Wednesday, May 23, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 PROCLAMATION OFFICIAL KICK-OFF LOONIE MILE May 22. 2001 WHEREAS The Optimist Club of Oakville are undertaking a major fundraising event for the Community Foundation of Oakville - The Ontario Endowment For Children and Youth Recreation Fund; AND WHEREAS it will be called `THE LOONIE MILE' - one mile of loonies placed shoulder to shoulder representing approximately $60,000.00; AND WHEREAS the theme of this fundraising event will be "Pass The Buck And Feel Good About It" ; AND WHEREAS The Optimist Clubs are known as the `Friend of Youth' and The Optimist Club of Oakville feels this endeavour is an excel lent opportunity to help the youth of Oakville in many ways and for many years to come; AND WHEREAS there will be many opportunities for the general public to donate a loonie to this worthy cause, such as at the Waterfront Fes tival, Midnight Madness, as well as at local shopping malls; NOW THEREFORE, I, Ann Mulvale, Mayor of the Town of Oakville, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM May 22, io o i as the official kick-off of `THE LOONIE M ILE" and urge all citizens of Oakville to "Pass The Buck And Feel Good About It" supporting the youth of this community. Photo by B rent Foster ART SHOWCASE: OAC students Ksenia Radovan and Aimee Ny display their artwork, which was part of the spring 2001 Showcase o f the Arts at St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School last week. This end-of-year art show also included music for the viewers' enjoyment. Love ofsinging forms strong bonds (Continued from page-C2) about what you're doing in a small chorus." However, she adds, something she enjoys about barbershop choruses in general is the camaraderie that seems to develop, despite "all different ages and all different income groups and all dif ferent interest...because you have the love of singing, a very strong bond forms," she says, noting that barber shop harmony is now a global phenom enon. attracting about 32,000 members in North America, New Zealand, Aus tralia, Sweden and Great Britain. "It is truly an international organization." The Oakville chorus itself is inter city, attracting members from Hamil- ton, Burlington, Mississauga and Toronto as well as Oakville. "We are an Oakville-based chorus and we really want to get known bet ter in Oakville," says Bowles, adding that the chorus's first cabaret this month will also feature a jazz duo, a soloist, and a quartet from the Oakville Entertainers. This fund-rais ing event, which also includes a silent auction, will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 26 at the River Oaks Community Centre. Tickets are $15 and are available through Bowles at 905-278-1580 or at The following day, the Circle of Harmony will perform at the Walk to Remember, a walk through old Oakville in support of the Halton/Peel chapter of Bereaved Families of Ontario. This enthusiastic women's chorus has already performed at the Oakville Centre with The Entertainers, Oakville's male barbershoppers, as well as at a num ber of nursing homes and at a fashion show. Next month, the chorus will sing at the Waterfront Festival on Satur day at 12:30 p.m. in Towne Square. MAYOR, TOWN OF OAKVILLE A unique & wacky team building experience for organizations, big & small Understanding the opposite sex Daniel Rutley, author of Escaping Em otional Entrapment: Freedom from Negative Thinking and Unhealthy Emotions, will discuss the topic Understa?iding the Opposite Sex at Chapters in Oakville Town Centre I tonight from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. For over two decades, Rutley has used a direct approach in his private practice, lectures and sem inars. Focusing on the present, he uses a sys tematic method to solve emotional, relationship and behavioral problems. In his quest to understand the human psyche. Rutley has studied the psychology of illusions and magic, how and why hypnosis works, crosscultural symbolism and mythology. An authority in the field of person al development and life enhancement, this author attempts to blend current psychological knowledge and peak perform ance technologies with his experience o f over 20 years in coun seling, teaching and lecturing. "Having worked with teenagers on the street, church youth groups and a wide range of adults from top execu tives to ex-convicts to single parents, my practical experience has provided me with a richer, warmer and more realistic education unlike anything I could have imagined," he said. California Oct. 18/2001, Feb. 7, Mar. 14/2002 25 days $3395 DeNure Tours 1 800668-6859 Price is per person twin and includes all taxes. Reg. # 21032991 Thursday, June 21, 2001 Oakville Entertainment Centrum 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm more information call: 1-800-816-4149 Register today! Pull together 7 individuals, including yourself, and