A 6 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday O ctober 24, 2001 T h e Oakville B eaver Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver .Associate Publisher Norman Alexander Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Steve Crazier Circulation Director Ten Casas Office Manager Mark Dills Production Manager Riziero Vertolli DirectorofPhotography Metrdand Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd.. indudes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser. Alliston Herald/Courier. Arthur Enterprise News, Barrie Advance. Barry's Bay This'W eek. Bolton Enterprise. Brampton GuarcSan, Burlington Post. Burlington Shopping News. City Parent, Coftngwood/Wasaga Connection. East York Mirror, Bin Advocate/Country Routes. Etobicoke Guardian, Flamborough Post, Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press. Hamston Review. Huronia Business Tunes, Kingston This Week. Lindsay This Week, Markham Ecnomist & Sun. Midland/Penetanguishine Mirror. Milton Canadian Champion, Milton Shopping News. Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide. Newmarket/Aurora Era-Bamer. Northumberland News. North York Mirror, Oakvie Beaver, Oakville Shopping News. Oldtimers Hockey News. O rite Today, Oshawa/Whilby/Clarington Port Perry This Week. Owen Sound Tribune, Palmerston Observer. Peterborough This Week. Picton County Guide. Richmond Hill/ThomhillA/aughan Liberal, Scarborough Mirror. StouffviBeAJxbridge Tribune. Forever Young, City of York Guardian cca Canadian Circulations 1 3 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: fo'f j h h j RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY: F O RVB U S IN E S S S iT H E A R T S Ontario Community Newspapers Association Jinge B ell Fund v jg W jl 467 Speers Rd., Oakville O n t L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-2809 Circulation: 845-9742 f* C N A Canadian Community Newspapers Association /0 7 T ^ H O N TV AUCTION » 1 ra fflft JM ena JT lw a rd # ^ C > O a k v ille FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE tf f t T T E R f L Y f in d m sa p n | oakville galleries | T h e O a k v ille , M ilto n a nd D is tric t E d ito ria ls Missing the point Elsewhere on this page you'll find a missive by the Oakville & District Labour Council full of epithets concerning the current military campaign against terrorism and the plight of other poor nations. It regurgitates the old assumption, that if only the masses would rise up and be heard, that everything in their respective countries would be great. The argument is as outdated as communism. We find it completely absurd to blame "capi Blaming western nations talistic countries" for the poverty and economic for all the ills of Third plight of Third World and developing nations. World and developing In fact, were it not for western expertise in nations doesn't hold up helping these nations build roads, electricity and other infrastructure, they would still be in the dark under scrutiny. ages. Despite the construction of hydroelectric projects and teaching improved agricultural and industrial skills, the governments of these nations have been slow to embrace what must be done to help their people. Spare us the naive belief, that international terrorism can only be curbed and elim inated "by strengthening international relations based on the principles of peace, eco nomic and social equality, with full respect for sovereignty and self-determination of all nations and peoples." In truth, Canada and other western nations have gone to Third World countries to try and effect change through a variety of methods, including the running of non-cor rupt elections. But some of these efforts, where they're even allowed, have been ham pered by existing governments bent on profiting from the squalour of their own peo ple. So much for sovereignty and self-determination. And as far as poverty goes, birth control is still rejected by many of these coun tries and as their populations spiral out of control, so too do the numbers of people in abject poverty with little hope for the future. Any close examination of the situation will find that many impoverished nations can look to their own governments for their plight. They are governed by leaders intent on lining their own pockets at the expense of the people. That's why the circle of poverty continues, not because of the `interference' of "imperialistic powers" such as Canada and the U.S. SK Suburban Newspapers ot America o J C a u C h ild re n 's C h o ir REAL ESTATE BOARD krtarW H * , Letters to the Editor The Oakville Beaver welcomes your comments. All letters must be typed, signed and include the writer's address and phone number. Send to: Letters to the Editor, The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 Sky marshals better than fighter plane escorts I reviewed a list of those who died in the Collapse of the World Trade Centre. They seemed to have a component in common. One, I think, I share. It would have killed me also. I would not have left my desk given that the planes hit 40 or so stories above me. I mention this because I have no intentions of being intimidated, yet plan to be more cau tious. Let me draw a parallel. The nation was in a panic over AIDS, children barred from school, etc.. Those with it, and to some extent still, avoided. I do not avoid them. I try not to shake hands with anyone when I have an abrasion, but then I never have like physical contact of any kind with strangers. We, as a nation and world, will adjust. The terrorists make a big mistake by continuing the attacks, if that is what the Anthrax letters are and not another crazy or two like the Uni bomber. Yes, we adjusted to AIDS, we will adjust to this, The same is true today as when AIDS appeared. I don't plan to change the way I live much. I do plan to "watch my back" more than I used to. I plan to stay more alert, much as I do when I go through unsavory parts of Toronto, Vancouver, etc. or for that matter any city. However, the probability of dying goes up given certain kinds of inaction on our govern ment's part. In 6 to 8 months I expect to start routing myself through the US when I fly. I prefer the dangers associated with having armed "Sky Marshals" on planes to that of armed fighter planes trying to force terrorists to land a plane safely. Letter of the Week Oakville Labour Council denounces war tactics The ODLC deplores and condemns the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon building in Washington on Sept. 11, 2001. We reject terrorism - the targeting of innocent civilians in order to achieve political ends as a form of political struggle. Genuine progress can only be achieved through the direct and active involvement of the mass es of working class people in a determined and con scious struggle for dem ocracy, peace and social advancement. While categorically rejecting terrorism, the ODLC nevertheless feels