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Oakville Beaver, 24 Oct 2001, A 4

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A 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday O ctober 24, 2001 D IC IC E K S m n C H lO H 14th 21st Tuesday,December 1 1 t h - Friday, December Monday, December 17th - Friday, December Bar association president has reservations about anti-terrorism bill By Melanie Cummings SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER In lig h t o f sw eep in g an ti-te rro rism leg islatio n tab le d in the H ouse o f C om m ons this w eek, the president o f the O ntario B ar A ssociation is urging "h ealth y d e b a te " am ong all C anadians before lifea lte rin g le g isla tio n is adopted. "O ur responses to the te rro rist atta ck s in the U.S. on Sept. 11 have to be ones that our children can live w ith because they w ill have to function in it," Jam es O 'B rien told m em bers o f the H altonP eel C a n ad ia n C lub T hursday night. A fte r O 'B rie n 's sp ee ch , w hich w as rife w ith com m ents m ade by other legal, p o litical and m ilitary e x p e rts, clu b m em b ers p re sse d the recen tly nam ed a sso c ia tion president for his p er sonal opinions on how the legislation w ill affect our civil liberties. L ast w eek, C a n a d a 's Ju stic e M in iste r A nne M cL ellan in tro d u c e d a b ill th at w idens w iretap ping authority and allow s p o lic e to a rre st peo p le they think w ill engage in terrorism . F or the first tim e, the bill also gives the secre tiv e C o m m u n ica tio n s S e c u rity E sta b lish m e n t au th o rity to m o n ito r phone calls and e-m ails received in C anada from abroad. The bill also aim s to create a new offense o f m isch ief against places o f w orship. C ivil lib e rtie s groups and law yer organizations had said M cL ellan's an ti te rro rism b ill im p in g es too m uch on in d ividual freedom s. A nd p e rso n ally O 'B rien agrees. He said he has pro b lem s w ith po w ers o f a rre st and upon. . He said there is alw ays a struggle w ith fine lines, the need fo r national secu rity and to avoid a repeat o f heinous crim es such as Sept. 11 from ev er being repeated, against the need to protect our dem ocratic right to justice. "We have to ensure the pendulum d o e sn 't swing to e x trem e s id e s ," said O 'Brien. O 'B rien q u estio n ed w h e th e r p o lic e need greater pow ers o f arrest or m ore re so u rc e s, b ette r eq u ip m e n t and sta ff to m ore e q u ita b ly ex ecute current pow ers o f arrest. T h ese are p o litic a l d ecisions in the end, he concluded and w ith that he urged C anadians to get involved, m ake inform ed opinions and state them out loud if all our civil liberties are to continue to be upheld in this dem oc racy. Seating times - 1 1 :00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12 noon, 12:30 p.m., and 1:00 p.m. $ 2 1 . 9 5 per adult RESERVATION IS REQUIRED The buffet luncheon has been an annual event at Glen Abbey. It is perfect for groups that do not have the size to hold an evening gathering. Due to its popularity, dates book quickly. It is encouraged that you book as soon as possible. ^EMtfAST U>lTn SAKTA Saturday, December 1Sth S e s tin glim e s- 9 :0 0a .m ,9 :3 0o .m ,,1 0 :0 0« .< n . $15 (inclusive) per adult and child (Child price includes picture with Santa) RESERVATION IS REQUIRED This has become a papular family event, where the parents and kids get to meet Santa Claus in a more intimate social surrounding. Santa leaves his sleigh behind and arrives in a golf cart. Santa will also be available to take photos with the kids. We will accept a later seating time for companies who want to book a family day so that their children may have the opportunity to meet and take pictures with Santa. H ave you bonked yam Ckwbm panty yet? There are still some prime November and December evening dates available lor your Christmas Party. We are extending a special for any group wanting to book (Please call lor details.) G A L L & E R Y B I S T R O G R I L L at Glen Abbey 1333 DORVAL DRIVE, OAKVILLE F e* H tm u tfa w H ia ta M i, p ^ e m e ca U 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 3 8 3 James O 'Brien: concerns over anti-terrorism bill d e te n tio n at any tim e, b eca u se m ista k es are m ade w hen p o w ers are used aggressively and in haste. "I w ant checks and b al ances in the equation, I w ant ju stifie d detentions and if not, they sh o u ld n 't be any longer than neces sary because th a t's when rig h ts are in frin g e d Garden waste bags may have to be biodegradable By Lisa Tallyn SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Starting next fall Halton residents may not be allowed to put their leaf and yard waste out for collection in plastic bags. At Halton's Planning and Public Works Committee meeting Wednesday, committee supported a recommendation that as of Sept. 1, 2002, leaf and yard waste will only be collected in reusable containers and biodegradable paper yard waste bags. Committee also supported the renewal of the contract with GroBark for compost operations at the waste management site for five years. The recommendations will be before regional council for final approval today. "Banning the use of plastic bags for yard waste collection has environmental and economical benefits to the overall (compost ing) program," said Patrick Murphy, Halton's Commissioner of Planning and Public Works, in his report to the committee. Eliminating plastic bags will shave nearly $85,000 off the region's annual composting cost, bringing the total to $391,000, and another $9,000 each year from staff time. It will also result in reduced odours and improved compost quality. The cost of paper yard waste bags is approximately 2 to 25 cents more than a plastic yard waste bag. While the ban on plastic bags is to begin on Sept. I, the vol untary phase-in period will start April 2002. 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