchell, along with Noel Hooper, M ark Fordham and Michael Pieczonka, won a Gemini this past week end for Best Visual Effects in the miniseries, Nuremberg. This was the Oakville matte painter's first Gemini nomination. Oakville had two nominees and two winners. P h o to b y P e te r C . M c C u s k e r ANOTHER WINNER: See Web site for special admission discounts at: www.TravelandLeisureShow.com Show Hotline: 416-201-4787 OaJwiUsL | MISS. ONTARIO L5J 4S8 a ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICES INC. 1 2355 ROYAL WINDSOR DR., UNIT 5 00o cnoo 0 £ £ *O U O £ V IC T IM - L e s s A C om m unity Policing Conference designed to bring together citizens, police personnel and stakeholder com m u nity groups to focus on the physical, em otional and econom ic im pacts of violence on the victim s and society. JOHN D. THOMSON GENERAL MANAGER HURON HURON SERVICES GROUP LIMITED | "Quality service to the distribution industry since 1969". 418 N O R T H S E R V IC E R D . E A S T U N IT 3 C O A K V IL L E , O N T. L 6 H 5 R 2 SALES AND SERVICE NEWAND REBUILT MOTORS Friday, November 2, 2001 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm 'ERS/Bi e P i U/\j p s Saturday, November 3, 2001 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Cost $60.00 TEL: (905) 845-4075 FAX: (905) 845-4802 Collisionfree! D riv er Im p ro v e m e n t ® YOUNG DRIVERS*of C a n a d a 1That's w h a t parents are for. !ISra«3 Seniors and F u ll-tim e Students $30.00 Brought to you by: D o n 't D r i n k & D riv e D R IV E S A F E D R IV E S O B E R Halton Regional Police Service ww w. youngdriver s .com S e x u a l A s s a u lt & V io le n c e I n te r v e n tio n S e r v ic e s o f H a lto n M A D D H ALTON C H A P T E R | 4 6 6 S p e e r s R d ., S u i t e 2 0 1 , O a k v ille (905) 845-7200 Halton Multicultural Council H a lto n R e g io n H e a lth D e p a r tm e n t 8 4 4 - 0 0 9 6 W OAKVILLE DODGE CHRYSLER LTD. 4:00 6:00 7:00 7:30 pm pm pm pm Halton Community Consultation Committees < CONFERENCE AGENDA j f j ' HiE X E C U T IV E S E A R C H I N C .4 c G len A bbey `""N Friday. November 2. 2001 646-4TH LINE AT SPEERS ROAD O A K V ILL E , O N T A R IO L6L 5B2 TEL. (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -4 2 1 1 FAX (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 5 7 7 2 BOSLEY R E A L ESTATE W .H . B O S L E Y & C O . LTD. R E A L T O R Registration opens ( ongoing to 7:00) Marketplace open. Dinner Welcome - C h ie f Ean A lg a r C h u c k K o n k e l, police officer and author of mystery novels - " Hate-an Equal Opportunity Employer" Entertainment 9:00 pm Networking, Marketplace 10:00 pm Wind-up for the night Executive and Professional Recruitment "Committed to Your Search Needs " Art Rivard, CMC, President Glen Abbey Executive Centre 1155 North Service Rd. W,, Unit I, Oakville. ON L6M 3E3 Office: C.H.R.P. Saturday. November 3. 2001 8:30 am Full Breakfast 9:00 am S a l l y A r m s t r o n g , editor-at-large, Chatelaine. "Victim-less is Powerfull" (The Power to Change) 10:15 am Forum 1 (choose one from 4) 12:15 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Bullying - a Unique Approach - B r e n d a B y e r s 1:30 pm S t u A u t y , Canadian Safe Schools Network, Violence in Schools - a Canadian Perspective 2:45 pm Forum 2 (choose one from 4) 4:00 pm D i c k O ' B r ie n , " Love is Less the Opposite of Hate and More the Basis for Hope" 5:00 pm Closing 845-9350 v a H n O u P r P E R S S 2 ^ D R U G M ART® v (905) 847-0560 Fax: (905)847-9592 Internet: www.execuprolinlicom^ ^Email: ait@ execuprolink.com L O C K W O O D K ^ IC H R Y S L E R 175 W yecroft Rd., O akville, Ont. (Betw een K err & Dorval) Oakville Place (905) 842-3730 Oaktown Shopping Plaza c Marketplace FORUM 1 CHOICES (Saturday at 10:30 am) FORUM 2 CHOICES (Saturday at 2:45 pm) O u t la w M o t o r c y c le G a n g s .N o r m Robert, Halton Regional Police Service C r im in a l H a r a s s m e n t : S t a lk in g - " O n e W o m e n 's S t o r y o f S u r v iv a l" : Diane Price T h e O n t a rio D is a b ilit ie s A c t : What is it and Why is it Needed. - Chris Portelli E d u c a t in g & T a k in g A c t io n o n t h e L in k b e t w e e n C r u e lt y to A n im a ls a n d H u m a n V io le n c e : C. Daniell & L. Paterson Ontario SPCA ^ ^ d a Is t s d u d s ^ an ongoing display of a s s o c ia te d m a te ria ls for your inform ation a n d p u rc h a s e (905) 845-6674 (Open til midnight) Hopedale Mall (905) 827-4141 Upper Oakville Shopping Centre (905) 842-3934 Bronte 2297 Lakeshore Rd. W. H a t e o n t h e (ln t e r )N e t : Abbee Corb W it n e s s o f In t o le r a n c e , B r u t a lit y a n d G e n o c id e : Max Eisen, Holocaust Survivor H o m o p h o b ia : Designed to increase knowledge & awareness around the issues of homophobia, offer suggestions to ensure that programs & services are inclusive, accessible & sensitive & will also feature personal experiences and life stories. A c t io n N o w ! The Ontario Human Rights Commission's approach to Ageism and Age ^Discrimination in Ontario - Annette Sang Our gently used children clothing & toy store is now open! 337 Kerr Street Hours Mon. to Frr. 9-noon & 1-4 p.m. OAKVILLE PARENT-CHILD CENTRE 05- 849-6366 Susan Diane Brown C h a rte re d A c c o u n ta n t For Registration Information call Halton Regional Police Service Com m unity Policing Coordinator Phone: 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -4 7 4 7 ext. 5064 Email: gregg.davidson@ hrps.on.ca t (905) 827-1561 Halton Regional Police keeping our communities safe.

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