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Oakville Beaver, 22 Aug 2001, Entertainment, C 8

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 22, 2001 "IMGCST GROWER Of BIDDING PLANTS IN THf ARCA" K K IE ftN S IE i garden mums ARE HERE! $ 5558 Trafalgar Road (9 0 5 ) 8 7 8 -0 72 2 9." A ils & Ehteriahnent Oakville BeaverA&E Editor: Carol Baldwin 845-3824 (Ext. 254); Fax: 337-5567; E-mail: baldwin@haltonsearch.com v H O O D E R 'S M iwtin I I Scan-DM 720g proven lor safe tairts August Jltn l KW« 29£ i,ftectin or 2 for 49" w weight loss. 1 0 1 1 U p p e r M id d le R o a d E a s t " U p p e r O a k v ille S h o p p in g C e n t r e " ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 -8 5 2 2 Creative kids receive free art lessons from Oakville artists B y C aro l Baldw in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR tg r The art lessons m ight be free, but there's no free ride for the kids involved. Not only do they have to com plete w orks o f art in a variety o f styles and m edia - draw ing, painting, sculpture, printm aking and collages, but they have to price them for sale as well. Beyond Crayons is not for slackers. It's for children, aged 6 to 10, w ith a natural artistic talent. "I looked for kids w ho had a. really strong creative side," says founder Colleen Salzsauler, explaining that som e o f the local schools helped her hook-up with creative kids. "N ot that their parents are poor, but in this day and age to spend a couple o f hundred dollars on art lessons during the sum m er is a big bite for people, especially if they have m ore than one child. So w hat happens is: the child m ay really w ant the lessons but never have the opportunity." And, she adds, art lessons in schools are often squeezed out o f the curriculum or taught by non-artists. So, in Beyond Crayons' inaugural year, nine students had the advantage o f learning a variety o f art form s from a num ber o f different artists at a price that can't be beaten. A nd their ages, says Salzsauler, m eant that they hadn't yet been dis couraged by negative feedback. "They are still im pressionable. T hey lack inhibitions to their a r t.. .W hen they're little, even though they still have a lot to leam , they will, through encouragem ent, rem em ber the good things that w ere said," she explains. "Just to see their eyes light up w hen you say `M ake sure you sign it;' or `som ebody could buy this.' It m akes them feel as though they have accom plished som ething." A nd som eone ju s t m ight buy th e ir w ork, since Salzsauler insisted that her first set o f charges price their pieces and include them in an end-of-sum m er exhibition in her bam in H alton H ills, w here she ran the classes. Even though her hom e is in north Halton, as was her eight-w eek sum m er art session for kids, Salzsauler does a lot o f her ow n artw ork in O akville's Industrial A rtSpace and belongs to A rtists 24 - an artists' co-op in O akville. "I w ould like to see the (Beyond Crayons) classes run in an area in O akville next sum m er, having the sam e thing w ith artists giving their tim e," she says, explaining that a num ber o f guest artists - all but one from O akville - have donated their tim e to this endeavour. "Each w eek, pretty m uch, it's been a different type o f art. And you can ju st see the kids' m inds going when you start talking about it. It's fun ju st to listen to w hat they com e up w ith ...to not have to follow some specific form ." This free art course for children grew out o f an educa tion program that Salzsauler took. Part o f the leadership section o f her course involved designing a project that w ould involve the com m unity. "W hen I was a child I w ould have given anything to have art le sso n s...I never thought I could accom plish any thing art-w ise until I started taking art lessons at Sheridan C ollege six years ago," she says, adding that she always had a creative side but never developed it until she was an adult. "I thought if I could inspire children to rem em ber that they really could paint or be creative and be good at it, that that w ould stick w ith them. So, my project was to inspire the artists in my com m unity to help me teach kids." N ow that her project is nearing the end o f its first year, Salzsauler does not w ant it to end com pletely and plans to offer it in O akville next summer. In the m eantim e, her first set o f students is pricing their artw ork to sell at an exhibi tion on Sunday, Aug. 26, from 3 to 5 p.m. Salzsauler says each student will have a piece from each discipline repre sented in the show. This exhibit, how ever, will not only feature the artw ork o f the students but will also include art from the artists who taught som e o f the classes, along their resum es, so people can see the calibre o f instructors that taught the budding young artists. T he Beyond Crayons art exhibition will take place at 12921 No. 5 Sideroad. w hich is the first traffic light north o f Steeles Avenue. The house/bam gallery is located on the first property w est o f T rafalgar Road. Photo by Brent Foster C harles Buchanan o f O akville gives Shelby Shaw, left, and D akotah Slade a hand with sculpturing in clay. Buchanan w as one o f m any local artists w ho donated their tim e to help talented children explore their creativity in a free art program this summer. 4* 162 inches Allison Did It! High speed's a turn on, High speed for free, is a real turn on. Thinking about making the move to COGECO@Home high speed Internet? Then now is definitely the time to do it. 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OAKVILLE (In the Bruno's Fine Foods plaza) £ ; W ----- Open Monday - Friday 9-7 & Saturday 9-4 (905 ) 469-4532

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