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Oakville Beaver, 11 Jul 2001, A1

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CCNA BETTER NEWSPAPERS COMPETmON 2 0 0 0 www.oalcvillebeaver.com T h e O a k v i l l e ' Brake Pads or Shoes tram 3 u a SSIe I N C L U D E D S e em an ag erfo rd e ta ils. M O L S O N IN D Y i Kayaking S p e c i a l f e a t u r e c r a s ^ F O C U S c o u r s e 112 Speers Rd., Oakville IN B E S T W H E E L S Mercedes-Benz 52 Pages 75 Cents (plus GST) A Metroland Publication Vol. 39 No. 82 WEDNESDAY, JULY 11,2001 Y o u n g jo in s s u it a g a in s t d r u g f ir m By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF W hile the family o f Vanessa Young has attached itself to a $100-million class action suit against the firm that m anufactured the drug involved in her death, the teen's father m aintains that the legal action is not about money. "I believe this is the only way to m ake a significant change in the system Medicine implicated in daughter's death and to have a real opportunity to make it safer for everyone," said Terence Young. "A federal inquiry would be even better, but a class action is the only way to get their attention." V anessa Young - a 15-year-old Grade 10 student at O akville-Trafalgar High School who had been taking the m edication C isapride (know n as Prepulsid in Canada and Propulsid in the United States) off and on since 1999 - died on March 19, 2000 after her heart stopped the night before, while she was at home. The suit is being served against drug m anufacturer Janssen-O rtho Inc., Johnson & Johnson Products, Johnson & Johnson W orldw ide, M cN eil Consum er Products Canada and the Attorney General o f C anada (Health Canada). A ccording to the suit, the d efen d a n ts' co n d u c t w as "h ig h -h an d ed , outrageous, reckless, w anton, entirely w ith o u t care, deliberate, callous, d is g racefu l, w illfu l...d isre g a rd o f the p lain tiffs' lives, safety, and rights and the rights o f each class m em ber and fam ily class m em ber, indifferent to the consequences and m otivated by p ro fit, and as such, ren d ers the ( S e e `H e a lt h ' p a g e A 5 ) Terence Young Vanessa Young Alliance supporters in Halton want early leadership review By Richard Vivian SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Thoughts o f a right-wing reunion have taken a back seat to federal leader ship discussions for the H alton Canadian Alliance Riding Association. The association announced its sup port for an early leadership review of Stockw ell D ay follow ing a special meeting recently. "It's no secret that generally in our riding, and other ridings too, there are questions about the national leader ship," said Tim Dobson, who represent ed the party in the Novem ber election. Dobson said he didn't feel com fort able discussing the reasoning for asso ciation members voting as they did. An early review received 90 pier cent sup port. Before D ay's leadership was called into question by 13 dissident Alliance MPs across Canada, local party sup porters had been considering unifica tion discussions with the Progressive Conservative party, Dobson said. "The leadership events o f the past months have really taken a lot o f the wind out o f the sails o f (unification) dis cussions on a national level, in my view. "From our side, there is definitely an interest. We have individuals^ working on our board who have long-standing friendships with active participants in the Progressive Conservative party. It has been an objective o f some o f those individuals, and mine also, to try to extend the level of local discussion and negotiation." Calling for D ay's resignation, sever al M Ps have been expelled from the Alliance caucus and stripped o f critic duties. Day is scheduled to face a lead ership review in April, but support con tinues to grow for an earlier review. (S e e D a y ' p a g e A 2 ) Stockwell Day: Alliance sup porters in Halton w ant early leadership review T o w n b a lk in g u p a t c le a n in g th a t's a lg a e s te n c h c a u s in g By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF S u m m er's here and the tim e is right for dancin' in the streets -- except along the lake where you need a gas m ask because o f the stench of rotting algae. "B ecause o f the east w inds, there is a problem and it's w orse in the w est en d ," ad m itted Tow n o f O ak v ille C om m unity Services C om m