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Oakville Beaver, 14 Mar 2001, Classified, C 4

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 14, 2001 T h e Oakville B eaver TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. C lassified houses for sale BONUS! All classified ads appear @ .wwOakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 845-9742 Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 EH BQ apartments J J & flats for rent T R A IN IN G p o s itio n - sta rt immediately. 16-Wk Live-in program. Minimum 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V e terinary H ospital. M ust be motivated with a love for anim als. Fax resum e to: Esther, (905)844-7351 OPEN House, Sun. 2-4pm. 614 Hollyhill Cres., Burling ton. 3+1 bedroom s, mainflo o r fa m ilyro o m w /fire place, finished basem ent, c/air, fenced yard, new ly upgraded kitchen, $229,900. (905)632-8654. G EORGETO W N, 2700 sq. ft. 4-bedroom, 3-baths, sunken fam . rm, gas fire place, c/vac, prof. la n d scaping. M ust see! $326,900. 1-905-703-0855 O AKVILLE. River Oaks. 4bedroom 2-yr. old beauty. Huge lot! N ear sch o o ls/ parks. Upgrades. $348,900. (905)257-6562. Burlington Towers The H o tel A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · · · · Furnished Designer Apartm ents Fully Equipped Kitchens Magnificent Indoor Pool Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. Come Home To CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M a ll Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited JE N N Y The Inform ation A rchitecture Group, a thriving US IT e-business Consulting & Training Company seeks C R A IG 639 · 8583 O pen 7 D ays per W eek EEEI FINE Dining Restaurant in M ilto n looking fo r e x p e ri enced bar tender, d is h w a sher and bus person. Fax resum e to (905)6930372.____________________ BUSY O akville pet groom ing salon seeks fu ll tim e bather/ fluffer and part-time groom ers a s s is ta n t. No Saturdays. Applicants may call after 5pm, 338-1653. ^ general help wanted IT SALES PROFESSIONALS Burlington Using your natural ab ility to bu ild business relation ships over the telephone,you are a strong communica to r w ith a proven tra ck record w ho is co m fo rta b le ta lkin g to hig h-level managers at Global 1000 com panies. W ork w ith a team of over-achievers on active m ajor accounts in a fast-paced, dem anding and en joyable workplace. Salary + com m ission. Realistic six figure 1st year potential. accommodation articles for sale FREE E stim a te s ... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or , c hair springs? Soft foam ? Tired looking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090____________ FRIDGES, Stoves (Gas & Electric), W ashers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 549-1911_______ FUTON frame, new, pine w/ arms, 11" m attress, $300; K irby u p rig h t vacuum cle a n e r $90; Danby m i crow ave 1.2 c u .ft., new $100. (905)681-9496. KING bed- p illo w -to p , o r th o p e d ic m attress, box spring, frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675: (905)304-9222 M AYTAG dishw asher, washer, dryer; Hitachi SuperVH S VC R; sectional H u ntin gto n House sofa; com puter, m onitor, Epson p rin te r. RCA S a te llite re ceiver, w all hanging. (905)634-6191____________ M OVIN GB leach Oak table w ith extension ; 6 black metal chairs; $800./ all or sold seperately. 905319-6673________________ NEW Year S a le - No GST or PST. We pay the taxes. G reat fabric selection and g reat savings! Sofa & m atching chair from $788. Love seats from $448. Chairs from $199. Free Es tim ate. Fields Custom Q uality U pholstering. Call _ daily 9-9, (905)632-9090 _ P IA N O 'S -N ew & Used. Huge se le ctio n grands, uprights and d ig ita ls , Ya maha, Kawai and others... www.pianohouse.ca 1-888-PIAN08 1 ___________ S LEEP ER S . C le a rin g all W aterbed G a lle ry In v e n tory. 841 Upper Wentworth, Hamilton. Phone 383-1153 STEPHEN King (hardcovers) ex cellent cond ition , 21 in total $50 firm . (9 0 5 )8 2 5 2756_______________ ' VINTAG E desk, solid oak twin pedestal, $450; Hammery sofa, fine linen weave, 2-yrs. old, $850. (905)8750874. Is lo o k in g fo r s e lf-d