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Oakville Beaver, 29 Aug 2001, d3

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Wednesday, August 29, 2001 T he Oakville B eaver - THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D3 BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm - C lassified houses for sale apartments & flats for rent .wwoakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 905-845-9742 auctions, sales auctions, sales · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 IBTil FEE! condominiums for rent EETil townhouses for rent townhouses for rent daycare wanted BABYSITTER required for grade 4 girl, after school in my hom e be s id e M unns S ch ool. R e fe re n c e s re q u ire d . Pay n e g o tia b le . (905)845-2881___________ DAYCARE Needed Morn ings o n ly in R ive r O aks Area, for little boy age 5, who will be attending S.K at O .L .O .P in th e a fte r noons. P lease call (905) 330-7507 leave message. BEFORE/ A fte r school care needed for 2 children, Sir E.MacMillan School, 78:30am to 3:05-5pm. Flexi ble days. Suit student/ athome mom. 905-319-9315. C H ILDCA RE : S u ther land Academ y (Maple at Lockhart) needs an enthu siastic person for the After school Program. Monday to Friday 3:45 -5:30. Must be at least 17, and have C.P.R. training. Fax or deliver resume: 905-633-9536. CLASSROOM H elper Mon/Wed/Fri. a.m. for Oak ville Co-Op Nursery School. $9/hr. ECE not required. M ust love pre-schoolers. C all 8 4 4 -4 7 6 4 between 8pm -10pm.______________ FILIP IN A Nanny, live-in, a vailable. No fee to em ployer. Please call Amah International, 416-221-3303. LO VING , e nergetic parttim e nanny/ caregiver re quired in my North Burling ton home for 22 mo. & 3-yr old. Flexible days/ hours. (905)331-2887___________ LO VING , ene rge tic parttime nanny/ caregiver re quired for 4-yr. old boy (in school 1/2 days), 3-yr. old girl and assit with new baby due in Fall. Full days Mon. & Tues., occasional even ings in my West Oak Trails home. 905-469-9025 RELIABLE, energetic lov ing caregiver for 22-mos. twins, 3-4 days/w k., our north Burlington home. References. 905-332-1425. RESPONSIBLE experienced caregiver needed for 2 boys, ages 7&10, 3 days weekly. 38pm. Fluent English, car, non-sm oker, downtown O akville. Light cooking/ housekeeping. References. $107hr. Call 905-844-6559. RYERSON School area. Part-tim e care Thursday, Friday, 10-mos. old & 4-yr. old. Pick-up/ drop off. 905333-0680._______________ STUDENT from M.M. Robinson H.S. required for afterschool childcare/ tutor ing, boys aged 8 &10. 905631-5865, ext-42__________ STUDENT required for after school daycare, 2 children 7 & 10. Cavendish/ Sinclair Circle area. 905-331-9425 URGENT daycare (6yr old) before/ afterschool 7am -6pm , G olden Briar Trail Area, St. Andrew's School, 416-986-3573 LM EM items under $ 100. K W j l auctions, sales O A K V ILLE . Glen Abbey. A pprox. 3,000 sq.ft. im maculate, 4-bedrooms, ex cellent neighbours, lots of upgrades, $465,000. Private. 905-510-3300._______ COUNTRY Home (N orth B u rlington). 3-bedroom brick bungalow, double ga rage, ravine, stream, 1 acre. $359,000. 905-336-0272. I l i y j Open Houses SAT./SUN. 1-4pm , 2355 Coldstream Dr., Brant Hills. 3-bedroom semi-detached backsplit. C/A, new roof (2yrs.), fridg e, stove, d ish washer. $159,900. 905631-1802; 905-332-3255. Downtown Burlington Torrance Street 1&2 Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, From $840./mo. (905) 637-6701 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 2-bed rooms available November. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486. BU RLING TO N. 383 St. Paul S treet: 1-bedroom , $699. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For appointment, 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Geisel LARGE 2- bedroom- close to lake, Guelph Line/ New St. area. O c t.1st. $795./ m o.+ hydro. No dogs. (905)637-7687____________ FRESHLY decorated 1Bedroom bachelor, A l dershot, Immediate. $650/ mo. includes parking & util ities. First/ Last. References. 905-547-6799_________ DOWNTOWN Burlington, 2&3 bedrooms, Sept.; 1,2& 3 bedrooms, O ct.; Freshly painted, some with new ki.tchen cabin etry! Well m aintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call 905-637-0321 IMMEDIATE: beautiful 1bedroom, in country. 4-pce bath, Dundas & Bronte area. $650/m o. inclusive. Ted 905-465-2105 CONDO, 1 year old, avail able Nov. 1st. QEW/403. 1400 sq. ft. 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, garage, c/a, 3 ap pliances. 1 year lease, no pets. $1500/mo. + utilities (416)-948-3013___________ SOUTH Burlington. Near Mall. Spacious 3-bedroom, 1.5 baths, 6 appliances, balcony, A/C, pool, security. $1200/m o. inclusive. Oct.15. L.Davis R.E., 905333-4347________________ l ! u l houses for rent Come Home To CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited 3-BEDROOM Townhouse, Third Line/ Upper Middle. 4 a p p lia n c e s , 2 -1 /2 baths O c to b e r 1. $ 1 400 /m o. (905)827-9584___________ BURLINGTON. Brant/ Upper Middle. