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Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2001, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 19, 2001 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Call 845-3824; ext. 254 with your arts or entertainment tips. Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square H alton L inen O u tl e t New to Store - Coverlets in natural, white & light blue Twin Full Queen King Reg. 114.99 Reg. 139.99 Reg. 169.99 Reg.199.99 Junior Pillow Reg. 11.99 ea. NOW $7.99 ea. NOW $6.99-$9.99 Now $79.99 Now $99.99 Now SI 18.99 Now SI 39.99 Decorative Pillows Reg. 15.99 -18.99 As a youngster, artist dreamed of joining Liberation Army (Continued from page B7) recalling the im ages he saw every N ew Y ear's D ay o f children freezing in the streets o f America. "I dream ed o f becom ing a m em ber o f the People's Liberation Army," he continued. "A t 1 7 ,1 becam e a soldier in the Liberation A rm y ... I was a m em ber o f the Propaganda A rts T ro o p ...a stage d esig n er and a p ro p ag an d a poster a rtist...In 1980 I becam e a m em ber o f the C hinese Com m unist Party." Later, W ang studied at the Central A cadem y o f Fine Art, with dream s of serving C hina as "a great artist." B ut it w asn't until he w ent south and met a group o f Buddhists that his life began to take a turn. T hen w hen disaster hit Tiananm en Square, a place that w as a sym bol o f peace to Wang, he says he "resigned from the party but kept my com m unist id eals...Ju n e 4, 1989 w as the darkest day o f my life ...T h e sm ell o f blood will alw ays be in Tiananm en Square." A fter the film screening at G airloch G ardens on Sunday, W ang and John Fraser, author and form er G lobe & M ail correspondent in Peking, dis cussed the film and encouraged ques tions from the audience. D uring that discussion W ang described him self as a B uddhist rather than a revolutionary, w ho w ould like to see both China and N orth A m erica ruled by a blend o f com m unist ideals and capitalist val ues. "I am no longer pro-C om m unist governm ent. I'm pro-C hina," he said. "I w ould be considered a dissident." T he fact that his film is not being show n in his native land does not dis turb W ang, he said, suggesting that people in China w ould not be interest ed in his life story, a story that m irrors the lives o f many. The W estern World, on the other hand, could learn from it. "T he W est d o esn 't really know C hina - ju st Chairm an M ao and C on f u c iu s ...I f I co u ld help the W est u n d erstan d m ore ab o u t C hina, it w ould be a very constructive thing to do," he explained, adding that his film w ould not be financially profitable for Placemats Reg.5.99 - 8.99 NOW $1.99 Twin Full Queen King Reg. 64.99 Now $49.99 Now $39.99 Reg. 112.99 Now $79.99 Now $59.99 Reg. 129.99 Now $89.99 Now $69.99 Reg. 139.99 Now $99.99 Now $79.99 NOW AVAILABLE Extra Long Twin Sheets reg $59.99 NOW $39.99 Reg. 59.99 Reg. 89.99 Reg. 102.99 Reg. 119.99 O A K V IL L E 481 N o r t h S e r v ic e R d .W . ( b e tw e e n D o r v a l D r iv e a n d 4 th L in e ) Flannel Sheets 100% cotton 230 count cotton sheets Twin Full Queen King (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 M O N . - FRI. IO A .M .- 5 :3 0 P.M. SA TURDAY I 0 A .M .-6 P.M. SU NDA Y. I2A .M - 5 P.M. Voted Oakville's Best Linen Shop "When I come back to Montreal (from China), I ask, `Why should I live here. Nothing is happening in the streets."But after the disaster at the World Trade Centre, I decided that here would be the safestplace to live. I have a decent life and I am doing something I really like. " C hina either. "It's a foreign film , a Canadian film. A nd C hina has to buy the film. Today C hina buys m ostly H ollyw ood film s because it's a busi n ess... It has to m ake m oney and this film w o n 't m ake money." Just as his film can help the West learn about China, the C ultural Revo lution, he said, helped the Chinese learn m ore about the W est by shorten ing the tim e C hina took to becom e an industrialized, m odem country. Both he and F raser visit C hina often and naturally fell into discussing the changes it has experienced over the years, especially w hen it com es to consum erism and the proliferation of such icons as C oca C ola and KFC. W ang even suggested that som e C hi nese co u p les h o ld th eir w edding receptions at KFC. "The standard o f living is m uch higher than it w as 12 years ago, w hen I cam e here (to C an ad a)...A ll m ajor corporations have branches in China. It's a big m arket," Wang said. Then, acknow ledging its record on hum an rights, he added, "It's business first, then hum an rights n e x t...If A m erica w ould soften its fo reig n policy tow ards China, there could be a good future for C hina." Wang, who loves both C hina and C anada, says he d o esn 't feel at hom e in either place, although he teaches art in both. H e lives in M ontreal because it is peaceful, he said, especially w hen he com pares it to the crow ded streets Events at Bronte C re e k October 6-8 S p ru c e L a n e F a rm (P arking L o t F) Harvest Home Fair I I a.m.-4 p.m. Enjoy a traditional fall fair with pony rides ( I -3), music, historical demonstrations and traditional games. Bring the whole family out for a fun-filled Thanksgiving Weekend. October 8 ONLY Harvest Home Craft Show S p ru c e L a n e F a rm (P arking L o t F) 10 a.m .