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Oakville Beaver, 20 Jun 2001, b3

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Wednesday June 20, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Wishmakers Walk forMake-A-Wish Foundation on Sunday A group of local walkers and walkers are help ing to make wishes come true. Over the past three years the Wishmakers Walks have raised over $25,000 and this year the group is hoping to raise over $6,000. The 4th annual Wishmakers Walk for the Make-A-W ish Foundation will be held this Sunday, June 24, at Mountsberg Conservation. Registration is at 9:30 a.m., at the picnic pavil ion in the sugar bush. A guided two-hour walk along the Lakeshore Lookout Trail begins at 10 a.m A Bruce Trail Association volunteer guide will lead the walk. The trail will be suitable for wheelchairs and strollers, and dogs on leashes are welcome. A gourmet picnic, donated by the Harrop Restaurant in Milton, follows the walk at noon. Participants are asked to bring their own drinks. Parking is available in the main parking lot, and park admission is reduced to $3.40 per person. Participants must identify themselves as being with the Make-A-WishAVishmakers Walk and quote Permit No. 00-7764. Mountsberg is on Millborough Road north of Campbellville Road west of Guelph Line in Campbellville, call 905-854-2276. For information about the Wishmakers Walk, or the Make-A-Wish Foundation, call Theresa at 905-844-7819. Last year's third annual Make-a-Wish Walk at Rattlesnake Point help grant a wish to a little girl who wanted to visit the Roswell studio. Visiting the Roswell set proved to be far more exiting then she expected. "As you probably know my wish was to go to Los Angeles and visit the set of Roswell," writes Karen in her thank-you letter to the group. "My family and I got to stay in LA for a whole week (in a beautiful hotel overlooking a marina, I might add), so we actually got to do many other things besides, like going to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Knott's Berry Farm (in the latter two places, I got a VIP pass so I wouldn't have to wait in line for the rides), take a bus tour of Hollywood (where I managed to get some nice pictures of movie stars' homes), and eat delicious meals at fancy restaurants in places like the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. "But, the best part of the trip had to be when I went to the Roswell set. We rode to Paramount Studios (where the show is filmed) in a limousine, we got to see all the sets they use for filming, and when the stars of the show came out to film, I got to chat with them, take some photos with them, and get their autographs." Karen was diagnosed with Acute Lympho blastic Leukemia last year. Her sister Beatrice referred her to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. OTHS grad wins Carpe Diem Award An Oakville resident has won the highest award given by Pennsylvania's M ercyhurst College to a graduating student. Tracy Fischer, 22, a graduate of Oakville Trafalgar High School (OTHS), received the Carpe Diem Award at the col lege's 75th year commencement on May 20. Fischer, a business major, was selected among the col lege's 454 graduating studehts. She was also selected as a com mencement speaker at the grad uation ceremonies. ' The Carpe Diem Award is awarded each year to a tradition al-aged student in recognition of their intellectual competency, personal integrity and leader-' ship impact. The award recipi ent is an outstanding graduating senior, who has the most posi tive impact on the Mercyhurst community and who best exem plifies the college motto 'Carpe Diem ,' to `Seize the Opportunity.' In her third year at "Presenting herself as a level headed, focused young woman of high character, she has gained the respect o f the board of trustees, faculty and administra tion of Mercyhurst through her involvement with the alcohol task force, budget and finance committee, APAC committee, college senate and board of trustees." During the summer before her senior year, Fischer partici pated in the Semester at Sea pro gram during the summer before her senior year. In 65 days, she traveled to nine different coun tries while studying internation al marketing, world geography and European history. Fischer will return to Mercyhurst in the fall as a grad uate student in the college's organizational leadership pro gram. In her final year at OTHS, Fischer served as the school's student vice-president, which helped her earn a leadership scholarship to Mercyhurst. Wm "How I shopped for a car in my living room without getting tire marks on the carpet" ~ A r t M o r r o w , In te rn e t E ntrepreneur a n d S a tu rn owner. I M PART O W N E R o f a y o u n g co m p u ter s tart-u p a n d I do m ost o f m y s h o p p in g o n th e net. I even b o u g h t m y n e w S a tu r n o n lin e . I w e n t o n the S a tu r n w e b site , g o t th e in fo rm a tio n I w a n te d a n d o rd e re d it from m y n e arest S a tu rn R etailer. N ow , if o n ly I c o u ld find tim e to d riv e it. T h e 2 0 0 1 S L S ed a n 1.9962=? $176 , finance rate 1 48 months JL I V J /m o /4 8 mos. 2.996 loose rate S I.700domtpa vim nt 514.988 M SRP Tracy Fischer Mercyhurst, Fischer served as vice-president of the Student Government and followed that up as President of the Student Government in her senior year. As student president she pushed for the construction of the new campus recreation cen tre and initiated a student shuttle service. The program for the col lege's com mencement states: T h e S a tu r n D iffe re n c e : · 3 0 -D a y o r 2,500 k m M o n e y 'B a c k G u a ra n te e · N o H a ssle N o H a g g le B u y in g E x p e rie n c e · D e n t-R e s is ta n t P o ly m e r P an els · 3 y e a r o r 60,000 k m W a rra n ty · 5 y e a r o r 100,000 km P o w e rtra in W a rra n ty · O u r M S R P in c lu d e s fre ig h t, P D I a n d e x cise tax, if a p p lic ab le The m i d - s i z e 2 0 0 1 L 2 0 0 S e d a n The 2 0 0 1 3 -D o o r C oupe 1 Q O / l.U finance rate / O 48months s188 /m o /4 8 mos. 2.9% h rate S2,400downpayment S I 7,393 MSRP 0.9% & >25lw«. 