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Oakville Beaver, 11 Dec 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y D e c e m b e r 11, 2002 - A 7 Damaged tree has new home for Christmas An evergreen tree in the Glen Abbey Trails system that was harmed by an act of vanadalism has found a new home for the Christmas season. The seven-foot tall tree is now festively decorated in the meeting room of the Sexual A ssault and Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS). Suite 227 at Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St. The tree was given to the non profit agency after it was dam aged during an attempted theft Nov. 26. An off duty Toronto police officer, Nik Tsoutsoulas and his off-duty police dog, Max, were walking along the Glen Abbey Trails system when they came across a man attempting to cut down an evergreen tree. He contacted the Halton police and a suspect was arrest ed. Although the tree was left standing, police said the Town's Forestry Department determined the cut was so deep into the trunk the tree would not survive. On Dec. 2, Tsoutsoulas and Max were walking the same trail and found the tree had fallen over. Tsoutsoulas contacted the original investigating officer, Const. Ken Harvey, who made arrangements with the Town to donate the tree to SAVIS. T h e B o d y S h a p in g F itn e s s S tu d io F o r W o m e n . D ir k G e b h a rd t M a r ia K in lo u g h W h e n yo u care enough to give th e v e ry best! A membership to the Studio is one o f the most thoughtful & loving gifts you can put under the tree for her this Christmas. The Studio has Oakville' s most professional team o f experts specializing in Women' s fitness & health. · 6 certified kinesiologists · Registered massage therapist m'mm · Certified holistic nutritionist · Esthetician (Spa services) · Friendly, Service oriented staff Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Please visit our Web Site www.bodyshapingstudio.com All gifts are beautifully wrapped. SAVIS administrative and events co-ordinator. Charity Kacsoh, puts a star on top of an evergreen tree from the Glen Abbey Trails system. The tree was given to the agency following a foiled attempt to cut it down illegally. "We are very appreciative of the Town of Oakville and the Halton Regional Police for this tree," said SAVIS Executive Director Susan Clancy. The decorated tree was placed in the meeting room which is the home o f SAVIS Multicultural Toy Outreach program. The toy outreach program collects toys for about 65 fami lies registered with SAVIS. Donations of toys, money, new winter clothes and boots can be made by calling 905-8253622. Particularly needed are toys for teenagers between 1015 years old. Diam ond Award W inner for Oakville' s Best F itness Facility. 2 0 0 1 & 2 0 0 2 For m ore inform ation please call (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -1 9 1 9 183 Lakeshore Road W est, Oakville, O n tario L6K 1E7 (Just East o f D orval) APPOINTMENT if you have a new s tip o r sto ry idea, ca ll th e O akville Beaver a t 845-3824. w w w .b o d y s h a p i n g s t u d i o .c o m OAKVILLE O ntario M unicipal Board C om m ission des affaires m unicipales de I'O ntario Ontario Bressa Developm ents Inc., Green Ginger Developm ents, M attam y Developm ent Co., Trinison M anagem ent Corporation and others have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(24) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from a decision of the Town of Oakville to approve Proposed A m endm ent No. 198 to the Official Plan for the Town of Oakville to incorporate the lands located north of Dundas Street, south of Highway 407, east of Tremaine Road, and west of Ninth Line into the Town of Oakville's urban area Town's File no. 4 2.11 4.1 98 O .M .B . File No. 002 01 03 M attam y D evelopm ent Co. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O . 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from C ouncil's refusal of neglect to enact a proposed am endm ent to the Official Plan for the Town of Oakville to incorporate the lands located north of Dundas Street, south of Highway 407, east of Tremaine Road, and west of Ninth Line into the Town of Oakville's urban area Tow n's File No. OPA 198 A O .M .B File 002 00 84 Bressa Developm ents Inc. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O . 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from Council's refusal of neglect to enact a proposed am endm ent to the Official Plan for the Town of Oakville to incorporate the lands located north of Dundas Street, south of Highway 407, east of Tremaine Road, and west of Ninth Line into the Town of Oakville's urban area Tow n's File No. OPA 198 C O .M .B . File No. 002 00 37 Green Ginger Developm ents has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O . 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from C ouncil's refusal of neglect to enact a proposed am endm ent to the Official Plan for the Town of Oakville to incorporate the lands located north of Dundas Street, south of Highway 407, east of Tremaine Road, and w est of Ninth Line into the Town of Oakville's urban area Tow n's File No. OPA 198 AA O .M .B . File No. 0020036 Trinison M anagem ent Corporation has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O . 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from Council's refusal of neglect to enact a proposed am endm ent to the Official Plan for the Town of Oakville to incorporate the lands located north of Dundas Street, south of Highway 407, east of Tremaine Road, and W est of Ninth Line into the Town of Oakville's urban area Town's File No. OPA 198B O .M .B . File No. 002 00 35 · Identification of participants - persons w ho do not wish to participate throughout the hearing m ay attend the hearing and m ake a statem ent to the Board. Such persons should also attend the prehearing conference. · Identification of issues · Start date of the hearing · Duration of the hearing · Directions for prefiling of witness lists. Expert witness statem ent and written evidence · Possibility of settlem ent of any or all of the issues · The hearing of motions · Such further m atters as the Board considers appropriate Everyone present should com e prepared to consider specific dates for proceedings in this matter. Mr. John Lahey, President and Chief Executive Officer of FirstOntario Credit Union