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Oakville Beaver, 24 Oct 2001, Classified, D 4

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D 4 - T h e O a k v ille Beaver, W e d n e s d a y O c t o b e r 2 4 , 2 0 0 1 BEL general help wanted NEED EXTRA INCOME? Canada's leading sampling company has immediate opportunities for The W orld s Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-time E x p e rie n c e d JOIN OUR INCREDIBLE TEAM! Instore Demonstrators We are looking for outgoing and energetic people to sample and promote a variety ot products. Usual shifts: 3 days/wk, Ttiurs. 11-5, Fri. 12-6, Sal. or Sun. 10-5. Please call our National Recruiting Hotline HAIRSTYLISTS x for new salon opening in Oakville < We offer: Starting bonus $250-$500; Great commissions; Career advancement; Flex, work hours; Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW , please call Kym , 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -8 8 0 8 , X221 office-clerical office-clerical i^ M E D IA out-of-home advertising J 1-888-327-9361 Drivers R equired for Toronto Auto A uction Factory Sales D epartm ent. Valid drivers license required Full tim e w ork. 525 Legal Secretary/Law Clerk Avoid Toronto com m ute! Pleasant dow ntow n Oakville environment. Busy family practice, also, residential real estate, wills and estates. Require capable s e lf- s ta rte r w ith at le a s t 5 years experience in family law. Abundant opportunity for u p g ra d in g . W ill pay fo r law c le rk p ro g ra m . Knowledge of Word, W ordPerfect and Divorce Mate required. Forward resume by fax to: 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 0 1 9 3 Apply to John Parm 905-875-2915 Resume fax to 905-875-3219 OWN A Computer? Put it to work! Earn on-line income www.idealincome.net M O LLY M aid is grow ing again! R equires reliable dependable persons. Driv er's Lie. required. Trans portation & training provided. Call 905-681-7484 NEED a Job? Are you un em ployed? 90% of our P a rtic ip a n ts ge t em p lo y ment or training opportuni ties. C all the YM CA at (905)681-1140 TOW TR U C K O perator: FT required for busy Tow ing Co. CAA exp. an asset. Excellent wages & benefits. Drivers a bstract required. Apply @ 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown. 905-689-2386. AC C E SS to a com puter? W ork at hom e on-line . $2,000+ part time, $5,000+ full tim e. C all 1-877-4181741 www.123ezgold.com FITN E S S D epot, leading source for exercise equip ment, looking for Sales As sociates for Oakville. Must be h ded ica te d , p o s itiv e , perfo rm a n ce driven team player. Competitive wages from 25K -4 0K . Fitness background is an asset, not a must. Fax resume: 905SI 5-9670. ________ A T H LE TE S W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No e xtra s, no fees. M ust be a th le tic ! C all (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening. P A R T-TIM E cle a n in g re ta il s to re s in B u rlin gton . Nation wide cleaning com pany. Call Ramendra, 604861-8493_________ P A R T -tim e sales people $600-900/wk. Door-to- door, W e tra in . S u it students, home-makers, part-time/shift w o rkers, re tire e s . Call Christine (416)-919-2780 EX PER IE N C ED C o m m er cial S e rvice M achine O p e ra to r. M ust be flu e n t in English. S u pervisory e x perience an asset. Contact (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 - 6 8 5 7 fo r a p pointment Account Executive position currently available in Burlington. We are seeking a driven, competitive, hard w orking, fun, confident sales person who loves what they do - SELL! Best candidates are motivat-ed, career minded professionals who are driven by personal success yet excel in a team e n v iro n m e n t. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in clu d e prospecting, selling, custom er service, team support, and some light travel. A background in marketing or media would be an asset, but is not required. Excellent com pensation and benefits package. Fax Or E -m ail resum es to: Ted S zym an ski 90 5-6 84-8 85 0 / ted s ki@ o b ie.co m by 3:0 0 p.m . 