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Oakville Beaver, 12 Sep 2001, A04

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A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 12, 2001 Dreamlift passengers stranded in Orlando (C ontinued fro m (sage 1) Kuzyk were among the nine media mem bers on board the Dreamlift excursion. Using a borrowed cell phone, Ford called The Post from the tarmac at Orlando International Airport around 11 a.m. The plane had landed safely about a half hour earlier. SkyService pilot, Capt. Ann-Marie Lewis said she was contacted by an air traffic controller while over Washington D.C. After giving her status she was told of the terrorist attacks and ordered to pro ceed to Florida. Passengers were not informed of the carnage in New York City or Washington until they landed. The y.S. capital had also come under attack that morning with a plane being crashed into the Pentagon. The media was immediately gathered on the tarmac and told 'we were lucky to land at all', said Ford. While on the tarmac in Orlando, prior to the evacuation of the plane's children, Sunshine volunteers, nurses, physiothera pists and various media members, Ford described the situation as "surreal". "Basically, while we were up in the air for two hours and 10 minutes the world changed," he said. "We are all OK and will be put up. We don't know what our situation will be. We will try to rent a vehicle and get home." Later that afternoon, from a pay phone in the lobby of the Radisson Twin Towers hotel in Orlando, where the Dreamlift participants are staying, Ford said, "We have no clue when they are going to get us out of here." He alluded to a CNN report that the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration had suspended all flights from American air ports until at least today (Wednesday) at noon. The SkyService flight was originally scheduled to return to Hamilton airport Tuesday around midnight. When any of the 171 people on the Dreamlift flight can return to Canada is uncertain. Besides all flights being sus pended indefinitely, American federal authorities closed the Canada-U.S. bor der as well. Universal Studios, located across from the Radisson hotel, planned to make the kids' stay a little brighter by sending cartoon characters over to cheer them up. Ford said a McMaster Hospital doctor who accompanied the Dreamlift children, Dr. Cynthia Cupido, was going to deter mine which individuals might require extra medication while stuck in Florida and make arrangements to get it for them. "You want to defend your country" By Wilma Blokhuis OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Father Joe Salm, volunteer pastor at St. Columba's Church and a former Vietnam veteran, is upset and angry about Tuesday's terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. "Obviously I'm very upset about it," says Salm. "I wish I were young enough to go back into the military. "I hope those responsible are pun ished fully. A lot of innocent people were killed." Admitting these are "hard words" for a minister, Salm said, "you have to stop and think about what's going on. You want to defend your country." Although he's been in Canada since the mid-1990s, Salm has maintained his American citizenship. Salm, 61, in served Vietnam with the US Air Force for three months in 1962 "before the war broke out." He | joined the air force in 1959, was released in 1963 and served in the reserves Father Joe Salm in the medical corps until 1972. "I'm so devastated by the whole thing that I can't imagine the carnage. Families' lives have been absolutely ruined. My prayers and heart go out to these people. "It's unbelievable this can happen." Salm said a special memorial ser vice for those who died in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon will be held Sunday at 11 a.m., at St. Columba's Church, 37 Lakeshore Rd. W. American Women's Club members shaken By Wilma Blokhuis OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Members of the American Women's Club of Oakville gathered in small groups on Tuesday as news of the terror ist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York City unfolded. "Obviously, all of us are very shak en," said Lorraine Foltz, president of the 130-member group for US-born (and naturalized) women. "It's hard to grasp this can happen. "Most of us have husbands who fly to the United States regularly on business." Foltz said her husband flew to Newark on Monday morning, and plans to drive home with his colleagues, as all airline flights in the United States have been cancelled. "I contacted our New York members and all of their families are safe. "Fortunately, at this point, all of our family members seem to be safe - so far," she said. "Some members are still waiting to hear - and some haven't heard yet." The attack was "very scary, and very shocking. "At this point, all of us were making sure our families (in the United States) are safe. We're going to have a group meeting on Thursday morning. We've already had a few small meetings to offer support to each other." Foltz said she has been to the World Trade Centre and added, "I had friends working there, but not now (at the time of the attack)." O P E N S U N D A Y S 1 2 -5 140 R eb ecca O A K V IL L E 8 4 4 -7 7 2 8 SALE PRICES END SUN., OCT. 7, OR WHERE SEARS IS CLOSED, SAT., OCT. 6, 2 0 0 1 , UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Sears stores close to you, close to home Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: North B oltonD ealerStore(905) 857-4390 M arkhamFurniture, A ppliances &H om eIm provem ents Store D o nM ills&Steeles (905) 881-6600 M artw illeShoppingC entre (905) 946-1866 Prom enadeShoppingC entre(905) 731-3388 R ichm ond H ill F urniture&A ppliances Store H w y . 