r iv e n p e o p le w h o c a n h e lp m o tiv a te o th e rs. M u s t h ave stro n g c o m m itm e n t to c u sto m e r se rv ic e a n d b e a b le to h a n d le a d iv e r s e w o r k lo a d in a s a le s fo c u se d e n v iro n m e n t. S tro n g c o m m u n ic a tio n , lis te n in g a n d p h o n e s k ills a re a m u st. A b ilit y to w o r k a fle x ib le s c h e d u le in c lu d in g e v e n in g s and S a tu r d a y s . P a id o n g o in g tr a in in g , m e d ic a l/ d e n ta l and o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d v a n c e m e n t. RO SE LAN D : exec 2050 sq. ft. end unit. S. Burling ton. Open concept, with 2 large bedrooms, each with ensuite & w alk-in closets. 2-car garage, c/a, vaulted ceilings, 3-sided fireplace. $269,900. 905-631-9954 GLEN Abbey. Executive 3bedroom s, large eat-in kitchen, ceram ics. Custom Levelor window coverings. Many upgrades. Backs onto greensp ace. $168,900. (905)469-9932. www.ontim.com · btowers@lara.on.ca O A K V IL L E - H o p e d a le Mall house. Fem ale w ant ed, k id s o k a y . S o m e re sponsibilities, fair rent. Har vey (4 1 6 )5 6 2 -1 1 7 0 (905) 469-1096. C a ll Tanya 905-453-1968 or fax resum e 905-453-5060 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court houses for rent A ld ersh otCute, cozy 3 bedroom bun galow, May 1st. $1,000./ month plus utlilites. Refer e nces/ c re d it. (9 0 5 )-6 3 7 6653____________________ 2-BE DRO O M condo, T hird Line/ QEW, also 2bedroom exclusve hom e, dow ntow n O a kville . Call (416)936-1263___________ O A K V ILL E . 3-bdrm , 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, full fin ished basem ent. May 1st. $ 15 00./m o. plus u tilitie s . 905-844-3105 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing dow n! Jay N e lligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Es carpm ent R ealty, Realtor, creative opts@quickclic.net DOW NTO W N O akville. $2 ,300/m o. Near hospital. S p o tle s s 2-bedroom bun galow. Great kitchen! Fire place, sunroom , lovely treed property. (9 0 5 )8 4 5 5137. _______________ LA R G E 3 -bedroom , w ith frid g e , s tove dishw asher, fenced yard. Brant/Plains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. (905)-332-3542 NORTH B u rlin g to n - De tached 3 bedroom, finished basem ent, garage, plus fenced yard. $1200./month plus u tilitie s . A va ila b le June. 1st. 519-658-6654 nS t o n VALUE VILLAGE Full time positions available. Starting wage $7 .75/ hr. Excellent bene fits. Please apply 2340 Fairview St. Fax: (905) 332-8983 email: hr@infoarchgroup.com 1 Bdrm Apt Avail. May 1st - $700/m o. Includes utilities. Parking Available R E TIR IN G ? C o nsider Lincoln Park, Owen Sound. New m odular hom es from $59 ,900 . C all Ken (800) 268-5227 I items under $100. BA B Y s tro lle r (A lexa). G reat condition, $75. Call (905)331-5652.___________ BEDSPREAD, New, queen, quality quilted blue/ white, 3 pillow sham s. $100. (905) 633-9058 CRIB and matching change table, white, great condition. $100 fo r set. (9 0 5 )-3 3 5 4922 D ISH W ASH ER , Kitchenaid, beige, good w orking order, $80 obo. (905)3371166._____ D ISH W ASH ER , portable, w ooden co u n te r top, very good condition, $99. (905) 336-2078. _________ DISHWASHER, white, under mount $50. (905)-333-1696 DRYER, Inglis heavy duty, in good w orking condition, $100. Call (905)319-3039. FR ID G E, cream colou r $100. Call 905-333-1696 JEN NA IR electric cooktop grill, $100. Call (9 05)3369091. LUGGAGE, paisley design, 4-pce incl. c a rry on & garm ent bags. $100. 3 3 5 8248____________________ P O R T A B LE w ashing m a chine, good working condi tion $50. 337-0956 Q U EE N -SIZE boxspring, less than 1-yr. old, paid $300, asking $100. (905) 632-2019.________________ STEPP ER e x e rc is e r, like new, $100. Call (905)6897649. STOVE cream colour $100. Call 905-333-1696 ______ TR E A D M ILL, manual, ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n . W ould give good work out! $100. Call (905)336-5667. TW IN m attress plus matching foundation. $95. 336-2078________________ W ATERBED, super single fram e o nly plus 9-draw er dresser with m irror, loung er. All $25. 