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Oakville Beaver, 30 May 2001, Classified, C04

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 30,2001 T h e O a k ville B ea v er C lassified ||T |1 houses for sale l{ u | houses for rent NEW hom e G len A b bey, ro o m s a v a ila b le im m e diate , young p ro fe s s io n a ls , p a rk in g , la u n d ry , sm o k e -fre e hom e. $ 5 5 0 / m o. in c lu s iv e . (9 0 5 )5 1 0 8383._____________________ BU RLIN G TO N non sm oking fem ale to share townhouse, full house priv ileges, close to shopping, bus. June 1st. $450/m o. (905)631-7392_____________ B U R LO A K / Q EW / GO. S pacious room , laundry, parking, private bathroom. N on-sm okers only, $500/ mo. Available immediately. (905)681-4577.___________ _ P R O F ESS IO N A L male w ith 3 kids, 1 dog and 1 hamster has large fully fur nished house to share. Grand piano, pool, estab lished area. New/Appleby. $850. (905)616-0984 1st tim e e v e rl! Domain registry shares the ro ya l ties, get your share! www.globalteam.ws 4 DR AW ER Leg al fillin g c a b in e t, hea vy duty, 5 ft gra y/b la ck w ooden (steel trim ) desk, good condition $75. each. Call (905)8273847______________________ A*1 King-bed; E xtra-thick pillow-top Orthopedic mat tress set. Brand new, still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice. $650. (905)971-3315. A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 door; Stove; M aytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BA R B EC U E S ilv e rg ia n tStainless steel, new natural gas. Retail $2600, asking $1700. Won in a contest. (905)648-2399_____________ BED, King X -thick pillo w top orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED, Q ueen-size, elegant mahoghany/ brass w/canopy, boxspring included, ex c e lle n t cond itio n $ 1,000 obo. Call (905)469-9173. BED- Orthopedic mattress, b oxsp ring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635______________ BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., solid C herryw ood, all Dovetail/ metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dresser, m irro r, la rge chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777._____________ BEDROOM suite "Art Shoppe* 5-pce. queen, el egant solid black ash. Ex ce lle n t cond itio n $1500. 905-639-2197_____________ BEDS, New- Com plete: D ouble, $220; Queen, $240. C om plete w/fram e. Futons available. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footb oard, fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573. BLINDS, vertical, white for patio door; assorted Levolor Venetian blinds; green/ brown kitchen countertop; sw ag/ Jabot w indow to p pers fo r patio doo r/ bay window; burgundy ottoman. All exce lle n t c ond ition. (905)637-1738.____________ CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CARPETS, Hundreds of C o lours/ styles, Including "Stainmaster*. Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ in s ta lla tio n . 905510-0589._________________ CONVECTION oven, s e lf clean. $600.; built-in dish washer, $300.; 20'x13' blue carpet. $150.; in te rio r doors. $20/ea.; coffee & 2 end tables, $200.; Lazy Boy sofa & recliner, $400.; sofa & loveseat, $300. (905) 681-3236_________________ COUCH, loveseat. chair, pastel colours, excellen t condition, $500; waterbed fram e/ headboard, 1* solid pine, $300. (905)637-8570. DININGROOM suite, solid oak, Richardson Bros., oval table, pedestal legs, 4-self storing leafs, 4-chairs, buf fet, hutch, seats 10-12 $3500; older ex-player piano. (905)827-4873._________ DINING RO O M : 9-pce., solid Cherrywood, 92* dou ble pedestal table. 6 Chip pendale chairs, lighted hutch, b uffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-9994. FRIDGE, stove, washer, dryer. Alm ond. Excellent c ond ition. C om plete set $850. W ill sell separately. 905-681-9184______________ FRIDGES + Side-by-sides w/ water/ ice; Stoves- (Saran tops, Gas, Electric); Wash ers/ D ryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911______________ FUTON fram e, new, pine w ith arm s, 11* m attress, $300; Danby m icrow ave 1.2 cu. ft., new $100. Call (905) 681 - 9496.___________ G IBSON deluxe 11 cf fridge 24Wx57H; wood dbl. ped., desk 30x60; wood credenza 20x72; wood table 34x60; padded chairs; etc. Call (905)842-3633 or (905)334-2063._____________ HARVEST table: oak top. 72*x42*, m idnight brown legs, bea u tifu l d etailin g. Excellent cond ition. Paid $1500, sell $700. 905-8447848______________________ LIVINGROOM set. 'B re n t wood*. Like new, barely used. Sofa, loveseat, chair, yellow w /m uted flo ra l, $1200 obo. (905)335-4310. NSYNC T icke ts. Tuesday June 19, 7:30 pm. section232, row 5, seats 1 & 2. (905)681-5368.____________ P O W AKADD Y C lassic personal pow er caddy. $500. (905)632-4417 STOVE, w hite, excellen t condition. $300. 