10/29/01 V is it us at w w w .o b ie.c o m Community Notices Engagement Card of Thanks A h e a r tf e lt th a n k y o u to Regional Systems Operations, Planning & Public Works Department f o r o u ts ta n d in g s e r v ic e . S in c e r e ly , D o r a n B la n c h fie ld . S E R V IC E REP. Required to call on Home Depot stores. Travel required, setting up new stores throughout Ontario/ Quebec. Bilingual an asset but not necessary. Will train. Salary, car allowance, benefits. Reply with a brief resume to: BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATOR Must have computer skills, knowledge of word pro-* cessing, spreadsheets & accounting background. Willing to train. Please fax resume attn: Domenic: 905-333-6374 MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING 2861 Sherwood Heights Dr., #28, Oakville, ON, L6J 7K1 Fax 905-855-8559 e-mail: email@mcdonaldsales.com hospital, medical, dental D E LL Pharm acy requires an experienced pharm acy technician full-tim e for the Ham ilton/ Burlington area. O ur pharm acy team provides exceptional health care services fo r our cus tomers. Fax resume w/covering letter to Mary Nelson at (905)637-4119 ________ DENTAL H y g ie n is t- W ed nesday, Thursday, Friday. Pleasant w orking environ m ent, active hygiene pro gram . Resum e to: Dr. C. Chapman, Box 300, Carlis le, ON LOR 1 HO. or fax: (905)689-3299____________ RPN required for part-time in O a k v ille R etirem ent Home. Geriatric experience an asset. Fax resumes: 905842-8410, attn: Eileen______ MEDICAL Secretary: Mature, flexible, required to job share, fo r a S urgical Specialist starting January 2002. Please fax your resume to 905-844-4810. In Memoriam ` D WXROCM- M v M lL Ian and Linda DarrocH are phased to announce the engagement o f their daughter, Amanda to " Brian IhfamUson o f John and " Kaye JfamiC. A " M ay 2002 wedding is planned PREISS Thea - In loving memory of our dear mother Thea who passed away on October 23,1998. Three little words, 'Forget me not' Don't seem much, but mean a lot. Just a memory fond and true To show, dear mother, we think of you. Sadly missed and always remembered by her daughters M onika Blewett, Hella Comat and Families. CARETAKER/ HANDYPERSON P/T. Flexible 20 hrs/ wk for conscientious, dependable self start er. Apply in person or lax resume: HALTON HONDA 2300 Fairview, Burl. Fax: 905-681-0098 TIM H o rto n s h irin g !!!!! Mature, full-time, afternoon shift and day sh ift, store front, full-tim e baker, parttime midnight shifts. Apply 2355 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville or call Karen or Ken b e t ween 9am -4pm 905-2571294____________________ A S S IS T A N T S u p e rin tendent wanted for highrise in dow ntow n B u rlin gton . Please bring resume to 505 Locust Street. EARN extra money for the holidays. Independent con tractors needed for door to d o o r'd e liv e ry of Toronto Star. E arly m orn ings, 7 days. Reliable vehicle. Ken, 905-336-89 4 0 . __________ WORK from home interna tional company seeking full & part-time ambitious peo ple. Up to $700/wk possible. Call 416-631-7144 DYNAM IC new hom e care com pany com ing to O a k v ille / B u rlin g to n area requires full/ part-time peo ple for hom e clean ing. Please c a ll: (4 1 6 )7 2 7 9738 or fax resum e: to llfree 1-877-270-2340. EXPER IE N C ED G room: M ucking out, rid in g and teaching . Full tim e. A c com m o dation available. Non-smoking environment. Call 905-827-2234 ALSO REQUIRED CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. For more info, call Catherine: 905-333-5619 or fax resume to: 905-333-6374 550 domestic help wanted HOME C le a n e rs / H om e makers, occasional 3 hour assign m en ts. W ould suit early retirees. Seniors for Seniors. 905-572-6162 ESTil sales help & agnets Sometimes You Have to be in the at the EURO PEAN clean ing lady available im mediately to clean your home on Fri days and W ednesdays. Eva 905-286-1776.