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Oakville Beaver, 14 Mar 2001, A 3

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Wednesdsay March 14, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 Never greater need fo r wom en's rights says jo u m a lis t-a c tiv is t WHAM re-launched on Women's Day little o f it on the status o f w om en," she said. She urged the audience, gathered As a journalist, Sally A rm strong at R attlesnake Point G olf Club to has travelled to some o f the most celeb rate In te rn atio n a l W om en's oppressive countries in the w orld -- Day, to speak out against injustices countries where women are routine they see both locally and interna ly denied basic hum an rights and tionally. "P eople w ho d o n 't intervene dignities. Just last m onth, she v isited w hen things are am iss are giving A fghanistan, w here the iron-rule of tacit approval," A rm strong said. "In the M uslim fundam entalist govern the absence o f a protest, evil is nourished." ment has turned the clock back decades "Canadian women are As part o f the cele of for women. hearing that this is the bration I n t e r n a t i o n a l W omen are no best place in the world. W om en's Day, a lo n g er allo w ed to Who is it best for? local voice o f protest w ork or attend has been revived. People o f privilege, school, and can be The W om en of p u blicly stoned to in the main. " H alton A ction death for being in the -Bev LeFrancois, M o v e m e n t com pany o f a m an WHAM founding m em ber (W HAM ), a fem inist w ho's not their hus lobby group founded band, brother or son. M any health care services are no 20 years ago, has been officially re longer available to fem ales, who launched. Bev Le F ran co is, one o f the must spend their lives hiding behind blackened house w indow s and in founding m em bers o f W HAM and a co -d ire c to r o f the H alton Rape head-to-toe clothing. In A fghanistan, as in other coun C risis C entre, told the audience that tries around the w orld where wom en the group is needed to battle for a are subjected to such horrors as hon natio n al ch ild care program , pay our killings and fem ale genital m uti equity and affordable housing and lation, the subject o f the treatm ent against child pornography, rape and environm ental degradation. of wom en is taboo. "C anadian w om en are hearing M any p ractices are sim ply that this is the best place in the defended on the basis o f culture, says A rm strong, an aw ard-w inning w orld," said LeFrancois. "W ho is it jo u rn a list and fo rm er e d ito r o f best for? People o f privilege, in the H om em aker's M agazine, who has m ain." The need for W HAM is becom brought the sto ries o f w om en ing essential in today's political cli around the w orld back to Canada. "I call it playing the cultural m ate, where social program s that trum p card," she told a group of protect vulnerable m em bers o f soci about 300 H alton women last week. ety are being eroded by various lev "I som etim es w onder why no one els o f go v ern m ent, added Joey ever asks the women how they feel Edw ards, executive director o f the about having to carry the cultural H alton Social Planning Council. "The circum stances o f women key in these places." But w hile sh e's often horrified by dem an d we struggle and m arch the status o f wom en in m any o f the again for equality, peace and ju s co u n tries she v isits, A rm strong tice," she said. W HAM w ill hold m onthly m eet added sh e's also angry about the abuse suffered by C anadian women ings for all interested m em bers. The first m eeting will be held A pril 17 at and children. "I 'm asham ed that a country with the Rape Crisis Centre at Hopedale so m uch opportunity can spend so M all on Rebecca Street. B y K im A r n o t t SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER WE ARE ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH WHERE AN HOUR, OR SO# WORKS WONDERS. ITS GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL AND PEACE OF MIND. SUNDAY 1 0 :0 0 a .m . LE N TE N R ECITAL 1 0 :3 0 a .m . FA M ILY W O R S H IP Photo by Erin Riley Journalist Sally Armstrong speaks of her recent experi ences in Afganistan during an International Women's Day event at Rattlesnake Point Golf and Country Club. ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH DOWNTOWN AT RANDALL AND DUNN EST. 1832 845-0551 W e're w ith you from start...to finish. LEARN TO RUN This program teaches you the basics of running, nutrition, goals, injuries, pacing and more! 8 March 19 - May 21, Mondays 7:00pm FOR WOMEN ONLY A program designed for women, by women! This program uses running, walking, stretching and health education to provide the tools for long lasting fitness. March 24 · May 26, Saturdays 8:30am PERSONAL BEST For those runners who wish to learn the specifics of training so they can improve their 5K, 8K, 10K and/or 1/2 Marathon times. March 29 - May 31, Thursdays 7:00pm WALKING The Running Room has developed a walking program to enhance the benefits of walking and turns it into a workout! SAIItONY March 19 - June 4, Mondays 7:00pm p p p P " " TOMl CU N IC P A R T IC IP A N T S · Coolmax t-shirt! · Comprehensive Training Manual! · Running Room Run Club Membership! , Runner/ S Times Running Room Magazine! All Clin Its O n ly: f t A Running Room Reflective Jacket · Breathable · Extremely Water resistant · Comfortable · Effective barrier that still allows moisture to escape · Large rear pocket · 3M Scotchlite taping on front and arms for 360° visibility · Extended drop-tailback · Rear pocket converts to a handy fanny pack fitting the jacket inside · Available in unisex sizes XS-XXL a v a i l a b l e in · m i d n ig h t · r e d · p in e · g o ld · lim e · p u r p le · r o y a l b lu e · b la c k · b u r g u n d y MICROFT $ ^ 0 9 9 Maple Syrup Festival continues Maple syrup will be flowing for the entire month of March at Bronte Creek Provincial Park's annual Maple Syrup Festival. The sap will be flowing until March 31, and the Festival will be open weekends and every day this week for March Break from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Rotary Club of Burlington-- Lakeshore will host a Pancake Fiesta on weekends from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., featur ing fresh, hot pancakes, pure Canadian maple syrup, and crisp bacon. The Nearby and Natural Cafe will serve pancakes during March Break. Visitors can tour the syrup trail with a costumed inter preter, who will demonstrate how maple sap is turned into maple syrup. They can also watch fresh maple candy being poured into moulds and purchase some candy while it is still warm. Wagon rides along a historical farm lane will also be offered, a movie will be shown in the logging theatre, or tour the 100-year-old Spruce Lane Farmhouse. General admission fees are $4 per adult, $2 per youth (4 to 17), children three and under are free, $3 per senior, $2 per disabled person to a vehicle maximum of $12. Call 905-827-6911 or visit the park's website at www.OntarioParks.com E N N IS C LA R E w IN T E R IO R S \ J % WINTER SALE B e d ro o m S p e c ia l Hydro One Network Services Inc. Request for Q uotation. Grass Cutting. Hydro One Network Services Inc. invites qualified contractors, with a minimum commercial general liability insurance in the amount of five million dollars, to submit a quotation for grass cutting services for stations located in the central territory, primarily the GTA and Peterborough area. Complete details are contained in the request for quotation documents. Requests for quotation documents will be available at the contractor's briefing meeting. To qualify to submit a quotation, a company representative must attend a contractor's briefing meeting verified by Hydro One Network Services Inc. B E D D IN G A L L BEDS** M A TTR ES S 5 0 % o ff 2 5 % o f f 5 0 % Off* E N N IS C L A R E IN T E R IO R S 1075 North Service Rd. West, Oakville. Tel: (905) 825-2450 Sale ends Sunday, April 1st, 2001. 9 0 D A Y S NO I N T E R E S T s to r e h o u rs : Mon- Tues- Wed- & Sat10:00 am to 5:30 pm Thurs. & Fri. 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sun. Noon to 5pm Interested parties are to contact Louise Morgan, Purchasing Clerk, 416-345-4072 for location and time of meeting. Tenders Close 4:00:00 PM Local Time, April 3, 2001. ·WITH PURCHASE OF BED AT 25% OFF. YOU CAN PURCHASE YOUR CHOICE OF A SELECTED MATTRESS & BOX SPRING AND/OR SELECTED BEDDING ENSEMBLE AT 50% OFF. *SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. **DOES NOT APPLY TO DISPLAY MODEL PRODUCT. LIMITED QUANTITIES. CONNECTING AT THE SPEED OF LIFETM O .A.C . D e ta ils In sto re

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