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Oakville Beaver, 25 Jul 2001, Classified, C04

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 25, 2001 T h e Oakville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ ,» w . TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm - C la ssified houses for sale oakv i I lebeaver. com Circulation: 905-845-9742 auctions, sales auctions, sales 1998 FO RD E x p lo re r E d die B a uer. Red w ith beige trim. Beige leather interior Fully loaded. New tires, new brakes. 138,000 km. Asking $19,000. Call (905)333-9171 after 6pm (or leave message) I* The site your community clicks on! · Rea! Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 ||T |1 ^ apartments & flats for rent articles wanted P O O L ! P riva cy! L u xu ry! Oakville: Landscaping, up graded 3-bdrm , solarium , new w indow s, hardw ood flo o rs , ce ra m ic s , 2 f ir e places, finished basement. $268,000. Call Roy Brett, Re/Max Aboutowne Sales Rep. (905)338-9000 O A K V ILL E - Private sale1550 sq ft bu n g a lo w . Large 2 bed roo m in -la w su ite . New ha rd w o o d & ceram ics, 2 ca r attached oarage, 4 appliances, C/A, C/V. A skin g $26 9,00 0. Call (905)825-0917 Not a drive by! 2-BE DRO O M S : $810./ mo. (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 G EOR GIAN A partm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. August/ Sept./ Oct. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm All The Advantages of Condo Living 1&2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Available August 1st Come Home To CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited B U R LIN G TO N , M aple view. 3-bedroom 2-storey condo, 1-1/2 baths, rec.room , C/A, $1015/mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor LARG E 3-bdrm . A u g .ls t. From $1159./m o. (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)-6810070______________________ BURLINGTON, QEW/ Brant. 2+1 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, parking, water, cable, 4 appliances included. $1,150 /mo.+ hydro. 905-335-2145 BURLINGTON- Luxury townhouses, 3 bedrooms, $1135., 4 bedrooms, $1235. Family room, basem ent, yard. Utilities extra, parking $40. (905)639-0950 BU R LIN G TO N . Beautiful 3-bedroom , sm all fam ily com plex, fin ish e d ba se ment, 1.5 baths, garage, cl v., o/a., appliances, $1175/ mo. + u tilitie s . S e p t.1st. (905)336-2215 . __ LUXURY Condo Townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3bedroom s, 2-1/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 appliances, fire p la c e , air, garage. July/A ug. $1650/m o. + utilities. Trafalgar Property Management, (905)338-1130 Others Available AUG.1 possession #153007 C e nte nnial Drivenewly renovated, very clean unit aw aits you. $1150/ +utilities. call Jay Nelligan Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc 905-639-5258 BEDROOM suite, maple, captains bed, dresser, bookshelf, desk, $600. Wing chair, $60. Daybed w/ trundle, $75. O ffice/ misc. furniture. Sewing machine. 905-632-2905._____________ BEDS, New, Double, $220; Q ueen, $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. FreeDelivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" c olour TVs, portable CD players. (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footb oard, fram e. New, in pla stic. Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573. BIKE rack fits Integra, C i vic, etc., 3-bike carriers, ski/ snow boards, cost $850+ sell $400. 905-319-8660.___ CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 CHINA cabinet & hutch by Deilcraft in excellent condi tion, w alnut fin is h , $500. (905)681-8050 ___________ DINING RO O M : 9-pce., solid Cherrywood, 92" dou ble pedestal table, 6 Chip pendale chairs, lighted hutch, b uffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-9994. EASTON in -lin e roller skates, very high quality, men's size 9. Paid $450. Best offer. 905-337-0313 FA N TA STIC Savings! No GST! Love your furn iture , hate your colours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $488. Chairs from $199. Senior discount. Free estim ates. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632- 9090 _______ FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, ______ (905)632-9090 KENMORE 18 cu. ft. fridge, white, 2 years new $600; white Kenmore elec tric oven, 2 years new $500; w rought iron table base, 4 chairs, 32" round glass top $400. 