________ THE Best European Cleaning Service. Insured. Bonded. Commercial, Resi dential. Liz, res: 905-5750290, cell: 905-921-9237, www.europeancleaning.net Q U A L IT Y clean ing for your home. Best prices in town! References available. Burlington/ Carlisle/ Waterdown. 905-332-3813. G R AC E C leaning S ervice o ffe rs p ro fe s s io n a l w ork, organic cleaning supplies use d . O ffic e : ( 9 0 5 ) 8 1 3 0 7 2 8 . o r C e l: (4 1 6 )6 0 5 3728 Deaths KEILLOR, Jean - (nee Baxter). Peacefully at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Friday, October 19, 2001. Jean, beloved wife of Mac. Dear mother of Kevin Thomson and Nancy Thomson and step-mother of James Keillor and Scott Keillor. Fondly remembered by eight grandchildren. Sister of Shirley Clarke. Funeral Service was hetfl on Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville. Interment Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. In Jean's memory, donations may be made to Oakville Strokers, 190 Robinson Street, Oakville, Ontario L6L1G3. RITTER, John Thomas (Tom) - (Professional Skating Coach with the Canadian Ice Academy, former competitor and a MacMaster University student). Suddenly, as the result of an automobile accident on Saturday, October 20, 2001 in his 21st year. Tom, loved son of Jay and Tex. Dear brother of Eric. Cherished grandson of Elizabeth and Erhard. Dear nephew of Debbi John and her husband Chris Wallace and cousins Nicholas and Christopher. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville from 7-9 p.m. Monday October 22, 2001. Funeral service was held at Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn Street, Oakville 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. Private family interment. In lieu of flowers, donations to a memorial fund in Tom's memory may be made to: The Tom Ritter Memorial Fund, Skate Canada, Central Ontario, 150 Jardin Drive, Unit 7, Concord, Ontario, L4K 3P9, c/o Joan Stevens. UDRIS, Stacy Mary (Pumpkin / Smu) - (Recent graduate of George Brown College - Dental Assistant). Suddenly, as the result of an automobile accident on Sunday, October 21, 2001 in her 21st year. Stacy, beloved daughter of Imants and Virginia. Cherished sister of Bryan. Loved granddaughter of Jack and Ruth Carter and Valija and the late Evalds Udris. Dear niece of Jennifer and Neil Matson and Ian and Elizabeth Carter and their three children. Sadly missed by her boyfriend Ken Lawrence, her best friend Amanda Vintinner and her many friends. Visi tation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral Service 1:00 p.m. Thursday, October 25, 2001 at St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Oakville, (Maple Grove Rd,, at Oakhill). Cremation. Those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the Bronte Creek Project. W HITELY, Ja c k Benson - April 13, 1930 to October 16, 2001. Died peacefully at age 71, at his home, with his wife by his side. Beloved husband of Eleanor. Devoted father to Lisa, Dtfvid and Jeff. Father-in-law of Thierry, Connie and Gerri. Treasured younger brother of Rex and the late M argorie. Brother-in-law of the late Sally and George. "Grandpa Jack' of Katie, Jessica, Meghan, Kelly, Christopher and Sean. Son of the late parents Arthur and Margaret. Loyal and true friend to many. A policital science and economics graduate of the University of Toronto. His early career was with the Bank fo Canada and as a partner in a national investment banking firm. From 1986 to 1992, he was President and Chief Executive O fficer of Beacon Capital Corporation. During his career, he was President and Chief Executive officer of Beacon Hill Lodges, a health care company, President and Chief Executive Officer of Crown Trust Company, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Argyll Energy Corporation and President and Chief Executive Officer of Commerce Capital Corporation. Over the years, he served as a director of many public dnd private companies in Canada, the United States and Europe. A, Memorial Service will be held on Friday, October 26, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. at St. John's United Church, 262 Randall Street (at the