The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 30, 2002 - D3 Q.E. Park leads contingent to OFSAA Oakville will field a sizeable contin gent at this Friday's Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association (OFSAA) provincial cross country championships, led by perennial powerhouse Q.E. Park. At last week's combined Golden Horseshoe Athletic Conference (GHAC) and Halton meet, Q.E. Park was just edged out of first overall by Burlington's Notre Dame. Notre Dame won girls overall while Q.E. Park won boys overall. These overall titles, however, are just for bragging rights. It's the individual and team winners of the six individual divisions (midget, jun ior and senior divisions for both boys and girls) that get to go to OFSAA which is in Port Hope this year. The way it works is that the top two teams (of five) in each division get to go as well as the next three best individuals (who are not already on an OFSAA bound team). Here's a recap of Oakville's OFSAA bound cross country runners: SENIOR BOYS: awesome race by Q.E. Park with all five in the G-HAC top 10, including Kyle Jones (1st), James Kozak (3rd), Richard Garton (4th), Scott Chase (7th) and Filip Prostran (10th). All will go to OFSAA. No other Oakville individuals qualify. SENIOR GIRLS: Leah Weagant of Loyola finishes second in G-HAC to qualify for OFSAA. No Oakville teams qualify. JUNIOR BOYS: Oakville individu als are shut out of the podium but Loyola wins G-HAC team competition to quali fy five-man team -- Scott Samuel (4th), Adam Maduri (9th), Kyle Morrison (13th), Eric Sillius (18th) and Dan Keane (29th). JUNIOR GIRLS: Oakville competi tors finish, one-two in G-HAC with Kathryn Matheson of White Oaks win ning and Stephanie YanVeen of Aquinas in second. No Oakville teams qualify. MIDGET BOYS: M att Sm ith of MOHA house league hockey report JUVEN ILE RED (Oct. 20) STELLAR STARS 8 (goals to Nathan Gilham 2, Grant Jackman 2, Ryland M acDonald, Ryan Kuri, Taylor Stevens and Mark Francis; assists to Ryan Kuri 2, Andrew Robinson, Ryland M acDonald, Cam Foley, Grant Jackm an, Arjun Langford and Nathan Gilham), OPTIMIST CLUB 6 (goals to Mathew Turner 3, Richard Graham, Mike Biteznick and Carl Ruys; assists to Matt Linton 2, Mathew Turner 2, Sean Eastwood, Geoff Miller, Kyle Nuttley, Brett Cherney, Greg Barsevich and Richard Graham). ACCENTURE 7 (goals to Luke Tresham 2, Michael Slater, Michael Sam ardzich, Craig McMillan, Jason M iconi and Brent Von Hagen; a ssists to M ichael Samardzich 2, Luke Tresham 2, Robbie Enns, Brent Von Hagen, Michael Slater and Adam Beck), KERR CADIL LAC 6 (goals to Louis Beaudoin 2, Dave Probyn 2, G riffin Allen and Alex Ferguson; assists to Shaun Sturgeon 2, Griffin Allen, Alex Ferguson and Louis Beaudoin). EXECUTIVE CONTRACTING 5 (goals to Adam Lemay 2, Sean Foley, Toby Simpson and A.J. McMillan; assists to Jam ie Logan, Jeff Chandler, Mark Penelton and Brent Spivak), MOHAIR 3 (goals to Alex Pryde 2, Dave Okihiro; assists to Colin Asseltine 2, Alex Pryde and G eoff Farrer). (Oct. 13) ACCENTURE 10 (goals to Michael Samardzich 4, Luke Tresham 2, James Tobar 2, Albert Altitonante; assists to Albert Altitongte 3 Michael Samarczich 2, Chris Cottick 2, Luke Tresham, James Tobar), MOHAIR 2 (goals to Alex Pryde, Adam Johnston; assists to Adam Johnston, Alex Pryde, Dave Okihiro, Jason Collins) TEAM 3 (goals to Jam ie Logan, Brent Spikak 2; assists to M ark Penelton 3, Brent Spivak, A.J. MacMillan), STELLAR STARS 5 (goals*to Arjun Langford 2, Ryand M acDonald 2, Nathan Gilham; assists to Andrew Robinson 2, Darin Kubicki 2, Nathan Gilham, Arjun Langford, Cam Foley) KERR CADILLAC 1 (goals to Cavan Usher; assists Dave Probyn), O PTIM IST CLUB 7 (goals to Brett Cherney 5, Mike Biteznick, Geoff Miller; assists to Greg Barsevich 2, Barrett Olson-G lover 2, Richard Graham 2, Brad W etherly 2, Geoff Miller) (Oct.9) M OHAIR 5 (goals to Shane Da Rosa, Shaun Sinclair, Alex Pryde, Paul Harrison, Steve Vallier; assists Michael Kranz 2, Shane Da Rosa 2, Shaun Sinclair, Steve Vallier, Paul Harrison), ACCENTURE 13 (goals to Michael Slater 3, James Tabar 3, Albert Altitonante 3, Michael Samarozich 2, Adam Beck, Rob Erins; assists to Albert Altitpnante 3, Michael Slater 2, James Tabar, Brent Von Hagen, Rob Erins, Jason Miconi) (Oct. 6) TEAM 3 (goals to Kevin Oswald 2, Mark Penelton; assists to Jam ie Logan 2, Kevin Oswald, Mark Penelton, Neil Murray), OPTIM IST CLUB 5 (goals to Michael Zwir, Brett Chereney, Richard Graham, James Bellivenue, Brad W etherly; assists to Brett Chereney 2, Greg Barsevich 3, Kyle Nuttley 2, Richard Graham, Sean Eastwood, Mike Biteznick, Mathew Turner) KERR CADILLAC 3 (goals to Mike Indovina, Louis Beaudrin, Dave Probyn, assists to John Mac Donald, Cavan Usher, G riffin Allen, Dan G, Justin Becker, Brayden M iddleton), O PTIM IST CLUB 5 (goals to Michael Zwir, Brett Chereney, Richard Graham, James Belliveau, Brad W etherly; assists to Brett Chereny 2, Greg Barsevich 2, Kyle Nuttley 2, Richard Graham, Sean Eastwood, Mike Biteznick, Mathew Turner) KERR CADILLAC 3 (goals to Mike Indovina, Louis Beaudrin, Dave Probyn; assists to John Mac Donald, Cavan Usher, G riffin Allen, Dan G, Justin Becker, Brayden M iddleton), TEAM 3(goals to Alex Pryde, Shaun DaRosa, Tristin Neal; assists to Steve Valliero 2, Paul Harrison) ACCENTURE 5 (goals to Luke Tresham 2, Rob Erins, James Tabar, Michael Slater; assists to Jason M iconi 3; Rob Erins, Brent Von Hagen 2, Albert Altitonante, Michael Slater, James Tabar), STELLAR STARS 7 (goals to Taylor Stevens 2, Kent Rahman 2, Cam Foley Ryan