905-3319833_____________________ KE N W O O D CD d e ta c h a b le fa c e s te re o w ith a Kenwood 6 disc CD auto changer. Asking $400.00. fo r bo th C a ll ( 9 0 5 )2 5 7 8678_____________ ________ A-1 King-bed; E xtra-thick pillow-top Orthopedic mat tress set. Brand new, still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, $650. (905)971-3315. LAWN Bowls Henselite #4 com plete w /le a th e r bag, m arker tape, chalk, mint condition, $300 obo. 905332-3739._________________ LIVINGROOM- green sofa, loveseat, 2 crem e chairs, glass coffee table and 2 end tables. Excellent condition, $1000. (905)257-0696 LO VESEATS, w/m atching chair, 3-yrs. old, $200; range hood, white, $50; TV Pevey amplifier $75. 905-681-2038. MOVING: Contem porary T ho m asville Q ueen-size washed oak, 6-pce. bed room suite, excellent condi tion, $4900. +misc. items. 905-639-8049._____________ MOVING: dining roo m s u ite including china cabinet, coffee & lamp tables, sofa, sw ivel rocker, King-size bedroom suite, lamps, blinds,drapes, 100% Indian handcrafted wool carpets. All fine quality & excellent condition. (905)634-4098. MOVING: Dining room su ite ; TV s & stands; Beds, double bunk, tw in s, king, q u e e n ; c o m p u te r stand; lamps; le ather sofa; lawnm ower; tre a d m ill; tables. For viewing call, (905)8478411 MOVING: Washer & Dryer, GE, very good condition, $225.; Dehum idifier, $50.; D ishw asher, $75. (905) 336-5334, evenings OUTDOOR fu rn itu re W rought iron table w/6 chairs. Couch w/chair and c offee table . $650/all. (905)632-2322____________ P IA N O - antique, carved, with bench, $500/firm . (905)336-3896_____________ P IA N O - upright. Heintzman player, approx. 80yrs. old, excellen t cond ition. $1000. (905)827-8525 QUEEN size bed, head board, 2 dressers, night table includes boxsp ring/ mattress. Excellent condition. $1200.842-2882 RO YAL Shed, 6 x 8 ' 2 years old, $500. C ontact 905-844-4557_____________ SO LID m aple crib $200. 905-681-8000_____________ SOLID maple raised panel kitchen cabinets with island and b u ilt-in appliances. Cook top, oven, microwave, K itchenaid dishw asher. Suit home or cottage. Asking $4300. 905-637-1033 TO DDLER bed /m attress, $30. Little Tikes swing seat, $15. Evenflo car seats, $30/ each. B ooster seats, $2/ each. Double strollers, $8/ each. Baby bathtub, $2. FP bath ring, $2.(905)335-4777 C l L I articles wanted PA IN TIN G S , Antiques, Estates, Glass, China, Jew e lry, Clocks, W atches, Dolls, Unusual Collections, Toys, etc. Karl (9 05)6816939. W ANTED A ll-C hina, S il ver, C rystal, sew ing ma chin e s... D oulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipment, dolls, paintings, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville Saturday, July 28 (indoors) Viewing & registration 8:30am-9:30am Downtown Burlington Torrance Street 1&2 Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! From $840./mo. (905) 637-6701 DOWNTOWN B u rlington, 1&2 Bedrooms, August: 2& 3 bedroom s, Septem ber; Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well m aintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 SP AC IO US 1,2&3 B ed rooms. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm Q UIET, Convenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Spacious 1,2 and 3-bedroom s available September. (905)637-3921 1-BEDRO O M Suite. S p a cious, clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Towers, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583________________ 2-BEDRO O M a v a ila b le . Sept. 1st. Burlington: Ghent/ Brant. N ear bus station, shopping, highway access. (905)-333-3720. after 5pm. 2-BEDRO O M apartm ent 110 South F oster Park, O akville. Utilities included except hydro. S e p t.1st. (905)849-8411; 10am-8pm. 2-BEDRO O M quiet s.e. Burlington location. Laun dry, double drive parking. Nice opportunity! Available late August. $950. inclusive. 905-920-7846 2-BE DRO O M , 1 bath, frid g e , stove, hardw ood flo o rs, updated kitchen, downtown O akville. $850/ mo plus hydro and water. Im m ediate. Chris Clarke, Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc. Realtor. 