corner of Dunn Street and Randall Street), Oakville, Ontario. Following the service, friends are invited to a reception to be held in the church. If desired, m emorial donations may be made to the charity of your choice. R ight Place R ight Tim e. Remember with a Like Oakville. A tte n d E dw ard Jones C a re e r N ig h t. FORTUNE' 2001 100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR donation 1- 8 8 8 - 939-3333 toll free · 24 hours a day / 7 days a week www.cancer.ca PERKS! Perks! Perks! On tario's largest Telus Dealer requires show room sales people. Salary + benefits. Apply w ith resum e to our store @ 3480 Fairview St., Burlington, Attn: David Picone____________________ kI 3 3 1 0 0& spa helP BUSY O a k v ille salon re quires H airstylist & A ssis tant. Salary plus up to 40% com mission. Mall location. 905-825-1977.____________ C A LIF O R N IA H air W orks is looking for an Assistant A p p re n tice and fu lltim e H a ird re sse r w /c lie n te le . Burlington. 905-634-4466. ES TH E TIC IA N required p a rt-tim e by busy d ow n town O a kv ille salon. E x perience a definite asset! Contact Pam 905-845-1911 Become an Edward Jones investment representative, and we'll give you everything you need to succeed, including a neighbourhood office, your own assistant and on-going training. This is a sales position like no other. Because you'll help others reach th e ir goals. Attend Edward Jones Career Night. J A K E 'S G rill & O yster House. J oin the C re w !Immediate openings for full/ pa rt-tim e g rill, prep &line cooks & dishw ashers. En joy good wages, great a t m osphere & c h allenging p osition in busy kitchen! Bring resume/ fill out application:950 W alker's Line (at QEW ) beside T ra ve lodge. (905)639-4084_______ ABBEY Arms Pub requires experienced Cooks & Wait S taff to jo in our frie n d ly team. Deliver resume: 481 N orth S e rvice Rd. (at Fourth Line), Oakville; Fax 9 05 -63 3-85 03, T el. 905825-1109 _ _ EXPER IE NC ED S e rv ers; D ishw ashe rs; H ost/ H ostess. P art-tim e eve n ings. S tuden ts w elcom e. Apply: First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview, Burlington. L IT T LE C a esars-- Now H iring In -s to re helpW eeknights & W eekends. Please apply 1500 U pper M iddle Road © B ra n t St., and at 1235 F airview St. ©Longo's Plaza. R E STA U R A N T M anager required. Also W ait Staff. Fax resum e to 905-8786305 or tele p h o n e Paul 905-876-9998 W ednesday to Sunday in clu sive b e t ween 9:30am and 11am. SO NZI Fine D ining R es taurant, downtown Burling ton, requires p a rt-tim e Bussers. Hourly rate + tips = great earnings. Call 905632-6682 KITC HEN Help & W ait S taff required fu lltim e . C ontact Luigi at Villa Gre co, Dundas & B ronte Rd. 905-827-3953 C H A M P LA IN Cafe & C a te rin g . F u ll-tim e Help required Mon.-Fri. Call Bur lington. 905-332-2007, a f ter 2pm. 30% D is c o u n t- End of Season S p ecial. DECKM AN's Professional S erv ice. All decks stripped and re fin is h e d to new. C edar Specialist! Free Estimates. Lim ited Bookings. Call Now. (905)632-1074 P LU M BIN G Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tions. B asem ent drains, bathroom s, dryw all, fram ing, tilin g . No Job Too Sm all. Frank, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 3874. . a painting & decorating PAINTING - Interior/ Exte rior, Residential/ Commeric a l. W a llp a p e r re m o v a l. F re e e s tim a te s . S e n io rs Discounts. Call Mark, 905467-1326 moving & storage LA R R Y 'S M o v in g - big or small jobs done to your sat is fa c tio n . P lease call (905)528-9453 Canadian Societe Cancer f V * j L canadienne Society du cancer Funeral Director O a k v ie w FUNERAL H O M E Our family serving your family Coming to O akville: Monday, October 29 at 6 p.m. 610 Ford Drive Oakville, ON Hosted by Robert Mulligan, Investment Representative Please call 905-338-1661 to RSVR Space is lim ited, call now. Shopping Mall Maintenance FU LLT IM E maintenance Scleaning position. Benefits after first mo./$9 per hr. 