905 -33 81880 VCRS & 17-20* colour TVs & portable CD players, $80-$120. Excellent condi tion. Call (905)681-9496. W ALL unit 6 '2 * x 5 'ir , light oak, glass doors w/shelves, cupboards, drawers, space for TV. $350. (905)637-8128. W ASHER / D ryer- $400.; bedroom suite, $400.; Heavy duty shelving (2), $100.ea; 905-847-2760 W INDO W S, 5 w h ite vinyl and patio door, $500. OBO; White pedestal sink, toilet, $200. OBO. Like new 905-337-1296 W ROUGHT iron kitchen table, beveled glass top, 6 chairs, $1400.; 7 pc. bed room set, black/ wine stained oak, $1400.; coffee table , 2 end tables, sofa table , chrom e base, w/ beveled glass top. $650./ set. (905)690-0310 CA M P B E LLV ILLE - 4 bedroom, very private on 6 acres landscaped. Pool, pine trees & much more. Visit http://w w w 3.sym patico.ca/ nvandorp/houseforsale.htm $399,000. 416-712-8175 W A TE R D O W N 2stry. semi, 3bdrms, large eat-in kitchen w/walk-out to deck, c/a, fin ish e d basem ent. Deep lot backing onto na ture tra il. $190,000. (905)690-0158, for appn't, no agents please. O A K V IL L E - 422 M aplehurst Ave. Bungalow, 2+1 bedrooms. 1.5 baths, Flori da room, hardwood floors, c/a, wood fireplace, finished basem ent. $239,000. Call (905)842-6970, no agents. BU RLING TO N Executive. Approx. 3 ,000sq.ft. g o r geous 4-bedroom home in im maculate condition. Ter rific lo c a tio n backing on greenspace. A p pliances a v a ila b le . Im m ediate. $ 2 ,00 0 /m o .+. Jack Hay, Broker, Century 21 Affinity R.E. 905-634-4343 BRONTE M ariners Mews S teps to lake & shops, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, 2 pow der room s, finished basement, c/a, c/v, all ap pliances. Available im m e d ia te ly , $1300/m o + u tili ties. E venings (9 0 5 )8 4 9 8059, days (905)897-6524 B U R LIN G TO N : 2-bdrm from $975./m o .+ u tilitie s , June/ July. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parkin g . N ear schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190._____________ $1 ,750 /m o B urlington very private. 3,200 sq.ft.... C/A, F/P, double garage, appliances, 905-639-9898 BONUS!All classified ads appear @ wwOakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! ·Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 24W 99 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 W AN TED A ll-C hina, S il ver, C rystal, sew ing m a chin e s... Doulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, dolls, paintings, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 ____________ P A IN TIN G S , A n tiques. Estates; Glass, China, Jew elry, C locks, W atches, D olls, C am eras, Textiles, Toys. etc. Karl (9 0 5 )6 8 1 6939. PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS IMPORTANT MAJOR AUCTION NOTICE E S E fflS * UQUIDAnONS * CONSIGNMENTS * · ART · FURNITURE * ELECTRONICS · JEWELLERY | · COINS · TIFFANY GLASS LAMPS * OAK DINING SETS | · FOUNTAINS * UMOGE PORCELAIN · ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS * ESTATE FRENCH FURNITURE * GARDEN ACCENTS Catalogue Sale - Will be sold in details lots by: POLICE Foundations Diploma · · · · · · P U B L I C A U C T IO N SUNDAY, JUNE 3"1 AT 1:PM (PREVIEW 12:N00N) THE HOLIDAY INN, BURLINGTON 3063 South Service Road, Burlington Estate gold coins, mint sets, ladies & gents 10-l4kt gold diamond and genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets, 14 kt gold watches, pearls etc. Tiffany glass lamps, Royal Garden Milan, glassware, porcelain, limoges, Royal Dux, collector plates, stone I carvings, wildlife sculptures. Galle Glass, bronze statuary, I ] figural water fountains, Royal Staffordshire, floor lamps, I clocks, d&or accent items, floor vases, Murano Clowns, Wrought Iron. M N 1 I I .RE; | Consoles, mirrors, tea cabinets, valet stands, lowboy cab, | I hall tables, salon chairs, occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china cabinets, corner chairs, entertainment stands. Oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, | French commodes, desk, consoles tables w/ hand inlay and marqetry, Pine furniture, table & chairs, trunks, dressers, tables, accent items, selection of iron accents, jewellery armoire, quilt stands, ferns, tables, washstand, | 9 pc dining room suite, HP mmks, and much more... September Classes DO G W a lk in g a v a ila b le . M onday - F riday. Please call (905)842-0253________ S H IH -T Z U . M ale. 5 1/2 m onths, all shots, looking fo r lo vin g fa m ily . A skin g $550. Call (905)842-7116 FREE to good hom e- 4 month old female Siamese cat. A ffe ctio n a te and friendly, call 905469-9060 FREE to good h o m e - fe m ale Beagle cross (14 m onths old ), needs com panionship. (905)637-5429 SH E LL Y 'S P e tite Dog H o te l- No cages, nice backyard to play in. walks & day s ittin g also. R eason able rates.(905)331-7249 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 BARTEND IN G CourseV enture H ospitality T rain ing hands-on style course in clu d in g B artending & SmartServe certification 4day tra in in g program in Oakville, June 5 & 12, 6pm10pm. June 9 & 10: 9am5pm . For info: 416-6313722. TR AIN IN G p o sitio n - start immediately. 