905-338-1130 W ATER DOWN: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1,2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $745./mo. (905)690-4454___ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur ling to n . 1&2 bedroom apartments. Available July/ August. From $895/m o. (905)632-0129._____________ FU LLY renovated bright low er level 1-bedroom . Parking. Laundry. $800/mo. all inclusive. Central Bur lington, Non-smoker. 9.05639-5743._________________ BURLING TO N- Hurd Ave. duplex. 2br., new kitchen. Utilities & parking included, $1050/mo. First/ last. (905) 523-1621 BURLINGTON Downtown-1bdrm, $675/mo. +hydro; 2bdrm $750./m o. +hydro. Clean, quiet building, near all amenities. Sept. (905)6438979, (905)634-9681 BU RLING TO N new 1bedroom apartm ent, 2 baths, main level of house, w a lk-out to large yard, 4 appliances, all u tilitie s in clu ding cable. $950/m o. Sept. 1st. 905-319-8698 BU R LIN G TO N . 2 -b e d room main floor apartment in sm all building. C/A. A va ila b le im m ediately. $875/mo. 905-336-7742 BURLINGTON Two bedroom near GO & m all. 4-plex. Recently updated First & last. References a must! Sept 1st. $785/mo. (905) 632-4072 or (905)630-2444 O A K V ILLE . QEW/ T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $799/ mo.; 2-bedroom from $899/ mo. Well maintained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. NORTH Burlington 2-bed room basement apartment, separate entrance, $750/ mo. -fu tilitie s . A va ila ble A u g .ls t. 905-616-1224; 905-334-3936. =416-390-6279= BRONTE Harbour, Onebedroom . Sept. 1st. Ground floor, 5 appliances. $1250/mo. No pets/ smok ing. 905-465-0125_________ LA KEFO R E ST. Spacious 2-bedroom d irectly on the lake. C/A, balcony, 2 park ing, 1 locker. $1700/mo. in clusive. A va ila ble Oct./O1 until June/02. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347________ BRAND new Oak Park: 2bedroom, 2 bath, balcony, 5 app lia nces, a/c, parking, August 1st. $1550 + hydro. 905-337-1653_____________ I J u l houses for rent O A K V IL L E : 3 -b e d ro o m B u n g a lo w , 1.5 b a th , a/c $ 1 3 0 0 /m o n th + u tilitie s . Suite fa m ily / m ature cou ple. Aug. 1. (905)842-8612 O A K V IL L E - 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, fin is h e d base ment, new kitchen, Florida sunroom , private yard on quiet street, c/a, hardwood oak throughout. September 1st. $1450/m o. (905 )8 2 5 8 4 1 9 ____ LUXURIO US execu tive detached home w /double garage. Less than 2 years new. Elegant maple kitchen open to family room. Pres tigious River Oaks $1995/ mo. C all Angie M cKinnon (905)842-7000_____________ THREE bdrm , C/A, C/V, app lia nces included, Fin ished basement, beautiful pie shaped lot, $1,690/ month, Burlington, im m e diate. C all Jerry Romano 905-333-3500______________ OAKVILLE. Westoak Trails, 3-bedroom detached, 2-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/A, fireplace, finished basement. $1700/mo.+ utilities. Sept. 1st. C h ris Clarke, T rafalga r (Oakville) Realty Inc., Real tor, 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -1 1 3 0 , 905897-4921__________________ LO O KIN G for executive rental $1800. to $3500? Several to choose from . Kathy, 905 -630-5185 or 905-847-5095, Ext.29 ____ M AIN flo o r, 3 bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors, G uelph Line /Lakeshore. Non-sm oker, no pets, $1275/mo. inclusive. (905) 633-9888, leave message. HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, R ealtor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net 3+1 bedroom on Chatsworth in W aterdown. Mas te r w /ensuite and finished basement. $1600/mo+ utili ties. Available August 1st. Call Verna Robson, Assoc.Broker, Re/Max (905)3333500_____________ ________ EAST Oakville. 4-bedroom detached, 2-1/2 baths, 4 appliances, fam ilyroom , den, fireplace, $2,050/mo.+ u tilitie s . S e p t.1st. Chris Clarke, Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., R ealtor, 905338-1130, 905-897-4921 SHELLY'S Dog H o tel- No cages, nice backyard to play in, walks & day sitting also. Reasonable rates.(905)3317249______________________ FREE to good home, due to allergies, male cat, fixed, de-clawed, very calm, +accessories. (905)632-8306. FREE to good homefriendly, in telligent border collie cross. 