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Oakville Beaver, 6 Jun 2001, "Homes & Gardens", C8

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C8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday June 6, 2001 Homes & Gardens An Oakville Beaver Feature To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Ask proper questions when hiring interlocking concrete paver contractor Interlocking concrete pavers create a beauti ful and durable pavement system that will last a minimum of 30 to 40 years when installed cor rectly. Paver systems include a number of important components, which work together to effectively support themselves and loads applied to the sur face. The underlying soils, base, bedding sand, and edge restraints, (which keep the paving units from "spreading" under loads), are all important to long-term performance. If a contractor uses materials o f inferior quality or fails to follow the correct installation procedures, problems often develop in the future. When the consumer is choosing a contractor the experts advise you to compare "apples to apples". Obtain estimates from landscapers who specialize in pavers. Look at the guarantees and then complete your comparisons. Questions to Ask a Contractor: In order to ensure a quality installation, you should make a point to ask questions of the con tractor. How long have they been installing pavers? Have they been trained by the Interlocking BRIAN BURTON Landscaping Forum Concrete Pavement Institute, (ICPI)* or a manufacturer? Do they have a portfolio of photos and letters to qualify them? Are they in good credit stand ing? Do they have a liability insurance certificate and proof that Workers Compensation Insurance covers all workers? Do they install pavers and in accordance with ICPI specifications? Can they supply a copy? Will they provide a detailed written and item ized proposal outlining the scope of work, terms of payment and applicable taxes? The proposal should include the starting and completion dates, describe any removal and disposal of existing pavement or soils, list base materials [such as aggregate base and bedding sand] and specify the paving materials that will be used. * The ICPI is the industry voice in North America and its membership represents a major ity o f the concrete paver production. 5. Do they guarantee their work for one year? Are they willing to agree to return in a year to inspect the installation and make any necessary repairs or adjustments? PAVER FACTS Pavers will: Last 30-40 years with little maintenance. Not be damaged by ice or freezing. Can be removed for cleaning or replacement. Provide safe traction for pedestrians and vehi cles-- even when wet. C O N T E M P O R A R Y C L A S S IC : It doesn't matter whether your design tastes run to contemporary such as this room, or traditional, the same design elements hold true. Colour, texture and form are always the hallmarks of a well designed room. Peony Festival ends Sunday The Royal Botanical Gardens has a full garden ing season of seminars planned and they include: Sundays, June 10: Iris & Peony Festival; Monet could not have done justice to the Laking Garden's iris and peony collection. Visit those two spectacular displays of botanical beauty and enjoy music and refreshments. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, June 9 & 10: American Peony Society Show Monday-Thursday, June 11-14: Four Day Evening Walk; RBG is the host site for this tradi tional Dutch walk sponsored by the Netherlands Board of Tourism. Call (905) 679-6777 for infor mation. Saturday, June 16: RBG. Auxiliary Tulip Bulb Sale; spring-flowering bulbs taken from the Rock Garden collection. 9 a.m. to noon. Saturday & Sunday, June 30 & July 1: Hamilton & Burlington Rose Society Show Saturday, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays, June 24, July 1 & 8: Rose Festival; Thousands of fragrant and colourful rose blooms, from centuries-old antiques to the newest hybrids, burst out in time for this entertaining outdoor festi val, featuring musical entertainment, garden tours and a children's day. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For further information visit http;/ / w w , ityi,org B ria n B u rto n re s p o n s ib le fo r d e v e lo p m e n t o f C o rp o ra te P a rtn e rs h ip s fo r C o m m u n itie s in B lo o m , a n a tio n w id e n o n -p ro fit v o lu n te e r o rg a n iz a tio n th a t e n c o u ra g e s c o m m u n ity in v o lv e m e n t in e n v iro n m e n ta l e ffo rts , h e rita g e p re s e rv a tio n , u rb a n fo re s try a n d c iv ic b e a u tific a tio n , w w w .c o m m u n itie s in b lo o m .c a E N G L E L A K E M O M I; A M O D N S I O N C E N T R E We Specialise in _ Professional Window & Door S Installations and Associated | Home Renovations. m Speers Rd.^^ -- NEXT WEEK: How to know when the job is being installed correctly. OAKVILLE SHO W RO O M ; 2170 SP E ER S RD. · S H O W R O O M H O U R S : M O N D A Y - FR ID A Y 8 :3 0 - 4 :3 0 , SA TU RD A Y 9:0 0 -1 2 :0 0 O R BY A P P O IN T M E N T . 905-825-5151 There's a whole new world out there.. discover it today. W W W .Q 4 d iv is io n o f a lto n S e a rc h , c o m llebeaver. com connecting you to your community H a lto n R e c o v e ry House Substance Abuse Treatment for Men General Delivery Hornby, Ontario LOP 1EO ( 905 ) 878-1120 let's Work Together To Give Our Kids a Future Without Drugs, Alcohol and Violence Don't Drink & Drive I t' s much smarter to have a designated driver or take a taxi. MADD HALTON C H A P T E R 466 Speers Rd., Suite 201, Oakville| 8 4 ^ 0 9 ^ ^ D.A.R.E. Halton For information about D.A.R.E. and how you can help, Please phone 905 - 876-3273 By Stephanie MacLellan - Special to the Beaver Drug abuse is one o f the biggest social problems faced by our society. To pre vent it from increasing in the future, one special program is educating children about thedangers o f drug abuse today. DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, and its mandate is in its name. Police departments, schools and members o f the community participate in this program to "keep kids o ff drugs and violence". DARE is a 17-week life skills program taught to grade six students by p olice officers. At an age w hen children are esp ecially susceptible to drugs and v io len ce, they are introduced to concepts that w ill help them to m ake informed decisions about avoiding drug use in their lives. Topics covered by DARE include information about drugs them selves, self-esteem , stress management, and the media influence on drug use and violence. DARE was established in 1983 in California, and since then has been implement ed in comm unities across North America, including Halton Region. In Halton, the DARE board o f directors is made up o f volunteers from different areas o f the community. The Halton Regional Police Service currently em ploys eight full-time officers to teach DARE to every grade six class in the region. By having officers teach the program, it helps alleviate the sense o f fear that is often associated with the police. A s w ell, the officers are able to relate their first-hand experiences with seeing the harm caused by drugs. With over 25,000 graduates since its inception in Halton in 1989, DARE has becom e a household name locally. Its su ccess in terms o f prevention is m ore d ifficult to m easure. W hile som e kids w ill still resort to drug use or v iolen ce regardless o f D A R E or other prevention program s, the education given by D A R E is an influence on the d ecision s that its students m ake about drugs. SHOPPERS DRUG M A R T ® Oakville Place (905) 842-3730 Oaktown Shopping Plaza (905) 845-6674 (O p en 'til m id n igh t) OAKVILLE DODGE CHRYSLER LTD. & £ es/^ea siiig /& m ce P a d s/C ised G w s 1646-4TH LIME AT SPEERS ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONT. L6L 5B21 TEL. ( 905 ) 845-4211 FAX (905) 845-5772 ^O M M E nR O G R A M s" loin us for a morning out on Wednesday or Fridays from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at 337 Ken Street or 1500 Sixth Line. H opedale M all (905) 827-4141 Upper Oakville Shopping Centre (905) 842-3934 Bronte 2297 Lakeshore Rd. W. (905) 827-1561 GIGAMTIC GARAGE SALE on Saturday lune 16th 8:30 a.m. until noon See You Theie! Call for more information OAKVILLE PARENT-CHILD CENTRE ^ 9 0 M 4 M 3 6 ^ ^ PROCOR Proud sponsor of D.A.R.E. O O R T IN O S ^ Phone (905) 631-7227 Fax (905) 631-1167 FORTINOS (NEW ST.) LTD. 5111 N e w S treet B urlin gton . O N L 7 L 1V2 F r a n c h is e / O w n e r J o e Z u k ie l www. p roco r. co m Your Supermarket with a Heart! |3rd Line | QEW

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