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Oakville Beaver, 31 Oct 2001, b4

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B4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 31, 2001 Halloween food drive for Fareshare A group o f local high school stu dents will be collecting canned food donations for Fareshare Food Bank tonight for Halloween It's all part o f Halloween 4 Hunger, organized locally by Kim Plewes and Kelly Nenniger, Grade 10 students at Oakville Trafalgar High School. Last year, OTHS students collected 2,010 cans o f food for Fareshare. This year, Iroquois Ridge High School students, and youth from Knox Presbyterian Church will join them. There will also be drop box at Sobeys at M aple Grove Village. About 20 groups o f students will be collecting in all parts of Oakville. They plan to donate the food to Fareshare on Nov. 8. If interested in volunteering or donating, em ail H 4H Oakville@ hotmail.com. »» » ' D IC K E W S W H C H EO K Tuesday,December 11 th - Friday, December 14th Monday, December 17th - Friday, December 21st Seating times -- 11:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12 noon, 12:30 p.m., and 1:00 p.m. $2 1.95 per adult RESERVATION IS REQUIRED The buffet luncheon has been on annual event at Glen Abbey. It is perfect for groups that do not have the size to hold an evening gathering. Due to its popularity, dates book quickly. It is encouraged that you book as soon as possible. ^ t f t K F A s r with s a w ta c ia m s Saturday, December 15th $ 1 5 Seating times - 9:00 > > . 9:30 a m , lO OO a m. (inclusive) per adult and child (Child price includes picture with Santa) >»» RESERVATION IS REQUIRED This has become a popular fam ily event, where the parents and kids get to meet Santa Claus in a more intimate social surrounding. Santa leaves his sleigh behind and arrives in a golf cart. Santa will also be available to take photos with the kids. We will accept a later seating time for companies who want to book a fam ily day so that their children m ay hove the opportunity to meet and take pictures with Santo. r my "^ Hwie ywi Im k e d yim Guiidtouw yet? There are still some prime November and December evening dates available for your Christmas Party. We are extending a special for any group wanting to book (Please call for details.) Photo by Riziero Vertolli Posing with some of the stockings to be auctioned at the Seasons of Comfort and Joy Gala and Auction Fundraiser on Nov. 8 in Toronto for Rose Cherry's House, are volunteers from left, Pat Hetherington-Keys, Lorraine Campbell, Shevawn Adams and Wendy Osmar, and at front, Cindy Cherry, daughter o f Don Cherry and the late Rose Cherry, for whom this house is named. Rose Cherry's House, under construction in Milton, will be a children's hospice. m »» G A L L B I S T R O & E R Y G R IL L a t G le n A b b e y Seasons of Comfort and Joy hopes to raise $100,000 for Rose Cherry' s House By Robb S w yb ro us SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER 1333 DORVAL DRIVE, OAKVILLE m u internalim, frCecae ca££ 905-844-3383 Check out our rates! H ere's a sam ple of som e of our auto insurance rates... Year 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 Vehicle Buick LeSabre LTD Chevrolet Cavalier Chrysler Intrepid Dodge Grand Caravan Ford Windstar Wagon GL Ford Explorer Monthly Premium* $50.00 $50.66 $58.00 $48.33 $43.33 $63.75 C osts w ill vary based on individual driving records. C all fo r y o u r personalized quote. Don't sacrifice service for savings with Halton-Caird you can have it all! Call us today for vour free, no-obliqation quote on vour home & auto insurance Halton-C aird Insurance Brokers 2370 Wyecroft Road, Oakville. (Between Bronte Rd. & Third Line) (905)847-5500 HUB international Providing personalized insurance solutions for our community for over 55 years. # V oted B e s t In su ra n c e B ro k e ra ge b y The R e a d e rs S e le ctio n A w a rd s # in the O akville B e a