2-1/2yrs old. A ffe ctionate, loves a tte n tion. H ealthy, up-to-date with vaccines. Please call 905-331-9852 AUCTION STARTS 9:30 AM Auction Sale of found bicycles and Assorted unclaimed property "J general help wanted C O S M E T IC IA N -re q u ire d part-tim e, even ings and weekends. C osm etic ex perience preferred. Apply or fax Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr Street, O akville, 905-845-3407_____________ TOW TR UC K O perator: FT/PT required for busy Towing Co. CAA exp. an asset. Excellent wages & benefits. Drivers abstract required. Apply @ 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown. 905689-2386. __________ NEW SPAPER carriers needed for early a.m. deliv ery in the Oakville/ Burling ton areas. Please call Low ell: 905-334-5088 or email response to: lharder® dladams.com HOM ECOM ING Products Ltd. launching new Cana dian D irect S ales/ Party Plan Company, July 30th. Best com pensa tion plan/ hostess plan/ custom er plan in the in dustry while show ing bea u tifu l line of Home Decor/ Gift Products. Full/part-time. Training pro vided. 18+. Car necessary. 905-336-7293; 1-888-2891183_____________ ________ S W IM M IN G -IN S T R U C TORS D o lp h in s Sw im Club is now hiring F/T and P/T . M ust be o u tg o ing/energetic and work w e ll. w ith c h ild re n . C u rre n t NLS/CPR or com pleting is required. Excellent rate of pay (905)339-3000 A R T G allery & Fram ing Shop lo oking fo r picture fra m e r position. E xp eri ence preferred but will train suitable applicant. Flexible hours. Call 905-878-8161, ext. 1. D R YC LEANING plant re q uire s experiencd s h irt presser and presser. High quality plant in Oakville. 5 day week. Medical bene fits, good wages. 905-3389695._____________________ PO SITIONS: Truck driver G or D lie., min 1 year, lift ing 10-50lbs; Yard HelpFull-tim e; Lum ber & hard ware co u n te r help; call 905-876-2525 or 905-8581231______________________ BULK Food distributor re quires delivery person full time. Class G license with clean abstract w illin g to travel throughout southern O ntario. Fax resume 905331-0253__________________ KEY people needed to ex pand our financial services business in this area. Ex perience not necessary, we will train. For interview call Colin, (905)681-5515 ext.57. LABO U R E R S required, $10 per hour, cash daily. 905-639-6772_____________ ATH LE TES W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No extra s, no fees. Must be a th le tic! C all (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening. W AR EH O U S E/ D elivery person required im m e diately for Burlington com pany. Monday-Friday, 8:304:30. Some heavy liftin g, wage plus benefits. Please fax resum e to: (905)3190870________________. BU RLING TO N Tanning spa needs fu ll-tim e staff. Salary + com mission. Fun environment. Fax resumes to 905-319-5955 MAPLEVIEW M all area. Private sale. Less than 1-yr. old. 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fam ilyroom , diningroom , kitchen, basement, single garage. Low condo fees. $204,900. Please call John, 905-681-9289. O AK V ILLE ~ T rafalga r & M cCraney, close to all schools & Sheridan C o l lege. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, c/a, garage, all appliances. $166,000. (905)844-5638 NEW C hild Care C entre p rovid ing qua lity child c a re - in fancy through to K indergarten. O pening September 2001. For more d eta ils check us out @w w w .pee kabookid.com , to re g iste r call 905-6391894._________________ EXPER IENC ED b a b y s it ter, now mother of 1-1/2yr. old baby g irl offe rin g P/T d aycare at my home in O akville, s ta rtin g Sept. 905-339-2461_________ KA R E N 'S Q uality Care. Loving, ene rge tic E.C.E. has space in her O akville home for children 3 months & up. Please call 905-3371586.________________ WE are lo oking fo r p re schoo lers to com e and share our fun! We have tons of fun and learning everyday! Babies welcome. C all Paula's Home Day care (905)469-0382 IN S U R A N C E C S R E n jo y co m in g to w o rk w ith an e n e rg e tic , e n th u s ia s tic team of in s u ra n c e b ro k e rs based in B u r lin g to n . K n o w le d g e of "P o w er Broker" system an asset. W AN TED : B ackstreet Boys ticke ts (2). Call Michelle (905)337-0652 E llin cars for sale Reply with resume, in confidence, to: Box 1853, c/oThe Post 2321 Fairview St., Burlington L7R 2E3 BRAND New, lu xury 2 bdrm+ den, 2 bath condo for sale. S/E view of Lake Ontario. Concierge, swim ming pool, exercise room, 2 parking spaces. Immediate possession. Danny (519)941-3755 __________ LOVELY 2-bedroom con do on greenb elt near Up per Middle/ Walker's Line. 5 appliances, gas fireplace, C/A. Park, schools nearby.. A vailable Septem ber. $144,900. 