16-Wk Live-in program. Minimum 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V e terin ary H ospital. Must be motivated with a love for a nim a ls. Fax resum e to: Tracy Edwards, (905)8447351 [ |k l Private Sales PR IVATE Sale. M ilton. 2store y, 4-bedroom w ith large backyard. Spacious dining/ kitchen area. Beau tifu lly deco rated fa m ilyroom . Em ail fo r in fo b re e s e @ g lo b a is e rv e .n e t For appt ca ll B a rry 905455-6386 or Evelyn 905456-1232 DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1&3 Bedroom s: July 1st. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 LUXURY 'N e w ' 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia nces, stere o, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. $1295-2995/ month. Visa. M asterCard, AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M xoxox BU RLING TO N DOW N TOWN: 505 Locust Street: Spacious 1,2&3 Bedrooms from $940/mo. All suites A/ Cl (905)333-9008___________ ~ CO LLIN G W O O D : resort condo by the bay. 5 min. from Blue M ountain. 1bedroom , heated pool, sauna, $450/w eek. No pets. 905-632-2164 3-Bdrm 2-Level WE s p e cia lize in C o ndo m inium S a les & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347 it® * ® * AAA Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. C a ll W A N T E D ... W arehouse Space, approx. 500 sq.ft. Hydro/ water. Garage door access preferred. Any location. Call Paul 905-849-0428 PRIM E in d u s tria l w a re house space, 5000sq.ft drive-in with 1500 sq.ft of fice space. Also, 2500sq.ft w a rehouse w ith loading dock. 1160 Blair Rd. Bur lington. (905)332-0163 or (905)334-1555_____________ IN EXPEN SIVE W AR E HOUSE or lig h t in du stria l space Oakville, near QEW 45,000 s q .ft. or less. S p rinklered, overhead doors, overhea d crane, truck level doors. Joe Luyk, Ext.242, (905)845-7597 I industrial /commercial space UPGRADED 1,2&3 Bdrm Apts w ith s cenic view s availab le at tw o prim e downtown Burlington loca tions. B e autifu l grounds. New elevators. 478 Pearl S treet, (905)632-1643 ; 477 E lizab eth Street, (905)634-9374_____________ 1&2 Bedroom s ava ila b le from $950./mo. Sunken liv ingroom , e at-in kitchen . Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. (905)637-9725_________ A P AR TM E N TS For Fent. M ake a virtual v is it to the best! O ur w e bsite is w w w .o n tim .c o m /re s id e n tial.htm p C lick on B urling ton Towers 1& 2 Bedroom Apts a v a il able June & J u ly in w e llm aintained building. Close to schoo ls & p rofession al service s. Easy access to QEW & 403. Call 905-8442646______________________ T R A F A L G A R / M cCraney. 1-bedroom basem ent apa rtm e nt, separate en trance, pool, hot tub, park ing. Non-smoker. June 1st. $750/mo. 905-844-7885 B U R LIN G T O N - bea u tifu l bright 2 bedroom apartment in ce n tu ry home. 4 a p p liance s, hardw ood flo o r ing, porch, parking-. $975/ mo inclusive. (905)631-1761 B U R LIN G TO N . 1&2 bed room large, attractive apart ments available June/ July 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $695/m o. No pets. 905-632-0961____________ ALDERSHOT. New. bright, open conce pt 1-bedroom w/ensuite, separate entrance. No sm oking/ pets. July 1st, $625/mo. inclusive. References. 905-529-4299 EX EC UTIVE basem ent suite, G olden B ria r T ra il, Oakville (bus route), 1-bedroom, livingroom , kitchen, bathroom , frid g e , stove, dishw ash er, m icrow ave, cable, parkin g, $650/m o. N on-sm pkers. No pets. A va ila ble July 1 or 15. (905)842-5190.____________ O A K V IL L E - 2 bedroom on Kerr. Available July 1st, exce lle n t c ond ition, own entrance. $950/m o. (905)844-7843 *_________ O A K V IL L E PLAC E area. 2-bedroom in sm all bldg. Near all amenities. $925/ mo. Heat, hot water, park ing in clude d. July 1st. 905-847-1138._____________ O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 2-bedroom available June 1st. $975./m o. (+ parking). (905)844-9006 O A K V IL L E : 3-bedroom bright spacious basem ent apt. 5 appliances, sepa rate entrance. 2-car park ing, $1200/m o. July 1 st. (905)849-8259.____________ OAKVILLE: Kerr St., 1 & 2 bedroom apartments avail able July 1st. $800., $900./ mo. in clu s iv e . (9 0 5 )3 3 9 2437______________________ BA SEM EN T bachelor, immediate. $500 inclusive. Laundry, parkin g, nonsm oker, no pets. Near S h eridan, O akville. John 905-845-4792 after 5pm 1-BEDRO O M basem ent apartment in small building on Brant S t., B u rlington. $670/m o. H eat/ hydro in cluded. June 1st. 905-3367742______________________ 1-BEDRO O M Suite. S p a cious, clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Tow ers, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583______________________ 1-BE D R O O M . Q uiet, clean adult building, down town Burlington. Available July, $69 5/m o. in clude s utilitie s. (905)631-0191 or (905)643-8979. W ATERD O W N: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1,2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $ 74 5./m o. (905)690-4454 2-BE DRO O M apa rtm ents availab le July/ Aug. from $875/m o. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. (905)6324265 PORT C redit, renovated bachelor, 1 & 2 bedrooms from $670. up, u tilities in clu ded + parkin g, $30. G reat location. (9 0 5 )2 7 3 8210 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. W alk to Everything. 1-B edroom from $845. (905)845-1777 2-BE D R O O M S : $8 1 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 DOW NTOW N O akville, large 2-bedroom . 6 a p pliance s, fire p la c e , A/C. $1300/mo.+. Available July 1st. C all Forbes 416-4203952 R E S P O N S IB LE non smoking female looking for ba c h e lo r apa rtm e nt or to share accom m odations. N o rthw e st B u rlin g to n / A l dershot. (905)335-0425. CAMPER T ra ile r- V iking hardtop, sleeps 6 ($1,000). Boat 12' alum inum ($300.00) C all (905)8254161. 639-9212 G L E N -A B B E Y condo m inium, 2 bedroom, 5 ap p lia n c e s , w o o d b u rn in g F/P, ground floor w/o. July 1st $ 1 ,2 2 5 + H yd ro. (905)469-9409____________ BRONTE H arbour area. Q uiet building. 2 -b e d rooms, 4 appliances, pool, tennis court, immediate oc cupancy, $1300/m o. (905)827-2175.____________ BR O N TE: 2-bedroom + den condo. $1175./m o Available June. Utilities in cluded. No pets. C redit check. (905)827-1232 GLEN A B B E Y Area: 2bedroom s, 5 app lia nces, balcony, A/C, fireplace, no sm oking, prefer no pets. $1100/mo. + utilitie s. June 1st. Call L.Davies R.E., 905333-4347_________________ SOUTH B u rlington: In brand new lakeside build ing, 1500 sq.ft., 2-bedroom + den. A m enities ++, in cluding indoor pool, 5 ap pliance s, balcony, C /A, 2 parking. For empty nesters, no sm oking, no pets, $1800/mo. inclusive. June 1st. Call L.Davies Real Estate 905-333-4347 ____ BURLINGTON: 2-bdrm. 5 appliances, gas fireplace, central air. 2 baths, ground floor on ravine, garage, no pets. $1275 plus utilities. A v a ila b le J u ly 1. Marg Morren 905-333-3500, Remax Garden City Realty Inc. G R IM S BY- exclu s iv e . 2 bedroom condo with loft... A/C, garage, 3 baths, main flo o r laundry, $1,150/ month. Available July/ August 1st. 905-945-0586 l ! u | houses for rent LARG E 3-bedroom , with frid g e , stove dishw asher, fenced yard. Brant/Plains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. 905-332-3542 N O RTHEAST O akville, 3bedroom 2 -bath, over 1 acre. A va ila b le July 1. $ 1500/m o. + u tilitie s . Call Joseph R upcich, Broker, O akdom e R e alty Ltd. (905)844-0363.____________ TR A FA LG A R / Upper M id d le - 2400 sq.ft. 4 -b e d rooms, 2 car garage, c/a, cl v. July 1st. $1700/m o. (905)796-3645.____________ B U R LIN G TO N , large- 3 bedroom , 5 appliances, 2 c a r parking, fenced yard backing onto park. Near schools/ highway. No pets. $ 1 ,275./m onth, July 1st. 905-332-5975. 905-467-7248 FU R N ISH ED , 4 -b e d room bungalow, E. Oaville, long or short term. Profes s io n a lly decorated. Fully furn ished and equipped. Turnkey. July 1st. $3500/ mo. 905-842-6968_________ EX EC UTIVE 5-bedroom , double garage, fireplace, 6 app lia nces. Im m aculate. $2,000/mo.+ utilities. Refer ences. 905-630-5185, Active Management___________ O A K V IL L E : Carol Rd. 4bdrm , 2- 1/2 baths, eat-in kitchen, main flo o r fam ily room, fireplace, c/a, fresh paint. N on-sm okers, no pets. July 1st. $2175/mo.+ (416)484-1484_____________ 3-BEDRO O M hom e. 2.5 b athroom s, c /a ir, W aterdown, $1250/mo. -futilities. P refer no pets. C redit check. A u g.1st. (905)6897569._____________________ MAIN F loor 3-bedroom bungalow , G uelph Line/ Upper Middle. Suit mature non-sm oking couple. $1300/m o. u tilitie s included. June 1st. (905)822-2065 NORTH O akville. 3-bed room sem i, 4 appliances, garage, fully broadloomed. c/air, $ 1100/mo. available im m edia tely. NO PETS. Mike (905)825-0012 evgs. NORTH of QEW, off Brant St. July 1st. 4-bedroom , garage, $1295/m o.+ u tili ties. R eferences. A ctive M anagem ent, 905-3335506, Ext.74_______________ IN C R ED IB LE O pportunity Why rent? If you can own! No Downpaym ent? No problem! Houses, condos, tow nhom es. O .A.C . C all D irect 905 .333 .97 52 J e ff Taylor, Sales Rep., Sutton Groups Results Reality Inc. 905.332.4111______________ JU L Y 1st. 4-bedroom , 5 appliances, fire p la c e , ga rage. $1695.+ utilities. 905630-5185, Active Manage ment HOMES <to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing availab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or n othing dow n! Jay N elligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Es carpm ent R ealty, Realtor, creative opts@quickdic.net GLEN A b b e y - $1650/m o + u tilities. G orgeous 2000 sq.ft, 3bdrms, 2.5bths, fire place, 5 appliances, gour m et kitchen, la rge fam ilyroom . Aw esom e lo cation. A v a ila b le July. C all after 4:30pm or leave message anytime (905)338-9443 BU RLIN G TO N M all/ G uelph Line. 3-bedroom townhouse, garage, 5 ap p liance s, a/c., a v ailab le A u g.1st. $ 1 100/mo. +u tilities. (905)639-1985.