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, 2 appliances, very clean. Near am enities & schools. 2 underground parking. Oct. 1st. $975/mo.+ utilities. 905-336-0070 LEGEND townhouse. Lake shore/ Burtoak, 3-bedroom, 4 appliances, air, available Oct. 1st., $1650/mo. +utilities. (416)806-9663.___________ NORTH Burlington. Lambton built, m odern 2-bedroom, 1.5 bath, 5 applianc es, C/A, attached garage, $1150/mo.+ utilities. Sept.1. LDavies R.E., 905-333-4347 NO RTHEAST Burlington. 2-bedroom townhouse, 2.5 baths, finished basement. 5 appliances. $1250/m o. Available immediately. Call 905-315-9549.___________ MAPLEVIEW Mall area- 1 year new- 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, O c t.1 ., $1095./+, contact John 905-681-9289 RANGE, 30", Deluxe, in excellent working condition. Copper tone finish. $100/ obo. 905-335-3307________ SEWING machine, $35. E xcellent condition. Re cently serviced. (Burlington) 905-336-3122____________ WASHER & Dryer, Moffat, Heavy duty, $100/ for the set, Firm. 905-338-1845 ST ER E O S ystem , dual turntable. 33-1/3, 45 rpm. Marantz AM / FM stereo re ceiver, Technics cassette tape deck. Tw in custom speakers. Custom cabinet. $35 0.00 /0.B.O. Call (905) 849-3995________________ STOVE, bisque and black, exhaust fan; stainless steel sink and taps; track lighting. Mint condition. Best offers. 905-634-5942 ACTING UNDER INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED: IMPORTANT LIQUIDATION AUCTION NOTICE ITEMS BEING SOLD FROM VARIOUS: ESTAIT5 * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS * * ART * DVD * 27" T.V.S * PHONES * JEWELLERY * | * TIFFANY LAMPS * COINS * SPORTS MEMORABILIA * * MIRRORS * COLLECTIBLES * LIMOGES * * RUSTIC PINE FURNITURE * ESTATE & NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE * DINING SETS * Catalogue Sale - Will be sold in details lots by: PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS IMMACULATE 3-bedroom, Tyandaga area, Burlington. 2 baths, finished basement, new paint & carpets.. +++! $129,900.416-984-8456 O A K V ILL E C entral. 3bedroom s, lofted, condo m inium bungalow . 2,000 sq.ft., upgrades, skylights. W alk to Lake/ town. $365,900. 905-849-8027. O A K V IL L E - U p per M id dle/Third Line one year old ex e c u tiv e , 4 la rg e bdrm home, double garage, c/a, ra v in e , new a p p lia n c e s , c lo s e to hw y, sho p p in g $1695. + utilities Available Sept. 1st. (905)825-4207 or (905)334-0336_________ LO VELY 1-1/2 store y, 2bedroom core Burlington. Beautiful yard, private deck, oak kitchen, fridge, stove, hardwood, renovated bath w ith Jacuzzi, C/A, trendy lo ft M aster, m ostly new windows. Immediate. $1250/ mo.+ utilities. 905-634-8903 O A K V IL L E - R iver G len/ Howell. Im m aculate 3bdrm , 1.2 baths, finished basement, gas F/P, super deco. Fenced yard, deck, garage. 5 appliances plus A/C. $1650./mo.+ utilities. (Nov.lst) 416-200-2539 AV AILABLE Now! $1600./ mo. + utilities. 3+1 bdrm, 21/2 baths, finished base ment, 5 appliances. Chatsw orth, W aterdown. Call Verna Robson, Associate Broker, Re/M ax Garden City Realty. (905)333-3500 UPPER M iddle Rd/ G rosvenor, near Sheridan Col lege. W ell-m a inta ined 3bedroom single fam ily hom e, on ravine. C entral air/vac. Garage for storage & 2 car parking. Shared laundry, in-ground heated pool, private yard. Sep. 1st. $1500 plus 2/3 utilities. Non-sm oking. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 7286 for appointment.______ EXECUTIVE Ranch bun galow Third Line/ Rebecca 1386 Sedgew ick Cres., O akville. 4-bedrooms, o f fice, finished basement w/ bar, over-sized double ga rage, air, 4 appliances. Call to view. $1800/mo. +utililties. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. (905)842-8383.___________ OLD O akville home, cute, 5 appliances, fireplace, 2bedroom s, (2nd bedroom double size). All the shops of lovely Old Oakville just at your front steps! No lease. Short term stay acceptable. $1850/m o.+ util. Call 905845-8254, leave message NEW/ Appleby Line. Avail able O c t.1st. 2-bedroom house on large private lot. 1-car garage. $1350/m o. includes heat/ hydro. 905639-3608._______________ 3195 B ronte Road, O ak ville . Large clean 4-bed rooms, 4 appliances, adults, no pets, $1985/mo. ·futilities. 905-566-5321. HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts @quickclic.net EM lost & found SMALL Dog Found Kerr St area. Call to identify (905) 845-4615_______________ FOUND: Grey tabby/ white cat, Brant/ Bluefields area. We call ` Barbie' . 905-6377325.___________________ FOUND: Scooter at Sheri dan Park. Call to identify (905)631-7315____________ MISSING since Aug. 10 3 legged cat, very friendly. Bennet C t./ Longmoor area. 905-631-1933 REWARD: Lost: black cat! w hite chest, green eyes, answ er to "M itte n s '. G rovsn er/ U pper M iddle. 905-849-4292 A P P LIA N C E S - 2 stoves, 1 fridge, 1 washer, 1 dryer. $75/each, as is. or $300 for all 5. (905)842-7714 AQ U A R IU M - fresh water, 2 filters, special tank clean er, w ater purifier. 