681-7592 Bur l i ngt on. Please, no phone calls. Fax (9 0 5 )6 3 1 -6 8 9 4 Do you enjoy working in a fast paced environment? Do you enjoy dealing with clients over the phone? Can you multi-task? . a general ETTil I J help wanted general help wanted S p r i n g r i d g e Ta r m www.springridgefarm.com POSITION: Baker - pies, tarts, cookies & muffins. (905) 690-1896 2-BD R M basem ent, B u r ling ton. A p ril.1 s t/M a y .1st, Seperate entrance. $845./ m onth- p a rk in g / la u n d ry / cable / CA/ u tilitie s . Nonsmokers. Work- (905)-6396005 (leave message) 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a d u lt b uilding, dow ntow n Burlington. Available April/ May. $75 0./m o. inclu des utilities. (905)631-0191 or (905)643-8979.____________ 2-BE DRO O M basem ent ap a rtm e n t $75 0/m onth Separate entrance, April 1. Close to Sheridan College. N o n-sm okers, No pets. (905)-849-7963. W HITE O aks, O a kville . S pacious 1&2 B edroom + den, from $1090/mo.; April. W ell- m aintained complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call (905)815-1628 DOW NTO W N O akville. Fully renovated 1-bedroom apartm ent, sm all building, very nice, $758/mo. +hydro. (905)469-0892.__________ BU R LIN G T O N : Im m e diate. Bright, new bachelor apt. P riva te entrance, parking. Laundry included. No smoking/ pets. $625 in clusive. 631-9237 B R A N T / UPPER M iddle, B urlington. 2-bedroom , 2sto re y, very clean, 1 1/2 baths, A/C. Immediate. Call (905)331-0890. DOW NTOW N B u rlin g to n , 1&2 B edroom s. May. Freshly painted, some with hew kitchen cabinetry! Well m aintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 EXEC U TIVE G len Abbey, 2 large bdrm . low er level, p riva te , c/a, new ap pliances, $1050 inclusive. A p ril 1st. Sue. 9 0 5 -8 2 5 4207, or ceW 905-334-0336 332 G uelph Line, near Lake shore, 2-bedroom , new w ashroom , ava ila b le April 1. $875/month. Call Rick (9 0 5 )-6 3 2 -6 2 5 2 or cell (905)-541-9777 OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafalgar. 1-bedrooms from $799/mo.; 2-bedrooms from $899 Well maintained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. B U R L IN G T O N . P a rk -lik e s e ttin g . P re s tig io u s area near Tyandaga Golf Course. 1-bedroom, M aylst. Utilities/ app lia n ce s inclu ded. (905)335-3001____________ O A K V IL L E - K e rr St. 1 & 2-bedroom apa rtm e nts, $800/ $900/m o., parking inclu ded, a v a ila b le A p ril/ May. 905-339-2437. 1&2 Bedroom Suites am ong refin ed te n a n ts in luxury b u ild in g s close to B u rlin g to n M all. C all the P rincess, (9 05)639-8009 The Regency, (905)6818115____________________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lin g to n . 1,2&3 Bedroom apartments available Mar./ Apr./ May. From $795/m o. (905)632-0129 G EO R G IAN A p artm ents. 1,2&3 Bedroom s. M ar./ A p r./ May. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm 75 Stew art: 1&2 bedroom apartments, Mar./May. Near dow ntown O akville/ QEW. W e ll-m a in ta in e d , clean building. Call (905)844-4294 A P AR TM E N TS a va ila b le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. Q EW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106. BRONTE: W alk to lake 2bdrms. $860/mo. +utilities; O a kville Place area, 2bdrms. $925/mo. Heat, hot w a ter. P a rking . A p r.ls t. (905)847-1138. SM A LL beautiful 1-bdrm, 2nd floor. Large windows. Professionally constructed ensu ite to large house. S e parate entrance. Sixth Line/ Dundas. One person only. No pets, non-smoker. $800/m o includes utilities, parking, unlimited storage. 905-257-3973 JR. C SP - IN S ID E SALES required by local Burlington firm. Individual must possess good communication skills, the motivation to reach goals through cold calling and maintain an existing customer base and work in-dependently. Full or part time. You must possess excellent typing/ grammar skills. Previous experience in a sales/ customer service environment a definite asset. Please reply to: Box 1819, c/o The Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview Street, Burlington L7R 2E3 G LEN Abbey. 