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Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2001, "Business", D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday September 19, 2001 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 " Get the Facts. Find out about the choices it provides. " Glen Oaks M em orial Gardens 3164 9th Line, Oakville G /tf 2 5 7 -1 1 0 0 All proceeds of shirt sale will go to families of dead relief workers A n O akville business wants to raise money for the N ew York City firefight ers killed during the terrorist attack there last week. G row l'n G ator Liquidator and the O akville firefighters have joined forces to raise funds for the lost rescue w ork ers by selling a w earable donation shirt. Each garm ent will cost $10 with all of that am ount going to the fund. All shirt T he Oakville B eaver M y nam e is Susan Hollander a n d Em ily Bruch. Chocolate sales aid Kids Help Phone T h is m o n th , B oston P izza International Inc. kicks o ff its fourth annual fundraising cam paign w ith net p roceeds going in support o f the K ids H elp Phone. T he K ids H elp Phone, C a n ad a's o n ly 2 4 -h o u r, to ll-fre e , b ilin g u al, anonym ous phone counselling and referra l se rv ic e fo r ch ild re n and youth, received m ore than 363,000 ca lls fro m k id s in alm o st 3,000 C anadian com m unities last year. This represents a 25% increase over 1999. H its to the K ids H elp Phone w ebsite, h ttp ://k id s h e lp .sy m p a tic o .c a , have also increased significantly in 2000. T his y e a r's goal is to raise over $50,000 from the sales o f the popular T urtles, w hich are priced at $2 fo r a p ac k ag e o f eig h t ch o c o la tes. T he cam paign not only raises money, but also helps to increase aw areness o f the service. O ver the past three cam paigns, B oston P izza Intern atio n al has raised ov er $350,000 fo r Kids H elp Phone. and production costs are being paid for by G row l'n G ator and the artist, B. W ildfong, has w aived any fee and roy alties. The Rescue W orkers Fam ily Relief Fund is being spearheaded by Oakville, Kitchener-W aterloo, Barrie and other fire departments. Donations are being m onitored by a KW accounting firm that has also waived its fees. The shirt front has a coloured design depicting the tragedy and the courage resulting from these acts o f terrorism. The back o f the shirt publicizes the fund and the families the shirt's pur chase will help. Shirts will be available as o f Friday at G row l'n G ator L iquidator's three locations including O akville at 1029 Speers Rd., ju st w est o f Fourth Line and in Barrie and Kitchener. Susan and I have been doing the Oakville Beaver together for about a year, I have been doing them for about a year ancf a half. W e like getting togeth er and doing papers 3 times a week. Susan likes packing papers the most and I like delivering the papers the most, but we each do both and sometimes we do them seperately. W e are happy that we know almost everyone on our street just from doing papers. W e also got Christmas cards and extra money from some people we deliver to. Susan Emily Sometimes, about once every 2 months we go shopping together using our paper money. It is easier doing papers with two people because when one o f us is on vacation the other person does the papers for them and get paid more money. I think doing the Oakville Beaver makes Susan and I more responsible! Winning Carriers receive a large 3 topping pizza courtesy of: Lawyers form personal injury practice A fo rm e r p a rtn e r w ith T h om son, R ogers has jo in e d a co llea g u e there to set up a new firm M a c D o n a ld S w an L itig a tio n C ou n sel, LLP. S tep h en M acD o n ald o b ta in ed his B .A . fro m Yale U n iv ersity in 1973 an d his- L L .B . fro m Q u e e n 's U n iv ersity in 1977. H e w as ad m itted to th e b ar in 1979. A fo rm e r partner w ith T h o m son, R ogers, M acD onald sp e cia liz es in all asp ects o f serio u s p erso n al in ju ry litig atio n . H e is a m e m b er o f th e A d v o c a te s' S ociety, M e d ic a l L eg a l S o c ie ty an d the C an ad ian B ar A sso ciatio n . E ric S w an, also fo rm erly w ith T h o m so n ,R o g e rs, w as ad m itted to the bar in 1996 fo llo w in g his g ra d u ation from Q u e e n 's U n iv ersity w ith a B .A . an d su b se q u en t L L .B . in 1994. H e is a m em b er o f the A d v o c a te s' S o c ie ty , th e C a n a d ia n B ar A sso c iatio n and a fo rm e r m em b er o f th e B o a rd of D ire c to rs of C o m m u n ity H ead In ju ry R esource S erv ices in T oronto. H e sp ecializes in serio u s p erso n al injury and in su r an ce litig atio n d isp u tes and is also train ed in altern ate d isp u te re so lu tion. T h e firm is lo c a te d at 1540 C o rn w a ll R d .. S u ite 106 in th e C o rn w all B usiness C en tre. C all 8423838 o r on the w eb: w w w .m acdona ld an d sw an .co m O n t a r i o ' s # 1 P iz z a s / To join our delivery team call 905-845-9742 Find Out What Everyone's Talking About! CH television setting up Oakville news bureau H a m ilto n -b a s e d C H te le v is io n statio n has set up a H alton N ew