________ BU R LIN G TO N Luxury tow nhouses, 3 bedroom s, $1135., 4 bedroom s, $1235. Family room, base ment, yard. U tilities extra, parking $40. (905)639-0950 BURLINGTON. 3-bedrooms, $1200/mo. with option to buy. Financing available. 1-1/2 baths, finished basement. Immediate. Details call Anne Lane, Sales Rep., Sutton Group R esults Inc., 905332-4111__________________ O A K V ILL E . 3-bedroom tow nhouse, 4 appliances, broadloom , garage, fin ished basem ent, near schoo ls, tra n s p o rta tio n . $1,300/m o.+ utilities. 905270-2693__________________ O A K V IL L E . 3-Bedroom , 2.5 baths, a/c, 5 applianc es, finished basement. Suit 3 singles. J u ly l, 2-car park ing. $1395/m o. (905 )8 2 5 3196._____________________ M ILLC R O FT, B u rlington. 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathroom s, window c o verin gs. Im m aculate. $2,100/mo. Available June. (905)315-7635_____________ LA RG E 3-bdrm . A u g .1st. From $1159./m o. (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)-6 81- MENS Summer 3 on 3 ball hockey le ague. 10 man team or in dividual entrys. call 905-335-8520__________ lost & found FOUND: cell phone. W ar w ick Ct. area. C all 905333-6465._________________ FOUND: man's watch on bike path between Walkers/ Longm oor. May 26. C all 905-639-2515 to indentify FOUND: cam era on May 26th on Spruce Ave.. bet ween W ilson/ Henderson, Burlington. Call (905)6377616._____________________ FOUND: grey long-haired cat, C e nte n n ia l/ G uelph Line. We call ` S ilver*. Phone (905)637-7325. FOUND: Panasonic cell phone. Townsend & G len wood area. Call (905)6394112______________________ LO ST: 'B a s il' (50lb s.) b lack/ tan border C ollie. ShepherdX w/red bandana. Reward. If you have infor mation regarding its where abouts. please call M elin da. (905)637-3992; Brad (905)317-9948._____________ LO ST: M ay27th- orange/ black/ w hite cat (spaded/ m icro-chippe d) A p pleb y/ New area. Answ ers to 'C a llie '/ 'M eow m eow *. (905)825-0544; (905)6310 9 6 6 . _________________ I ' i t f ; ] personals M EET Burlington Singles! Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. Ham ilton (905)-319-3111. BA C K S TR E E T Boys Concert Tickets- July 14th, B u ffalo, five top-notch seats. Selling at cost, $170/ Cdn. ea. (Will not sell indi vidually) 905-319-9199 GENERAL ITEMS: | Limited edition art of The Group of Seven, Master Artists | on Canvas, accent & decor art. Stereos, TV's, cordless phones, cd players, home theatre systems, speakers, framed sports memorabilia Including Bobby Orr, Mats Sundin, Tie Demi, TUcker, Corson etc. 22kt Gold Wayne Gretzky Retirement Card, Jerseys, Die cast collectibles, Coca Cola Memorabilia, and more. NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS* ALL ITEMS ARE UPPER TO HIGH END* Terms: Cash, Visa, Me. Amex, as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call 416-298-1762. www.proauction.com for mailing list I cars for sale 199 3 C A V A L IE R Convertible, red, V 6 auto matic. 156.000 kilometers, original paint No rust, one o w n e r $ 5 ,5 0 0 No G ST (905)844-8641____________ 1985 C o rvette, brown on brown, ps, pw, pb, certified and clean air. $13,200. Call 905-634-0748_________ 1991 Honda A ccord EXR, fu lly loaded, tin te d w in d ows, new tire s, orig in a l ow ner, lady driven , good condition, emissions tested. $2800. (905)331-5652 1992 VOLVO 240 wagon, a uto., black, approx 200,000 km s., excellen t condition. C e rtified / em issio n -te ste d . $9,500. (905)849-6948.____________ 1991 Pontiac Sunbird SE, 3.1V6, 5-speed, high kms, runs well. As is. $950 obo. 905-842-3486_____________ 1990 BMW 535i, Sunroof. E xcellent cond ition. New tires, certified and emission tested. 163.000KM . $11,400. 905-842-8126 1987 C a m a ro - 5L. HO. US car, autom atic. Fresh rebuilt motor. New exhaust, brakes, fro n t end & tires. Safety & em ission tested. $3495/obo. H: (905)6899547 or W: (905)632-6905, ask for Glenn.______________ 1993 Saturn SL2, low kms. Blue/ black. 5-spd, ex ce lle n t cond ition, $5200. 905-849-0109_____________ 1992 Plym outh Acclaim V -6 . 225K. W ell m a in tained, clean car. $3,500. call 905-825-0790__________ 1995 Nissan M axim a GXE- 110.000km . Dark green w /grey in te rio r. 4door, p/l, auto, am/fm cas sette. air, new tire s. A-1 C e rtifie d . $12,500. 