2-bedroom condo, fire p la c e , 5 a p p lia nces, ca rp e ts, h a rd wood, b ea utifully deco rat ed, e x c e lle n t co n d itio n , $132,500. (905)469-5906. WE sp e cia lize in C ondo m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)3334347 RICHVIEW GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB All kitchen positions · Banquet staff · Beverage cart ·S n a c k b a r · Patio · Cleaning staff REQUIREMENTS: Enjoys baking, working with public and being physically active. Training provided. HOURS: Permanent position, 4-5 days per week, including alternate weekends or one day per weekend. Please fax your resume to IN EX PEN SIVE W ARE HOUSE or lig h t in d u stria l space O akville, near QEW 45,000 s q .ft. or less. Sprinklered, overhead doors, overhead crane, truck level doors. Joe Luyk, E xt.242, (905)845-7597 I industrial /commercial space P/T-F/T Fax 905-827-8997 COOK required M on.- Fri. 8am - 1:30pm . $ 8 /h r., for Glenashton Daycare, Oak ville. Experience an asset. Light housekeeping duties also required. References please. Call (905)338-9019 general help wanted EH general help wanted (905) 878-4150 Lawn Care Technician Turf Systems Inc. is a progressive lawn care company seeking professional, service oriented individuals for the position of lawn care technician. Successful candidates must have a positive attitude and pride in doing a job well. A valid drivers lie. required, MOE land class 1&3 license and horticultural background considered assets. Turf Systems offers competitive starting wages based on experience, if interested please mail or fax resume to: 3465 Fairview St. requires Full-time O FFICE Space a vailable QEW / T ra fa lg a r Rd. area. 865 sq.ft. & 1090 sq. ft. Reasonable rates. Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty, (905)3381130 The Body Shaping Fitness Studio For Women Requires: · Afternoons · Nights · Donut Baker Apply in person No calls please! · Kinesiologist/ Personal Trainer · Pilates Instructor · Receptionist 183 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville L6K2E7 H UNG RY fo r Success? L ittle C aesars® Pizza is awarding single unit & area franchise opportunities. 41 s uccessful years in b u s i ness. In 19 countries, 3500 locations. For franchise in form ation, call: (905)-8227899 or 1-888-822-7961. 3-Bdrm 2-Level Tel: (905) 849-1919 Fax: (905) 849-1913 V I `t P r e s id e n t ia l , c o m m e r c ia l System® Guelph Line Suite 412 Burlingtoni, Ontario, L7P 4X4 3 Fax (905) 336-5491 -£r -ft Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. KIDS / te e n s & Petites F/M all ages fo r S p rin g / S um m er w ork in fa s h io n / h a ir show s, m ovies, catalog w ork. $2 0 -9 0 /h r (905) 336-5455. RAMADA INN OAKVILLE We have immediate positions available for R E B E C C A / Dorval: Large 2 b e d ro o m basem ent apartment. Close to every thing and on busline. Suits quiet non-sm oking person/ couple. Separate entrance and heating system , laun dry. $750 inclusive. Avail able April 1. (905)337-0960. 2-BE DRO O M apa rtm e nt, St. Paul Street, Burlington. M aylst. $771/mo. includes u tilitie s & parkin g . Call (905)639-7072._________ CAN AD I AN A . Q uiet, w ellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spa cio u s 1&2bedroom s a va ila b le A p r./ May. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)-632-5486. O LD O A K V IL L E . We are simply the finest. Buildings are very quiet, very clean. Lovely fellow residents to live with. Just steps to all shops dow ntow n. 1-bedro<om, $985. No lease. Call (905)845-8254 (message) W ATER DOW N: John St. W alk to E ve ryth in g . New A p pliances, W indow s. Completely Renovated. 1,2 &3 Bedroom s from $725/ mo. (905)690-4454 , (905)689-1647 _ FR ESH LY P ainted: 1&2 Bedroom s- April. Some 2level! L ow -rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (B ur ling ton). 1460 T yandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016 ; 1440 Tyan daga Park Dr. (905)336-0015____________ 2-BE D R O O M S : $81 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s inclu ded). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice O pen 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 NO MONEY DOWN. Free computerized list of homes available w ith no down paym ent. Free recorded message 1-888-475-8645. ID# 1043. C h ris New ell Sales Rep. RE/MAX Blue Springs. O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to Everything. 