Kuri Nathan Gilham; assists to Kent Raham 2, Nathan Gilham 2, David Bruce 2, Arjun Langford 2, Mark Francis, Taylor Stevens, Darin Kubicki, Ryland Mac Donald) MINOR BANTAM RED (Oct.20) TECHSPAN INDUSTRIES 2 (goals to Jeff Hartford. Brandon Pasta; assists to Matt Andrews, Tyler Liptok), PRIME STRATEGY GROUP 1 (goals to Jesse Herman; assists to Carson Smith, Max Luburic) ACCENTURE 3 (goals to Taylor Wood, Jonathan Sweeny Bergen, Shane Cole; assists to Nick Fascino 2, Nathan Lovell, Robbie Murray, Derek Vanderboom 2) FRONTIER W OLESLEY 2 (goals to Chris Canham, Justin Di Trani; assists to Scott Donelly, Zack MacRae, Connor Gamble, Alex Huras), DAIRY QUEEN 4 (goals to Nick Alberga, Philip Comeau, Jacob Bayard, Jason Imbrogna; assists to Zack Goldstein 2. Jacob Bayard, Jonathan Lee, Nick Alberga, Benji Card) NAIRN SALES & MARKETING 1 (goals to Matt Downer; assists to Ryan Mallough), ACROBAT 1 (goals to Neil Revell) (Oct. 13) ACCENTURE 4 (goals to Jonathan Sweeny Bergen, Brennan Entough, Nick Fasciano, Brandon Sm ith; assists to Robbie Murray, Derek Vanderborn, Shane Cole, Chris Edwin), NAIRN SALES & MARKETING 2 (goals to Scott Johnston, Kevin Mckay; assists to Matt Downer, Greg McKay) ACROBAT 1 (goals to Robin Funk; assists to Palmer Taylor), PROCOR 2 (goals to Steven Peters, Robert Freitas) PRIME STRATEGY 2 (goals to Jesse Herman, Max Luburic; assists to Carson Smith, Trevor Simpson, Tyler Nagle, James Savelli), FRONTIER WOLESELY 1 (goals to Scott Donnelly; assists to Brendan Gamble, Gary Browne) JLH STITCHING 2 (goals to Jacob Bayard, Nathan Caughlir; assists to Sean Eastman, Andrew Kavanagh), TECHSPAN INDUSTRIES 1 (goals to Brad Tasker; assists to Andrew Lupton) (Oct. 6) ACROBAT 1 (goals to Julian Ritchie; assists to Zachary Holder, Kyle Howitt), ACCENTURE 4 (goals to Nathan Lovell, Nick Fasciano, Shane Cole, Philip W robel; assists to Taylor Wood 2, Matthew McGrath, Matt Hagglund, Chris Edwin, Jerem y Mills, Brandon Smith) TEAM 3 (goals to Paul McKenna, Michael Tuske, Jesse Herm an; a ssists to M ichael Tuske 2, Paul McKenna), TEAM 5 (goals to Jonathan Lee, Zack Goldstein, Matt Grunwald, Charlie Munro, Andrew K; assists to Nick Mortel, Philip C, Matt Grunwald, Jason Imbrogna, Jonathan Lee) FRONTIER WOLSELY 3 (goals to Chris Canham 2, Zack McRae; assists to Chris Canham, Ton Csima, Chris Patterson, Alex Huras), TECHSPAN INDUSTRY 1 (goals to W illy Joyce) PROCOR 3 (goals to Rory Stack, Steven peters, Scott Zeron; assists to Scott Zeron 2, Robert Freitas, Rory Stack, Steven Peters), NAIM SALES & M ARKET ING 2 (goals to Jason Buckley, Akshay Anand; assists to Troy Bell, Taylor MacLellon, Scott Johnston, Matthew Ozimec) MINOR ATOM RED (Oct. 19) HOCKEY MOMS WINGS 2 (goals to S Barrett, S Pecar; assists to B Malconey, R Stegm aier), GILLANDERS