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Oakville Beaver, 18 Dec 2002, A02

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A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 18, 2002 Carr says he can't speak on government policies as speaker Contrary to what organizers of a recent political forum have to say about Gary C a n 's noshow at the event, the Oakville MPP maintains there were good reasons why he couldn't make it. U nfortunately some wires got crossed, he explained, and a replacement representative for the Conservatives never materi alized. The occasion was the Nov. 27 public forum hosted by the T.A. Blakelock School Council attended by education critics Gerard Kennedy (Liberal) and Rosario Marchese (NDP), who answered questions from the 65 parents, educators and students who were on hand. Ward 1 Regional councillor Kevin Flynn, the Liberal candidate for Oakville in the next provincial election, also sat in on the panel. According to School Council co-chair A1 Johnston, C arr's office indicated on Oct. 28 that the M PP would not attend because of his duties as the Speaker of the House at Queen's Park that night. Johnston was critical of Carr, saying that Deputy Speaker Bert Johnson was in the Speakers chair that evening and that Carr rarely attends an evening session of the House. In his defense, Canexplained that he was in fact on call that evening, the same as he was last week after his presence was needed when unruly MPPs shouted insults at each other after drinking at Christmas par ties. C an also explained that, as Speaker, he is precluded from publicly promoting or defend ing his party's policies. C a n said he passed along the Blakelock request to the Ministry of Education to find someone to "take the party side" but they, unfortunately, dropped the ball he said. Sergeant-at-Arms feared fisticuffs (Continued from page 1) Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver FROSTY THE SNOWMEN: Devlin MacKeigan, 8, fixes the carrot nose on Nifty, a 29-year-old quarter horse at Hendervale Equestrian Complex. Both were dressed up as Frosty the Snowman for Sunday's Deck the Stalls organized by W indrush Stable. Deck the Stalls is a Christmas event where mentally and physically handicapped children, clients of Windrush Stable, judge the horses that are dressed for Christmas. Windrush Stable runs a handicapped riding program at Hendervale. v t / ic e s WAYNE GRETZKY AND OAK-LAND FORD LINCOLN TEAM-UP TO BRING YOU SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE. a vote with 30 minutes notice. From there, the night degenerat ed into taunts, verbal abuse and the potential for physical con frontations. "People expect us to be pas sionate about issues, but not this," said Can, who was called in halfway through the session by a worried Sergeant-at-Arms. "He was fearful there would be fist-fights." Since speakers are intro duced by their ridings and not their names, C a n said the M PPs' behaviour cast a poor light on not just themselves, but their constituencies as well. That's why he suggested voters give them an earful. "It's a reflection on the riding if someone's misbehaving," said C an, who believes that alcohol was a contributing factor to the shameful behaviour. "It added to BUILT FOR LIFE * m CANADA c f z e le & m t io n / Correction: Limousine rides not donated A photo cutline in the Dec. 15 issue of the Oakville Beaver incor rectly stated that limousine rides were donated to Community Living Oakville clients for their Christmas dance. The rides were paid for by the clients or the clients' parents. The Oakville Beaver regrets the enor and any inconvenience it may have caused. it and got tempers up. It defi nitely made them more volatile." C a n also maintains that all parties share in the blame. "There were hotheads on all three sides," he added. C an said there were some "good m em bers" who m ain tained their composure and tried to calm the situation. Some vet eran MPPs, however, simply left the chamber in disgust. "It's hard enough sometimes to keep MPPs in line during the day let alone after they've been drinking," said Can. The incident proved to be the sour icing on a session that saw Carr.as Speaker toss out a record 39 M PPs for unbecoming behaviour in the Legislature. - >C H R I S T M A S C L E A R A N C E { PAY NOTHING FOR A 2 0 0 3 FO CUS LX S E D A N E s m iQ U P L E A S E per month/48 month $1,899 down payment $825 freight (IMW corner of Speers & 4th Line) OPEN 7 DAYS A W EEK 1029 Speers Rd. Unit #8, Oakville (905) 337-1774 » (b e s id e Tim H o r to n 's ) * *0 security OR CASH PURCHASE $ 14 ,9 9 9" includes $1,200 cashback r GOLF STARTER SET WITH BAG & NHL TEAM LOGO'S KSTAND BAGS TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT f . 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