6ft. Lx19"Wx24"H, Custom built cedar base. $2499. (905) 333-5494________________ LEATHER loves#at- Black one month new. 905-6907839____________________ BED, King X -thick pillowtop orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxspring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635____________ B E D R O O M fu rn itu re for sale Includes dresser, war d ro b e u n it, tw o n ig h t ta ble s, and h e a dboard. Modem black & grey, good c o n d itio n . A skin g $450. Call (905)330-7507 leave message________________ BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., solid Cherrywood, 4-poster (or sleigh). All Dovetail, Chest, Tri-dresser w/mirror, 2-nightstands. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,499, sell $3,750. Can deliver. 905-971-1777. BEDROOM suite, 6-pce, M editerranean, excellent condition, $300.; kingsize bedfram e, $25.; double brass headboard, $25. 905-335-4057____________ BEDS, New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free D elivery. R efurbished VCRs, 17-25' colour TVs, portable CD players. (905)681-9496.___________ B E D - Q ueen, orthopedic piilow top m attress, boxs pring, headboard/ fo o t board, frame. New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)9713315. (Hamilton).__________ CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)6392902____________________ CHERRY e ntertainm ent centre, 4 8 'x 5 5 'w , $200. obo. W ooden swing set, $85.; Air conditioner, 10,000 BTU, $250.; Large children Sw ingin' Slide wooden clubhouse (molded plastic roof and shutte rs), $100. Two new Chippendale DR burgundy chairs, $150.ea. 905-332-6551____________ C H ESTER FIELD, plaid, 3-seater, $600; Two green highback chairs, $200; 1 highback chair, $200. Loveseat- green floral, $700. Excellent condition. 905-336-7503____________ DININGROOM set, 8pces., antique walnutstained, $850; cocktail & end tables, $85/all; carpets, 7x10, $100/both. 905-3363850.___________________ DININGROOM suite, 4 chairs, hutch, buffet, table with leaf, white wash finish: Excellent condition. $1500.; M atching sofa & loveseat, Elegant Grey, $900; 905-469-9861 DININGROOM, Warm, rich, 14-pce., Cherrywood set, 92' double pedestal w/2 leaves, 8-C hippendale chairs, Lighted China Cabinet, all Dovetail. Never opened. Cost $12,900, sacrifice $5,500. (905)304-9994.___________ D IN IN G Room Tab le. Fruitwood, in light maple. D o uble ped e sta l bases. 42x62 inches. Extends to 98 inches. Inclu d e s fo u r m atch ing padded chairs. $750.00 O.B.O. (905)8493995_____________. ESTHETIC furn iture and equipm ent; like new, 2 bikes 24' tires; computer table 30-1/4x60; a ir-lift steno chair; file cabinet, le! size, 2 drawers; water cooler. 905-637-8662 FANTASTIC Savings! No GST! Love your furniture, hate your colours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $488. Chairs from $199. Senior discount. Free estim ates. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090________ FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields f9r all fumiUire repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090____________ FREEZER- compact, white vinyl, 21-1/2'widex32'highx 23"deep. like new $100.firm. 905-332-3943.___________ FRIDGE- Viking, almond, 4 years old, $350; (4 )1 5 ' Blizzak Winter tires $300.; Fall wedding gown sz-8, at tached tra in , 13 bustles, veil, headpiece, $875. 905681-7294 HOT tub. Beachcom ber model F20X 6-person w/ lounger & cover, dual con trols, excellent condition, $6,595. 905-659-2164. BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. S acrifice, $650.(905)304-5573 (Local). WANTED A ll-C hina, S il ver, Crystal, sew ing ma chines... D oulton, Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, camera/ audio equipment, dolls, paintings, co lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ HEATHER'S Antiques buys estate items, furniture, glass, china, sterling, Royal Doultons. Cash Paid, Con' fidential- 905-703-1107. W ANTED Dr. Mario game fo r Super N intendo game system. Willing to pay $15. Please call 905-877-0670 (G eorgetow n) and leave pets, supplies boarding S H E LL Y ' S Dog H o te lNo cages, nice backyard to play in, walks & day sitting also. R easonable rates. (905)331-7249___________ 2 a d u lt c o c k a tie ls 1 one ye a r old and 1 to u r year old , both h a n c ffe d /h a n d raised with full size breed ing cage s, h ig h ly in te lli g e n t and frie n d ly $ 10 0/ each. Call (905)633-8386 P U B L IC A U C T IO N I THURSDAY, AUGUST 30 AT 7:PM (preview 6:PM) THE RAMADA INN - OAKVILLE 360 OAKVILLE PLACE DR. (Northeast com er of Q.E.W. & Trafalgar) * NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS * * SOMETHLNG FOR EVERYONE * Terms: Cash, Visa, Me, Amex, as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: I call 416-298-1762 www.proauction.com for mailing list | " ` a required. KillII c a r e e r O IL, Lube & Filter, $9.95 (Cars). D isposal $1.99.; W heel balance, $2/each; Tire installation, $2.50; Un dercoating cars w ith non drip oil only $19.95 with this ad; W indshield re placed* we pay your $100. deductible. Call Windshield King, Toll-free 1-800-6671069; 905-544-5511 (Ha milton) ______ career training TR AINING position- start immediately. 