CONSTRUCTION HOUND BOGS 1 (goals to Andrew Di Mario; assists to Evan Webster) MOORES TIRE VIKINGS 2 (goals to Bryson Perrin, M ichael Markun 2; assists to Andrew Z, Nicholas), ROYAL WRANGLERS 2 (goals to Scott Corbett, Connor Chilton; assists to Nial Patterson, Brody Langley) IMPAC ASSESSMENT EAGLES 3 (goals to Mark McIntyre, Matt Reagan 2; assists to Marc Inns, Daniel G iannis, Michael Lunqer 2, Andrew Carrique, Alex Tassielli), OAK PARK PHARMACY GATORS 3 (goals to Dylan M cGuire, Nick Pow didajko, Ryan R uprecht; assists to Marc Z, Ryan Lees, Jacob Bon, Blair McHugh, Vincent Bracco) DEMOLITION EQUIP LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to M ack H ulbert, N icholas S trachan; assists to Kyle Newman, Mack Hulbert), CCSN SOLUTIONS WOLFPACK 4 (goals to Taylor Young, Colin Dickson, Jack Mather, Austin James; assists to Colin Dickson, Jamie M urdock 2, Taylor Young, Jonathon Enright, Jason French) (Oct. 12) ROYAL LEPAGE W RANGLERS 1 (goals to Parker Mckibbon; assists to Brody Langely, Connor Chilton), DEMOLITION EQUIP LUMBERJACKS 1 (goals to Alex Magee; assists to Matthew Garney) OAK PARK PHARMACY GATOR 2 (goals to Vincent Bracco, Ryan R; assists to Andrew Zamora, Ryan Lees), HOCKEY MOMS W INGS 2 (goals to S Pecar 2; assists to B Malconey 2, P Paradis) GIILANDET CONST HOUND DOGS 3 (goals to Evan W ebster 3; assists to Nathan Smofsky 2, Robert Alexander), IMPAC ASSESSMENT EAGLES 1 (goals to Mark M acintyre; assists to Anthony P, M att Reagan) CCSN SOLUTIONS WOLFPACK 3 ( goals to Jonathan W hite, Dallas Smith, Ryan Sloan; assists to Ryan Sloan, Colin Dickson, Dirk Sims, Derrick Mikola, Robert M cLearn), MOORE'S TIRE VIKINGS 6 ( goals to Andrew Z 2, Chris Planeta, Kristien Leblanc, Zach McKenna, Andrew Kusters; assists to Chris Planeta 2, David Robinson 2, Andew Z, Nicholas Stolarz 2, Andrew Kusters) IMPAC ASSESSMENT EAGLES 2 (goals to Mark Innis, Colin W icks; assists to M att Reagan 2, Colin W icks, Alex Tassielli), HOCKEY MOMS WING 5 (goals to Shane O 'Hanlon 3, Brendan M aloney, Brent McManus; assists to Ryan Stegmaire, Scott Barrett, Tyler Albrecht, Ryan Stegmaire, Adam M acDonald, Mark Kvasni) ATOM W HITE EAST (Oct. 19) E3 W INGS 1 ( goals to Nicholas Argyros; assists to Andrew Muncaster, Connor McAnuff), E5 W OLF PACK 2 (goals to Michael Burwell, Jeffery Slasor; assists to Adam Presutti) E2 EAGLES 1 ( goals to Peter D'Attoma; assists to Brendan Daly), E4 LUMBERJACKS 6 (goals to Robert Morton 2, Keri Isber 2, David Parsons, Brad Bowen; assists to David Parsons, Alex White, Keri Isber, Mike McCurdy, Tyler Santing) E1 VIKINGS 2 (goals to Shabaz Dhilon 2; assists to Blake Sayers, Geoffery Kinney), E6 HOUND DOGS 4 (goals to Owen Bassett 2, Ian Baker, Tristan Jung; assists to Ian Baker 3) (Oct. 12) E2 EAGLES 1 (goals to peter