905-335-6418 or 905-467-4198._____________ WE specia lize in C o ndo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)3334347_____________________ ATTN: Em pty Nesters. Gorgeous 1800 sq.ft. condo, Bronte, on the lake. 2parking, 2-bdrm s, den, solarium , comer unit, $329,900. Gloria Wilson, Sales Rep., Royal LePage R.E. Services Ltd. 905-332-0666, 1-888-8477355 D Y N A S T Y 1991 em iss io n s te s te d and s a fe ty. $1800 Call 416-275-3457 1989 CHEVRO LET Cava lier Z24 with 16000km, sil ver, tinted windows, A/C, 5 spee d, V6 S e llin g as is a skin g $ 8 0 0 /o b o . C a ll (905)257-8678__________ 1961 JAGUAR Mark 9, 3.8 liter, black with red leather interior (one owner) 75,452 m ile s. For fu rth e r in fo ., please call 416-252-5222. $23,000.__________________ 1995 Honda A ccord E X 4ds., auto, ps, pb, pw, air, stere o/casse tte, 4 new M ichelins, fa cto ry alarm , remote power locks. Certi fied, 79K, $11,900. (905) 465-3487_______________ 1990 Hyundai Excel, 2door hatchback, 4-cyl., standard, new tires, $500./ obo. 905-639-3264_________ 1999 Buick C entury Lim it e d - E xce lle nt cond ition, one ow ner, V6, 4D, auto, power window/seat/m irror. Keyless entry, CD, air, 6passenger, roomy interior. Classic midnight blue, 64K, moving abroad, must sell. $15,650. (905)849-1906 1992 Infiniti G20 5-speed, sunroof, unused for last 5years, as is, best offer. Call 905-639-3376._____________ 1995 Buick L eS abrecustom , fully loaded, gold package. Keyless entry, ex cellent condition, no rust, o rig in a l ow ner. $11,000 (905)336-2120_____________ 1989 JEEP Cherokee Lar edo 4W D a/c., sunroof, auto., p/windows, p/steer ing, cruise, new tires, good c ond ition, $4,000. 9056 3 4 - 1 4 2 1 .______________ 1992 GEO Metro as is, for parts, new tires, 1-yr. old rad., $300 obo. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 0047._________ ____________ 1993 Nissan Maxima good condition, 268K., 4 new tires, Bose sound, 5-CD changer $5,500. 905-632-9140.___ 1989 Honda C ivic S i- hi hwy. km 's, body in good shape, m otor in excellent shape, needs some work. $1500/obo. (905)639-4119 1964 O ldsm obile Super88 navy blue, 56,000 mi., 394 4-barrel engine, excellent condition, $9500 obo. 905331-7353.____________ , 1992 Plymouth Sundance, 5-speed, 2.5L, E-tested, $2000 obo. Call 905-3303134._____________________ 1990 Toyota Celica, white, blue interior, 21 OK, am/fm cassette, A/C, runs great. $4900. certified, $4600 as is. 905 -319-8985, leave message 1994 Ford T au rus- green, a/c, cruise, am/fm cassette, 165K. $5495, c e rtifie d . (905)634-7350____________ 1997 Ford Escort LX, s il ver. 5-speed, air, AM-FM cassette, ps, 84,000km s. C e rtified . Asking $8500. 905-464-6048 ___________ 1994 BMW 318 Cabriolet, pearl white, new roof, 140K, air, le ather in te rio r, mint c ond ition. $24,000. 905616-1341._________________ 1997 BMW 528, silver, 170K, fully loaded, leather in te rio r, auto, service records, highw ay driven. A sking $25,900. 905-6161341._____________________ 1998 FORD Contour Sport black w/gray interior, auto, air, loaded +extras, excel lent cond ition, $10,250. 905-878-9190. _______ 1994 BUICK LeSabre fully loaded, 115K., mint condi tion, safety/ emission certi fied, $8,500 obo. 905-6328269 evgs.________________ 1989 Honda A ccord 2-dr hatchback, 5-spd. Runs well. $1200/ obo as is. 905331-0030________________ 1984 M ercury M a rq u is130,000 original km's, good condition. $1100/obo. Call (905)689-5613, after 4pm CAR for Sale Special. Ad vertise your car for sale in The B urlington Post and The Oakville Beaver for as little as $30.+ gst. for 3 con secutive issues (W ed-FriSun). C all 905-632-4440. Special ends July 27, 2001 SEARS Aitluriad Indoor Clean A ir Services s Part-time MATURE TELEMARKETERS required immediately. Room for advancement for the right individual. Mon-Thur 4-8pm, Sat-9:30-1:30pm. Hourly & bonus Call Ms. Stewart at 905-681-8103 Operated under license agreement to Sears Canada Inc. AFTER School care re quired for 2 boys, 5&7, starting in September, your hom e/ ours. E xp erience/ references required. 