0.9% lease rate HALTON REGION C o m e H ave Y o u r S a y O n H a lt o n R e g io n ' s N ew S t r a t e g ic P la n The Regional Municipality of Halton is inviting all Halton residents to provide input in the development of the Region's new Strategic Plan. Wednesday, June 27 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 pm. Auditorium, Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville The new Strategic Plan is a working document that will set the direction and outline the goals and objectives Regional Council will seek to achieve over the next two and a half years. Among the issues the Plan will address are: transportation, environment, growth management, rural issues, inter-governmental coordination, health promotion, emergency services and social and community services including social housing and long-term care. You are invited to contribute your input on these important issues. For further information visit our Web site at www.region.halton.on.ca or contact: Arvin Prasad, Senior Policy Advisor, Halton Region 905-825-6000, ext. 7769 Toll free: 1-8 6 6-4H A LTO N (1-866-442-5866), ext. 7769 H a lto n R e gio n a l C e n tre *1151 B ro n te R o a d · O a k ville · O n ta rio · L6 M 3L1 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 · 1-8 6 6 -4 H A L T O N (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 ) w w w .re g io n .h a lto n .o n .c a SATIRN. A D i f f e r e n t K in d # / C o m p a n y , a D i f f e r e n t k i n d * /C a r . r« The m i d - s i z e 2 0 0 1 L W 2 0 0 S p o r t W agon 0.9% 5 = $254.», 48 months B u y o n lin e at s a tu r n c a n a d a .c o m · 1 -8 8 8 -4 S A T U R N Lu \ J `I /m o /4 8 mos 0.9% lease rate S3.200downpayment $25,010 M SR P L icen se, ta x e s a n d a re fu n d a b le s e c u rity d e p o sit a re e x tra . L e a se p a y m e n t is b a se d o n a lease o f 80.000 km o v e r 4 y e a rs w ith a n e x tra c h a rg e o f 12 c e n ts p e r k ilo m e tre o v e r th a t d ista n c e . I f y o u 'd like to b u y y o u r S a tu rn v eh icle a t lease e n d , it's $5,996 fo r th e S L , $7,305 for th e S C I , $9,788 for th e L 2 0 0 a n d $10,254 fo r th e L W 200, p lu s ta x e s. R ates a p p ly to c u sto m e rs w ith a p p ro v e d c re d it. E x a m p le : $10,000 a t 1.9% A P R , the m o n th ly p ay m en t is $217 fo r 48 m onths. C o st o f b o rro w in g $393. E xam ple: $10,000 a t 0.9% A P R , th e m onthly p a y m e n t is $213 fo r 48.m onths. C o st o f b o rro w in g $185. Qudds r I Q S A T IR N . of Oakville 507 Speers Road (905) 845-1610 V JbV-- A Com pany / ~& 85tai V" AVE NOW! Inventory Clearance! THESE PRICES CANT LAST FOREVffi! Location: SOUTH COM M O N MALL H I HI 2 1 5 0 Burnham thorpe Rd. W., Mississauga (S. on Erin M ills from the 403 ) Entire Regular Stock! YOU CAN SHOP NOW AND SAVE UP TO 6 6 % OFF ON U M O S T EVERYTHING IN THE STORE, OR YOU CAN WAIT T il SQ. FT. OF UNBEATABLE PBICES SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd FOR OUR VERY SKCIAL ONE DAY Customer Appreciation FABRIC, NOTIONS, DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY / ATHLETES WORLD G U E S S ? 15,000 PAIRS OF A adidas Rccbok EVERY SHOE IS UP TO 80% OFF SHOES AT $19.99 Sale! FOR THIS ONE DAY ONLY, SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd ·AIL IN-STOCK MERCHANDISE, NOT ALREADY ON SALE GOES J3R00KS ALL KIDS SHOES AT $9.99 ALL ATHLETIC SHOES AT 50% OFF ALL ATHLETIC CLOTHING FROM 50% TO 70% OFF EVER POPULAR CANDIES BRAND SHOES AT $19.00 ( and/m OFF OUR RIO. E ftli * Ak A A L PRICE (excluding prom otional goods and ends) " Columbia Sportswear Company* OFF OUR REG. PRICE Includes Basics, Fashion, Fancy & Bridal Fabrics, ' Sewing Notions & M.S.R.P. Patterns, Drapery A Upholstery, Drapery Accessories & Hardware *Sewing Club Members save an additional 10% on all 20% O ff items. Check out the specials in our Flyer! All Other am brtbge TO YVEL & B E D D IN G SHOP NOW, OR WAIT FOR THE BETTER DISCOUNT irS Y O U R CHOICE! EVERYBODY WELCOME! V k FABRIC, N O TIO N S , DRAPERY & U P H O LSTER Y M ILL O U T L E T A SS O R T E D SO L ID C O L O U R T O W E L S Face Cloth .........................88 ea. Hand T o w e l................... 1.88 ea. 25" Width Bath ............ 3.88 ea. 27" Width Bath ............ 4.88 ea. 30" Width Jumbo . . . .6.88 ea. 36" Width S h e e t............ 8.88 ea MOT ALREADY O N SALE 2 0 % * , Sale in effect til June 30. 2001. on selected m-stock m erchandise only. Sorry, no special orders. Most items available in m ost stores. Look for the red sale tags. Sale goods sold as-is. All sales final. Please note: the term regular price refers to Fabricland s regular chain-store price. SHEET SETS HAVE ARRIVED! STARTING AT S I8.88 FIRST QUALITY & #1 IMPERFECTS OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V I L L E 844-7728

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