2-Bedroom From $925. (905)845-1777 O A K V ILL E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: Bachelor, immediate, $ 735/m o.; 2&3 bedroom s available Apr. 1st, (+ park ing). (905)844-9006 O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm. New app liances, w indow s. From $825/m o (905)844-5474 _________ C O LLE G E PARK. S p a cious brand new 1- b e d room w a lk-o u t basem ent, parking, 4 a pp liances, 1minute from Sheridan Col lege, $75 0/m o. M ar.15th. (905)339-2461.___________ SPENCER S m ith. Large 1-bedroom, eat-in kitchen, hardwood floors. Bachelor a pa rtm e nt. Free parking, quiet 6-plex. 905-639-1466 SP AC IO US 1,2&3 B e d room s. F reshly pain ted , bright. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm 2-BE D R O O M in 6-plex on North S ervice Rd., near O akville Place. Call (905)338-3480, evenings BEHIND S heridan C o l lege. 1-bdrm. apt. Private entrance, utilities, parking, bus stop. $575/mo. Apr.lst. Steve (905)845-9981 2-BEDRO O M apa rtm e nts available A p ril/M a y from $795/m o.+ parking. C on venie ntly located W ood ward/ Guelph Line, Burling ton. (905)632-4265 Call 639-9212 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom townhouses available April/ May. 4 appliances. Hoped ale M all area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 PARK like setting. 3-bdrm, M a y ls t. N ear T yandaga Golf Course, Burlington. 11/2 baths, fire p la c e , fin ished basement, hardwood floors, 4 appliances. (905) 335-3001___________ ' R A V IN E , b e a u tifu l large G len A bbey 3-bedroom s, diningroom, livingroom, fa milyroom w/fireplace, eat-in kitchen, air, A p r.lst. $1600/ mo. (905)844-9025.________ LA R G E 3-bedroom , A p r.ls t. From $1149./mo. (+ u tilitie s ). 5 appliances, garage, p a rk -lik e settin g. Longm oor Dr, B u rlin gton . (905)681-0070___________ B U R LIN G TO N : 2-bdrm from $ 97 5./m o .+ u tilitie s , A p r.ls t. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside pa rk ing. Near schoo ls, s h o p ping. Park-like setting. Also, 3-bedroom a v a ila b le May 1st. (905)333-1190._______ E A ST B u rlin g to n . 3 -b e d rooms, 2-storey, 1.5 baths, fin is h e d basem ent, 2 -car parkin g , a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . $1093/m o. + u tilities. (905)632-6260. Room Attendant W AN TED A ll-C h in a , S il ver, C rystal, sew ing m a ch in e s... D o ulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, dolls, pain ting s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477____________ INSURANCE UNDERWRITING SUPERVISOR O ur Oakville client is looking for an experi enced supervisor in the insurance industry. The ideal candidate will have a minim um of four years experience as an underw riting supervisor in life or disability insurance. This analytical candidate will be responsible for overseeing the underwriting departm ent as well as act as a m entor to the staff. Excellent custom er service skills and organizational skills are a must. M ust know medical term i nology, Word and Excel. This is an excellent opportunity for an outgoing person who is looking to grow in their career. 45K-50K. All interested candidates m ust fax or e-mail their resume ASAP to: Warehouse Help Are you retired, physically fit, can drive a fork lift, looking for permanent part-time, then we need you. Warehouse help Mon days 8-4 to be on call for relief and be able to work full time for vacation relief. Please forward resume to: 423 W yecroft Road, O akville ON L6K 2H2 or send em ail to: talc@ hotm ail.com To clean g u est b e d rooms and some public areas. Day shift. Prev. hotel exp. an asset. W ait Staff For D in in g R oom & L o u n g e . M u s t have prev. exp. A pply in person, M o nFri. or fax resume to: W* [ l l I I cars for sale Administrative Assistant Entry Level A progressive transportation manage ment and logistics company in Oakville is seeking an aggressive, take charge individual to join our team spirited opera tion. This successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, and be comfortable in a computerized envi ronment. Customer service experience w ill be a de fin ite asset. P lease fax y o u r re su m e in c o n fid e n c e to : 905-842-8689. 