say... YES, WE CAN SEND A KID TO CAMP! Challenge yourself, challenge your team mates, challenge your organization. The more pledges you raise, the more HAPPY CAMPERS there will be... and you'll benefit, too, from a line-up of incentive prizes that recognizes your outstanding fund-raising effort on behalf of the kids. Enjoy The Rewards! LoseThe Weight For s 88°° No Exercise Required Family Friendly Eating Plan Grocery Store Bought Food 1 C a n o e x $ 1 ,3 0 0 = A H a p p y C am p er (It costs $1 ,3 0 0 to send one child to an Easter Seal Camp for 1 w eek.) Fill out the inform ation b elow and: Fax The Easter Seal Society at or Phone The Easter Seal Society at Entry deadline June 2, 2000. YES! I want to register a team o f 7 in I the PORTAGE FOR EASTER SEAL KIDS I Organization: I | I I · Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Postal Code: Phone:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax: E-mail:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How many people are in your organization? _ ABBEYWOOD DR. 'ftenfailfUqit' Call now to book your FREE consultation! Walk-ins Welcome Open Monday - Friday 9-7 and Saturday 9-4 ^O akville Beaver society (905) 469-4532 O A K V IL L E HIKERS HAVEN (905) 637-6019 O N L Y $ 2 5 A T I C K E T O R 5 F O R $ 1 OO BURLINGTON HOLY COW *Based on fu ll program. Excludes product. Not valid with any other offer. Expires May 30/01. C U S T O M E R UPDATE Ontario Government Approves Rate Increase For Ontario Power Generation Inc. The Ontario Government passed a regulation for Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPGI) to increase the price it charges to electricity distributors for die electricity it sells by 0.7 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), effective June 1, 2001. This provincially legislated increase will be passed through to customers, along with the Ontario Energy Board's allowance for electricity distributors to increase the wholesale amount by an additional 0.035 cents per kilowatt-hour to account for the line losses associated with the distribution of electricity. OPGI advises that, `This change is being made as a result of the need to address the financial position of the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC). The government created the OEFC on April 1, 1999 as a Crown agency to manage the debt and administer die assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of Ontario Hydro that were not transferred to successor entities. In the year ending March 31,2000, the OEFC's debt increased by $852 million."* The OPGI goes on to say, "All proceeds from these increases will go to the OEFC."* Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc. wants to assure you that this rate change is a complete pass through. This is an increase in our cost per kWh that we pay OPGI to purchase electricity. The impact of this increase will depend on how much electricity you use. If you are a residential customer, the commodity charge will increase from 6.7 cents to 7.435 cents per kWh. A typical residential customer in Oakville using 935 kWh of energy per month will see a monthly increase in their bill of $6.87. The new rate will be reflected in the "Commodity Charge" line on your hydro bill. Similarly, if you are a general service customer, the impact of this rate change will depend on how much energy you use and the rate category that applies to your usage. The new rates are available on our web site at, and will be included in our customers' bills over the next few weeks. *Ontario Power Generation letter dated March 30,2001 available on their web site at Further information is also on the Ministry' of Energy, Science & Technology web site at Hurry, it s the best value around! * J )v e r$ L 2 million in prizes^, 3 Grand Prizes *$150,000 *$100,000 Porche 911 Carrera 825 cash Prizes 20 Vacations 10 Vehicles 652 Electronic Prizes 500 LOTTO 6/49 Subscriptioi Early Bird Draw on July 23,2001 $50,000 C A S H p lu s a Greek Island Cruise 1-866-457-4455 ( 4 1 T 6 )T 5 0 -7 8 7 7 For lottery rules, see brochure or contact The Lung Association. Early Bird Draw cut off - midnight July 11,2001. Early Bird Draw - July 23,2001. Final Draw cut off - midnight July 24,2001. Final Draw - August 3,2001 at KPMG office in W illowdale, ON. Each ticket is eligible for every draw. Lottery license number P010005. Please send me ticket(s) at $25 each set(s) of 5 tick e ts fo r $100 Lim ited n um ber o f sets available on a `first com e, first s erve d ' basis = $| = $ | I | Name Address _______ I m enclosing a charitable donation of --< jj Q Tax receipts w ill be issued for donations, City Postal Code Total $ [ P h o n e (H )( V IS A MasterCard (B) (--- )- Cheque Card# Signature: PLEASE RETURN THE TO : M oney Order Expiry: M t LUNG ASSOCIATION Provincial Office: 201-573 King Street East, Toronto, ON M5A 4L3 Charitable # 12404 6368 RR0002 Lottery license number: P010005