compelled to point out that such des perate tactics are a direct product of growing anger and resentment around the world. Three-quarters of human ity are forced to tolerate the rampaging spread of mass poverty, economic plunder and social disparity in its respective countries. They must do so under conditions imposed upon them by a handful of dominant imperial istic powers led by the United States, including Canada and other leading capitalistic countries. They also suffer under the instruments of this imperialistic global dictate through the IMF, WTO, World Bank, and hemispherical trade agreements such as the FTAA. When countries and peoples have succumbed to dictatorial policy from Washington, they have fallen victim to American organ ized state terrorism towards Cuba and Chile, Iraq and Yugoslavia. International terrorism can only be curbed and ulti mately eliminated by strengthening international rela tions based on the principles o f peace, economic and social equality, with full respect for sovereignty and self-determination of all nations and peoples. We. the members o f the ODLC deplore the air bombing attacks by the U.S. and Great Britain. This is not the solution to the problem of terrorism. We call upon the peace forces across Canada to pre vent a unilateral military response by the U.S. and instead to demand a political solution to this festering problem based upon an increased positive role of the United Nations to seek just, peaceful political solutions to local and regional conflicts around the world. The ODLC strongly opposes any domestic or inter national attempt to use this tragic episode as justifica tion to limit democratic rights, including the rights to assembly, privacy, and legal due process or to extend repression against the people. The ODLC condemns tendencies in the mainstream press to scapegoat ArabCanadians in the wake of these terrorist acts and will strenuously combat any and all attempts to victimize ethnic, religious or political minorities in Canada. S m o k e-free is th e only way to go Ed. note: The following let ter was submitted to Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale and mem bers o f Town Council - a copy was also filed with the Oakville Beaver. At last week's public con sultation meeting on the pro posed smoke-free bylaw for Oakville, a number of restau rant and bingo hall operators voiced their opposition to the proposed legislation. Comment was made regarding the fact that very few people in the room were in favour of the bylaw, they also argued that a negative economic impact might be felt if the bylaw was enacted. One gentleman went so far as to compare the actions of health department staff and councillors to Nazism. In response, consider the following. The (Halton) Region recently conducted a systematic, representative sur vey of residents that showed that nearly 80 per cent favour a smoke-free environment. In Oakville, this is the equivalent of approximately 91,000 adults who supported the bylaw. The notion that a ban on smoking leads to economic loss has consistently been refuted by independent, scientific study. What are truly important are the immeasurable related soci etal costs, both human and eco nomic, that result from smok ing. W hen deliberating on healthy public policy, council should base its decisions on defensible scientific informa tion, not anecdotal evidence and emotion, compelling as they may seem. Please listen to the voices o f 91,000 con stituents and pass this bylaw unanimously, it's time for Oakville to catch up to its neighbouring municipalities that have already gone smokefree. Charles B. Schom Land battle continues To those of you who participated in the pub lic process regarding the development of the lands north of Dundas, we congratulate you and thank you. It was due to your tireless efforts, your let ters, your phone calls, and your attendance at what seemed like countless and endless meet ings, that the Town decided to send Official Plan Amendment 198 back to the drawing board. You made a difference in this town. However, the only way to assure a wellwritten OPA 198, is to stay involved with the process. Citizens must stand on guard. We must stay involved, even become more involved than before. We, the residents of Oakville, still have a long haul ahead of us. But we can do it. It's our town. As one of our col leagues so aptly put it: "let's take back our town". It's our home and we want to feel proud of it. Again, thanks for all your efforts and sup port. We'll be calling on you for more help soon. For more information, check the website at www.oakvillegreen.com C a n a d ia n w a r e ffo r t w a s te o f m o n e y All Canadians must raise their voices against the proposed assault on our freedoms, under the pretext of "anti-terrorism leg islation". Canadians with environmental and social justice concerns are now being portrayed as unpatriotic Americans. From now on, every hand raised in objection will be regarded as a hand raised in attack. National security is fostered by a humane economy, cultural diversity, equity , and a habitable environment. The estimated $ 1 billion for the Canadian war effort is an obscene waste o f tax payers' money stolen from peaceful pursuits and human needs. Anne Hansen Paul Fleiszer Homelessness a very real concern Congratulations to Howard M ozel and the Beaver for focusing on the issues surrounding poverty, and homelessness. It really doesn't take much, a layoff, an accident at work.a severe illness.or just plain bad luck to slip from the Sunny Side of the Street. And most people are ju st a regular pay cheque or two away from this reality. While the established and comfortably off may have access to lines of credit, and home equity loans, to help scape by for a relatively short time in a crisis, it doesn't take much for misfortune to force a changing of life/house hold priorities and living standards. Rather than a them vs us, this is very much a "there but for the grace of God go I" sce nario. Iris McGee, Hank Rodenburg, Mike Lansdown, Renee Sandelowsky Oakville green Conservation Associates Inc. B.Kennedy Pud I'VE BEEMTRYiNSTo PACK more nutritious foops THE KIDS' lu n c h e s A s ' b y s te v e n e a s e Willie Lambert SAMMY. HoW D ID Y oul like the fru it salap On behalf o f the Oakville & District Labour Council President IN Your lunch IT WAS GREAT/. Toward universal responsibility In the dark days now upon the earth, some of us may find guidance in these words of a great spiritual leader -- the Dalai Lama: I believe that to meet the challenge o f our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense o f universal responsibility. Each o f us must learn to work not just fo r his or her own self, family, or nation, but fo r the benefit o f all humankind. Universal responsibility is the real key to human survival. It is the best foundation fo r world peace. lately . no Brian Hopkins