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Oakville Beaver, 24 Oct 2001, Classified, D 3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday O ctober 24, 2001 - D3 T h e O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. · FRI. 9:00am · 5:00pm houses for sale G R IM S B Y . P rivate sale. Charming Tudor home, tree lined street. 3-bedrooms, 2baths, den, form al d ining room, recroom. glassed-in sunroom overlooking private garden. Leaded window s, bevelled glass French doors. $224,500. 905-945-0717. B U R L IN G T O N . M aple/ Lakeshore area. Bungaloft, 2+1 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 ha lf baths, m ain flo o r laundry & master bedroom w /e n su ite , fin ish e d ba se m ent. Easy high w ay a c cess. M ove-in cond ition . Many special features. No agents. Call 905-632-0433 O L O E Oakville. Charming Douglas Avenue hom e, 3 p lu s one b e d ro o m s , 2.5 b a th ro o m s , h a rd w o o d flo o rs , F re n ch d o o rs to cedar deck on 150' treed lot. S h ort w a lk to d o w n to w n , to la k e , to GO. $ 3 8 9 ,5 0 0 . P riv a te S ale. 905-338-3567 furnished rentals F U L L Y fu rn is h e d , "W estm ount", O a kville . 3 -b e d room 2.5 bath home. Short/ long term available. Imme diate. No pets or smokers. $25 00/m o. C all R ichard S horney, Assoc. Broker, R e/m ax A bouto w ne, 905338-9000________________ B E A U T IF U L la k e fro n t penthouse in new building. 2 bdrm/2 bath. Hdwd Fir's. G ra n ite c o u n te rs . F u lly e q u ip p e d . A v a il im m ed. $ 3 0 0 0 /m o n th in c l. u til's . Jeff Mahannah, Royal LePage (905)845-^267 C la ssified C om eH om e To CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area » ,, w oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240299 · Merchandise 300385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500570 · Services 700795 daycare available daycare available auctions, sales auctions, sales ® W e e /UfotchA Pitme Horn DayCare r r y Reliable, Dependable and Affordable HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Bd, Oakville Saturday,October 27 (indoors) Viewing & registration 8:30am-9:30am OFFICE & WAREHOUSE Shelter Canadian Properties Limited LUXURY Tow nhouse available fo r short term 6 m onth lease. B right and spacious end unit with de s ig n e r deco r. H a rdw ood flooring, bright kitchen with b re a k fa s t a re a , 3 b e d rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 ens u ite s , trip le c a r garage , s u n -d re n c h e d te rra c e $4200.00/per m onth (905) 845-8908 Ruthann Winter E X E C U T IV E Condo Town house, North Oakville, 2300 sq .ft., 3-bedroom s. 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom . 5 appl iances, fireplace, air, garage. N o v./D ec. $167 5 /m o .+ u tilitie s . C all W arren H ill, Trafalgar Property Manage ment, (905)338-1130 Others Available $ 1 1 5 0 / M 0 . Super 3 b e d room end unit. Q uiet s e cluded complex. 1.5 baths. Finished basem ent. G a rage, fridge, stove. Dec. 1st. Nigel M aunder, Assoc. Broker, S u tton G roup. (905)681-7900.___________ W E L L M aintained 3 -b e d room freehold in Glen Ab bey. Close to all amenities. 5 appliances. Prefer long term A1 tenants. 905-6932991:905-849-5597 FOR LEASE Offices- 2,500sq.ft,, 3,000sq.lt., 5,000sq.ft Warehouse -2,500sq.ft. Turnkey, First class facility. Ample parking. Excellent Burlington location. Best rates, call Mr. Kara 905-332-4676 or 905-334-5272 Brokers Protected apartments & flats for rent 2 -B E D R O O M , Bronte, ex cellent co nd ition ,ne w c a r pets, new tile, hardwoods, freshly painted, pool, te n nis c o u rt, u n d e rg ro u n d parking. $12 50/m th u tili ties included, Brad M iller, Century 21 Miller Real Es tate Ltd., (905)845-9180 daycare available D A Y C A R E a v a ila b le , my home - hot meals, snacks, Playground. H oly Fam ily School area. F rench/E ng lis h s p e a k in g . V e ry e x perienced. E xcellent references. (905)849-8119. L O V IN G mother of two off ers hom e daycare fo r in f ants in R iver O aks Area. CPR and 9 years o f d a y ca re e x p e rie n c e . R e fe r ences a v a ila b le . C a ll (905)844-0109___________ H A P P IN E S S b egins at hom e. E xp erie nced Mom w ill provide c h ild c a re in loving fam ily atm osphere. Brant/ QEW. 905-633-7960 L O V IN G , caring daycare from one who loves child ren. N o n-sm oker. R e fe r ences. Reasonable rates. Fun outin g s , w a lks, w e llbalanced meals. All ages. Palmer area. (905)335-4171. M IC H E L L E 'S D aycare C o rne r. Rare openings. Snacks, fun a c tiv itie s , fenced yard, across from Guy Brown. 905-689-8223. P R IV A T E home childcare; e stablishe d 17 years. Q ualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af ter hours, evenings, night time care, overnights, wee kends available. 905-6325735____________________ Q U A L IT Y childcare, Palmer area. Safe, lovin g fam ily environment. Full/ part-time spaces. N u tritious m eals/ snacks. Age s uitable activities. Daily outings. 