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Oakville Beaver, 12 Sep 2001, A05

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Wednesday, September 12, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 Municipalities forced to compromise (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e A 3 ) M om relieved daughter is safe (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 1) ing to discuss, Oakville's proposed future growth north of Dundas Street. He described a process o f commu nity-based planning that has been suc cessfully used in Ajax to ensure devel opments proceed with adequate citi zen participation and environmental Protection. But, he added that developers can continue to challenge Ajax's policies over and over again at the OMB. "The rules of the game have to change in Ontario -- for Oakville, for Ajax and for everyone," he said. Parish noted that Ontario is the only jurisdiction in North America that has a body like the OMB, sug gesting that other areas have more faith in their municipal decision-mak ers. W hile not necessarily advocating abolishing the OMB, Parish believes it board should simply offer an appeal process for anyone who believes a municipal council has not provided proper notice or followed reasonable procedures. W hen questioned as to what indi viduals can do to counter the develop ment tide, Parish pointed to politics. "I'm of the impression now that the only way to reverse (changes made by Harris) is to reverse Mr. Harris," he said. He also urged people to remain involved in the decision-m aking process. Citizens must provide their input, to counterbalance the unending stream of information city councillors receive from development industry lobbyists, he said. He also suggested individuals should provide financial support to the election campaigns of candidates they support. "If citizens contribute money to good municipal candidates and get out to vote, a lot of other problems are going to go away." "They've landed and they're safe and they're trying to hotel them. That's all I know, " said Hawtin. "They won't be coming home soon because they've just closed the borders, U .S./Canada and U.S./Mexico," said Hawtin. "As long as they're okay, that's all I care about, but I'd just love to hear from her," said Hawtin. It was m id-afternoon before Hawtin did speak to her daughter, calling her on her friend's cell phone. Melanie, later called her mom again and Hawtin had further updates from Dreams Take Flight. "They're doing okay. T hey're staying in a hotel," said Hawtin, who added they were being guarded by an Orlando, Florida sheriff. Hawtin said her daughter was "pretty calm." Melanie told her mom that there was no D isneyw ord's Magic Kingdom, but they had come across a Disney store. H alton L inen O utlet F la n n e l S h e e t S e ts Do developers expect favours? (C on tinu ed fro m pa ge A3) 100% cotton Have arrived NEW TO STORE 230 Thread Count - 100% cotton $39.99 $19.99 $69.99 $79.99 Twin Full Queen King Reg. 69.99 Reg. 112.99 Reg. 124.99 Reg. 137.99 Oliver and Allan Elgar, who organized the Saturday gathering, all say they refuse campaign contributions from developers and agree with the idea of encouraging donations from indi vidual citizens. "If cheques are coming in for $750 from developers and something comes up you're going to vote on, I would think it would make you lean more towards developers than the resi dents you're supposed to be representing," said Elgar. Flynn added that he thinks the property rebate idea should be brought before council for discussion. But Councillor Ralph Robinson, who attended the Saturday meeting, expressed some caution. W ith th e b eg in n in g o f an oth er sc h o o l year it is difficult to put into w ords the th ou gh ts and feelin g s o f parents in this tim e o f c h a n g e . B elo w is a c o p y o f the p oem "Dear W orld" that puts so m e o f th o se feelin g s into w ord s. "I've no idea how much that would cost," he said. "That's kind of just giving away taxpayers money, isn't it?" Robinson, who admits he hasn't spent any of his own money getting elected since his first campaign in 1982, does n't believe development money biases councillors. "1 don't worry about pressure," he said. "I've had money from developers and I've voted against them." Robinson said he judges each individual development pro posal on its own merits. Although willing to learn more