v e r - T W O ye a rs in a ro w ! Cindy Cherry knows all to well how difficult it is to build a home. The daughter of Don and Rose Cherry is in her third year of fundrais ing to build Rose Cherry's Home, a proposed hospice for children, named after her late mother. W hen completed, Rose Cherry's home will sit on 77 acres o f land near Milton and provide continuing care for chronically and terminally ill children. Cindy is hoping the home will be completed by the end of 2002. "It's just a matter of time, people will say this has been three or four years in the making but when you're doing it on your own it takes time," she said. "Every year it gets closer and closer so hopefully by the end of next year (it will be ready)." Getting ready means raising $3.5 million needed to build the home. To do that, Cindy and a group of dedicat ed volunteers, work tirelessly to organ ize an annual gala dinner and auction. The first auction took place two years ago and the fundraiser continues this year with the Seasons o f Comfort and Joy Gala and Auction Fundraiser for Rose Cherry's Home. The dinner and auction is set for Nov. 8 at the Liberty Grand in Exhibition Place, Toronto. Don Cherry chipped in to help organize the first two events and this year will act as master o f ceremonies. Cindy admits having a well-known father certainly helps with promotion. "Dad's the ultimate in the sense that his name really helps, it opens the doors for sure," Cindy said. "H e's always there when I need him." The highlight o f night will be the auction where attendees bid on stock ings, created in part by the Association o f Registered Interior Designers of Ontario, and stuffed with the kinds of prizes people dream about. Prizes include tickets to a Maple Leafs game (with a chance to meet Don Cherry and his sidekick, Ron MacLean o f the CBC), a week at a resort in LakeTahoe, some computers, cell phones, Air Miles, spa certificates and a vin tage bottle o f Dom Perignon cham pagne. "We just had an incredible response this year," event co-organizer Shevawn Adams said. "We have something for everyone." The organizers are hoping to raise more than $100,000 with this year's event. "It keeps getting better and better every year. The money is great, I hate to put a dollar figure on it because suc cess is not only measured by the dol lar," she said. "We can always say it's to raise money and unfortunately that's the way things are. But the main thing is to bring the awareness of what we're all about and also to give tribute to our founding sponsors and thank them for coming on board when we really need them." Tickets for the event cost $250 and can be purchased by calling the Rose Cherry's Home event hotline at 416360-0999. The gala is :a black-tie event. St. Andrew' s house tour tickets on sale tomorrow A holiday tradition since 1981, St. Keepers, Maple Grove Village, Maple A ndrew 's Church will hold its Grove and Cornwall; Glen Abbey Christmas House Tour of eight beauti Framing & Fine Art, Town Centre 1, ful homes, the church and the parish Dorval and North Service; Raymar centre, on Dec. 1. Lighting, 338 Lakeshore Rd. E.; Renowned interior decorators and Bookers, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E.; The floral designers will professionally English Butler, O akville Place, decorate these well-appointed homes. Leighland and Trafalgar; Flippance & Tickets will be available from local Carr, Bronte Village Mall, Lakeshore merchants from Nov. 1 to Dec. 1. and Bronte; M ary's Keepsakes, 132 Tickets are $20 and refreshments are Trafalgar Rd.; Upper Oakville Card available at the parish centre. Shoppe, Upper Oakville Shopping Oakville merchants selling tickets Centre, Upper M iddle and Eighth are: Abbey Health Foods, Hopedale Line; and Upstairs Downstairs, 88 M all, Rebecca at Third Line; An Dunn St. English Garden, Pilgrim's Way Plaza, For inform ation, call 905-8441395 Abbey wood Dr.; Finders 4358. TABRICLAND ________ AT OUR REGULAR