2block w a lk to S ir E rnest M acM illan School. Lots of TLC! 905-336-9183._______ R E G IS T E R E D daycare provider has spaces avail able. 17yrs. expe rien ce. Nutritious meals, referenc es, receipts. Palmer area. 905-336-0864. Working as partners with parents & Providers, Wee Watch caters to the growth & development of children in a safe, home environment · Stimulating Daily Programs · Unscheduled Home Visits · Income Tax Receipts · Full & Part Time Care Please call Burlington 905-632-0551 Oakville 905-337-9221 When Only The Best Will Do AUCTION STARTS 9:30 AM Auction Sale of found bicycles and Assorted unclaimed property ETiH cars for sale vans, 4 wheel drive \1998 P o ntia c M ontana, V6, quads, alloys, CD, one ow ner, loaded, m int, 88K, w a rra n ty, $16 ,900 . 905844-3672.________________ 1 9 9 9 Dodge C aravan SE Sport- 79K, upgraded, 3.8L engine, fu lly loaded, very clean. $16,900. (905 )3 3 1 7578 E A S T B u rlin g to n : 3 -b e d room ranch, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $850/ mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd.. Realtor ETTil l l I I articles for sale ETTi] l l articles J J for sale 1 9 8 8 C H R Y S L E R Lebaron GTS Drive Clean and safe ty inspection. Very good re liable car, many new parts $2500.(905)319-6642 1 9 9 3 2 -D O O R C avalier 5spd 200,000km, one owner, non smoker, goodcondition, e c o n o m ic a l. a s k in g $2300/obo (905)469-4789 2000 Toyota Echo 4-door, auto, air. CD, ps, pb, gold colour 24K, excellent con d itio n $14 ,900 . 9 0 5 -6 3 4 3636 ___________ 1 9 9 8 P o ntia c M ontana, c e rtifie d , extended , V6, quads, alloys, CD. loaded, m int. 91K. $ 17 ,500 obo. 905-844-5965____________ 1 9 9 7 C hevy C a v a lie r2.2L. black, 2-dr, a/c, power sunroof, tinted windows. 67K. $9,500. (905)639-6384 1999 V o lksw a g o n Je tta TDI, Dark Green. Air, power su n ro o f. 8 9 ,500 km. Like new . $17 ,500 /ob o. 905847-5484 1 9 9 5 H yundai A c c e n thatchback, auto, am /fm cassette, sold with service history, safety & emission. $4295. (905)331-5835, evgs. 1988 Corrolla Automatic- 4 dr, lady driven. Run wells. $1,500.obo. 905-315-7998 ^ condom inium s for rent FFZil apartments & flats V J for rent IM M A C U L A T E 3-bedroom, Tyandaga area, Burlington. 2 baths, finished basem ent, new paint & carpets. +++! $125,000. Last chance!!!!!! Private Sale. 416-984-8456 " W E D G E W O O D " , North B u rlin g to n . F an ta s tic 1bedroom + den, C/A, 5 ap p lia n c e s , n e u tra l decor, above-ground parking spot. N ov.lst. $975/mo.+ utilities. Joel P lo uffe, S ales Rep., W hitehouse & W hitehouse Realty, (905)634-6873 1&2 Bedroom apartments, N ov./ Dec. 2077 Prospect St., Burlington. Clean, quiet build in g . C lose to GO & Malls. 905-639-7805 B R O N T E : 2-bedroom , pri vate entrance, 5 applianc es, jacuzzi, gas fireplace, a/ c, w alk to lake. No pets, n on -sm oking. Parking. A va ilable D e c.1st. $1150/ mo. plus utilities. 416-993-1622. 1 - B E D R O O M apa rtm e nts with lake views! Laundry on each floor. B u rloa k/ Lake shore area. From $950/mo. (905)639-3301 S .W . O a kville , huge 1bedroom . N ovem ber 1st. O ak th ro u g h o u t, vaulted ceilings, skylight, balcony, 2 bathroom s, parking, laun dry, cable . $1150. 905827-6444 _________ S P A C IO U S 2-bedroom a p a rtm e n t above store, Oakville, renovated, $1145/ m o. -i-utilities. Im m ediate. No pets. C all 905-3311301 evgs._______________ 3 0 2 0 Glencrest Road, Bur lin g to n . 1&2 bedroom apartm ents available Dec. From $895/mo. 905-632-0129 S P E N C E R Smith, large 1bedroom, newly decorated, Q uiet six-plex, parking. No pets/ smoking. $800/mo.+ B a ch e lo r- $650/m o. inclusive. Immediate. 905-639-1466. L U X U R Y condo near down town Burlington, lake, shopp ing. 24-hr security, 1-bed room, sunroom, 5 applian ces. December. $1.000/mo. 905-637-5812, to view B E IG E sectional couch, good condition, asking $400. 5-Piece black metal dining room set, smoke glass tabletop, asking $175. (905)469-4789 B E D , All-New King, Extra POLLY ANTIQUES CLOSING SALE up to 50% off!! 1271 #5 Hwy. Peters Corner 1 -9 0 5 -6 2 8 -4 5 0 6 P R IN T S . Lim ited Editions. P rivate sale. B e a u tifu lly framed, reasonably priced. R o bert B atem an, Laura Berry, T ris h a Rom ance. Jam es Lum bers, Bonnie M arris, arrtf others. 905257-2187________________ R E C L IN E R c h a ir s - (2), full sized black leather. Ex c e lle n t co n d itio n , asking $500/each. (905)825-8012 S K A T E S : "Jackson Novice" kids sizes 1, 1-1/2, 2-1/2. Good condition. $40. each. 905-333-4897____________ S N O W tires, 4 Bridgestone B lizzaks 195/65R 15, mounted on steel rims, dri ven 20,000K m s. BEST OFFER. 905-847-8872. S O F A - 1999 fu ll size Bauhaus, olive green, su perb co n d itio n , bought $1100, asking $600. (905)815-0301 ___________ S T A IR M A S T E R , exercise m achine. brand new, $1500; U n iversal gym in cludes weight bench & accessories. 