905331-0550._________________ AFTER -S C H O O L care for 2 children, ages 4 & 5. 3pm -6pm , M on.-Fri. St. V incent's School area. 905-844-4534 after 6pm. PA R T-tim e c a regiver re quired, my S/E O akville hom e 1 & 4yr. old boys. Start Sept. (905)257-5361 SUIT Teenager- 8:30am3:30pm , M onday-Friday, fo r Summ er. U pper Glen Abbey area. Ages 8&5. (905)469-9970, after 4pm. I I W o r l d Technical Support Staff · Custom er Service Rep · Installer Cellular Concepts/Bell World is looking for dedicated customer service associates for it's Burlington locations. Company offers complete communication shopping which includes wireline, wireless, internet & direct-to-home satellite products & services I industrial /commercial space 7 20 0 sq .ft. fully insulatedbuilding for rent. Loading dock/ washroom, refrigera tion optional. Near Hwy6/ Hwy5. call 905-689-8423 NICE room, Guehph Line/ New St. C /air, parking. Male preferred. Non-smoker. $425/mo. Available Aug.lst. (905)637-6508. m shared accommodation BED, single with m attress from Ikea, nea rly new, $100. Call (905)632-2351. BIK E , hardly used, $75. Call 905-825-5677._________ C E LL phone, M otorola, brand new, still in box, w/all accesso ries, $100. 905632-2351._________________ D EHU M ID IFIER , e x c e l lent condition $75.00. Call 905-335-6908_____________ DRAPES fo r diningroom , custom made, dusty rose velvet, b alloo ns/ bishop sleeves. 8'x84M long, $100. 905-825-3800________ ' DRAPES fo r living roo m , custom made, dusty rose velvet, b alloo ns/ bishop sleeves. 10'x84"long, $100. 905-825-3800_____________ GOLF Balls, used, Titleist, Ultra, Strata, $35/48 balls. AA grade. 905-847-6030. MOVING: washer, Beaum ark heavy duty, good w orking c ond ition, $100 obo. (905)337-8236. PR IN TER ,. HP colour, Deskjet 695 1-yr. old, $70. (905)632-2351.____________ Q UEEN-SIZE 8 ' boxspring (Sleep Factory) brand new, $60. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -' 6612._____________________ TV ANTENNA comlete with rotor, best offer. $100. or best offer. 905-336-2759 CENTR AL O akville lo c a tion. Shared office, ground level, 24-hour access. Full wall window. Parking. Ann 905-616-6400 ____ B U R LIN G TO N office, 820ft., clean, bright, air, u tilitie s . $700/m o gross. O thers also. David Jo h n son, Assoc. Broker, Re/Max (905)333-3500 BRONTE H arbour P ent house: Quiet, private, fur.nished, equipped, many extras. Mature professional. Short/ long term. $550./mo. (905)825-8355___________ O A K V IL L E p ro fe s s io n a l s e e k s sam e fo r la rg e 3 bdrm T.H., private bth, of fice, parking. Non-smoker. $775 all in c lu s iv e . A va ilabte Aug. 1 (905)827-8223 BASEMENT bedroom,bath room , liv in g ro o m . S h are k itc h e n / la u n d ry . $ 1 2 5 / weekly. First/ last. Referen ces. Southeast Burlington. Immediate. 905-333-9394 Q U A L IF IC A TIO N S Excellent customer care, computer skills, product knowledge in communications pro ducts / services would be considered an asset. Training provided. Technically in clined individual. For consideration, resume must be faxed bv Monday. July 30th. 2001 @ 6:00pm. 905 - 681-8599 Suitable applicants will be contacted. No phone calls please. ESTABLISHED photo lab/ watch battery business for sale. Been in operation for 15yrs. Located in a Sen/ice Mall in heavily residential/ business area. For more info, call (905)681-2732 FTiTil l l A l vacation JJJJ properties WORK from home. Health Industry. $1400 part-tim e; $5,000. fulltim e . Training provided. 416-631-5441 C O LLIN G W OOD condo 3 bedroom, sleeps up to 7, available after Labour Day to D ecem ber 15th. $450/wk. (905)465-2922. Lockwood Chrysler is looking for · Vehicle clean up person · Will train Apply with resum e in person to; Rob MacCallum or A1 Banks MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631 -- 0600 MUSKOKA. Executive 3bedroom lakefront cottage Available September & Oc tober weekends- or weekly. Bob, 905-331-8312; rsadlier@home.com 175 Wyecroft Rd Oakville O A K V ILL E - 2bdrm ., near QEW. Parking, FP, a/c,' 5 appliances, hardwood, ce ramics. August 1st. $1250/ mo+. (905)257-8739 O A K V ILLE (near S h e ri dan College, 6th Line/ Up per M id d le )- 3 bedroom basement. Aug.lst. $1,000./ month First/Last. 905-8287811______________________ A P P LE B Y / Pinedale. 