PRICE_______ I a H M PH (OF EQUAL VALUE OR LESS) Choose from Special Selections of wvw.oakvHlebeaver.com Halton's Water Is Clearly Top Quality Halton Region's Water Quality Quarterly Report Ouly-September 2001) is now available. The report provides information about where your drinking water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. |J j Fashion Fabric Including: · S U IT IN G S · F A S H IO N K N IT S · IM P O R TE D E U R O P E A N P R IN TS · F A S H IO N P R IN T S & S O L ID S · H U G B U N N Y D EN IM HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: B uy 1 full m eter o r unit of selected m erchandise at Fabricland's regular price, and get the next 2 full m eters or units (of equal value) FR EE! Choose from Special Selections of Notions Including: ·B A G G E D N O V E LTY B U T T O N S ·RIBBON R O SES · N A ILH EA D S T U D S ·TRIM C L E A R A N C E ·W OVEN B R A ID S ·BRIDAL A P P L IQ U E S & TRIM ·SP O O LED XMAS TRIM All B u y 1 G e t 2 Free! Choose from Special Selections of Choose from Special Selections of H o w do es H a lto n m e a s u re up? · · · Halton's w ater has consistently tested SAFE; H alton Region meets the required O n ta rio D rin kin g W ater Standards; H alton Region staff are highly qualified, licensed and dedicated to delivering safe drinkin g water. W e a re c o m m itte d to c o n tin u o u s im p ro v e m e n t. N ext year, significant upgrades to the w ater treatm ent facilities in G eorgetown and M ilto n w ill be com plete. Plans are also in place fo r a new ozonation process at the Burlington W ater Purification Plant to address sum m ertim e taste and odour changes. W h ile these changes are a natural phenom enon and are n ot harm ful to health, the new ozone treatm ent process w ill im prove both the q uality and the taste o f the finished w ater by p roviding m ore com plete destruction o f the bacteria present in the untreated w ater and by a llow ing us to reduce the am ount o f chlorine w e use. This new process w ill be in place in the spring o f 2004. All B u y 1 G e t 2 Free! Choose from Special Selections of Christmas F A B R IC , T R IM & S P O O L C O L L E C T IO N All B u y 1 G e t 2 Free! Special Selection of D IS C O N TIN U E D PATTERNS M cCall's, Simplicity, N ew Look, Butterick 1 B a s ic F a b ric Including: ·W -l-D -E B R O A D C L O T H · S H IR TIN G S · S P O R TS W E A R B O T T O M W E IG H T S · S T R E T C H YA R N D YE P LA ID S · LA M B S K IN F L E E C E S O L ID S · C R IN K L E YA R N D YE P LA ID S , C H E C K S & S O L ID S ·CORDUROY S O L ID S & P R IN TS H om e D e c o r Including: · C A F E LA C E S · A S S O R TE D TR IM S · D E C O R P R IN TS & PLAID S ·P R IN TE D S H E E R S ·T H O M A S V IL L E U P H O L S TE R Y · D IS C O N TIN U E D DR A P ER Y & more! A ll B u y 1 G e t 2 Free! ON LY $1 .4 9 each Vogue Patterns ONLY $3 .4 9 each HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION! Find o u t m o re a b o u t w a te r q u a lity in H a lto n . · Visit www.region.halton.on.ca/ppw/water to view results fo r all w ater supplies in H alton Region; Pick up a copy o f the W ater Q u a lity Q uarterly Report from Halton's Planning & Public Works D epartm ent at 1151 Bronte Rd.', O akville; O rd e r a copy o f the report by phone at 905 -8 25 -6 0 00 ext. 6032 or toll free at.1 -866-4H A LTO N (1 -866-442-5866). Entire In-Store Stock! BURDA Patterns B U Y 1 at M .S.R.Price, G E T 1 FREE! (o f e q u a l va lu e o r less) · All B u y 1 G e t 2 Free! Sale in effect Oct.29-Nov.l 1, 2001, on selected in-stock merchandise, while quantities last. Most items available in most stores. Look for the red sale tags. Sorry, no special orders. · OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V IL L E 844-7728 In fo lin e : 1 -8 8 8 -7 8 0 -0 3 3 3 W e b s ite : w w w .fa b ric la n d .c a w w w .region.halton.on.ca/ppw/water ______________________________ J

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