2 ye a r old w h ite M aytag s e lf-c le a n in g conve ction stove/ $800. Call (905)681-2789 ____________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e , 2 door; S tove; M aytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573 BED, King X -th ic k plush orth o p e d ic m attress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxsp ring , head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635 BEDROO M set- 8 piece, solid C h erryw ood, all Dovetail, metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dresser, m irror, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777 BEDS, New- Com plete: D ouble, $220; Q ueen, $240. C om plete w /fram e. Futons available. Free De liv e ry . C all (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496.____________________ BUNKBEDS, wooden s ta in e d laven der & sage. 6 " foam m attresses, like new. Please call (905)3310024.__________ ' C A R P ETS , Hundreds of C o lours/ styles, Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un de rp a d / in s ta lla tio n . 905510-0589.________________ C A R P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). S teve, (905)6392902 C H IL D S ' bedroom , ligh t maple, twin captain's bed, m attress, d re sse r with bookcase, 5 drawer chest, night table. $800. 905-8278974____________________ CO M PUTERS, 2 Pentium -S w /m o n ito rs , $250/ each; stora ge cabin ets, melamine $50/each; heavy 4-drawer filing cabinet $75. (905)335-2814. DININ G R O O M : 9-pce, solid Cherrywood, 92" dou ble pedestal table, 6 Chip pendale chairs, lighted hutch, bu ffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500., sac rifice $4,750. (905)304-5883 DININGROOM suite, oak, 9 pees., rectangular table w/leaf, upholstered chairs, good c o n d itio n , $1800. Call (905)634-3625. D IRE CTV S a te llite S ys tems with programmed HU card, $400. HU P rogram m ing, $100. P rogram m ed HU cards, $300. H card fixed, $100. Call 416-9912761 or 905-867-7277. 1993 FORD Aerostar Aerosport, 5pas. certified and em issions. $3700. Clean, ru n s w e ll, 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 km. (905)845-3165.___________ 1995 HONDA Accord auto., fully loaded, 106,000 kms., immaculate condition, c ertified, em ission tested, $12,500. (905)469-8269. 1990 HONDA Civic 4-door s tandard, blue, 196,000 km s., e x c e lle n t running c ond ition , $2100 as is. (905)842-3378.___________ 1992 Buick C e ntu ry LTD, 4-door, ps/ pw/ pb, auto, cruise; new brakes, air, tires in past year. 285K C e rti fie d , s a fe ty / E-tested $2500 (905)-639-9413 af te r 7pm or anytim e w e e kends___________________ 2000 Chevy C avalier Z24, like new, m ileage under 21K. Black, onyx, pow er su n -ro o f, 4-speed, auto, am /fm , CD, bucket seats, air, 16: styled alum wheels, med. tin t w indow s, 36 month lease $395. includes tax, or $21,395 inclu des tax. (905)-632-1442_______ 1988 M ercury Sable, a u tomatic, 4-dr, all power op tio n s , e x c e lle n t running condition. Certified. E-test ed. $1800/obo. (9 0 5 )3 1 9 9795____________________ 1997 Honda C ivic EX, 4dr, auto., A/C, ABS, pw/pdl/ pm, cruise, am/fm cassette, lady driven, one ow ner. 76K. C e rtifie d . $14,950. (9 0 5 )3 1 5 -8 1 8 6 , Leave message_________________ 1990 Ford Tem po L, 200,000 km. Original own er. S e rviced regularly. New tire s , exhaust and transm ission. $900. Call (905)-847-6331 to view. 1991 Honda C ivic SI, 2door, V-Tech, power sun roof, am/fm cassette, mint. 162K. Asking $4,000. (9 0 5 )-3 3 1 -8 6 5 5 or 905)616-0392________________ 2000 Honda C ivic DX, 1 owner, auto, ps, pb, tilt, 3dr, black. Fabulous oppor tunity. Must qualify to as sum e balance of Honda lease; $269/m o. + taxes. 