D'Attom a; assists to Ben Labenski, Brendan Daly), E6 HOUND D p G S 12 ( goals to Tristan Jung 2, Lucas Jacques 5, Spencer Collaton, Armen Dumanian, Owen Bassett, Justin Turner 2; assists to Armen Dumanian 2, Justin Turner, Ian Baker 3, J .P Desjardins 2, Adam Delgudice, Owen Bassett, Lucas Jacques, O liver Platt, Brandon Ripco, Dylan Walker, Spencer Collaton, Tristan Jung) E1 VIKINGS 1 ( goals to Curtis Logan; assists to Blake Sayers, Matthew Raleigh), E3 W INGS 4(goals to Jordan Bissette, Michael Defabrizio, Christian Klarer, Kyle Sanson; assists to Andrew M uncaster 2, Connor M cAnuff 2 and Jordan Bissette) E4 LUMBERJACKS 1 (goals to John-D avid M iddleton; assists to Cal Ptashnik), E5 W OLF PACK 2 (goals to Gregory Karpachev, Ian Maranta; assists to Ian Maranta, Phillip Orlandi 2, Taylor Brockelsby) (Oct. 5) E1 VIKINGS 4 (goals to M atthew Raleigh, Blake Sayers 2, Jonathan Peters; assists to Shahbaz Dhillon 3, Curtis Logan), E5 W OLFPACK 1 goals to Philip O rlandi; assists to Justin Beairsto, Adam Presutti). E4 LUMBERJACKS 1 ( goals to Keri Isber), E6 HOUND DOGS 7 (goals to O liver Platt, Dylan Walker, Adam Delgiudice, Brandon Ripco, Armen Dumanian) E2 EAGLES 2 (goals to Jake Feltm ate 2; assists to Marc Bazerghi 2, Ben Labenski), E3 W INGS 6 (goals to Jordan Bissette 2, Nicholas Argyros, M ichael Defabrzio, Andrew Muncaster, Chritian Klarer; assists to Connor M cAnuff 2, Kevin Barrett, M ilan M arjanovich and Nicholas Argyros) ATOM WHITE W EST (Oct. 19) W3 FLYERS 4 (goals to Ian Funk, Patrick Mendes da Costa, Stephen M issiuna 2; assists to Gordon McKenzie 2, Stephen M issiuna 2, Alex Henley, Matthew Seccaspina, John Myers, Joseph DaCosta), W5 W RAN GLERS 5 (goals to Jack Watson 2, Bret Robin Evan Garrie, Lucas Sardella; assists to Connor M cAllister 2, Cal Egan, Kyle DiTrani, Joel LeBrun, Peter Hanion, David McAndrew) W 2 EAGLES 2 (goals to Michael McArthur, Eric Lesituta; assists to Carey Keefe, M ichael M cArthur), W4 GATORS 4 (goals to Ryan Ross, Adam Platt, Billy Hunt 2; assists to Ryan O 'Farell, Brendan Rolland-Brown 2, Ryan Ross, Michael Pearce, Brandon Davis) W1 VIKINGS 1 (goals to Sean Liss; assists to Patrick Strezlec, Taylor Smith), W 6 SHARKS 3 ( goals to Cole Dragone 2Kevin Berk; assists to Matt Berkopec 2, G areth Inkster 2, Ryan O'Leary) (Oct. 12) W2 EAGLES 3 (goals to Jon Liebregts, Michael C alderone, David R obinson; assists to M ichael Calerone, Aaron M cHugh 2, Steven Rossi 2), W6 SHARKS 1 (goals to Luke W athen; assists to Matt Hale, Joshua Arsenault) W1 VIKINGS 3 (goals to W ill Cox 2, Sean Liss; assists to Cameron Stevens Andrew Pearce, Thomas Paterson Alex Mann, Kyle Toth), W 3 FLYERS 3 (goals to Stephen Missiuna, John Myers, Alex Henely; assists to Joseph DaCosta, Alex Henely, Calum W ing, J.D. W oovlett, Stephen