905827-6777 (Oakville)_________ 2000 Honda P re lu d e 17,000km, driven one sum mer. fully loaded, extended w a rranty. $26,900. (905)876-2800_____________ 1986 VW Jetta GL, 328K, original owner, 4-dr, auto, sunroof. As is $500. (905)632-7158_____________ 1994 Ford Taurus Wagon, green. Excellent condition, new tires, a/c, $4250. Call (905)845-4103_____________ 1996 Accord, 5-spd, 2-dr, eucalyptus green, sunroof, excellent condition, passed em ission test. $ 12,0 0 0 . (905)639-0187_____________ 1998 C am ry- G rey, like new, extended w a rranty still in effect. Low mileage. $17,900 OBO. 905-8424173______________________ 1989 Jaguar- Burgundy, 1 owner, lo vingly cared for. Low m ileage, great cond i tion. $7900 obo. (905)8424173______________________ 1988 M azda MX6 , e x c e l lent conition, several new parts, $ 100 0./b e st offer. (905)333-1742, evenings 1993 Eagle Talon ES. Auto, air, cruise, p/w, p/d, new tires, new brakes, new trans, new valve & gasket, mint cond ition, E-T. C e rtified . $6100. obo. 416-419-9033 I trucks for sale 1991 G M C p ic k up e x te nded cab, good c o n d i tio n . c h e e p to ru n (p ro pane). $1,500. Call (905) 469-9903 1995 F250 Ford. 3/4 tonne. 4x4, off-road pack age, high kms., good deal. Certified or not. 905-5101250 1999 S10 Chev. Sport tru ck, low ered, all black, low kms. Call to discuss. 905-510-1250. ARE you connected? Learn how to earn online income, www.ecom mercesetsyoufree.com. M AR K ETIN G & Media Assistant- Immediately, full time. Knowledge of horses and horse shows an asset. Must have own transporta tion. Non-smoking environ m ent. Send resum e to: (905)825-0620 505 5 0 " 5 | '^ r a ® : AdeccoACCOUNTING ASSISTANT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE REP A ccou nting Assistant: Our Oakville client has an immediate opening for an accounting assistant with 3-4 years experience. This position requires the candidate to have experience in accounts payable, bank and account reconciliation, monthly journal entries and accruals. The successful candidate will also be assisting with the overflow on aocounts receivables as well as assisting with audits. Must knew Excel. 30K-35K. C ustom er Service/Inside S a le s Rep: Our Oakville client a wholesaler on the leading edge of Internet Technology, is looking for an energetic person to join their team as a Customer Servicelnside Sales Representative with 4-5 years exp.. As this position indudes maintaining existing customers as well as calling prospective clients, the successful candidate must have good initiative and the ability to complete sales on the phone. Must know vwxd, excel, access and be proficient using the Internet. 32K+ commission. RETAIL PLAZA, 201 River Oak, .Oakville, 654sq.ft. unit, available immediately. $20/ sq.ft. Call Mahender Sharma, 41 6 -7 4 3 -7 7 2 2 ; cell: 416-676-0753 MEDIA Driven Health Op portunity! You can be part of an excitin g in teg rated health com pany driven by radio and te le v is io n in fo m ercials. Don't delay! Call 1-877-573-3305____________ CASH M o n e y - assem ble products from home, 24/hr recorded m essage. (905)521-5121 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 All interested candidates must fax or E-mail their resume to ADECCO IN OAKVILLE ASAP: Fax: (905) 842-6468 Phone:(905)842-5173 E-mail: c h a r la .t e m e r is k i@ tK l9 c r o . c o m G EO R G IAN A partm ents. 1,2&3 Bedroom s. May / June/ July. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1 bedroom a p a rt ment. Available July. From $895/mo. (905)632-0129 APAR TM E NTS a vailab le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. QEW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106. 0070________ ; _ LIVE-IN- NANNY full time fo r 10 m o n th old . C a ll Gloria (905)337-7902 FILIP IN O c e rtifie d Nan ny's/ Caregivers available. No fees to pay. Please Call Excelcare 416-466-7573. HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SafetyCare Inc. is an international company which produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and Manuals. Working out of our Burlington office, we provide com panies throughout Canada with quality aids to help train their staff in health and safety. We are looking to add one more sales person to our successful team. The position involves selling our products to existing customers as well as developing new business. All the saies activity is done over the phone. The person we are loo k in g fo r does not need s p e c ific q u a lifica tio n s, but rather sh ou ld be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. We offer a basic salary, plus com m issions and health benefits, with potential first year earnings of $30,000- $40,000. If this position interests you, please call: Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 LUXURY Townhome. West Hamilton. Lovely 3-bdrm with many extras and upgrades. $1,650/mo. Call 905 -52 84944______________________ LANCASTER Dr., Oakville. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths. 4 appliances, finished base ment, close to school & GO train. July 1st. $1100/mo.+ utilities. Call 905-842-5079 FA LG A R W O O D / Eighth Line, O akville. 