905-332-7762. STOVE, M agic Chef, w hite, excellent condition, $450; w a sher & dryer, Kenm ore, good condition, $100/pair. 905-335-0580. T V , JVC 27* w ith VCR (both 1-yr. old), excellent condition, $470/both. Call 905-616-1886. W IN G chairs- 2 brand new w/ottoman, Navy/ gold/ bur gundy stripe. Cost $2,200. asking $1,000. 905-335-6635 W IN G B A C K ch a irs- Q.A. style, like brand new, beige/ gold coloring; Brass glass ta b le , na rro w / oval; Very ornate gold m irror, beauti ful; W alnut squa re end table, glass top, carved or nate figures; All excellent 905-825-0183_____________ WOOD burning sm all stove- $275. Great for cot tage and basem ent. (905) 336-6145________________ All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-bdrm+den. available immediately with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, $650. (905)304-5573 (Local). B E D R O O M from Stoney Creek Furniture, 6-pce, Cherrywood, beautiful- like new. Paid $7,000. Sell $3500. 905-824-2668 B E D R O O M suite, 8-pce., V O L V O W inter Tires, Gislaved 185/65 R15 on rims. Good tread. $200 obo. 905257-4663 I auto parts, supplies & repairs Size Matters! "T H E P alace"- 3 bedroom condo. 15th floor. 1432sq.ft Near M apleview M all. $159,900. Call Magdi Mikhail, Homelife Response Realty 90 5 -94 9-00 70 em ail: my mt @h o me . c o m www.homesbrowser.com H O T ! Hot! Hot! 2-bedroom condo apa rtm e nt, very tastefully decorated in very desirable building located at 1425 G hent Ave., B ur lington. Won't last. $145,000. Please call 905-632-6757 S P A C IO U S 3-bedroom , enclosed sunroom , facing south, new hardwood, ce ramics, carpet. Many build ing am enities. N ear Ikea. $102,000. A va ila b le 60 days. 905-332-9709._______ G L E N Abbey: 2-bedroom , 1 bath, 5 app liances, woodburning fireplace, ensuite laundry, underground parking. $136,000. 905469-0730______________ W E sp e cia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es ta te Ltd., R e alto r, (905) 333-4347 Bigger, Better 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments with view of lake. Close to all am enities, newly renovated. Quiet, clean. & picturesque location $1050/up. For more info and appointment call: 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -9 6 1 6 =416-390-62790 A T T R A C T IV E 1-bedroom PH condo with loft in heart of dow ntow n O akville. $1400/m o. inclusive. Ref erences. 905-333-0002. A L D E R S H O T . 2-bedroom apt., all appliances, balcony, parking, (extra spot a v a il able), pool, $895/mo. -mtilities. Nov.ls t 905-515-4886. N O V .1 S T , Q EW / 403, Burlington, new 1400sq.ft. 3-bedroom , 2.5 baths, ga rage, c/a, 3 appliances. 1 year lease, no pets. $1395/ mo. + u tilitie s . 416-9483013:519-690-0831 THE PALACE: B right corner unit, 2-bedrooms, 2 baths, 5 app liances, su n room , 2 4 -h r s e c u rity . No pets, no smoking. Dec. 1st. $ 1 100/m o. inc lu s iv e . Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 C H E D O K E G olf C ourseH a m ilton, upscale 3 bed room +++ tow nhom e. Rent- $1,695/mon. or sale$189,900. 905-528-4944 O A K V IL L E . New luxury 1Bedroom + Den, 2&3 Bed room s. Im m ediate. Many upg rad es in c lu d in g h a rd w ood, 6 a p p liances. 2 parking. GO. $ 1 4 5 0 $3000/mo. Call Cathy, 905338-2800. ______ B U R L IN G T O N - W alkers/ U pper M iddle. 2 bedroom c ond o (2m onths old) fu lly upgraded, 18' ceilings, A/C, appliances, 2 baths. Laun dry room , $ 11 00./m onth, Feb/Mar-02. 905-332-5085 l ) u l houses for rent H O M E S to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, R e altor, 905-63 9-52 58; creativeopts ® quickclic.net W EST O a k v ille , near C oronation Park: 3-bed room split-level bungalow. 1.5 baths, den, office, large fam ilyroom , diningroom , 5 a pp liances. N o vem b er 9. $ 17 00/m o. plus u tilitie s . Short term or I year lease. No pets please.905-842- 6915 B R O N T E R d./ H w y.#5. 3bedroom bun galow , fin ished basem ent, sunken living roo m , large kitchen, double garage. $1500/mo.+ utilities. N o v .ls t. 905-8494774,905-845-8580_______ D O W N T O W N B u rlin gton near Library/ YMCA. 3 or 4 bedroom s, 2 baths, 4 ap plia nces, no pets, nonsmokers. $1400/mo.+ u tili ties. Available Dec. 1st. Call 905-719-3915 E A S T B u rlin g to n $1350/ mo + utilities. 3-bedroom detached hom e, 6 a p pliances, c/a, large fenced yard, q u ie t s tre e t near schools & shopping. Imme diate. Credit references re quired. N o n-sm okers. 1905-899-0998____________ F U R N IS H E D . N orth B u r lin g to n . S h o rt-te rm a v a il able N ov.lst. Large 4-bed room , 3 baths. No pets. Non-smokers. $1200/mo. + utilities. 905-335-3783. solid Cherrywood, 4-poster (or sleigh). All Dovetail, Chest, Tri-dresser w/mirror, 2-nightstands. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,499. sell $3,750. Can deliver. 905-971-1777. B E D S , New. Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" colour TVs, portable CD players. (905)681-9496. B E D - Queen, orthopedic pillowtop mattress, boxspring, headboard/ foot board, frame. New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550. Will deliver. (905)9713315. (Hamilton)._________ C A R P E T . I have several 2 0 0 0 H y u n d a i S o n a ta , black, fully-loaded. To take o v e r 4 -y e a r le a se . In te r ested inqu ire s only. Fully loaded, black $283/m onth (905)827-0927 IN D O O R sto ra g e a v a il a b le - cars, boats etc.. rea sonable rates, 30min. from O akville at Hwy#6 & 401. (519)821-9166, (519)8218582 U P G R A D E D 1.2&3 Bdrm A pts w ith s c e n ic view s a va ila b le at tw o prim e downtown Burlington loca tions. B e a u tifu l grounds. New elevators. 477 Eliza beth Street. 905-634-9374 and 478 Pearl Street, 905632-1643_______ ________ A 1-bedroom a v ailable N o v .1st, $865. inclu des heat, hydro & parking. Quiet building on Bronte Road & Lakeshore area. Close to everything. 905-827-6783 F R E S H L Y P a inte d 2Bedroom , N o v.;-1& 2 Bed ro o m s - Dec. (S ingle & dou ble s to re y ) Low -rise .bu ild in g , Garden like s e t tin g . P rivate landscaped patios. 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (9 05)336-0015 ; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)3360016 (Burlington) 1 - B E D R O O M apa rtm e nts available Dec. from $825./ mo. C o nvenien tly located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265 * 2 - B E D R O O M S : $82 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s inclu ded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice O pen 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 D O W N T O W N B u rlin g to n , 1&2-bedrooms, November; 2&3-bedrooms, December. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call 905-637-0321 2 -B E D R O O M A p artm ents a va ila b le in w e ll- m ain tained O a k v ille building. Close to schools & profes siona l se rvice s. Easy a c cess to QEW & 403. 905844-2646________________ 1 & 2 Bedroom A partm ents a va ila b le N o v./D ec. 1363 Lake shore, B u rlin g to n across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431, (Ring Apt. #101)._______________ 2 -B E D R O O M apartm ents. 110 S o uth F oster Park, O akville. U tilities included excep t hydro. N o v .1st. (905)849-8411; 10am-8pm. O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 1,2&3 bedroom apartments a v a ila b le Nov. 1st from $84 5/m o.- $ 1 325/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V IL L E P L A C E area.-2bedroom in small bldg. Near all am e n itie s . $965/m o. Heat, hot w a ter, parking inclu ded. N o vem b er 1st, 905-847-1138. Q U IE T , re tire d couple seeing condo/house Dec.to M arch. B u rlin gton area. W illin g to hou se-sit, nonsm okers. C all co lle c t (5 1 9 )5 9 6 -2 7 7 3 , or em ail: gleesonlukinto @aol.com W* m ( 1 1 trucks for sale 1 9 9 8 Toyota 4-Runner Ltd. - black, leather, pw, ps, pi, p/su n ro o f, purchase or lease. (905)536-6551 A L D E R S H O T (West)- Furn ished room, use of kitchen/ b a th / laun dry fa c ilitie s , parking,Non-smoking female, $390/month. 905-529-2894. F U R N IS H E D room. K itc h en/laundry privileges, pool. No smoking, near bus. Pre fer quiet, m ature, w orking (days) person. $110/week. (905)331-1678 after 4:30pm. 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 water distiller; work tables & shelf units; 6' metal cabinet. Call 905815-9708_______________ COUCH; D IN IN G R O O M Set, 7-pce., glass top, metalic base, 4 chairs, 2 armchairs. $800 obo. 905-331-4481_______ D IN IN G R O O M , Warm, rich. T R A IN I N G p o sitio n - sta rt immediately. 16-Wk Live-in program. Minim um 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V e te rin a ry H o spita l. Must be motivated with a love for anim als. Fax resum e to: Andrea. 905-844-7351 JO B TR A IN IN G · · · · · · · r< S U B - L E A S E in F lam borough Centre, January 1st. 2400 s q .ft on m ain floor, 1200 sq.ft on second floor. (905)637-6991 I industrial /commercial space *i* *\\ *!* A C h ristm as Present! Large 3-bedroom suite at B u rlin g to n T ow ers... a m uch desired location. Available Dec. 1st. Features 2 balconies with separate view s, easy QEW access, rec. centre w ith large indoor pool. Call 905-639-6583 O L D O a kville . B e a u tifu lly m a intained, very clean , q uie t b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. Ground flo o r, 1-bedroom , $96 0 ./ m o.; 905-845-8254 (leave message) B U R L IN G T O N - Large 2bedroom apa rtm e nt (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $825/mo. Call Donna, (905)634-5885. P L A IN S / QEW (Burlington). 2-bedroom , new er sm all building. Parking, laundry. Security. November. $8057 mo.+ hydro. 905-825-5539 . Q U IE T , Convenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., B u rlin gton . Spacious 1-bedroom , N o v./D ec.; 2bedroom Nov. (905)637-3921 W A L K to dow ntow n O ak v ille . R enovated 2-bdrm . $84 5/m o.+ hydro. N o v./ Dec. Small building. Laun dry. Parking. Security. 