905-633-7409 or 416-722- Human Resources 905-845-9450 360 Oakville Place Dr. W EEDM AN requires Lawn Care Technicians for lawn care. Full tra in in g provided. Apply in person: Unit 5 2400 W yecroft Rd, O a k v ille or call 905-8271441 or fax (905)-8 271499. ADECCO OAKVILLE Adecccr FAX-905-842-6468 TEL-905-842-5173 E-MAIL: charla.tem eriski@ adecco.com ^ 2SL SHOPPERS DRUG MART in Oakville Place THE OAKVILLE GOLF CLUB Has positions available for the 2001 season (Commencing April 1st or Sooner) requires F/T DISPENSARY ASSISTANT Experience required Weekend Hostess / Host FOR LEADING NEW-HOME SALES PAVILION IN OAKVILLE. Working closely with the public; Must be personable, outgoing & knowledgeable. New home sales knowledge an asset. Must be available Sat. and/or Sun. after noons. Start immediately. Please fax work experience to Claudia M ittelstaedt: (9 0 5 )2 5 7 -7 2 3 8 Fax resumes to 905-842-3732 attn: Arthur Cheung · EARLY MORNING/ WEEKEND CLEANER/ MAINTENANCE PERSON · APPRENTICE COOKS · HO USE PERSONS Join our friendly, fast-paced team environment Prestigious Lifestyle BURLINGTON Pristine condition! 1bdrm bungalow w /loft or 2-1/2 bdrm w/media room! C/A, gas F.P., 5 appls, open concept, maintained private yards, garage. $1425. CLASS AZ DRIVER Oakville mobile mix con crete/ top soil co. 5-6 days weekly. Min. 2-yrs experience w/clean abstract. Mechanical ability an asset. Able to handle physical work. Wage depends on experience. Call (905) 338-2550 DRIVER required: B u r ling ton. DZ licen ce with clean abstract for delivery of dryw a ll. Job involves heavy liftin g and possibly long hours. P revious job site delivery experience an asset, but not necessary. Call Tom, 1-800-561-3495. A T H LE TES W anted! For Commercial/ Film Work. No e xtra s, no fees. M ust be a th le tic ! Call (4 1 6 )7 3 3 1888 for screening. H E ID I'S F low ers & Plants, has part tim e posi tion ava ila b le . Some e x p erience required. Call 842-6761_____________ ___ LOOKING for experience? 90% of our participants find work or training opportuni ties. Call the YMCA at 6811140 ______ M O TE L-6 c u rre n tly look ing for mature people to fill the fo llo w in g positions: P art-tim e Housekeeper, Full-time Maintenance per son, Full-time Night auditor, Part-time manager on duty, Part-tim e laun dry person. Please apply in person 4345 North S e rvice Rd., Burlington J U B IL E E F ruit M arket, downtown Oakville, has im m ediate ope nings fo r full tim e, m ature, produce cle rk s . P lease apply in person w ith resum e to: Katherine or Don, 104 A l len St. (comer of Lakeshore and Allen), Oakville. EX C E LLE N T o ffic e and sales o p p o rtu n itie s . For more inform ation call 905455-4655 or view our web site: www.thejobline.ca Apply in person Mon to Fri 9am-4pm at 1154 Sixth Line, Oakville, or fax 905-845-0096 PART-TIME SEASONAL WORK Irrigation Crew Leader Established com pany requires a Crew Leader to in stall lawn sprinkler systems. M ust be experienced w ith operating equipm ent and installation techniques. Clean driving record essential and m ust be able to m otivate people. C om petitive wages. Please forward resume: Available Mar. 15th Call Marcella (905) 616-1692 THORNWOOD SOUTH B u rlin gton . 3bedroom, 1.5 baths, private patio, C /A, und erg roun d parking, 3 appliances. Pre fer no pets, no sm oking. $1250/m o. A p r.ls t. L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347. BU RLING TO N. Luxury 3& 4 bedroom tow nh ouses w ith fam ilyroo m , 3 ap pliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. plus basem ent, fenced in backya rd, $1135/m o. & $1235/m o.+ utilities. Park ing $40. (905)639-0950 We need men, women & kids who are interested in being represented in the modeling & acting industry. Beginners welcome. If accepted, agency agrees to cover full training costs and guarantees representation. ADAM IRRIGATION S LIGHTING FAX: (905) 336-3467 or Mail: Suite 113, 2025 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 416 595-1010 - www.zaidimodels.com e-mail: contact@zaidimodels.com FORKLIFT OPERATOR Hayward Pool Products Canada Inc., a leading manu facturer of swim m ing pool equipment has an opening for a Forklift Operator in our shipping department for a term of 4 months. R esponsibilities w ill include: receiving and material handling of pool products in our warehouse operation, exposure to com p ute r softw are (M R P) w ou ld be a de finite asset. A com m itm e nt to q u a lity, re lia b ility and good comm unications skills should all be demon strated. $10/hr. Day shift only. Telephone: Al Clarke (905) 829-2880 Ext. 241 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requires Youth and Adults to join our delivery team as carriers. Delivery Days are Wednesday, Friday & Saturday For more information please call Circulation Department (905)845-9742 LA N D S C A P IN G com pany requires gen era l help fo r the Oakville/ Burlington ar eas, must have valid drivers licence, and m inimum two years experience in land scape construction, wages are negotiable. Please send resume to P.O.Box 52073, O akville, L6J 7N 5 or Fax (905)825-5621.