3+1 bed room s. 2.5 baths, 4 ap pliance s. large private fenced yard, deck, parking, bus route, available J u ly l or 15. N on-sm okers. No pets. $1360/mo. (905)8425190. R ENTAL Agent (Car andTruck daily rentals). Full tim e w e ekdays. E xp e ri enced. Oakville. Fax resum es in confidence 905-337-9807______________ DRIVER required : B ur lin g to n . M ust have DZ li cense with clean abstract for delivery of drywall. Job involves very heavy lifting and p ossibly long hours. P revious dryw all e xp e ri ence an asset but not nec essary. C all Tom, (905)335-5012_____________ CLEAN ER S needed im mediately for retail depart ment stores. O akville / fo r early morning, Please call Sue 1-800-565-3756________ $8 -$ 1 2/HO UR. P/T now F/T Sum m er. Students to take orders & d e live r household products. C all 905-847-3548______________ EARN $50. $75. $100 per day delivering newspapers! Car required. C all John 905-469-0986_____________ SA TIS FAC TIO N Student W indow C leane rs- Re quires University/ College students fo r M anager/ W indo C leane r positions. Fax resume (905)501-8950 Phone (905)842-3581 A S S IS TA N T S u perin tendent for Burlington highrise apartment. Must be ex perienced in m aintenance and cleaning, understand la n d lo rd / tenant m atters and have good rapport with tenants. Salary + a p a rt m ent. Reply: Box 1830, 2321 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3_______________ LIFEG U A R D S W ANTED Pools in O akville/ Burling ton. C o m pe titive wages $8.50-$12. G reat benefits package, FT/PT. Come and join our team for an exciting sum m er. A p ply on-line at w w w .superio rpo ol.com or call 416-665-0410 FU LLTIM E care available w ith experienced provider (14-yrs). Variety of daily ac tivities for everyone. Refer ences, receip ts. Headon Forest area. 905-335-5980 MOTHER of one w ith 12 years nanny experience w ill provide qua lity day care. C entral lo cation, close to parks, fun outdoor a c tiv itie s & safe indoor playroom . Flexible hours, refe ren ces availab le. (905)634-9542 G LEN A B B E Y 1450 Glen Abbey Gate 2 bedroom suites in Low Rise Condo, 5 appliances, ensuites and outside storage, balconies patios, woodburning fireplace. Close to Schools & Shopping. O AKV ILLE : 2-3 bedroom apartment Or townhouse to rent from August to March. References.Dan905-626-7573 To V iew Call 905-825-3327 D ow ntow n B u rlin g to n T o rran ce Street 1&2Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! FORD/QEW private home, furnished, one bedroom + sitting room /bath to share w ith one o th e r, k itc h e n / laundry facilities available, A /C , c a b le , h y d ro and parking. Non smoker, avail a b le im m e d ia te $50 0 in clusive.Call (905)829- 2252 FURNISHED room, side entrance w ith bathroom . $400./monthly. North Burlington, 905-319-1346. ROOM for rent (basement), Glen Abbey, share kitchen and bathroom , separate entrance. Available im m e d ia te ly . $400/m o. (905)399-5258, (905)847-9107 FURNISHED, la rge room, A p pleb y/ Spruce. Nonsm oker p referred. F irst/ Last. Available immediately. call 905-631-0644. FURNISHED bedroom for rent, Oakville. Trafalgar/6th Line area. N on-sm oking, share with family. $400/mo. Call Gladys after 6pm 905338-5743_________________ FURNISHED room, share bath/ kitchen . $130./wk. Non-smoker. Queensway/ Glenwood area, walk to GO. June. 1st. (905)639-3598 ROOM- F urnished- Short Term. Great Oakville loca tion. Beautifully decorated. Suite profession al. Park ing. $500./ inclusive. 905842-3896__________________ EA ST B u rlington. Fur nished room (new to w n house) M ale only. $450/ mo. in c lu s iv e . Share all fa c ilitie s . (905)469-3122; (905)681-9880.____________ BU R LIN G TO N : Room av a ila b le in basem ent. Laundry, parkin g, light cooking. G entlem an, nonsmoker. Immediate. $400/ mo. 905-336-9989. BABYSITTER required for 3 school aged children for the sum mer, Glen Abbey. Highschool student with experience would qualify. Please call 905-847-2925, after 8pm RESP O N SIB LE person w anted td b ab ysit 3-1/2 year old for July & August. Your hom e or m ine, Glen Abbey area. P lease call 905-465-2371______________ START September, 1 boy, half days, transportation to/ from St. Andrew's School, Oakville. 905-842-9296 WHY NOT ENJOY WORK! and make a difference! At YOUNG DRIVERS® of Canada we otter the best driver training program in the country. We teach Collisionfree/TM Driving and we're looking for drivers who share our passion for excellence. If you love to drive, enjoy people, want flexible hours and the opportunity for advancement then Driver Training is the career for you. The minimum require ments are 5 years driving experience with a clean driving record. Candidates must also be available to take a 4 week YD Instructor Training Course before becoming licensed. All graduates are hired! Your career could also involve classroom teaching, Collisionfree/TM Driver Improvement Programs or your own YD franchise. New insurance discounts for both YD and Collisionfree/TM graduates will create even more growth in 2001. Please drop in between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday to fill out an application. From $869./mo. (905) 637-6701 W H ITE O aks. O akville. S pacious 1&2 Bedroom + den, from $1090/m o.; Im mediate. W ell- maintained com plex, fu ll rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun ken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 905-815-1628 BR O N TE: Im m ediate. $850/mo. 1-bedroom base ment apt., laundry ensuite, private entrance. C all (905)469-6711.