Missiuna, Ian Funk) W 5 GATORS (goal to Kyle M cGuigan; assists to Lucas Sardella, Joel LeB run, Evan G arrie ), W4 GATORS 0, (Oct. 5) W1 VIKINGS 3 (goals to W ill Cox 2, Cameron Stevens; assists to Andrew Pearce, Dalton Oates, Sean Liss, Darell Nunns, Alex M ann), W 5 W RANGLERS 1 ( goals to David McAndrew; assists to Joel LeBrun, Jack Watson) W4 GATORS 7 ( goals to Billy Hunt 2, Geoffery Series, Ryan Ross, Ryan O 'Farell 2, Mark Anczurowski; assists to Mark Anczurowski 3, Brendan Roland-Brown 3, Brandon Davis, Adam Platt, G eoferry Series, Michael Pearce 2, Billy Hunt 2, Ryan Ross), W6 SHARKS 3 (goals to Matt Berkopec 2, Luke W athen ; assists to G areth Inkster, Cole D ragone, Nick Testani,N olan M olfetta, Jeffery Wykes, M ichael Brown) W2 EAGLES 4 (goals to Robert Collaton, Michael M cArthur 2, Tyler Dryden; assists to David Robinson, Tyler Dryden 2, Lucas Kokot, M ichael Calderone), W3 FLYERS 3 ( goals to Garett Peddigrew 2, Stephen M issiuna; assists to Calum W ing, Joseph DaCosta, Ian Funk, Stephen Missiuna) PEWEE RED (Oct. 18) TEAM 8 WRANGLERS 3 (goals to Michael Burns, Brad W eiler 2; assists to Michaeel Ledgerwood, G arett Scruton, Domenix DeBellis, S cott G ailant G raham Mourn, Mac Jackson), TEAM 4 LUMBERJACKS 0 TEAM 5 WOLFPACK 1 (goals to Devin Tyrell; assists to Luke Kriel), VIKINGS 0 TEAM 6 HOUND DOGS 4 ( goals to David Forbes, Ian Paradis 2, Jeffery Peebles; assists to Kyle McFall 2, Adarn Zamora, Dane Spivak, M atthew Hadfield, David Forbes, Kevin Degruijter), TEAM 2 SAINT HILDAS EAGLES 0 TEAM 7 GATORS 1 ( goals to Adam Laquintana; assists to David M ontelpare, Brendan C houinard), TEAM 3 WINGS 1 ( goals to Ryan Godfrey; assists to Joshua Rice, Mitchell Houlahan) TEAM 5 WOLFPACK 1 ( goals to David Black; assists to Matthew Blake, Bradely Coates), TEAM 8 W RANGLERS 2 ( goals to G arrett Scuton, Michael Burns; assists to Mac Johnson, Brad Weiler, Mark Nicholl) TEAM 6 HOUND DOGS 4 (goals to Kevin Degruijter, Ian Paradis, Jeff Peebles, Adam Zamora), TEAM 7 GATORS 3 (goals to Tyler Planeta Justin Szolopiak, Adam Laquintana; assists to Jam es Peebles, David Montelpare, Justin Szolopiak) VIKINGS 1 ( goals to David Nasu; assists to W illiam Hyde, Jason Brown, shut out to Dominic Palmeieri), TEAM 4 LUMBERJACKS 0 TEAM 2 EAGLES 1 ( goals to Michael Jonker; assists to Sean McCabe), TEAM 3 W INGS 4 (goals to George Lazaris, Dylan Husar, Ryan Godfrey, Andrew Lee; assists to Andrew Lee, Kevin Quinlan, Joshua Rice, George Lazaris). G-HAC CROSS COUNTRY - top finishers MIDGET BOYS 1 Alex Doma Notre Dame *2 Chris Romaniw St. T. More 3 Matt Smith Q.E. Park ` 4 Ashton Roza Acton *5 Phil Thevenin White Oaks 9 Sterling Holmes Q.E. Park 15 Shea Johnson Q.E. Park 19 Andrew Edwards Q.E. Park 20 Damien Molicard-Chartier Q.E. Park 24 Chad