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Oakville Beaver, 2 May 2001, B3

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Wednesday May 2, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Civitans support Walk for Memories The Oakville Civitan Club is challenging other community organizations to support the Walk to Remember, a project of Bereaved Families of Ontario (BFO) - Halton-Peel. The Civitans are the first official Community Group Supporter, with a donation of $500. The club is challenging other organizations in Halton and Peel to join them in being a Community Group Supporter, or going even fur ther and becoming a Major Community Sponsor for $2,500. The Walk will be held on Sunday May 27 start ing at Centennial Square in front of the Oakville Central Library at 10 a.m., and will follow a route through the parks and waterfront of Old Oakville, finishing at 1 p.m. The peacefiil and scenic walk past interesting views and historic sites will feature musicians and refreshments along the route. It is a walk to remember those who have died. those who are bereaved, and to support other char ities. "We feel it is a good project - we believe in it," said Gord Hood, who heads the Disbursements Committee for the Oakville Civitans. By gathering pledges, walkers can also help other charities. Up to 40% of a walkers' pledges can be designated to any other charity as an `in memoriam' gift; the rest will go to support Bereaved Families programs in Halton and Peel. "Bereaved Families made the difference between feeling I couldn't survive and giving me the hope that I could go on," says Wendy Dean, the new executive director of BFO Halton-Peel.' "Walking in the Walk to Remember is my way of honouring my daughter Rachael's memory, and I know that it will be a special time for any one who has lost someone. Coming together and giv ing to others is one way of healing." Call BFO Halton-Peel at 905-813-0363. Thank providers Friday May 11 is Provider Appreciation Day, and the Halton Child Care Registry is asking parents with children in a home child care set ting to so something special to show their appreciation. Send flowers, have the children make and decorate a cake, or buy something for the play area are just a few suggestions from the Halton Child Care Registry, a non-profit orga nization providing access to child care. H a lto n H e a lth c a re S , E * R * V » I * C * E ' S Caring Today, Growing fa r Tomorrow Families are invited to attend a free public seminar POSTPARTUM MOOD DISORDERS What you didn't expect when you were expecting Special Guest Speaker: Dr. G a il Robinson, M .D ., Psychiatrist B iW a y CORRECTION NOTICE Photo by Erin Riley Thursday, May 24, 2001 6 :3 0 p.m . 7 -9 :0 0 pm Displays, Refreshments Program H alton R egional A dm in istrative Building - O a k v ille Carol Pieczonka and her two-year-old son, Sam, and Griffin Andrew, 4, take some practice shots at the Kelsey's Bowl for Kids Sake bowlathon for Big Brothers held Saturday at Oakville Bowlerama. The event raised $25,000 from 40 teams. O u r A p ril 2 8 th fly e r fe a tu re s a 4 -in -1 U niversal R e m o te C ontrol ($ 6 .9 9 ), 2 -k g c a rto n s of R ic h d a le Sugar and M c C o rm ic k 's V iv a Puffs. T h e s e ite m s m a y not b e a v a ila b le in s o m e s to res a n d no rain ch ecks will b e issued. 8/W ay sincerely regrets a ny inconvenience this m ay cause o u r valued customers. Coll to reserve a seat: (905) 338-4379 Sponsored by: Com m unity Foundation o f O a k v ille Presented by: H alton Coalition fo r M a te rn a l/in fa n t C are In Partnership with: H alton H ealthcare Services M ental Health and Health Promotion Programs Giant 50Family Garage Sale Sports equip ment, toys and quality clothing w ill be among the item s fea tured at Saturday's Giant 5 0 - F a m i 1y G arage Sale organized by three O akville Soccer Club girls' teams, the Phantom (Under 10), the D y n a m i t e (Under 13) and the Phoenix (Under 14). The sale takes place at the Bam grocery store in the O akville , Town Centre on May 5. The Bam has provided space, advertis ing