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL LE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville · Patrick McDermott .·Tam m y Cook Oakville's Premier Salon & Day Spa Fax resume to: (905) 332-6762 FREE Internet Job Search Training! If you are unem ployed and w a nt to learn how to use the Internet to help you w ith your job s earch, call the YM CA at 9 0 5 )-6 8 1 -1 140 fo r more information. FLO RA L A ssistants, parttime fo r O akville and Bur lington locations. Evenings & week-ends. Fax resumes to: 905-633-7587._____ U P SC ALE dating service now hirin g fem a les and males over the age of 21 to join our team in O akville. Must be attractive, a rtic u late and dependable. Must have re lia b le tra n s p o rta tion. $ 20 0-$ 400/day. No experience necessary. Call 905-338-1409 AM U S EM EN T C om pany, Oakville, looking for strong e n e rg e tic s e lf-s ta rte r to assist in S ales & O p e ra tions. Degree/ experience in Leisure industry an as set. Valid drivers license a m ust. S a lary to be d is cussed. 905-465-4111. POTTERY S upply House, 1120 Speers., Oakville, two po s itio n s: 1)C ustom er S e rvice/ S h ippers A s s is ta n t. w illin g to lift 50lbs, forklift exp. an asset, 40hrs/ week, some Sat. mornings: 2)P a rt-tim e W arehouse Cleaning Help. Ideal after school stu d e n t jo b . 1015hrs/week. Apply in per son, fax: 9 05 -84 9-00 01, email: bsmyth@pshcanada.com M ACH IN E O p erators & G eneral Lab ourers re quired for fast paced O ak ville factory. Will train. Fax resume to Kevin: 905-825-5656. CARPENTER/ Fram er, e xpe rien ced. M ust have own transportation. Wages negotiable- commensurate with experience. Call 905469-6425 ______ AD U LTS w anted to d e liv er The B u rlin g to n Post in A ld ersh ot. C all Bob 905632-0588 ext 264_________ FLA M B O R O U G H IGA re quires a fu lltim e Produce C lerk. Experience an as set. Apply in person: 255 Dundas, W aterdow n; Fax resum e: 905 -68 9-29 88 or calKJarmen: 905-689-0662 DRIVER p o sitio n fo r B u r lington company. No spe cial licen ce required. Physical lifting and reliabili ty. $12.50/hr. Forward re sum e to: P.O. Box 755, Waterdown. ON LOR 2H0 P/T Driver needed- $9./hr. Min. 4hr (M o n -F ri). M ust have valid Driver's License and current Abstract. Must be able to cross U.S. bor der. L iftin g required. Please call Z ab rina 905827-8230 Images International requires a part-time www.jonesopportunity.com Registered Massage Therapist P lease call Judy 9 0 5-3 38-3 33 3 R E L IA B L E A S S IS T A N T re quired fu lltim e fo r O ak v ille salon. A pply in p e r son: " W om an" 128 Reynolds Street, Oakville._______ L V J r l office-clerical BUSY d e a le rs h ip seeks part-time receptionist. Fax resume 905-825-8802______ GROW TH O p p o rtu n itie s ! D ynam ic m arke ting firm s e e k s -in d e p e n d e n t, s e lf motivated, F/T receptionist/ s e cre ta ry. K now ledge of Word, Excel. Must be fluent in w ritte n / oral S panish. Advancement opportunities. Fax resume: (905)634-1304. Edwardjones Serving Individual Investors C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir co-o rd in a te s, fabrics, installation. 10yrs exp. S h erry- (905)-6 346706, (905) 842-2252 morganinteriors@home.com gardening landscaping S H A W N 'S T ree Service, book now and save. 15% over regular seasonal rates of pruning s, large rem ov als, stump removal. Bobcat services available. Over 16 years experience. Fully in sured. Free estimates.. 905SI 2-2889. I dating services M EET Burlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H am ilton (905)-319-3111. Customer Service Person required imm ediately. · A growing company with QS9000 certification needs a computer experienced person to handle sales calls. The applicant must have a minimum college educa tion, be comfortable on the telephone and work with minimum supervision. The full time position is avail able immediately. Salary is negotiable based on ex perience, benefits available. Please reply to: The Burlington Post Box#1875,2321 Fairview Street, B urlington O ntario L7R 2E3 Family Services A lc o h o lic s Anonym ous If you drink, th at's your business If you w an t to quit, T h at's O urs! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Those with claims against the estate of the lateS THOMAS WILLIAM RUSHBY retired, who died at Oakville on September 7, 2001 are hereby notified to send fu ll particulars to the undersigned by; December 7, 2001 after which date the Estate will be distributed w ith regard only to the claim s their* received. Dated at Oakville, this 24th day of October, 2001 CHRISTINE ANN FLEMING, ESTATE TRUSTEE, c/o FRANK G.ZAMBOSCO Barrister & Solicitor 407 Speers Road, #201 Oakville, Ontario, L6K 3T5 905-842-1653 (phone) 905-845-9758 (fax) Solicitor for the Estate Coming Events P/T Sales for Dental Sup ply C om pany in O a kville . E xp erie nce in sales re quired. Knowledge of den tal fie ld p re fe rre d . C om petitive salary and commis sion. Fax resum e to: 905825-8305.________________ EN ER G ETIC & am bitious Inside Sales Rep needed. Sales exp. required. Must enjoy talking on the phone. $10./hr, full-time days, per m anent. C all M ichele at Sandtron Autom ation 905827-8230__________ Coming Events D on't M iss T o ro n to 's Forem ost Bridal Event PART-TIME SALES required for china and gift shop. Experience in sales preferred. Please drop off resume in person. Attn: Asta Ostergaard, January 4, 5, 6, 2002 N a m e ____________________________ I A d d re s s National Trade Centre Tender .P o s ta l C o d e . Tender Dania Unique, 3350 Fairview St. Burlington No phone calls please. REQUEST FOR PRE-QUALIFICATION Bid documents for the contract or service listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specified closing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone (905) 825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial toll free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). Documents will be available for pick up on and after Tuesday, October 23, 2001. There is a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement to provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated to notify any potential bidders in any other manner. W e d d in g D a te . I Fax _ E m a il ON-CALL STAFFING COORDINATOR Needed Wed. or Thurs. each week, 4:30pm8:30am & every 3rd weekend, Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Medical background an asset. Fax resume to: S E N D T H IS F O R M FO R Y O U R 2 FOR 1 A D M IS S IO N C O U P O N B Y F R I., D EC . 1 4 , 2 0 0 1 S e n d to : N a tio n a l B rid a l S h o w s c /o P re m ie r C o n s u m e r S h o w 4 6 7 S p e e rs R d ., O a k v ille L 6 K 3 S 4 . Fax: 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 - 5 5 7 1 a division of 01-T-014A JA N IT O R IA L PRE-Q U A LIFICATIO N InstaCare 9 0 5-3 38-5 61 6 O R TH O D O N TIC o ffic e in the H a lton region, seeks full-tim e R e ceptionist and C h airside A s s is ta n t. E x perience an asset, but not essential. Please forward resumes to: Box 6354 c/o O a kville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., O akville, L6K 3S4 or email to: orthoresume© yahoo.com ARE you a Certified Dental A ssista n t w ith great com m u nication s k ills ? W ould you like to be part of a posi tive. p ro g re s s iv e den tal pra ctice in O ak v ille ? For this fulltime opportunity, fax your resume in confidence to: 905-331-6087 BURLINGTON TAXI Seeking Full/Part-time D R IV E R S APPLY IN PERSON Mon.-Fri., 9am - 5pm 3472 Landmark Rd. Burlington No Phone Calls Please PA R T-TIM E Help w anted a p p ro xim a te ly 10-15 hrs/ week. Pay based on per formance. If interested, call 905-689-9740 Remember your loved ones on Remembrance Day, Sunday, November 11. Call Classified 905-632-4440 to place your In Memoriam notice. * CLO SIN G : TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 6, 2001 J . M a c C A S K IL L , C A C O M M I S S IO N E R O F C O R P O R A T E S E R V IC E S www.etnbids.com www.reoion.halton.on.ca/bids A . M IN D E N H A L L , C P P O MANAGER OF P U R C H A S IN G S E R V IC E S

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