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Oakville Beaver, 20 Nov 2002, A09

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The O akville Beaver, Wednesday November 20, 2002 -A9 Auction features golf, sports and arts theme segments (Continued from page 1) Blended families workshop Saturday Statistics Canada reports almost 12 per cent of Canadian children are living in stepfamilies. While many people may con jure up the images of the `Brady Bunch' when thinking of step or blended families, there are some real challenges for both parents and children. To help address some of the issues that blended families face, the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Branch (CMHA) is offering a one-day workshop on Saturday, in Oakville. The program is led by Oakville therapist Blythe Ward, and will cover understanding how the step family differs from the biological family, practical aspects of remarriage with chil dren, special challenges and developing positive relation ships. Cost of the program is $80 per couple or $50 for an individ ual. To register or for more information, call CMHA at 905693-4270. CMHA is a United Way member agency. We've got some pretty incredible merchandise to auc tion this year, thanks to the gen erosity of many local business es! Our major items include a six-month lease on a brand new 2003 Jeep Liberty from Lockwood Chrysler; a top-ofthe-line Hot Tub, Pool Table and Patio Furniture set from Beachcomber Oakville; and two Luxury Vacations to your choice of locales from Travel Choice American Express. You're guar anteed to get great deals on all of them. If someone you know is in the market for any of the above, be sure to pass the word along that they should tune in and bid. Theme Segments this year include Pro Golf, Strolf Golf, CLP Sports and the Oakville Art Society. All of the items avail able during these segments are top notch and, in the case of the Art Society, feature beautiful paintings, pottery and sculpture from a number of local artists. We've also got a 90-minute flight for up to five people from Burlington to Niagara Falls and the surrounding area. The Brian Hayman Jazz Trio will perform at your cocktail party or event. The Limited Edition and original artwork w e've got will look stunning in your home - which can be freshly decorated, thanks to a number of professional painters who have donated prod uct and services. There are toys for the kids, a Norco Screamer mountain bike, garden planters, sunglasses, watches, computer equipment and services, an antique stained glass window, queen-size duvet and sheets, custom-made orthotics, irrigation and land scape lighting for your yard, cir cus tickets, Continuing Education Courses, roller blades, brief cases, tattoo gift certificates and much more. Now all we need is you - the lifeblood of the auction every year - to tune in and support us. So thank you, in advance, to our viewers, the businesses who have donated items, and our Corporate Sponsors -- COGE CO 23, Flippance & Carr, Lockwood Chrysler, National Wireless, Roblar Enterprises, TD Canada Trust, The Oakville Beaver, Tim Hortons and Avalanche Communications. -- Jen n ifer Kay, a m em b er o f the R o ta ry C lu b o f O a k v ille Trafalgar, h a n d les m a rk etin g a n d p ro m o tio n s f o r the R o ta ry Auction. QEP hosts AIDS awareness night Q u e e n BUCKSD ECKER ^ H dqgO r rMac T o p T e n R e a s o n s t o S w it c h t o M a c I .T h e M a c ...it ju s t w o r k s . Elizabeth Park School is holding and AIDS aware ness night on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Live and Let Live: An Inter national Evening of AIDS Aware ness will .feature guest speaker from the AIDS Committee of Toronto, live en tertainment and international cui sine. The event is from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Queen Elizabeth Park School Cafeteria. Cost is $5 at the door. All pro ceeds to the AIDS Committee of Toronto. T a k e a M a c o u t o f its box, plug it in, turn it on. 2 . I t d o e s n 't c ra s h . Bid th e notorious "blu e s c re e n o f de a th " a fond fa re w e ll. 3 .W o r k s e ffo r tle s s ly w it h P C s . T h e M a c is a t h o m e on P C netw orks, so sh arin g files a n d printers is pain less. 4 . O ff ic e is O ff ic e a n d t h e n s o m e . C o n tin u e using th e s a m e app lic a tio n s you a lre a d y know. 5. I t 's b u ilt f o r t h e In t e r n e t . "W ; F a c t is, m o s t o f o ur c u s to m e rs a re u p -a n d -s u rfin g w ithin 15 m in u te s . 6 . S im p ly t h e b e s t in d ig ita l m u s ic . iBook iPod fits in y o u r p o c k e t w e ig h s ju s t 6 .5 o z. a n d holds up to 4 ,0 0 0 songs. 7 .T h e m is s in g lin k in d ig ita l p h o to g r a p h y . iP h o to rev o lu tio n ize s th e w a y you o rg a n ize , e d it a n d en jo y digital photos. 8 .Y o u r o w n d ig ita l e n t e r t a i n m e n t c e n te r . M a k e m o v ie s a n d burn D V D s to w a tc h on yo u r TV . 9. G o e s e v e r y w h e r e y o u go . Light. T h in . D is p la y s so bright a n d c le a r y o u 'd think y o u 're w orking on a d e s k to p system . 10. I t 's b e a u t ifu l. You can s e e o b s e s s io n w ith d esign and d etail w h e re v e r you look iPod Join us Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10 A M - 4 PM Learn how easy it is to switch fro m a PC to a Macintosh! f aureen Fariello is the proud owner of a Black & Decker workshop valued at more that $1,000 after winning a Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing Ltd. contest that drew over 15,000 entries. The con test was advertised in the recent 'There's No Place Like Home" publi cation that was distributed in Metroland- newspapers, including The Independent & . Free P re ss. On hand to present Fariello, centre, with her prizes, which included a RD1440K lim ited edition anniversary drill, were Independent & Free P re ss publisher Ken Nugent (left) and Black & Decker director of marketing Brett 'S . Fariello filled out the ming ballot after readThe Georgetown ependent & Free P re ss. M C A N A D I A N ^ C O u r S e rv ic e s O M P U T E R. H o u rs o f O p e r a tio n : Tel. 905-849-0737 * 414 Speers Rd. Oakville ·canadiancomputer.com · H a rd w a re , S o ftw a re & Supplies · Training, N e tw o rk in g and C onsulting · Sales and Leasing ·W a lk -in o r O n -s ite Service · P C & M ac In te g ra tio n · D e m o n s tra tio n S h o w ro o o m M o n d ay 9 :0 0 - 5 :0 0 PM T u e s ,W e d ,T h u rs , Fri 9 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 PM S aturday 10:00 - 4 :0 0 PM I $620 million for a 40 km extension. $6 million for lane expansions. $28 million for customer service enhancements. Photo by Ted Brown Apple Specialist M W ttH m CtO CStVti. C P fH Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, iMac, iBook, iPod, iPhoto are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc WATCH FOR OUR NEXT PUBLICATION APRIL 223 Amazing what w e'll do to get you home in time for hockey practice. W z think it's only sporting. You pay a toll; we use the money for paving a smoother commute. In fact, the nearly $700 million we've just invested is only the beginning. We're going to keep offering you a faster route that's less aggravating and less stressful. (Who says other highways don't have a toll?) Have a question or a comment? Visit us online at: www.407etr.com. Or call us at: 1.888.407.0407. 4 T 0 7 ^ Express 7 Toll Mm Toll Route k e e p i n g y o u a h e a d o f t h e curve .

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