support, food and condim ents to help the teams in their endeav ors for the 2001 season. As well as the Garage Sale, the teams will also be selling the popular M & M 's candies and run ning a barbecue. The garage sale commences at 8 a.m. (for the early risers) with the barbecue starting at 10.30 a.m. (rain or shine). The sale ends at 3 p.m. The proceeds are to offset team costs during the season. The Phantom, in their first year o f `rep' soccer, and the Dynamite, which plays in the Elite Division o f the SRSL, will use their funds to com pete in league play as well as tourna ments and camps to hone their soc cer skills. The Phoenix, which plays in the OYSL, has a two-week trip to England planned for 2002 where they will partici pate in an inter national tourna ment, exhibition games and train with professional clubs' girls teams. O R T H O D O N T I S T Dr. Kruno Tovilo C ertified Specialist in O rthodontics for C hildren and Adults PRIVATE PRACTICE ORTHODONTICS PRESENTS YMCA W ORLDS LARGEST RUN" J U N E * 2 * 2 0 0 1 O RTHO DO NTICS can help correct MOST types o f tooth mal-alignment problems Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends all children see an Orthodontist by age 7 R eceive PERSONAL Attention with ALL PHASES · 5K RUN · 5 K F U N W A L K /R U N · IK C H A LLEN G E 410 Rebecca Street YMCA of OAKVILLE 410 Rebecca Street, Oakville, Ontario RAIN OR SHINE ENTRY FO R M S AVAILABLE AT YMCA Of OAKVILLE 0c O f Treatment Provided by the Doctor ONLY Self-ligating Micro-braces or Clear braces are used exclusively N O HEADGEAR or BANDS are used P lay Nintendo64 or watch TV during treatment Play Sony PlayStation or watch TV during treatment Consultations are ALWAYS FREE...We will do our utmost to make ORTHODONTICS AFFORDABLE! M tt G et the natural smile you deserve Orthodontically. Call us today.... Sat., June 2,2001* 9a.m. T h e Q a k v iil e B eaver Race Hotline: 905-845-3417, ext. 399, Fax: 905-842-6792 TOWN CENTER ORTHODONTICS 2 43 N o rth S erv ice R oad , W est S u ite 3 01, O ak ville (905 ) 849-1717 HALTON REGION FREE COMPOST GIVE-AWAY Residents Only - While Quantities Last W HEN: Saturday, M ay 5, 2001 To Saturday, May 12, 2001 (excluding Sunday) H a lto n W a s te M a n a g e m e n t Site 5 4 0 0 R e g io n a l R oad 25, M ilton Hours of Operation: Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. · 4:30 p.m. W HERE: Halton Residents are entitled to a maximum of 7 bags of compost per household. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BAGS/CONTAINERS AND SHOVEL AS RESIDENTS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BAGGING THEIR OWN COMPOST. The FA R E S H A R E F O O D B A N K will be accepting donations of N O N P E R IS H A B L E food items during the Compost Give-Away. DERRY ROAD ANDISE Choose from Special Selections of: KN ITS · LINEN LO OKS · EUROPEAN PRINTS · FASHIO N PRINTS & SOLIDS D EN IM FANCIES · LEATHERETTE PRINTS · TW ILL PRINTS & SOLIDS · SPORTSWEAR SOLIDS ARCTIC FLEECE PRINTS & LAM BSKIN SOLIDS · ASSORTED CRAFT PRINTS POLYESTER/COTTON SWEET PRINTS · DRILLS, TWILLS & SHEETINGS · L IN IN G SOLIDS W -l-D -E BRO ADCLO TH · H O O K N LO O P TAPE By the H ank & By (he M eter ASSORTED TRIM S & BRAIDS By the Spool & By the Meter · HO M E DECOR PRINTS · CAFE LACES DRAPERY SHEER PRINTS · JACQ UARD PRINTS, V O G U E & BUTTERICK PATTERNS & MORE! I BRITANNIA ROAD H A LTO N W M n ^ 1.5 KM HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Buy 1 full metre or unit of fabric or merchandise at Fabricland's Regular Price, and get the next 2 full metres or units of equal value FREE! 1 Sale in effect April 30-May 15, 2001, on selected in-stock merchandise only. Sorry, no special orders. Most items available in most stores. Look for the red sale tags. Please note: the term regular price' refers to Fabricland's regular chain-store price. Ijjffl www.region.halton.on.ca l D UNO AS ST. QEW ^ 7KM <--T O BURLINGTON T O OAKVILLE OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V I L L E 8 4 4 -7 7 2 8 Infoline: 1-888-780-0333 Website: www.fabricland.ca

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