16-Wk Live-in program. Minimum 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V eterinary Hospital. Must be motivated with a love for anim als. Fa$ resume to: Andrea, 905-844-7351 WE s pecia lize in Condo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor. (905) 333-4347________________ ^ industrial /commercial space BU RLING TO N, Central. 1150 sq.ft. industrial unit for rent w /office , overhead door, im m aculate. Suit sm all busin ess/ stora ge/ ligh t m anufacturing. 905333-6525. FU LL-TIM E Nanny, livein, needed for 9 year old and infant. Burlington area, with move to Niagara. Non-smoker. References. Call 905-332-0210.________ LIVE-IN Housekeeper/ Nanny, m ust drive, re fe r ences required. Non-smoker. East Oakville.(905)849-9848 NANNY wanted for Milton area for 9, 8 & 2-yr. olds. Drivers licence required. 416-865-7782.____________ F U L L tim e e x p e re in c e d liv e -in c a re g iv e r fo r 4 c h ild re n (6 ,4 , & in fa n t tw ins)light housekeeping, non-smoker (905)825-8310 (Oakville)________________ » LIVE-IN Caregiver is need-* ed immediately in Oakville. For m ore inform ation call (905)601-4102 or (905)6885550 ext. 4538 mornings CLASSIFIED Deadlines are changing effective Sept. 1st, 2001. M on. at 5 pm to r Wed; W ed. at 5pm for Fn. and Thurs. at 5pm for S unday. For m ore in fo rm a tio n please call 905-337-5610 or 905632-4440. fax:905-632-8165. W ±[1111 cars for sale TYANDAGA CE NTR AL O akville loca tion. Shared office, ground level, 24-hour access. Full wall window. Parking. Ann 905-616-6400____________ OFFICE spaces for lease2,50 0 sq .ft., 3 ,000sq.ft. Turnkey, First class facility, call Mr. Kara 905-332-4676 or 905-334-5272 Brokers Protected 2&3 Bdrms Avail. Sept. & Oct. Single or double storey New appliances Freshly Painted Low-rise buildings Large, private patios 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. T R A F A L G A R & U pper M iddle area p e rfe c t fo r Sheridan College student. Room inclu des com puter and bar fridge. Please call (905) 844-3899 OAKVILLE, furnished room. Kitchen, laundry, parking privileges, Sept. 1st. Nonsmoker. References. $450/ mo. Call 905-842-8029. OAKVILLE furnished room in home- suit Korean/ Japanese student.GO/ Bus, $450./mon, Sept.1 st Susan 905-337 -8087__________ ________ BRONTE 1-bedroom for rent, $395/mo. includes hy dro / cable. Non-sm oker. Available Sept. (905)4650857____________________ O A K V ILLE : bright room; kitchen, bathroom, laundry, parking, TV. Shopping, li brary, buses. $450./mo., $475. furnished. 905-8278768.___________________ R ESPO N SIBLE, w orking non-smoker, share kitchen, laundry, own bath. Upper M iddle/ G uelph Line. $39Qymo (905)319-3398 UPPER M iddle/ W alker's, furnished bedroom. Kitch en, laundry, parking. Quiet non-sm oking student or working person. Referenc es. F irst/ last. $350/m o. (905)319-3905___________ W ALK IN G distance to Sheridan C ollege, $400/ mo. (905)-339-1523 FOURTH Line/ Upper M iddle, kitchen/ laundry privileges, share bath. Nonsmoker. References. $450/ mo. inclusive. F irs t/ last. Sept. 1st. 905-825-1439 S.E.BU R LIN G TO N two furnished room s, private home, private bath, TV room, share kitchen, $350$460./m o F irst/Last. 905681-7294________________ NICE room, Guelph Line/ New St. C /air, parking. Male preferred. Non-smoker. $425/mo. Available Sept. 1st. (905)637-6508.___________ GUEPH Line / New Street, excellent public transporta tion, furnished, share facili ties. mature working female preferred. 905-338-1894. EXTRA large room to rent, close to Appleby Mall. All inclusive. Non-sm oker. $400. Im m ediate. 905633-8140________________ NEAR Sheridan College on Falgarw ood, fem ale preferred, no smoking. Ref erences required, $400/mo. First/ last. 905-844-5823. LARGE furn ished room w ith bath, or apartm ent suitable fo r clean, quiet non-sm oker, Glen Abbey. 905-825-4283. R O LLS R O YC E 1984, m int, m ust sell due to ill ness. Loaded w ith every c o n c e iv a b le o p tio n . Low m ileage. Executive Pearl W hite. W ill except partial tra d e . (9 0 5 )6 6 2 -5 2 2 7 , leave message.__________ 1998 CAVALIER Z24 con vertible, 13,000 kms, fully loaded, as new, no winters. $16,950. (905)827-0437 1993 M ERC UR Y V illa g e r GS One owner, well main tained. Good general con dition but has some minor body dam age $£,700/obo (905)827-3498___________ 1991 GRAND Mercury sta tion w agon, fu lly loaded, great condition $3500/obo call (416) 414-5226 1987 Sparkling red Toyota Celica Convertible, one- ofa- kind from C a lifornia. Mint. C e rtified. $13,800/ obo. Must see! 9 0 5 -6 0 7 0277____________________ 1997 PONTIAC Sunfire dark blue 2-door, auto., 88,000 kms., $8500. 905845-9017._________ 1998 M ercury M ystique, Sport LS, auto., V-6, all power options, leaving On tario . $11,900. obo. 905815-1124._______________ 1998 Honda C ivic DX hatchback, ce rtifie d & etested, tinted, rear spoiler, AM/FM 5-speed, 98,000kms., $13,900. 