3bdrm townhouse, 1.5 baths, garage, fridge, stove. Up grades, walk to shopping/ schools. $1090./mo. plus utilities. 905-639-2141 T E N T tra ile r, 1996 la rge Rockwood, excellent con d itio n . G a ra g e s to re d . F ridg e, hea ter, new bike ra c k on to p . $ 5 ,5 0 0 . (905)847-9889____________ V X & J boats & supplies JO IN THE OAKVILLE BEAVER DELIVERY TEAM In te r e s te d in e x tr a m o n e y , great contests and free events throughout the year? If YES, we want YOU to deliver The Oakville Beaver betw een B urloak and Fourth Line in the area south of the QEW. No c o lle c tio n s required and b on u ses for new subscribers! This is a great opportunity for anybody who has a few extra hours per week. J o in o u r w in n in g te a m by c a llin g P e te r o f Lora at (905)845-9742 ext 275 The Aquarium Place 678 Guelph Line Now accepting resumes 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 22' G RAM PIAN s a ilb o a tcom plete boat, sails well, w/4.5 hp motor. Located in Bronte, asking $1000.00. Call Rob (905)844-4034 lost & found FOUND: Brown and tan cat, Walkers & Upper Mid dle. We call "DaoustV 905637-7325_________________ FOUND: pair of glasses, Sherw ood Forest Tennis Club. Call 905-639-8604. FOUND: BMX Freestyle bicycle. Describe to claim. 905-689-5472.________ · FOUND: ring at Bronte Park. C all to id entify, (905)331-4794._____________ LOST Black male cat, very tim id. Sunday m orning W a lk e r's / U pper M iddle. Answers to Toby. Reward. 905-319-3897_____________ LOST: Siamese cat, Up per M iddle/ Eighth Line area. Reward.905-338- 5928 MOVING: couch; chairs; china cabinet; kitchen set; exercise equipment; stove; washer (new); dryer; single bed; (905)336-2737. AIR c o nd itioners: 500010,000 BTU's, excellen t condition, $125-$200. Call (905)335-6908.____________ FRIDGES + Stoves- (Gas, Electric); Washers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 AQ UA R IU M , s a lt water, 33 gallons, includes protein skim m er, w et/ dry filte r, marble-finish canopy, tronic heater+ excellent condition, $225 obo. 905-637-8930. BABY crib, beautiful Little Folks, oak, w /m attress, $400. W edding gown, w/ headpiece, size-10, preserved, $400. 905-634-9552. BABY Items: double stroller, crib, change table, Perego stroller & highchair, infant car seat, w/travel wheels, Port-a bed, safety gates & more. Thermal fax machine $50; Sony turntable $40. 905842-9806 ________ BACKYARD Heritage wooden clim ber/ swingset/ 2 to w e rs/ s lid e / Pirate plank. $500. Linda 905681-1878 after 11am BED, King X -thick pillo w top orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxspring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635______________ BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., so lid C herryw ood, all Dovetail/ metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dresser, m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777. Full/Part Time Apply In Person Mon-Sat. 9am -5pm * * * * * UPGRADED 1,2&3 Bdrm Apts w ith scenic view s availab le at tw o prim e downtown Burlington loca tions. B e autifu l grounds. New elevators. O utdoor Pool. 477 Elizabeth Street, (905)634-9374_____________ BASEM ENT apartm ent, 1-bedroom, kitchen, bath room, bar, large livingroom, parking, separate entrance. North Burlington. $695./mo. July 31 .(905)332-7725 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom avail able August. $975./m o .+ parking. (905)825-0816 DOWNTOWN O akville, Large 2-bedroom , A/C, roof-top deck. A va ila ble Sept.1st. $1150/m o.+ Call Forbes 416-420-3952 BRONTE: Walk to lake 1bedroom basement apt. in 6-plex. $725/mo. plus hydro. August 1st. 905-847-1138 OAKVILLE near lake, large, quiet, clean, 2 bedroom, no dogs, laundry, parking, $925./month. Sept. 1st. 905339-2471 _________________ 2-Bedroom apartments avail able Aug./Sept. from $875/ mo. C o nveniently located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. (905)632-4265 FRESHLY Painted: 2-Bed rooms- Aug/Sept. (Single & double storey) Low -rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016; 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905) 336-0015; (Burlington) I salon & spa help AVEDA concept salon looking for an experienced stylist and e s th e tic ia n / make-up artist. Full-time or part-tim e. Please contact Salon Teo & Spa 905-681- 905-639-9212 B E A U TIFU L "New" core Burlington freehold. Bright, open concept?3-bedroom , 2-1/2 baths, basement, ga rage, patio, 5 appliances, fire p la c e , French doors. Near park, lake, school, shopping. A u g .ls t. $1650/ mo.