about the property tax rebate proposal, Robinson said he believes there would be dis advantages, as well as advantages to it. "I don't have a good strong feeling for it, I really don't," he said. Twin Full Queen King Reg. 59.99 Reg. 89.99 Reg. 99.99 Reg. 112.99 Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now $49.99 $79.99 $89.99 $99.99 L a u ra A s h le y P a t t e r n s in Floral Gingham, Sophia, Carlisle, and Josephine up to 70 % O ff regular retail Placemats now Napkins now Oven Mitts now g. 5.99 - 8.99 $1.99 ea. Reg. 4^99 - 6.99 1.439-6.9 $.99 ea. Reg. 4.99 ea. $1.99 ea. O A K VILLE 481 N orth Service Rd.W. ( b e t w e e n D o r v a l D r i v e a n d 4 t h L in e ) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 M O N . - F R I . 10 A . M . - 5 :3 0 P.M. S A T U R D A Y I0 A .M .-6 R M . S U N D A Y . I2 A .M - 5 R M . Voted Oakville's Best Linen Shop D e a r W o rld ...! M Y YOUNG S O N starts to school today ... Its going to be sort o f strange j and new to him for awhile, and I wish you would sort o f treat him gently. ' You see, up to now he' s been king o f the roost ... He's been boss o f the 2 backyard ...H is mother has always been near to soothe his wounds and repair his feelings. But now things are going to be different. This morning fye's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand, and start out on the j great adventure... It is an adventure that might take him across continents, across oceans . ..It ( is an adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow ...T o live his life it the world he will have to live in, will require faith and love and courage. So, World, I wish you would sort o f look after h im ... Take him by the hand and teach him , thing? he will have to know. But do it gently, i f you can. He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero ... that fo r every crooked \ politician there is a great and dedicated leader... Teach him that for every enemy, there is a . : friend Steer him away from envy, i f you can ... and teach him the secret o f quiet laughter. In school, World, teach him it is far more honorable to fa il than to cheat... Teach him to ! havefaith in his own idea, even i f everyone says they are wrong... Teach him to be gentle with j gentle people and tough with tough people. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on bandwagon ... Teach him to listen to all men - but teach him also to filter all he hears on a ins through. Teach him, i f you can, how to laugh laui b when u he' s sad... Teach him there is no shame in tears « . Teach him n there can be glory in failure and despair in success. n gently, gent World, i f you can, but don' Treat him t coddle him Because only the test o f fire makes fine steel ...L e t him have the courage to be impatient. Let him have the patience to be brave. Let him be no man' s man ... Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself J Because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind. T This is quite an order, World, but see what you can do ... He' s such a nice little 6 f i i l m my son! ^ ^ VALENTINE (D ear W orld for O ur Little Girl is a ls o a v a ila b le.) If y o u w o u ld lik e a c o m p lim e n ta ry s uita ble fo r fra m in g , please g ive us a c a ll. copy th a t is 5 6 L a k e s h o re R d ., W . O A K V IEW FUNERAL HOM E O a k v ille 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Proudly serving Oakville & surrounding communities in the same location for more than 23 years. T h e o n ly t h i n g y o u w o n ' t f i n d a t O a k v i l l e ' s n e w H i l t o n G a r d e n In n ® is a h e f t y b i l l . You w ill fin d b ra n d n e w , c o m fo rta b le g u e s t roo m s w ith a m ic ro w a v e , re frig e ra to r, c o ffe e m a ke r, h ig h -s p e e d In te rn e t a c c e s s a n d d u a l-lin e s p e a k e r p h o n e s w ith v o ic e m a il. 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OAKVILLE QEWat Dorval Drive · 210NorthServiceRoadW . · 2460 W in s to nC h u rc h ill (at D u n d a s ) BRAMPTON 1 2 5 0S te e le sE a s t (E a s to f 410) (b ) · 80 G re a tL a k e sD riv e(b ) · 2937 H ig h w a y7 E a s t MISSISSAUGA 1 5 3 0A im c oB lv d .(b ) · 5935 M a v is R d .(b ) H O U R SM o n -F ri 8 A M -9 P MS a t9 A M -6 P MS u n 11A M -5 P M A deffective to S ep t 15 2001 w hile q u an tities last! .b u s in e s s d e p o t.c o m

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