issioner Peter W agland at M onday's Planning & D evelopm ent Council meeting. A real sore spot is the cobble beach betw een W est Street and Tim ber Lane, ju s t east o f the B ronte P ioneer Cem etery. Rotting algae has accum ulated on ( S e e `A l g a e ' p a g e A 5 ) Photo by Ron Kuzyk Well. Peter and Shawna MacKellar (nee Dawson) may not be skating off into marriage but they did the next best thing to it at their wedding Friday afternoon. Since her husband is such a Maple Leafs fan, Shawna decided it would be neat to have him drive one the Zamboni ice-resurfacing machines from Maple Leaf Gardens, down Lakeshore Road. The two climbed aboard the vehicle at Walton Memorial United Church and headed off into w edded bliss. ICING ON T H E CAK E: Police Sgt. switches gun for fire hose By Lisa Tallyn SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Halton Regional Police Sgt. Larry Brassard's career has com e full circle. Brassard, 43, w ho has been with Halton Police for 20 years, will leave the position o f public affairs officer with the service later this month, to take over the position o f Halton Hills Fire D epartm ent's deputy chief on July 30. Brassard spent five years as a full-time fire prevention officer with the Halton Hills Fire D epartm ent before he joined the police service. He has been a part-tim e firefighter for 25 years -- 20 o f those with the Halton Hills departm ent and about five in the m id-'80s as part-tim e assistant deputy chief for the Hillsburgh Fire Department. He is currently a part-time captain in Halton Hills. During his policing career Brassard has w orked in uniform patrol in Burlington, M ilton and Georgetown, in the Com m unity Relations Bureau, and the Crim inal Investigation Bureau in M ilton before moving to the Public Affairs Unit. "O ver the past 20 years I have had the privilege to work with a group of thoroughly professional men and w om en in the form o f the Halton R egional P olice," said B rassard, a Halton Hills resident. "I know that sim ilar opportunities await me in Halton Hills with an equally com m itted team o f professionals." He believes both the tow n and fire departm ent have exciting futures and is thankful "for the opportunity to play a m eaningful role in the continuing developm ent o f our com munity." Brassard is replacing Bob Hyde, who retired from the deputy ch ief's position last m onth after nearly 24 years in the job. NSIDE to d a y ' s paper EdHoriats.___________________ A 6 Focus._______________________ B1 Business......................... B6 Entertainment.............................C1 Classified...................................... C4 Automotive.__________________ 01 Indy__________ ,D6 Spe<iol Supplements: Salon owner assaulted in robbery H alton R egional P olice are look ing for a lone m ale w ho robbed a local tanning salon and assaulted its owner. A cc o rd in g to in v e stig a to rs, the incident occurred around 12:15 p.m. on S aturday w hen the suspect entered the M illennium W axing and Tanning salon on L akeshore R oad W est and confronted the owner. T he man dem anded m oney from the w om an and, after grabbing and pushing her, fled w ith the cash. T he suspect is described as w hite, 5 ' 8" tall, 175 lbs. w ith light brow n hair. H e w as clean shaven, tanned and m uscular. A t the tim e o f the robbery he w as w ea rin g a g ree n , sh o rtsleeved shirt, green shorts and very old w hite running shoes. A n y o n e w ith in fo rm atio n is encouraged to contact the #2 D istrict R obbery Team at 825-4747 ext. 2218 or C rim e S toppers at 825-TIPS. Photo by Brent Foster P artiald e liv e ry : S p o rtC h e k .B ro ttM u sicF e stiv a l. T h e B a y .A sh w a y .P artyC ity . StoreM a so n .G o o dL ife . F u tu reS h o p .S ears, L an sin gB u ild a ll, E d u catio n alR ec. C en tre C a n a d ia n Publications Mail Product A g re e m e n t # 435-201 On Saturday, Bronte Outer Harbour Marina celebrated the groundbreaking for its new Banquet Centre complex. Shown here are Regional chair Joyce Savoline, Marina Group Inc.'s Find and Arlene Christiansen, mayor Ann Mulvale and Brian Chamberlain. The facility will feature a restaurant with outdoor patio and a banquet facility with a view of Lake Ontario for weddings, business seminars and more. This will accommodate a range of needs, from small family gatherings to groups of up to 340 people. 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