___________ UNIVERSITY Pool Service is looking for Pool Techni c ia n s . A ls o lo o k in g fo r O ffic e P e rso n w ith accounting and data base experience. Mail resume to 481-14 North S ervice Rd. W ,, Oakville, On. L6M 2V6, or Fax:(905)827-4535. O UTG OING m ature and self m otiva ted telepho ne p ro fe ssio n a ls required. Earn up to $13./hour calling established leads. Burling to n / perm anent evenings, call Mr. Prince, 905-3330282 G O LF course in O akville requires help in all areas. Seasonal work. Call Gari/ Jason 905 -82 7-77 50 Also part-tim e office help. No experience necessary. 1520hrs/w k. Call Mike 905827-7750________________ B A K E R - E xp erienced or w ill train . R equired fu ll tim e/ night shift. Premium wages/ benefits. Apply: Tim Hortons, 2316 Royal Wind sor Dr. (at Ford Dr.) O ak ville , fax 905-338-1966 or call 338-1966_____________ LA N D S C A P IN G com pa ny in Oakville requires ex perience d personn el fo r construction/ maintenance. Various positions available including long-term . Com petitive wages. Preference given to those with experi ence operating equipment, a tte n tio n to d e ta il w/own transportation. Fax resume: (905)560-8203. 4 6 ^ ^ ________ WAI l u l cars wanted Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1-BdrmsfromS829* Bachelors from $729* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (906) 845-9502 W O R KING fem a le to share beautiful immaculate 4-bedroom home, parking, pool, own bedroom, Apr.lst., $450/mo. First/ last. Burloak.Must see! 905 632-3645 FU R N ISH ED room , quiet home. Non-smoker. Close to S h erid an. Im m ediate. $400/month. Share facili ties. Call 842-1684 W AN TED cars fo r scrap. We buy. Top prices paid in cash. 24-hr. rem oval. Phone 905-467-2402 ^ 1 ( 1 1 trucks for sale 1986 Dodge Ram Pick-up, like new, 32K; passed Etest, certification Feb. 2001. $4500. Jim (9 0 5 )-6 5 9 3186 or leave m essage (416)-390-2714 1998 Jeep G rand C h ero kee Laredo; pw, pi, pm, cruise, air, tra ile r hitch 157K. Extended warranty coverage. $14,500. certified. 905-634-0082 1990 Chevy Blazer 4.3V-6, 4x4, p.w./p.l., Air, tilt, cruise, CD player, new motor, reli able. Needs body work. $1500.0BQ 905-336-3943 Email: aclarke@havwarJnet.com Apply in person between 8:30am-5:00pm 2880 Plymouth Drive Oakville, O N (QEW/Winston Churchill) '(2% disc, included) I shared accommodation PATIO PASTIMES, a retail leader of patio furniture, no w tiiring for the following positions: FU RN ISH ED B u rlin gton Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1,395/mo. utilities includ ed. Immediate. Short/ long term. (905) 632-8354; (905) 632-6189. M ATU RE, non-sm oking male to share beautiful Riv er O aks hom e. U pstairs bedroom , full house p riv i leges, Im m ediate. $5 5 0 ./ mo. 905-257-1428. SH AR E 3 bed roo tow nhom e in G len Abbey. $50 0./m on th u tilitie s in cluded. Parking extra. Kevin 905-825-0947, 416-936-3744 BU R LIN G TO N : Share 3bedroom house. Parking, laundry, patio, yard, heat, hydro included. $600/month. Ape, 1st. (905)319-4694 WAREHOUSE & SEASONAL SALES STAFF M ust be a self-starter, organized and confident. E xperience preferred. B enefits, c o m p e titive wages. Join us at our busiest season. Full & part-time. WAREHOUSE MANAGER Permanent fulltim e position. Experience and computer skills required. Benefits, competitive salary. I houses for rent LUXURY Townhome. Lovely 3-bdrm, with a plethora of extras & up-grades. $1650/ mo. Call (905)-528-4944 SHORT on down pa y ment? Dealer will arrange fin a n c in g fo r all credits. Toll Free: 1-866-227-0868 FAX RESUMES TO: Ron, Patio Pastimes, (905) 844-1919

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