THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 18, 2001 DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE'S al ance th e a r t o f h e a lth P ilates · Spinning · Yoga · Tai Chi LY 2 U t l i 15 p i l l ( PICK 01 THE CROP T O Y S B O O K S Storewide Summer Sale Jul\ 20lli - August 4lli 2 0 -5 0 % O ff Midnight Madness Friday 20 July j>'V 9:00 a m - M i d n i g h t Explore Your Nature You a re in v ite d t o m e e t a te a m o f highly e d u c a te d p r a c titio n e r s in v a rio u s fie ld s o f co m p le m e n ta ry h o lis tic medicine. INTRODUCING YOUR TEAM OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS: at least 10% off e v e ry th in g in s t o r e ! ! We a re m a d ly e x c ite d a b o u t o u r fa b u lo u s Thomas Surprise Station ^ Giveaway T u e sd a y 7 A u g u s t th ro u g h 5 u n d a y 19 A u g u s t All in-stock Thomas items will be 15% o f f 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST OAKVILLE (905) 844-5363 M a s s a g e T herapy Lisa Talbot PMT A c u p u n ctu rist · Herbal Therapy Paul DeAngelis D.Ac C la s s ic a l H o m e o p a th Christine Pe Bsllefeuille FSHOM Med. R e fle xo lo g is t Jane Vandrus C.A.R. O s te o p a th y /S o m a to th e ra p y Eric Sanderson S h ia ts u T h erap y Eva Krechowicz CST N u tritio n /L iv e B lood A n a y ls is M aria Lyn CNR, RNCP For further info call_______ 905*337*1128 282 Church St. C o w eR e C a xu ittkw luidm tke tlua W tidwglil (ftftdwew ORE than a SHOP EVERYTHING 217 Lakeshore Rd. E. (`X6)844-3530 Downtown Oakville Since 1953 Starts at up to 20% Off Registered Massage Therapists - Certified Shiatsu Therapists OAKVILLE ISIMM i M A S S A G EMAPI CENTRE LTD. MIDNIGHT MADNESS 2 UP P TO E A G ift of Well Being G ift Certificates Available C i 50% OFF C H A R L E S AUSTIN ·SHOES* 1 184 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville · 845-5582 other selected items For all that's fine in Golf. 128 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON One block north of Lakeshore Rd. 50% off (905) /V Spring & Summer Style Merchandise 125 Lakeshore Rd. E·) Suite 304 (at Navy & Lakeshore) 845-3137 THERE IS ART EVEN IN.... L 338-7456 Email: ROASTING m V 9T OfcAV U p APPLES 340 Lakeshore Rd. E.. Oakville (905) 8 4 4 -3 8 8 8 SUNTAN SPECIAL (*July 20th ONLY!!) 10 Sessions for only $50 Turbo beds. NEW Stand-up units. Indoor Tanning: It's About Control O zo n e Layer Regular changes in the Earth's ozon e layer affect the am ount o f ultraviolet light from the sun that reaches the planet surface. It is virtually impossible to kno w from day to day h o w these conditions will change. W o rr y A b o u t S u n b u rn Have you ever spent a day outside, only to be surprised at the end of the day by a sunburn? O r maybe you didn't get a sunburn w hen you expected you m ig h tA II o f the variables listed above make tanning ou td o o rs a guessing game. C o n tro l You always k n o w exactly w h at kind o f ultraviolet light you are getting and exactly h o w long you'll be getting it. 155 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville Come visit on Midnigt for refre. mess 905339-1399 MIDNIGHT SUN 84 REYNOLDS STREET 842-5400