905-643-686&, Stooey Creek.____________ 1987 CADILLAC Sedan De V ille m aroon, leather interior, e-tested, runs well, as is, $900. 905-631-8656 1991 HONDA Accord auto., loaded, mint condition, low m ileage, certified, $7000. Must seel 905-336-5157. 1994 Olds C utlass Ciera SL, Silver, pl/pd, air, 153K, certified & E. tested. $4900. (905)332-9760.___________ 1992 PLYM OUTH Sun dance auto., 4-door, 1owner, low m ileage, wellm aintained, as is. $2,000 firm. 905-632-6647._______ 1994 Ford Taurus G L 120,300Km , air, loaded. New brakes, Ford warranty, will certify, excellent condi tion, $4995./obo. 905-6902215____________________ 1989 M azda MPV v a n silver, as is, needs work. Best offer. Call (905)6399610____________________ 1999 Honda C ivic Sl-G , silver, 5-speed, air, abs, spoiler, moonroof, p.w., p.L, 60,000Km. $1 7 ,5 0 0 ,0 6 0 , 905-469-3154____________ 1997 P ontiac Sunfire. 2door, 117K, autom atic, green, rem ote starter, Pioneer CD, pw/pd, $9950. 905-331-2954____________ 1995 CHEVRO LET Lumina LS loaded, excellent condition, records, 129,000 kms., will ce rtify, e-test, $7700. 905-825-3067. 1996 Honda C ivic L X -5 speed, silver, a/c, 160K. Asking $9000. Cal!(905)8471307____________________ 1996 FORD Escort LX black, standard, mint con d itio n , a/c, 90,000 kms., certified, w ell-m aintained, $7,000. 905-844-7112. 1990 Eagle Talon, 2-dr coupe, 39,000 original kms, loaded. Asking $5000. firm Phone 905-336-9122 1998 Saturn 4 d r- au tom atic, air, ps, pb, rear seat folds. Great condition. (905)332-5482, after 6pm. CAR for Sale Special. Ad vertise your car for sale in The B u rlin gton Post and The Oakville Beaver for as little as $30.+ gst. for 3 con secutive issues (W ed-FriSun). Call 905-632-4440 Sale ends September, 30, 2001 . ___________________ Police Foundations D iplom a Start September HALTO N BUSIN ESS INSTITUTE (9 0 5)63 7-3- 15 professionals (905) 336-0015 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905)336-0016 WORK from home. Health Industry. $1400 part-time; $5,000. fulltim e. T raining provided. 416-631-5441 SIGN Service business in Burlington, seeks investor. Person w ill tra in to run business. Reply with resume to: Box 1869 c/o Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington L7R 2E3 OLD O akville. B e autifully m aintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom, $985./mo.; 905-8458254 (leave message) SPACIO US 1.2&3 B ed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 9 05 -33 3-98 46, Noon-8pm jfe, Psychometrist ly fk is a full` time P°sition 6'&/J1 This effective immediately. Qualifications/Experience: Qualified applicants should have a Masters degree and/or recognized professional certification (i.e. child studies, psychology); Related experience; Interpretive skill and analysis; Computer literacy; Discretion and judgment in dealing with confidential matters. Core Function: To provide a comprehensive consultation service to Board Staff, students and parents, as well as professionals outside the Board. At the request of parents/ guardians, conduct individual psychoeducational assessments of students whom are experiencing difficulty functioning within the school setting. Diagnosis of possible learning and/or socialemotional disorders and suggestions for intervention strategies for pupils with special needs. Musi be available for after-hours consultation. LIGHT housekeeping and babysitting- Tuesday & Fri day 3-7pm . Suitable for student or retired person. Kilbride(905)332-1450 ^ professional directory MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too many p a y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 ________________ 0600 BEAUTIFUL WATERD0W N! Edith Court 1-BEDROOM Oct. 1 s t* $735/mo Includes utilHies. Parking Available A home away from home fo r y o u r c h ild and y our peace of mind is all that re ally matters. Close to River Oaks School. References a v a ila b le , 14 y e a rs e x perience Jane: (905)8447108___________________ E A S T V IE W s c h o o l area b e fo re and a fte r schoo l care, Jr-k. & Sr-k alternate daycare. Call (9 0 5 )8 2 5 9514 Debbie_____________ 2 full-time spaces available Septem ber. Excellent re f erences. Infants preferred. Receipts. Champlain School area. Call 905-336-8120 B R AN T/P LAIN S . Mature responsible women with staff, 20yrs early childhood care, 6months-5yrs, Hours7am -6pm , large indoor/ outdoor play area. Reason able rates, Receipts, Call for appointment 905-6319257____________________ EXPERIENCED Daycare available in my home near MacMillan/ Canadian Mar tyr's schools. Babies welcome. Can 905-332-9568. FOR care like Mom gives please call me. E xp eri enced professional day care where c h ild re n ,a re treated with love an<$|espect. Two fulltim e t u n ings. Many activities, learn ing through play. Very little TV. Receipts. Excellent ref erences. Snacks/ lunches provided. G uelph/ M oun tainside. Carol, 905 -33 67989____________________ FORMER Nanny now mom has fu ll/ part-tim e openings available for all ages. Schools buses for Central & St. John's stop in fron t of my home. Perfect for before/ afterschool care. 905-333-9874____________ FU LL and Part-tim e day care available for Sept. Brant Hills area. Receipts. Call (905)319-9930._______ HEADON Forest/ S t.T imothy's. Experienced care giver. 