905825-5539._____________ 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites among refin ed tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call the "Princess", 905639-8009 or the "Regency", 905-681-8115_____________ O A K V IL L E . Kerr/ Lakeshore. Large bright 2-bedroom in quie t a d u lt b uilding, Hardwood floors, $800/mo. N ov.lst. 905-277-4728 B U R L IN G T O N nice, spacious clean, furnished/ un fu rn is h e d room , non smoking. No pets. $450/mo inclusive. Near bus/ shop ping. 905-31 5-99 53; 416936-9471_________________ B R O N T E 2 bedroom apt., available Dec.1st. $1050/ mo. includes heat, hydro, parking, locker. 905-8278 2 2 8 . __________________ O A K V IL L E - K E R R S T ., 1 bedroom , $82 0./m o in clusive or Bachelor $680./ mo inclusive, call between 9am-6pm 905-339-2437 1 - B E D R O O M A p artm ents a v a ila b le from $875/m o. Indoor pool. Q EW / T ra fa l gar area. 905-844-1106 BU R LIN G TO N : 4 -b e d room house, Use o f all fa c ilitie s , parking, nonsm oker, $550/m o. Im m e diate. First/ last. Brenda 905-332-5985____________ P R O F E S S IO N A L fe m a le p re fe rre d to share new Glen Abbey home, parking, cable , laun dry, $500/m o. in c lu s iv e . Im m ediate. (905)469-6360.____________ SHARED house, 4-levels, jacuzzi tub, gas FP. Near Burlington Mall. $700./mo. All inclusive. Dec. 1st. 905333-6780________________ NEAR U pper O akville S hopping M all/ Sheridan. Share house. Pool, A/C. $380/mo. Available Oct.15th. 905-337-3848.____________ MALE non-smoker, to share large tow nh ouse in north B u rlin gton . C o nvenien t location. Full use of all facilities. $450/mo. (905)3353762.____________________ S H AR E 2-bedroom fu r nished apartment, working individ u a l. Sm okers w e l come. $400/m o. No pets please! 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -4 5 5 4 , leave message.___________ B R O N T E - share 2 bed room ap a rtm e n t im m e diately. $500/mo, all inclu sive. No pets, no smoking. ' (416)888-9389____________ lost & found F O U N D : black and white m ale ca t, v e ry frie n d ly . Millgrove area. 905-689-5995 F O U N D : S tephe nson Dr. w h ite and black m ale (?) cat. Persian, long haired. 905*681-7158. _______ F O U N D : B irthday card on O ct.19th Longm eadow / W inding W ay. C all 905319-6502.________________ F O U N D : grey tabby w/ w h ite feet, K ing/ Plains area. We call " Beau". 905637-7325.________________ L O S T : ladies plain gold 3/ 4inch hoop earing on Thursday O ctober 19, Carincroft & Morrison area. $25 reward! (905)845-8137 m shared accommodation A F T E R school care for 7 & 8-year olds, West Oakville, 4-7pm. Own transportation. References. Call evgs. 905825-0032.________________ C E R T IF IE D Philipino livein ca re g iv e r/h o u s e k e e p e r required for 2 & 5yr. olds, non -sm oker. D riv e r's li cense required. (905)6072533 W A N T E D : 250- 300 sq.ft. office to rent or sublease. West of Trafalgar. Low rent. 905-847-0669._______ O A K V IL L E . 1100sq.ft., re ta il space w /w ashroom & shower, available O ct.1st., $ 1 450/m o. + u tilitie s . Call 905-331-1301 after 4pm. W A N T E D : Textile/ apparel agent to share 600sq.ft. fur nished office & showroom space, Downtown Oakville. 416-948-1302.____________ C O M M E R C E C ourt, (Fairview / W alkers, Burlington) 2nd flo o r- o ffice spaces, 285 sq.ft./ 185sq.ft. Days, 905 -33 2-82 57, Evenings 905-336-1950. 14-pce., Cherrywood set. 92" double pedestal w/2 leaves, 8-Chippendale chairs, Lighted China Cabinet, all Dovetail. Never opened. Cost $12,900, sacrifice $5,500. (905)304-9994.__________ D IN IN G room suite lovely Micro Computers MS Office Simply Acctg Office Adm inistration Medical/Legal Assistant Dental Receptionist Police Foundations 10pc natural oak set - light ed credenza, 2 leaves etc. Estate Sale $1950. (905)845-3766__________ D U F F E R IN 4 x 8 ' pool table w/accessories. 3 years new, good condition. $2,000/obo. Call Rob, 905681-8969 _________ HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 4 6 0 B ra n t S t ., B u rlin g to n T U T O R IN G fo r grades 1, 2 & 3 by e xpe rien ced q u a lifie d teacher. Please call 905-543-8338. HEALTHCARE Aide (61yrs. o ld )- non-sm oker, 12yrs. professional experi ence, will do respite senior care. Flexible hours, nights, w eekends. R eferences. Hamilton. (905)560-2269. Sale: Wrought iron marble table top serv ing buffet/ wine rack; ta pestry area rugs, table lamps, gilded mirror, sheer window drapes w/ decorative rods. 905-844-7777 ESTATE F IR E P L A C E insert- wood C R A F T vendors required for Xmas Mall Shows. 