7and Y ongeS t. (905) 762-0870 U pperCanada M all N ew m arket (905) 898-2300 W oodbridgeF urniture &A ppliancesS tore H w y . 7 &W estonR d. (905) 850-6406 East O shaw a ShoppingC entre(905) 576-1711 PickeringT ow nC entre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough F urniture&A ppliances S tore K ennedyR d. &401 (416) 332-8577 ScarboroughT o w nC entre (416) 296-0171 Central F airviewM all (416)502-3737 G errardSquare (416) 461-9092 Sheiw ayG ardens (416) 620-6011 W oodbineShoppingC entre (416) 798-3800 Y orkdaleShoppingC entre (416) 789-1105 A llenR d. F urniture&A ppliancesS tore A llenR d. &Sheppard A v e. (416) 398-9947 M o th e r still s h a k in g (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 1) West A ncaster F urniture&A ppliancesStore G o lf L inks R d. &L egendC rt. (905) 304-1440 B ram alea C ityC entre(905) 458-1141 B ram pton Furniture&A ppliances S tore 535Steeles A v e. E . (905) 455-1255 B urlington F urniture &A ppliances Store' Plains R d. East &Q E W (905) 631-9655 E rinM illsT o w nC entre (905) 607-2300 G eorgetow nD ealerStore(905) 877-5172 H am iltonC entreM all (905) 5454741 L im eridgeM all H am ilton (905) 389-4441 M apleviewC entre B urlington (905) 632-4111 M ilton D ealer Store (905) 878-4104 M ississauga D ealerStore(905) 848-8882 M ississauga F urniture&A ppliances S tore H w y . 5 &403 (905) 820-6801 O akvillePlace (905) 842-9410 SquareO neShoppingC entre(905) 270-8111 W A S H E RH A S TR IP LE -A C TIO NA G IT A T O R &A U T O M A T IC TE M P E R A T U R EC O N T R O L W A S H E RH A S 3-S P E E D , 5-C O M B IN A TIO NM O T O R D R Y E RH A S 12 C Y C L E S A N DM O IS T U R EM O N IT O R Gas dryer extra. All gas connections should be done in accordance w ith local gas codes Christine reached her mother, first via email and later by cellphone. "She told me people were trying to escape by jumping from the top floor of the World Trade Center." Discovering the telephones were disconnected due to the disaster, the result of two hijacked airlines crashing into the Centre shortly before 9 a.m., "she used her Blackberry to email me," said Farkas. "Later, she called me at work using her cellphone." Farkas, unable to reach her parents in Europe by phone, emailed them to say their granddaughter was safe." Keeping an eye on the news via CNN 's Internet site, Farkas said, "when you think about it, it's incredible this can happen. "I'm still shaking." S E W IN G M A C H IN E S T O R E R E P A IR S T O S IN G E R n n d n i l o t h e r m n le e s d r m o d e l s W M. E X P E R T P IN K IN G S H E A R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G M !M A Y I N G - I Major appliances also available at Eatons: Toronto Eaton Centre, 4th Floor. now 399" KENM ORE 12-AMP POW ER-MATE® VACUUM Convenient, hand le-m ou nte d o n /o ff/b a re flo o r sw itch. #20500 Sears reg. 599.99. 198 S P E E R S R D . 8 4 2 -2 0 3 3 In s id e O a k v ille V a c u u m CORRECTION For our 64-Page Sears Pre-Print (Sale Dates: Sept. 10-16,2001 (C093F501) Page 12: Cool Water G ift Sets will not be available for the start of the promotion. Orders will be taken in-store. save $100 M A YTA G ELECTRONIC DISHW ASHER `Q uiet Pack' sound system feature. #97252. A va ila b le in B la ck and B isque now $898 KENM ORE 20.5-CU. FT. FRIDGE WITH TOP FREEZER 1 fu ll and 2 h a lf-w id th glass shelves. #65162. For our 8 -Page Hardware Sale Pre-Print (Sale Dates: Sept. 10-30,2001 (V093V101) Page 3: Craftsman 12V-3/8" Drill/Driver #22410 will not be available for this promotion. W ES IN C E R E L YR E G R E TA N Y IN C O N V E N IE N C E T H IS M A YH A V EC A U SE DO U RC U ST O M E R S. Sears reg. 1149.99. A va ila b le in W hite, B lack and Bisque PLUS, ALL MAYTAG9AND KITCHENAID' MAJOR APPLIANCES ON SALE `A ll o n sale' ends S un., O ct. 7, or where Sears is closed, Sat., O ct. 6,2001 Registered tra d e m a rk of KitchenA id USA. K itchenA id Canada licensee in Canada Major appliances online at www.sears.ca HALTON TRAFALGAR TRAVEL MOVES TO DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE! Grand O pening a n d Travel Show Downtown A u tu m n Festival S atu rd ay , S e p te m b e r 15, 2001 278 C h u rc h S tre et HALTON TRAFALGAR TRAVEL 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -3 1 1 1 Come meet our Partners in Travel Air Transat Holidays, Canada 3000. Signature Vacations and World o f Vacations S e a rs S e a rs N P 0930401 O a k v ille P la c e Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9 pm. Sat. 8am-6pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm. M is s is s a u g a F u rn itu re & A p p lia n c e S to re Mon.-Fri. 10 am-9 pm. Sat. 10 am-6 pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm. 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