2-years +. Hot meals, TLC, crafts. Receipts. Ref erences. Non-smoker. 905331-8666._______________ HOME Away from Home! Looking for a caring, highly attentive, respectable reg istered daycare for your child? S.S.W graduate, CAS, Criminal check, health, safety, fire inspections passed. O ur days will be filled with games, themes, crafts, healthy meals & more. 905-849-4399.___________ LAKESHORE/ Mississauga Rd. Full/ part-time, 25 years experience, all ages. Babies welcom e. My home. References. 905-274-5952 LOVING fam ily environ m ent in Mohawk Garden School area, special o u t ings, educational play, balanced nutriMon, 905-333-3937 LOVING m other w ill pro vide safe happy e nviron ment, ages 3 & up. Lots of toys, hot meals, snacks. Reasonable. Headon For est area. Liz, (9 0 5 )3 3 6 1423.___________________ MOTHER of two (16-yrs. daycare experience) has fu ll/ part-tim e space. Re ceipts. References. Brant/ Upper M iddle area. 905336-9586._______________ EXPERIENCED caregiver has two openings. Non smoking. Lots of TLC. Ex cellent references. Receipts available. S/E Burlington. 905-639-6028 ^ business services I personals 'O FFICE A d m inistrative Support' from Home! Word for Windows, Excel, Power Point, Word Perfect; reports, proposals, tran scripts, resum es, general co rre spondence. tables, invoic ing, newsletters, letterhead, logo forms, business cards. Databases, excel data en try, PowerPoint. Call Vincey, 905-631-9569. (905)690-1896 1-BEDRO O M Suite. S pa cious, clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Towers, 905 -63 98583____________________ 2-BEDRO O M in 6-plex on North S ervice Rd., near O akville Place. Call (905) 338-3480, evenings________ W ATERD O W N.John St. W alk to E ve rything. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1,2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $745./mo. (905)689-1647____________ BU RLING TO N W a lk e rs Line/ New St. 1 bedroom Basement apartment. $750. /m onth includes u tilitie s . S hared laundry. Nonsmokers. Available Sept. 1st. 905-634-7694___________ O A K V ILLE . QEW / T ra fa l gar. 2-bedroom from $899/ mo. Well maintained build ing. Nellie. (905)339-2028. IS your child falling behind in reading, spelling, w rit ing? Private tutoring by elem entary teacher. 905825-9990________________ FRENCH tutor for students of all ages. (905)403-2333, ext 2036, days (905)6082567, evenings Exec. Oetached 4-bedroom home on quiet Crescent in Glen Abbey. Freshly painted with new broadloom. $2500/mo.+ utilities. Call Joseph Rupcich, Broker, 905-844-0363, Oakdome Realty Ltd OLDE Oakville: Trafalgar Rd. 2-bedroom , huge p ri vate deck overlooking ra vine. 5 appliances. $1650. October 1st. 905-337-3144 ft® * ® * UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at two prime downtown Burling ton locations. Beautiful grounds. New elevators. Outdoor Pool. 477 Elizabeth Street, 905-634-9374 and 478 Pearl Street, 905-6321643_____________ HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte H arbour. 1-bedroom , Nov.1st. $975/mo.; 2-bedroom, N ov.lst. $1,1l0./m o. (+parking) 905-825-0816 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean adult building, downtown Burlington. Available Oct. $750./mo. includes utilities. (905)631-0191 or (905)6438979____________________ O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 1,2&3 bedroom apartments a vailable O c t.1st from $845/m o.- $1325/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O AKV ILLE. 4-bedroom , 2 w ashroom s, separate en trance basem ent a p a rt ment, 4th Line/Upper Mid dle. $1400/m o. inclusive. Fam ily preferred, nonsm oker. (9 05)847-9107 ; (905)330-8228.___________ BRANT St., Burlington- 2bedroom apartments avail able now! Clean, freshly painted, $975/mo. includes u tilitie s & cable, parking extra. To view call (905)639-1960.___________ E X P E R IE N C E D pian o teacher in northeast Oak ville has lim ited openings fo r s tu d e n ts of all ages. ContactCheryl at (905)8442314 LIVE-IN C aregiver re quired for Elderly Couple, Oakville area. Competitive wages. Fax resume: 905822-8704. This position is covered by the Collective Agreement between the Board and the A.P.S.S.P. In compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1989), this information will be used when considering the candidate for a position with the Board. Written applications stating qualifications and experience will be received by the undersigned until Friday, September 7,2001. T. M. Davis Administrator, Employment Services Halton Catholic District School Board 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, ON L7R 4L3 L.G. Piovesan Al Bailey Director of Education Chair of the Board QS 9000 Automotive Stamping Company requires energetic individuals to fill the following positions; · Inventory Control · Shipper/ Receiver/ Order Filler · Purchasing Agent · Payroll/ Human Resouces Attention to detail a must, strong computer skills, knowledge of Visual Manufacturing an asset with all these positions. Fax resume: 905-823-8971 T a lle s t Building in O akville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW 1-Minis from $929* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc, included) Central Burlington O A K V ILL E - 3&4 Bedroom townhouses available Immed. /Oct. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 BU R LING TO N: 2-bdrm from $985./m o .+ utilitie s , N ov.lst. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside park ing. Near schools, shop ping. P ark-like setting. (905)333-1190.___________ BRONTE. 3-bedroom s, 11/2 baths, finished ba se ment, 4 appliances, $1120/ mo.+ utilitie s . Im m ediate. 905-338-8041____________ BURLINGTON. 3-bedrooms. One parking only. Immed./ Oct. $995/m o.; (H ydro/ hydro heat/ water extra). 905319-1869________________ LARGE 4-bedroom, Oct.1 st, $1224/m o. (+ u tilitie s ). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longm oor Drive, Burlington. (905)-681-0070 GLEN Abbey/ W est Oak T ra ils - brand new 3-bed room, 2.5 baths, 5 ap pliances, FP, a/c, hardwood floors, huge master bedroom w/ 5-pce. ensuite. Immediate possession. $1700/m o -·-utilities. Also available for sale $229,000. (9 05)8478140 or (905)848-6333 S/W BURLINGTON, 3bedroom s, quie t retiree com plex, few blocks to Lake, shopping, GO, high ways, 5 appliances, fire place. a/c., 2.5 baths, hot tub, garage. $1350/mo. Oct.1 St. 905-633-8747. EAST Burlington- 2-storey townhouse, 3-bdrms, 1.5 baths, rec-room , garage. $1015./mo. (905)632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Re altor____________________ BURLINGTON- 2-bedroom+ den, skylight, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/A, fireplace, garage, fenced rear. S e p t.1st. $1090/m o. Call W arren H ill, T rafalgar Property Management, (905) 338-1130________________ BU RLING TO NLuxury townhouses, 3 bedrooms, $1135., 4 bedroom s. $1235. Family room, base ment, yard. Utilities extra, parking $40. (905)639-0950 BU RLING TO N- W alker's Line/ Hwy.#5. 3-bedrooms, 2 baths, gas fireplace. From $1,595./m o. Imm ediate. 905-681-RENT (7355) lm THE O akville Players, a theatrica l com pany, re quires someone who would like to volunteer their time & talent to the design, gather ing/ looking for, sewing &/or producing costumes. Bound to be fun! If you are interested please call George Board, 905-827-6605 C l l T i l furniture SOFA s et 3 piece flora l, $150.; Beachnut kitchen table and 6 chairs, $125.; 905-332-1754 I shared accommodation Large & Lovely... 1& 2 Bdrm Apts + 2 Bdrm Townhome Avail. Immediately. CE NTR AL Burlington. Furnished room, parking, pool, first/ last. References. Non-sm oking male pre ferred. A vailable im mediately. 905-681-0338. FURNISHED room, $450/ mo. Available immediately, walk to T rafalgar GO. No parking. 905 -84 2-16 78; 905-842-8958.____________ BURLING TO N W est"LaS alle S u ite s '- own room, A/C, kitchen, bath room, parking, laundry, suit male. Non-smoker. $395./ inclusive, 905-681-7355 B u rlin g to n Roommate w anted. $500/m o. A/C, parking. 1013 St. Matthews Ave. Call (905)333-1633 ROOMS for rent, 5 mins from Sheridan C ollege, students w elcom e. $450$500/m o. all inclusive (905)617-6209 3-PCE sectional sofa, off white upholstery, in good condttion. $90.905-637- 7959 50 ft. chain link fence, and posts. Reasonable condi tion. $20. M ust pick up. 905-631-7568____________ BA BY com fo rter set for crib, suit boy/ girl, excellent c ond ition , $50. Call 905690-2021._______________ COFFEE table $75; m ir rored, black laquer, 3ft x 3ft. 905-319-1878.___________ COMPUTER desk, washed oak veneer/ black, good condition, $75. Call 905631-7206._______________ CRIB & a bouncer/ rocker, $70./ for both, call 905465-2073________________ DEHUMIDIFIER, excellent condition $75.00. Call 905335-6908._______________ DESK, student, all pine, w/ bottom shelf & 5-drawers, great condition, $50. 905464-5433._______________ DRYER, Kenmore, large capacity heavy duty, excel lent condition. $100. 905844-5828________________ EDDIE Bauer clothing, m edium /large size, shirts, sweatersm , shorts. $100. (905)333-3476___________ FREE- 192 cem ent slab patio stones 18'x1 8'. call 905-632-9977____________ GRAPE Press and crush er. $100/obo. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 5060____________________ HIGH chair, Playschool, e xcellent condition, $50. Call 905-690-2021.