s B ureau in O akville. H a lto n B u re a u re p o r te r L isa S au n d ers w ill re p o rt liv e on the issu es facin g resid e n ts in O ak v ille, H alton H ills, M ilto n and B urlin g to n . "W e're ex c ite d ab o u t o u r new p ro g ra m m in g in itia tiv e s," said M ike K a try c z , CH n ew s d ire c to r. "O p en in g the H alton N ew s B ureau w as an im p e rativ e step in co v erin g th e H a m ilto n -H a lto n -N ia g a ra area like nev er b efore an d co m p lem en ts o u r lo n g -sta n d in g N iag ara B u rea u ." In ad d itio n to S a u n d e rs' new s rep o rts, a "liv e c a m e ra ," m o u n ted on the b u re a u 's ro o fto p , w ill have th e ca p ab ility to cap tu re p ictu res 24 hours a day, seven d ay s a w eek. In F ebruary 2001, CH u n d erw en t a co m p lete re-b ra n d in g , co m m en ced an ag g re ssiv e local n ew s-p ro g ram m ing reg im e, in tro d u c ed new co n cep ts in local o n -a ir reflec tio n , and ex p an d ed its n u m b e r o f lo cal p ro gram m in g hours. T h is fall, C H w ill d e liv e r 30 h ours o f new s an d in fo rm atio n p ro g ram m in g p lu s 12 h o u rs o f local reflec tiv e p ro g ram m in g -- to ta lin g 42 h o u rs o f local p ro d u ctio n a w eek. Ford Canada sales off 13% in August C onsum ers in C anada purchased 18,645 new Ford and Lincoln cars and trucks in A ugust, a 12.8 per cent decrease from the sam e m onth last year. C ar sales w ere dow n 9.8 per cent to 6,116 units, w hile truck sales dropped by 14.2 p e rc e n t, to 12,529 units. " In to d a y 's h ig h ly -c o m p etitiv e m arket, the fastest-grow ing new vehi cle segm ents are sm all car and sub com pact SUV. A nd in these tough seg m ents, F ord Focus set a new sales record in A ugust and Ford Escape continues to dom inate," said Robert G irard, vice-president o f sales, F ord M otor Com pany o f C anada , Limited. A m ong A ugust H ighlights were: * Ford Focus set a new record in A ugust w ith 3,527 sales, a 14.8 per cent increase over the sam e m onth last year. * C o m b in ed F o rd and L in co ln SU V sales w ere up 18 per cent over last year. * Sales o f Lincoln luxury vehicles ju m p ed seven per cent. * Ford R anger m arked its best A ugust sales perform ance since 1997 w ith a 28 per cent increase. HALTON REGION NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No. 1 Trafalgar Road (Regional Road 3) Improvements Class Environmental Assessment Study The Regional Municipality of Halton has initiated a Class Environmental Assessment to consider options to satisfy travel demand on Trafalgar Road from Britannia Road north to the south ramp of Highway 401 (see map below). To address operational deficiencies associated with this segment of Trafalgar Road, a number of road improvement alternatives will be examined, including widening the roadway, new road alignments, possible railway crossing and improvements to intersections, among others. The study will be conducted in compliance with Schedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association M unicipal C lass E nvironm ental A ssessm ent (June 2000). A Public Information Centre (PIC) is planned to provide further information to the public and interested stakeholders and to receive input and feedback on the study to date. The PIC is to be held: Tuesday, Septem ber 25th, 2001 Percy Merry Public School (Gymnasium ) 263 Britannia Road East, Milton Open House 5:30 - 8:00 PM Those attending the PIC will have an opportunity to meet the Project Jeam, review the study scope, and discuss the issues related to the project including alternative solutions, environmental considerations and the assessment of evaluation criteria for the alternative solutions. If you are unable to attend the PIC and require additional information, please contact: Mr. Edward Soldo, P. Eng. Project Manager Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 Phone: 905-825-6161, Ext. 7475 Toll Free: 1-866-442-5866 (1 -8 6 6 -4 H A L T O N ) r~ z " O K l/l i · J} r J x \ \ g * V 1 S T U D Y > 1EA 1 A a e ^ rc * c fffL - ROAD « \^ 1 w · V ' \ 1 9 ' I \ ! ^ r v l 1 t i l L J. . i i i i N 1 £ _r o a d __ Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: soldoe@region.halton.on.ca Mr. John Grebenc, P.Eng. UMA Engineering Ltd. 5080 Commerce Blvd. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4P2 Phone: 1-905-238-0007 Ext. 2610 Fax: 1-905-238-0038 Email: jgrebenc@umagroup.com fo flS r fa ______i www.region.halton.on.ca/ppw/roads Free Seminars Scheduled: 11 am Finding Your Path to Employment. Too much information?!! Attend this seminar facilitated by Kathy Palmer, Career Counsellor Halton Dulterin Skills Evaluation Centre Effective Career Opportunities & Job Search Skills A seminar on career options and effective job search skills. Doreen Deacon, President of Halton Business Institute 12 noon Free Seminars Scheduled: 1pm " Networkino" Presenter: Jennifer Ogrodnik, Accountemps " How to write a resume and Interview Questions" Presenter: Victoria Rempel, OfficeTeam If your company wishes to register Call Today! Only a few booths left! Call 905-632-4444 Ext. 243

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