-4 p.m. C om e and shop through ' ^ unique and handmade crafts and wares.There will be w ood work, stain glass, ceramics and more. October 13, 14 & 15 Fabulous Fall Hike Spruce Lane Farm (P arking L o t F) ONTARIO 2 p.m. Join the park naturalist on this afternoon hike on the 1/2 Moon Valley Trail, to discover how nature prepares for winter. Stay-at-hom e M om s attend the Monday afternoon hike! H Bronte Creek For m ore inform ation call o f Beijing. Consequently, he said, he hates C h in a's congestion but loves its vibrancy and good food. "It's a big co n trad ictio n ...I love C hina and I am very p ro -C h in a...I try to go back m ore often," he said, noting that C h in a's gradual m ove tow ards a free-m arket econom y has left it in bet ter shape than R ussia w ith its over night change. "W hen I com e back to M ontreal (from China), I ask, `W hy should I live here. N othing is happening in the streets.' B ut after the disaster at the World Trade Centre. I decided that here w ould be the safest place to live. I have a decent life and I am doing som ething I really like." Sunrise O ver Tiananmen Square, w hich includes still photographs of im ages from the film , w ill continue at O akville G alleries in G airloch G ar dens until Nov. 4. Jan W ong, form er Beijing corre spondent for The G lobe & M ail and author o f R ed China B lues (1996) and Jan Wong's China: R eports fro m the N o t-so -F o reig n C orrespondent (1999), w ill d iscu ss S u n rise O ver Tiananmen Square on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in G airloch G ardens. O akville G alleries in G airloch G ar dens is located at 1306 Lakeshore Rd. E. and is open from 1 to 5 p.m ., Tues days to Sundays. A dm ission is free. F or m ore inform ation, call 905844-4402 o r visit w w w .oakvillegalleries.com . (905) 827"6911 or w w w .ontarioparks.com Art for rent or sale O riginal art w ork is available for rent or sale on the second floor of O akville G alleries at G airloch G ar dens, 1306 Lakeshore Rd. E., every Sunday and Thursday, from 1 to 5 p.m. There is a large selection o f art by w ell-know n Canadian artists. To rent any o f these w orks o f art for one to three m onths, you m ust be a m em ber o f O akville G alleries (a m em bership is $25 per year). For more inform ation call Oakville Galleries Volunteer A ssociation's Art Rental and Sales at 338-0117. O A K V IL L E »«»> Rescheduling of the Continuation of a Public Meeting Official Plan Amendment 198 Town of Oakville Land North of Dundas Street File: 42.14.198 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 Please be advised that the public meeting regarding the Town-initiated Official Plan Amendment 198 has been re-scheduled to continue for the purpose of obtaining further public input. The subject Official Plan Amendment applies to all the land within the Town boundary. The Official Plan Amendment proposes to: incorporate those lands north of Dundas Street into the Town of Oakville's urban area as identified within Regional Official Plan Number 8. establish the conditions for the development of the lands north of Dundas Street; and redefine the Town's municipal structure to reflect this change including revisions to the plan concept, goal and objectives, planning period and planning population and employment levels. The public meeting will continue on: September 26, 2001, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers, Town Hall, 122S Trafalgar Road, Oakville; and on: September 27, 2001, 7:00 PM, Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, if necessary. Any individuals wishing to attend the meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed official plan amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, then the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal without holding a hearing. If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, E xt 3025, email address: lgough@town.oakville.on.ca or to Robert Thun, Planner, Ext. 3029, e-mail address: rthun@town.oakville.on.ca. You may also direct any other written submissions and/or questions to either person. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 19th day of September, 2001. Lynne Gough, Manager, Long Range Planning Section, Planning Services Department Local Business Fund to aid in the September 11th relief efforts i|iP Please Help. in co-operation with: ijjiji ifittiffiftP i i l l H l i l l l l i l lu iii 0 m. j j I I The Oakville. Milton and Distr REAL ESTATE BOARD REQUEST FOR TENDER TOWN OF OAKVILLE CONTRACT NO. EC-19-94 SIXTEEN MILE CREEK BANK STABILIZATION TENDER DOCUMENTS Plans, specifications and tender forms will be available on or after Tuesday, September 18,2001 and may be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 2274 Trafalgar Road for a non-refundable payment of THIRTY-FIVE dollars ($35.00), G.S.T. included. The Contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Performance Bond satisfactory to the Town of Oakville, equal to 100% of the contract Price and a Labour and Material Payment Bond totaling 50% of the contract price. PROJECT NUMBER: EC-19-94 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project involves the replacement o f erosion protection features at the base of the Cross Avenue embankment including removal of existing gabion baskets, embankment fill removal, placement of approximately 90 lineal metres of two course armourstone and placement of approximately 950 tones of quarry stone rip rap revetment on the regraded embankment slope. T h e Oa k v il le B eaver Cali 905-337-5552 for details OAKVILLE & DISTRICT HUMANE IS O C I E T Y W 2 join the fun! Leash-up your pet and enjoy a great 3.5 km walk... and help eliminate violence against animals! alk A gainst V iolence 0 0 1 ADDRESS; Sealed Tenders on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1 or by mail to P.O. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6. CLOSING TIME/DATE: 2:00 p.m., local time, Tuesday, October 2,2001 Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. local time. TENDER DEPOSIT A certified cheque, a Bank/Trust Company draft or a Bid Bond for the amount specified in the tender documents MUST accompany each tender. Any questions related to this construction tender should be directed to Mr. D.L. Lambert, C.E.T., of the Town of Oakville at 905-845-6601, ext. 3338. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R.G. Green, P. Eng., Director, Department of Public Works S atu rd ay , September 29,2001 Thank you to our generous sponsors! A l g o n q u in P o w er C o r p o r a t io n ^O akville Beaver RoadRunner Printers RBC Financial Group ANDERSEN 9:30 am at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 1415 Third Line rain or shine. For m ore information, please call: 1225 TRAFALGAR RO AD · OAKVILLE, O N TA R IO · L6J 5A6 905*845*1551

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