________ KITCHEN table, 5 chairs, oak veneer, good condition, $75.00. Call 905-631-7206. QUEEN size w a te rb e d good condition. $100. (905)637-7403 / Y i u TOWNE CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE ^ 547 Trafalgar Road TO W N E Oakville, ON W ith o n g o in g s u cc e s s and g ro w th in o u r Dealership, we require the specia lty fo r the following positions: A. Transmission Technician · j> 1&2 bedroom apartm ents available Oct. from $775/ mo. C onveniently located W oodw ard/ Guelph Line, Burlington. (905)632-4265 Parquet flooring; New fridge & stove; Ample closet space: More! From $825/mo. 905-631-0033 I furnished rentals APARTMENTS available from $875/mo. 1,2&3 Bed rooms. Indoor pool. QEW/ T rafalgar area. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 1106____________________ QUIET, Convenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Spacious One 2-bedroom only available Oct.1 st. (905)637-3921 2-BEDROOMS: $810./mo. (Utilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm . M on.-S at. (905)639-5761____________ 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur ling ton. 1 &2 bedroom apartments available Nov. & Aug. From $895/mo. 905632-0129________________ G EORGIAN Apartm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. Sept./ O ct./ Nov. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm____________________ STUDENTS: 4 apartments. $4 0 0 .-5 0 0 . C lo s e to Sheridan College. Inquire (416)741-2952__________ 3-B e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t, 17th floor downtown Oak ville. Stunning view of wa terfront, Toronto & Rattles nake Point. Available im m ediately act fa st! 205 Q ueen M ary D rive , apt. 1701. Call (905)337-3311 We re q u ire a GM tra in e d T ra n s m is s io n Specialist, someone who wants to EXCEL with our Elite Team, to w ork in our very busy flat rate shop, som eone w ho w o rk s as a team player providing quality Goodwrench Service through on-going training and team support. B. Cashier/Warranty Clerk Experience w ith ADP software, Knowledge of GM warranty procedures as Asset. Excellent computer skills are essential, and the ability to o rg a n ize th e w o rk flo w in a v e ry bu sy environment. C. Service Advisor · BURLINGTON, lovely fu l ly furn ished 1 bedroom condo, ideal for visiting ex ecutive. $925/mo. all inclusive 905-628-8861________ LUXURY "New' 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 appliances, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. Daily, W eekly, M onthly. $1395-3995/ month. Visa, MasterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M 12' S pringbok alum inium boat with 10hp Honda mo tor, gas tank and oars. $1500. firm. Excellent con dition. 905-632-0068. R l trucks for sale 1997 DODGE Dakota Sport V6, auto., 64K., box liner/ vinyl cover, like new, $12,000. 905-690-7992. EAST B urlington: 3-bed room ranch, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $850/ mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor ON Lakeshore, west of Guelph Lone, 2-bdrm, c/a, separate entrance, large treed lot, $860/mo. + u tili ties. (905)632-3080 WATERDOW N Raiders Volleyball Club. Tryouts for upcoming season at Waterdown District High School, S e pt.6,10,13 evenings, 6:30pm, for girls born from 1982-1988. Cost: $10. 905565-6593; 905-689-8057 I lost & found FOUNDYoung, white, fem ale cat w ith grey and black markings. Ester Dr/ Tyandaga area, call 905336-0481 ;___ FOUND: Calico cat, Drury Lane/ Fairview area. We call 'T in a '. Call 905-6377325. PIANO: apartment size, in very good condition. $50(k (905)332-6334 P IA N O U p rig h t, Boyd. G ood c o n d itio n . N eeds tuning. Perfect fo r young beginner. $700. (905)8457802 PINE by M unro pedestal table and 6 presssback chairs. Puritan pine stain, 2 extension leaves, excellent w orkm anship and cond i tion, $750. (905)690-6503 1998 FO RD E x p lo re r Ed die B a uer. Red w ith beige trim . Beige leather interior Fully loaded. New tires, new brakes. 139,000 km. Asking $18,000. Call (905)333-9171 a fte r 6pm (or leave message)_______ 1996 Dodge, 11 . er van, Ram 3500 ton, V8, auto, loaded, ex cellent condition, low kms., rear heat and air, remote start, will certify. $17,500 obo. 905-465-5387 or 905827-3663.________________ 1996 Plym outh Voyager m inivan fo r parts. $600. (905)257-3938 We are seeking an energetic, self-m otivated pe rso n w ho e n jo y s w o rk in g w ith p e o p le ., Service A d viso r experience, know ledge w ith ADP software, and a well organized individual would be an asset At Town Chev Olds we offer competitive wages, full benefits, and a safe working environment. A m anagem ent team drive n to help all o u r employees meet their professional and personal goals. For a completely confidential interview please fax, email, or drop off resume to: Pino Smith, Service Manager Fax: (905)844-1497 Email: Pino@townechev.com BABYSITTER required af terschool 3pm-5pm Mon F ri, my hom e, B rid g e / Third Line O akville (905) 825-9109_______________ MATURE lady with car for 10 year old girl, before/af te r s c h o o l, 3 d a y s /w e e k Call (905)847-1183 SPEN CER 'S Landing. 2bedroom +den, $1800/mo. Call Al M cCurdy, Broker, Homelife Apple Park Realty 905-681-3000.

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