____________ 1,2&3 B edroom a p a rt m e n ts - som e w ith lake vie w s! Laundry on each flo o r. B u rloak/ Lakeshore area. From $875/m o. (905)639-3301_____________ S P AC IO U S 1.2&3 B ed room s. F reshly painted, b rig h t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellm aintained. Convenient lo c ation . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm Q EW / T ra fa lg a r: 1 large bedroom apt. avail. July 1st. $950/m o u tilitie s inducted. Call 905-849-8938 FR ESH LY P a inted: 2B e d ro o m s- Ju n e / July. (S in gle & double storey) Low-rise building, Garden lik e settin g . P rivate la n d scaped patios. 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)3360016, (B u rlin g to n ); 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015_____________ W ALK E R S Line/ M iddle. 1-bedroom $900/m o. + u tilitie s. able Ju ly 1st. C all (905)334-2836. U pper +den, A v a il T erry, I furniture DRESSER & 2 night ta bles, cherryw ood, $150. 4 0 ' square glass coffee table w/ivory marble base. $100. All excellent conditk>n. (905)681-2754________ S O F A and C h a ir, tra d i tio n a l s ty le beige velv e t, fru itw o o d trim , ne w ly c le a n e d . $ 5 5 0 /o b o . C a ll (905)331-5517 LIGHT ASSEM BLY FLEXIBLE P/TOR F/T HOURS. Counting, assembling & packag ing in a clean friendly N. Burlington location. Fax 905-332-0783 or email: johnlucas53@tiotmail.com CHEST free zer, 12 cu.ft. $30. (905)331-1736________ CO M PLETE pine wooden fram e fo r w a terbed , $40. (905)637-8435_____________ D R YSUIT, 2-pce, adult, sm all. $100. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 1325 ,__________________ ELECTRIC S tove. $80. (905)331-1736_____________ LECTRONIC Kaddy seat, brand new, worth $115, sell tor $80. 905-335-5972 PATIO Table, 60" textured grey fiberglass, octagonal, pedestal base. Cost $300. $60/ono. 905-632-2981 R E A R C h ild 's b ik e s e a t in c lu d e s seat m ount. Excellent condition, $60.00 (905)842-9037____________ TU M B LE dryer, $80. (905)331-1736_____________ 77 James Street, North, Suite 118 Hamilton, Lower level Eatons Centre. Enter from James St./York. Over 160 classrooms across Canada YOUNG DRIVERS*of Canada 1 1 1 ) Your licence to survive. S£L S S £ w w w .y o u n g d riv e rs .c o m 1998 Ford W indstar tan, 7passenger, A/C, very good cond itio n . 123,000 kms. Certified. Emmision-tested, $14,200. (905)257-0362. STAFF ACCOUNTANT SELF-MOTIVATED? A TEAM PLAYER? Growth oriented, tax focused, professional, public accounting firm located in Burlington requires a staff accountant. Experience in compilations and review engagement financial statement preparation essential. Corporate tax return and Caseware experience an asset. Enrollment in 3rd level of recognized accounting program preferred, along with a desire to specialize in complex tax issues. Must be flexible, personable, a team player and prepared to do what is necessary to get the job done. Reply with salary expectations to Box 1836, c/o Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington, ON, L7R 2E3 LEG AL Assistant required full tim e'for family law sole p ra c titio n e r in O akville. Please fax your resume to: (905)-842-7401, attention: Lynn, Office Manager.______ IM M ED IA TELY RequiredNight Shift- premium wag es/ benefits- fuil-tijne- Days & a fternoo ns sh ifts, fu ll time, Apply: Tim Horton's 2316 Royal Windsor Drive, (at Ford Dr.) Oakville, Fax 905-338-1966 or call 905338-1966__________________ W EEKEN D help required fo r H u nte r/Jum per show stable . Please call (905)466-4421_____________ LOOKING for experience? 90% of our participants find work or training opportuni ties. Call the YMCA at 905681-1140 I motorcycles RARE1986 Yamaha S cooter 125cc, e le ctric start, automatic shift. 3,700 o rig in a l km 's. E xce lle nt condition! Certified. $2,000. Oakville 905-842-7666 197 8 Y A M A H A X S 750 S p e c ia l (trip le ), 33K . re s to re d , w ill c e rtify , $ 1 5 0 0 ./b e s t o ffe r. C all (905)827-9376, evenings, Rob or Sabina. FEMALE room mate w ant ed. W est O ak v ille area. Im m ediate occupancy. $500/monthly. References required. First/ last. 416918-2611. W ASHING m achine. $80. (905)331-1736_____________ W ATER C ooler. O asis. 2 taps, good condition $80. 905-639-0700

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