+ u tilitie s . F irs t/ last. References. No pets / sm okers. Page Patricia, Sales Rep., Effect Realty, 905-312-9991______________ B R A N T/ Fairview - Tow n house, luxury 3-bedroom, 5 appliances, C/A, basement. A sking $1250. A u g .ls t. Ash. 416-230-7402 BU RLING TO N. 3-bed room s. One parking only. A u g .ls t. $995/m o.; 3-bed room . W ith garage, S e p t.1st, $1050/m o.; (Hy dro/ hydro heat/ water ex tra). 905-319-1869_________ PARK like setting. 2-bdrm, August; Near Tyandaga Golf Course, Burlington. 11/2 baths, fin ish e d ba se m ent, hardw ood floors, 4 appliances. (905)335-3001 NEW Tow nhom e/ condo. Cumberland & Fairview. 2bedroom s, 1-bath, fu ll kitchen in cluding stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer, dryer. Garage w/opener +1 ad d itio n a l parking space. Near all amenities. $1,300/ mo. + u tilitie s . (9 0 5 )2 5 7 8447. Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1-Bdrms from $829* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 "(2% disc, included) I furnished rentals 0 0 0 0 ____________ S TYLIST req u ire d for A l dershot Salon. Please fax resume to: (905)639-7987 ^ nannies live-in/out TVTV LUXURY "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia nces, stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. $1295-3995/ month. Visa, MasterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M LIVE-IN Nanny, Oakville, 3 school age children, Ref, h o u s e k e e p e r, sw im m e r, non-smoker, driver. Sept. s ta rt, 7 a m -5 :3 0 p m . C a ll (905)469-2365 evenings NANNY, (liv e -o u t), my home for 2-1/2yr old girl, 34 days/week. Non-smoker. U pper M iddle/ 8th Line. 905-567-1984 Days________ NANNY live-in for 2 school aged children. Burlington area. Housekeeping, cooking required. Call Jim 905-639-9023 Oakville B eaver GROCERY C lerk for fu ll time position. Experienced required. A pply Flam borough IGA. Call (905)6890662; fax resum e: (905) 689-2988.__________ KITC HEN help required Full/ part-time, flexible. Bur lington lo cation call Mario or Lou 905-639-0319 ____ S10/HR. No experience required. Able to lift 75 lbs. Clean cut & reliable. Burlignton. 905-315-8968. $9./H R - start August 7General Labourer- able to lift 40lbs. Shift work. Drop off 2182 W yecroft Road, O akville or fax 905-8470522 H E A LT H Y 'S N utrition Store seeks people in te r ested in sports nutrition, vi tamins, herbs, for our Bur lington Mall location. Bring your enthusiasm, training is provided. Fax resume attn: Dale (905)639-6905________ WORK Weekdays Mon-Fri, 8:30am -4:30 pm .... M olly Maid is now hiring reliable dependable people. T ra n sp o rta tio n / tra in in g provided, call 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students. M E R C H A N D IS E R ( S ) fu ll-tim e . R equired for Shoppers Drug Mart- Oak ville Place. Fax resumes to 905-842-5598 A tte ntion: Haig Pinsent AC TIO N C o llisio n re q uire s 2 Licensed Auto C o llisio n R e pair T ech ni cians for our busy flat rate shop. For d e ta ils please call Brian B ussell (905)844-7586____________ M O U LDING Set-up Per son & M achine M echanic/ ope rator. A p plicant must have Basic E lectrical knowledge and mechanical background. Full-time, $12/ hr sta rt. Please A p ply in person: 880 Cranberry Ct., Oakville, Ontario. HA M ILTO N com pany B u rlington work. Looking for experienced residential app ren tices. Please call (905)516-7772, M ondayFriday I office-clerical TEMPORARY clerk- good with numbers. Computers an asset. No weekends. Good benefits. Fax resume to 905-822-0655 NEAR B urloak, 3 -b e d room, ground floor, 4 ap pliances, parking. $850/mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor VJ drive E E Til . vans/4-wheel RIVER Oaks- experienced, lo v in g , hom e coo k e d lunches, baking, storytime, a c tiv itie s , a ge s up to 4 (905)849-6258. 1988 A E R O S T A R e m is s io n s p a st, c e rtifie d . 240,000klm . $1500. Call (905)339-1993 Halton September in Oakville Call 905-632-4440 for more information

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