Limited, is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Eustace to the position of Vice President, Retail Services. Paul brings an extensive retail banking background to FirstOntario, with 23 years of financial experience. Mr. Eustace s most recent assignment has been Vice President, Durham District with TD Canada Trust. Paul is an accomplished retail banking executive with a proven track record for building and leading teams, while maintaining a commitment to personal service. Paul shares FirstOntario s communitybased focus and commitment to a strong branch network. FirstOntario is the fourth largest credit union in the Province. Membership at FirstOntario is open to all residents of the communities in which it operates throughout the Niagara Peninsula, Greater Hamilton Region and Southwestern Ontario. * E V ID E N C E Evidence or formal statem ents m ay also be heard at the prehearing conference in an attem pt to settle the m atters in dispute. N ote that even if no settlem ent is reached the Board m ay m ake a final decision on the evidence it has received. All parties or their representatives should attend the prehearing conference. Pour recevoir de services en francais, veuillez com m uniquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 3 2 6 -6 8 0 0 , au moins 20 jours civils avant la date fixee pour I'audience. DATED at Toronto, this 27th day of November, 2002 A C TIN G SECRETARY FirstOntario E xplanato ry N o te on b e h a lf of G reen G inger D e v elo p m en ts , Bressa D e v elo p m en ts Inc., Trinison M a n a g e m e n t C o rp o ratio n , and M a tta m y D e v elo p m en t C o. E xplanato ry N o te - O fficial Plan A m e n d m e n t A p plication A p p ea ls Green Ginger Developm ents, Bressa Developm ents Inc., Trinison M anagem ent Corporation, and M attam y D evelopm ent Co. have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as am ended, from Council refusal or neglect to enact proposed am endm ents to the Official Plan of the Town of Oakville. These Com panies are owners or managers of land within the area north of Dundas Street affected by Official Plan Am endm ent # 19 8 of the Town of Oakville. The Purpose of the proposed Official Plan A m endm ents appealed by these com panies is to expand the Urban Area to bring the Town Official Plan into conformity with region of Halton Official Plan Am endm ent #8. The proposed Official Plan A m endm ents apply to the sam e lands as Town OPA 198, and propose a fram ework for the creation of subsequent secondary plans. S econdary plans will provide for a full range of urban uses and will be based on the results of further studies, including sub watershed plans, which will provide the basis for refinement of boundaries of natural features. Other required studies include infrastructure phasing, transportation and traffic, m arket, financial im pact and urban design. K r*" W/ { / M r ^ T / 7 / earn \o u rb u s in e s s . A n dy o u r tru s t. NOTICE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE The Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a prehearing conference respecting this matter. If y o u d o n o t a tte n d th is p re h e a rin g c o n fe re n c e , th e O n ta rio M u n ic ip a l B o a rd m a y p ro c e e d in y o u r a b s e n c e a n d y o u w ill n o t b e e n title d to a n y fu r th e r n o tic e o f th e s e p ro c e e d in g s . As your Allstate Agent. I am personally com m itted to ta ilo rin g th e rig h t p o lic y to y o u r needs. .Ask h ow yo u can save u p to 2 0 'f o ve r o u r a lrea d y c o m p e titiv e rates w ith .Allstate's Advantage d isco u n ts. D is co u n ts v o u 'v e e a rn e d . /instate M j u 'r e i n g o o d h a n d s . TIME AND PLACE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE A prehearing conference will be held a t: O a k v ille M u n ic ip a l B u ild in g , O a k v ille R o o m , lo c a te d a t 1225 T ra fa lg a r R o a d , in O a k v ille , O n ta rio on: a t: M o n d a y , J a n u a ry 20, 2003 10:00 a .m . A D H A M F R A N C IS 380 Dundas St. East Unit 2, Oakville (9 0 5 ) 2 5 7 -4 7 8 7 Cell 4 1 6 -5 7 4 -8 5 5 7 E xplanato ry N o te on b e h a lf o f th e Tow n of O akville The Town of Oakville Council approved Official Plan Am endm ent N um ber 198, by B y-law 2 0 0 2 -0 3 0 on M ay 29th, 2002. The purpose of OPA 198 is to incorporate all lands north of Dundas Street and south of the Highway 4 0 7 into the Town of Oakville's Urban area as identified within Regional Official Plan am endm ent N um ber 8, to establish the conditions for the developm ent including the protection and enhancem ent of natural features for the land north of Dundas Street, and to redefine the Town's municipal structure to reflect this change including revisions to the plan concept, objectives, planning period, planning population and em ploym ent levels. Thirteen (13) appeals were received against OPA 198, for varying reasons. The hearing concerns OPA 198, which provides the fram ew ork for Secondary Plans. . "Angels From H eaven" South Central Oakville · A .M . & P.M . - N ursery School · O ver 28 years' experience · 18 months to 5 years · Q ualified, dedicated teachers * Small ratio Exploring the early years w ith phoenics awareness, numerical recognition, science, arts, crafts & music A T IM E T O FO CUS O N 1 P R O P E R S P E E C H & S O C IA L S K IL L S A new & ex citin g w ay to learn! 'V The Board has set aside tw o (2) days for this conference (January 20 and 21) PURPOSE OF PREHEARING CONFERENCE The conference will deal with preliminary and procedural matters, including the following: · Identification of parties - these persons have the right to participate throughout by presenting evidence, questioning witnesses, and making final arguments. In order for the Board to determ ine your status for the hearing, you or your representative should attend the prehearing conference and ask to be added as a party. Groups, whether incorporated or not, who wish to becom e parties should nam e a representative. Parties do not need to be represented by lawyers. S eco n d ary Plans a re n o t b e in g c o n s id e re d a t th is h e a rin g . Dated at the Town of Oakville this 1 1th day of D ecem ber 2002. Call A nita Kellv o r Elena Clarke (905) 8 42-0794 1 2 2 5 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6J 5 A 6 (905) 845-6601 www.town.oakville.on.ca

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