2.4 or 6 wks avail. Begins N o v.12. B ram alea C ity C e ntre or Centre Mall. Hamilton. For fu rth e r info, call Show Creations 905-790-3355 or email showcreationsQica.net K | I r f articles wanted Advertising & Promotions Asst. An entry level position in our Marketing Dept, exists for a m otivated, multi-task individual. Experience and creative ability in promotions in the QSR sector is an asset. Suitable applicant will have post-secondary education in marketing or advertising and experience with an ad agency or in-house market ing body coordinating production and campaign ele ments. Compter skills in MS Word, Excel, Desk Top Publishing (PC) and knowledge of media and printing terminologies are essential. Competitive salary and benefits. Please send your resume to: Director of Marketing AFTO N FOOD GROUP 3380 South Service Rd. Burlington, Ontario L7N 3J5 R E T A IL PLAZA, 201 River Oak, Oakville, 164sq.ft. unit. G ood fo r doctor, laundry, pet store. Available im m e diately. Call Paul Sharma, 416 -74 3-77 22; ce ll: 416676-0753 10 gal. aquarium & stand, fish, plants, filter, thermostat etc. $30. 905-319-8376 B E A U T IF U L sta in e d "L" shaped desk, roll-top draw er, keyboard tra y . $100. 905-336-1459__________ C A P T A IN S b e d - tw in s ize, w h ite, draw e rs and headboard shelves, $100. (905)637-2220____________ C H E S T fre e z e r, GE ap prox. 36 c u .ft.. e x cellent working condition, $75 obo. 905-465-3795.____________ D E S K 60 inches, gray and black $75. call (905) DRYER, Inglis, w hite, good w o rkin g cond ition , $55 obo. 905-631-8507. F U T O N - turns from couch to bed, black, with mattress, $60. call 905-336-5885 IK E A desk, "Fakturist" as sembled, only 6-mos. new, beech vene er, $100 obo. 905-844-0444.____________ M IC R O W A V E stand, w h ite & grey trim , hardly used, $25. (905)637-2220 S O F A - 3 seater, burgun dy & green plaid, excellent c o n d itio n , $ 10 0/firm . (905)319-6301____________ S O F A , (3 seater) love-seat & c h a ir $100 9 0 5 -3 3 6 1373____________________ S T O V E , W h irlp o o l, a l m ond, good cond ition , $100. Call 905-637-3313. T R U C K bed lin e r fits fullsize Ford 1987-96, $75. Call 905-631-1158.________ T Y G erm ania Beanie $50. Call 905-690-0548________ T Y Germania Buddy $100. Call 905-690-0548________ W A S H E R & dryer, almond W hirlp o o l. $100/both. (905)333-7192 ^ items under $ 100. burning, like new. Elmira Stoveworks, $750 obo. (905)637-3313.__________ F L O R ID A room furniture, excellent condition. Old china cabinet, stereo, kitch en set, plus more... (905)637-7179__________ F R E E Estimates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090___________ H O Railroad, 4'x6' portable W A N T E D A ll-C h in a . S il ver, CrystaL,- sew ing m a c h in e s... D o ulto n, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, d olls, p a in tin g s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ k K i I I firewood U L T R A S O N IC Blind C le a n in g busin ess. Also blind sales & blind repairs. 5 -y e a rs esta b lish e d & grow ing. $50 ,000 firm . Serving B u rlin g to n , O ak ville, Mississauga, Milton & Toronto. 905-844-5989. $ D IS N E Y $ . D istrib u to rs needed for the most excit ing new m erch andising program ever! Exclusive li cense agreem ent, no sell ing, no competition, backed by m ulti-m illion dollar pro motional advertising cam paign. Harness the power of corporations like Disney/ Nintendo. Min. investm ent $17,600. Free info, p a ck age: 1-800-754-9979 layout, all accesories, many extras, $1500. A great Christmas gift! 905-6375323.__________________ H O T Tub/ Spa. All self- G U A R A N T E E D dry 100% hardw ood. PROPERLY seasoned. Ontario's largest F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 E TTil general help wanted HE] general help wanted SHIPPER/RECEIVER · F/T The successful individual is experienced in all aspects of shipping/receiving, is well organized, self motivated, well groomed, com puter literate w ith an excellent comm and of English. (Some heavy lifting.) contained, all options, w/ cover, 2001 model, new, still in wrapper, cost $8,900, sacrifice $4,100. 905-3047775.__________________ K IT C H E N set, glass top, 4 1890's pine flatback cup board w ith bevelled glass doors; ash bonnet chest; nursing rocker; single pine spool bed. 905-333-4648 ASSEMBLERS · F/T H O C K E Y tickets, Dec.8th., T oronto M aple Leafs v e r sus N.Y. Rangers, 2nd row pla tin u m , $ 5 0 0 /p a ir. Joe, 905-257-1114.____________ Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW 1-Bdrms trom S829* 2-Bdrms from $949* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2% prompt pay. disc.) Ask about our m ove-in Special! PENTHOUSE, O a kville . Facing Lake. 3-bedroom s, 2-1/2 baths, livingroom, for mal din in g ro o m , kitchen with breakfast nook, private laundry facilities in-suite, 5 ap p lia n ce s . $17 25/m o. Dec. 1st. 905-844-9670 205 Q ueen M ary Drive, O a kville . N ear all a m e n i tie s. 1&2 bedroom s, N o v .ls t. $895- $1050/mo. (+parking). 905-844-9670 G E O R G IA N A p artm ents. 1,2&3 Bedrooms. Oct./ Nov. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra . (No pets) B u r lington, 905-639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, w ellmaintained lakefront build ing. V ery spa c io u s 1&2 bedroom s a v ailable Nov./ Dec/Jan. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. (905)632-5486. B U R L IN G T O N - b e a u tifu l bright 2 bedroom apartment in ce n tu ry hom e. 4 ap plia nces. hardw ood flo o r ing. porch, parking. $975/ mo inclusive. (905)631-1761 B U R L IN G T O N - Brant/ Plains Rd. 1-bedroom , bright, newly renovated. Hardwood, b lin d s, parkin g , laundry. $ 7 6 5 /in clu s iv e N o v./D ec. (905)336-7207____________ D U P L E X - 3 bedroom , 5 appliances, newly renovat ed, c/a, m a g n ific e n t view over 16Mile Creek. Walk to GO, garage & parking, hardw ood floors. $20 00+/ per month. (905)844-7067 chairs, neutral $350; small oak curio cabinet with mirror $350. 905-469-6438 K IT C H E N table, wood drawleaf; rustic bent willow bookshelves; 2 small an tique French chairs; 4 solid maple repro. ladderback chairs with rush seats; 905333-9804 before 8pm L U N D S T R O M , "Laparka" matching 1-pce ladies ski suits, cranberry, med.-size, petite. Originally $800. Must see! 905-844-9940. M A G tires and rims (4)~ for Production line work in a clean, bright, friendly environment. We w ill tra in self motivated team players who are mechanically inclined. Must have good verbal & written English.. Hrs: Mon.- Fri., 9-5. FORWARD RESUMES TO: W ` 1 llll cars for sale 1 9 9 8 Intrepid V6 w hite, 93K, 6 passenger, safety & emission. Asking $10,500. call 905-634-2453_________ 1 9 8 3 T oyo ta C re s s id a certified, 103M, great condition, $3000. (905)632-1279 1 9 8 8 Ford M ustang LXO riginal owner. 92,000km. Body in e xce lle n t shape. Emission certified. $3,000. 905-632-9723_____________ 1 9 9 0 Nissan 240 SX, 2d oor, 143K, 5-speed , 1 o w ner. W ell m aintained. $4500. 905-878-4580 1 9 9 7 WINDSTAR LX 3.8L., Q uad's, loaded, dual a/c., 111K ., new tire s / brakes. C e rtifie d . $13,500. 905844-0315.________________ 1 9 9 0 Subaru Legacy S e d a n - 5spd, low m ileage, looks great, sunroof, very clean , no rust. $4000. (905)331-6171____________ 1 9 9 5 O ldsm o bile 98 Re gency Elite, loaded, Grey, leather seats, sunroof. Ex c e lle n t co n d itio n . 180K. $8,499./obo. 905-332-7504 1 9 9 7 Honda P relude. S il ver, 107K. Sunroof, CD, ps/ pw/pd, new tires, Tiptronic, bra, heated seats. Certified. Sharp! $18,900.905-681-0990 1 9 8 9 M ustang 5 .0 L , runs great. A/C, Power lumbar, A lp in e CD, 2 tire sets, $3000. 905-319-3186 1 9 9 2 Honda Accord EXR 2dr., auto, loaded, m oonroof and alloys, 165K, certi fied, E-tested. $6750/obo. (905)631-8051____________ 1988 HONDA A ccord 4- Lucerix International Corp. 2488 Bristol Circle, Oakville, ON L6H 5S1 Fax: 905-829-4184 M O N E Y P roblem s? G a r nishees? Too m any p a y m ents? O ptio ns to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600 B R A N T / U pper M iddle, Burlington. Very spacious 2-bedroom , 2-storey, very clean, 1-1/2 baths, A /C. Dec.1st 905-331-0890. O A K V IL L E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $794./ mo.* 2-bedroom from $899/ mo.* W ell m aintained building. N ellie, (905)3392028. (' inclu ded 2% prompt payment discount) N O R T H S H O R E Tow ers. A va ilable D ecem ber: 1bdrm, $75 0/m o.; 2-bdrm , $875./mo. (+ $33. parking). Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 9 05 -68 1-13 07* B u r lington___________________ S P A C IO U S 1 ,2&3 B e d room s. F reshly pain ted , bright. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm________________ B L O C K S from Downtown Oakville. 2-bedroom avail able December. $1200/mo. inclusive. Lots of seniors! 905-844-1934_____________ DOW NTOW N O a kville . Renovated 1-bdrm apt, small building, very nice, $790/mo. ·fhydro.Nov. 1st (905)469-0892 H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom . Nov. 1st. $975/mo.; 2-bedroom, N o v.1st. $ 1 ,1 5 0 ./m o. (+partdng) 905-825-0816 L A R G E 1-bedroom + den in sm all, clean building near lake, (Bronte). Imme diate. Parking inclu ded. (905)827-9153 E X E C U T IV E 2-bedroom s, Upper M iddle/ Eighth Line area. 2-1/2 baths, finished basment, 5 appliances, A/C, alarm system , garage. $1450/mo. Available Nov.lst. 905-825-8419.____________ W A L K E R 'S G reen, B ur ling ton. W ell soug ht after area. New 3-bedroom , 1470sq.ft. end unit, 4 ap pliances, master w/ensuite, garage. D e c .1st.. $1450/ m o.+ u tilitie s . (M ain tenance/ snow removal included.) 416-563-0190 O A K V I L L E - 3-B edroom tow nh ouses a v a ila b le im m ed ia te ly / N o v .ls t. 4 a p p lia nces. H o pedale Mall area. Lakeshore M anagement, 905-876-3336 L O C A T IO N , Location, Lo c ation fo r rent down town O akville e xecu tive to w n house, 2850 sq.ft. available November first. 2 car park ing, private court yards, roof terrace, stone and stucco. $3,500 per m onth net of utilities. Call 905-849-0208 D O W N T O W N : 3 -b d rs .t 3 baths, hardw ood floors, open concept, fireplace, 6 appliances. No pets. Nonsm okers. $1650 plus u tili ties. D ecem ber 1. Call Marg M orren 9 0 5 -3 3 3 3500, Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc.________________ B U R L IN G T O N , east end. 2-bdrm townhouse, fridge, stove, $750/m o. includes hydro. D e c .1st. No dogs please. 905-632-1750 _ _ B R A N T / Tyan daga. 3bedroom townhouse, 5 ap plia nces, fin is h e d ba se m ent, und erg roun d p ark ing. N o v .ls t. $ 1 195/m o.+ utilities. 905-335-3001 NO fee to employers. Filipina Nanny, live-in, a v a il able. Please call Amah Intl. 416-221-3303 SEARS AtUinJ Indoor Clean A ir Services The HVAC Division requires: BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1-Bdrm- Nov.lst 1&2 Bdrm-Dec.1st From $735./mo Includes utilHies. Parking Available E C E / M O M has fu ll-tim e spaces. M any stim ulatin g activities. First Aid/ CPR, e x c e lle n t refe ren ces, re ceipts, fully insured. Block Parent. Oakville. 905-3387982.____________________ E N E R G E T IC , cre a tiv e Canadian N anny w /10 years expe rien ce new to B u rlin g to n searching fo r w o nderfu l fam ily to care fo r. First Aid, CPR. Valid drive rs licen ce. A va ilable immediately. 905-616-0479. E X P E R IE N C E D daycare provider, River Oaks hasfull-tim e openings for baby or older. Daily schedule, 5wk menu preplanned. 905849-1345________________ E X P E R IE N C E D daycare provider, New St./ Burloak. A ges 2+. F irst A id / CPR, n u tritio u s m eals/ snacks. No pets, smoke-free home. References. Receipts. 905639-6216________________ F U L L - T IM E space a v a il able, my home. Lots of TLC! Guelph Line/ Mountainside. References/ Receipts. Karen 905-319-0030._________ F U L L - T IM E daycare a v a ila b le in a lovin g and fun environm ent. Big play room, indoor/outdoor activ itie s hot lunch es and snacks. CPR, receipts available. (905)827-4534 F U N & loving care in River Oaks. 2 Full-time spapes, any age w elcom e. Re ceipts. 905-842-0636. Jeep. P235/75R15, $1000. (905)633-8778__________ M A J E S T IC Insta-Flame free standing gas fireplace. Ideal for familyroom, cot tage or basement, In box, never opened. $500. obo 905-257-6958___________ M O V IN G . Must sell. Port GAS FITTERS & A/C MECHANICS For residential service positions. Flexible hoursExcellent wages. Fax resume to 905-681-8300 attn: Kevin Browne HVAC Manager Operated under license agreement to Sears Canada Inc. able Kenmore dishwasher, new Apr.'OI, asking $500. 905-681-7644___________ M O V I N G / Contents Sale, For 905-690-1896 DOW NTOW N O a kville , large 2 -bedroom , 6 a p p lia nces, C /A, $1375/m o. inclu s iv e , N o v .ls t. 416420-3952________________ O A K V IL L E 1-bedroom a v ailable N o v .ls t Sm all, q u ie t adu lt b u ild in g near dow ntow n. Large, bright. H e a t/ P a rking inclu ded. $725. 905-277-4728________ W H IT E O aks, O a kville . S p acious 1&2 Bedroom + den, from $ 1 125/m o.; Im m ediate. W ell- m aintained com plex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun ken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 905-815-1628 O A K V IL L E : Luxu ry 1bedroom, air, parking, new broadlo om , all am enities, cable, patio. Non-sm oker. $72 5/in clusive. (9 0 5 )8 1 5 0935 1/2 P rice Sale: A ntique solid ch e rry 11pc Exec. Chippendale w /lg breakfront, banquet table, 8 ball & claw chairs, $3200. +others $2400. +up; 6pc luxuri ous king size bedroom $3600, odd pieces; G or geous baby grand $2250. Free d e liv e ry , call 905227-9458________________ 3-P C E w a ll unit $75; wrought iron table, 4 chairs. $30; Onyx chess set $75; pool table, cues $100. 905632-7804________________ A C C O R D IO N P a o l o S o prani. 120 pro m odel Mic. L ig h t m u s e tte ,1 3/7 r e g is te rs . M int. G ua ra n te e S a c rific e . $ 1 ,8 5 0 . C a ll (905)844-9933 ________ A N T IQ U E S d e a le rs ! Do you need a venue to market your antiques? Join our af ford able co-op. call 905320-7789________________ B E A U T IF U L fine Persian rugs. Privately owned. New. 9 'x 1 2 \ earth, at cost, all silk/ wool. 905-338-9773. 1439 Greenridge Circle, Glen Abbey/ 3rd Ln, Oak ville. No Advance Sales. Oct. 26, 27428, 8am -5pm. Chest freezer, upright fridge, bedroom/ DR/ kitch en set, wall unit, rattan daybed, couch, much more. O F F IC E dividers, desks, building supplies, summer furniture/ pots; Toys, rollerskates, records...Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. Wed/Th/Fri-128pm; Sat-9-5pm; Sun-12-4pm. P IC T U R E framing equip ment, professional quality, includes moulding chopper, bevel cutter & mat/glass cutter & more. Great for home business, call Janet or Wayne (905)634-8714 P IN E custom made hutch and corner cabinet, $1000/ both. Framed limited addi tion prints, various artists. (905)333-7192 __________ P I R E L L I - 4 winter tires, FAST FAX service, Tour classified ads It' f you can 't afford to be tied up obo. 631-6460. 1 9 9 1 M azda 3 2 3 - new parts, $1500 safetied. $1000. as is/obo. Call John or Jan (905)827-8273 on the phone, save tim e. U se the Burlington Post/O akville B eaver fax line. 270 performance, 205/55/ R15. $300. (905)319-3023 FAX: 905-632-8165

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