Johnson Q.E. Park 25 David Nagy Q.E. Park TEAM: 1, Q.E. Park 46; 2, Notre Dame Acton 108; 4, Loyola 135 18:11 19:07 19:12 19:32 19:33 20:21 20:57 21:31 21:40 22:11 22:17 48; 3, MIDGET GIRLS *1 Sadie McClure Georgetown 12:10 "2 Caitlin Cross Aquinas 12:15 *3 Jamie Greeinfield Bishop Reding 12:19 4 Melissa Bigg Acton 12:27 5 Laura Bartlett Notre Dame 12:32 7 Addy Soeder Blakelock 12:43 8 Rebecca Tresham Q.E. Park 12:45 14 Poppy Sanders Iroquois Ridge 13:12 17 Amanda Lee Q.E. Park 13:19 18 Katy Hughes Q.E. Park 13:22 19 Chantal Desrochers Iroquois Ridge 13:35 20 Victoria Povilaitis Q.E. Park 13:37 21 Meagan Gage Oak. Trafalgar 13:43 23 Alexandra Kurgan Appleby 13:46 25 Rosalyn Chiu Oak Trafalgar 13:55 TEAM: 1, Notre Dame 35; 2, Q.E. Park 63; 3, Christ the King 94; 4, Georgetown District 115; 56, Bishop Reding 141 JUNIOR GIRLS *1 Kathryn Matheson White Oaks 16:55 *2 Stephanie VanVeen Aquinas 17:05 *3 Hailey McLaren Nelson 17:13 4 Maria Pajerska Notre Dame 17:22 5 Haley Vaccariello Noly Trinity 17:31 10 Nicole Rumble Loyola 18:42 11 Megan Burns Aquinas 18:46 14 Lisa Telebar Loyola 19:01 17 Monica Lau Loyola 19:16 18 Laura Adamarczuk Loyola 19:27 19 Sarah Wilbore Blakelock 19:30 23 Christine Hunter Iroquois Ridge 19:39 24 Amy Keane Loyola 20:14 TEAM: 1, Notre Dame 38; 2, St. Mary's 46; 3, Loyola 59; 4, Assumption 129; 5, Lord Elgin 169 SENIOR GIRLS *1 Mary Ross Burl. Central 20:00 *2 Leah Weagant Loyola 20:56 *3 Jeannine Deneau Nelson 20:57 4 Amanda Lemus St. Mary's 21:17 5 Shannon Sloan Milton District 21:27 10 Valentina Taiakina Blakelock 22:16 15 Courtney Kirkby Q.E. Park 23:36 17 Nikki Koenig Q.E. Park 23:45 23 Heather Lockie White Oaks 25:08 24 Brooke Johnson Q.E. Park 25:10 TEAM: 1, St. Mary's 40; 2, Georgetown District 59; 3, Q.E. Park 84; 4, Loyola 94; 5, Milton 98 * individual qualifiers Ed. note: top five are listed plus all other Oakville G-HAC top 25 finishers. JUNIOR BOYS *1 Mike McGill Christ the King 23:21 *2 Andre Simon Bishop Ryan 23:40 3 Mike Mallette St. Mary's 23:50 ·4 Scott Samuel Loyola 24:46 5 Steven Dodds Q.E. Park 24:52 7 Marco Tschan Q.E. Park 25:11 9 Adam Maduri Loyola 25:29 12 Julian Richards Iroquois Ridge 25:53 13 Kyle Morrison Loyola 25:57 17 Stephen Caelers Iroquois Ridge 26:05 18 EricSilius Loyola 26:08 21 Matt Tribe Aquinas 26:27 22 Garrett Wooton Appleby 26:41 24 Ahmed Soliman Aquinas 26:44 TEAM: 1, Loyola 44; 2, St. Mary's 56; 3, Q.E. Park 74; 4, Notre Dame 93; 5, Bishop Ryan 122 SENIOR BOYS 1 Kyle Jones Q.E. Park 24:37 2 Mike Usnarski Notre Dame 25:40 3 James Kozak Q.E. Park 26:09 4 Richard Garton Q.E. Park 26:10 5 M attGulka Notre Dame 26:15 '6 Jeff Barr Aldershot 26:17 7 Scott Chase Q.E. Park 26:50 8 Andrew Lindsay Notre Dame 26:54 *9 Jared Thomson St. Mary's 26:55 10 Filipp Prostran Q.E. Park 27:33 *11 Stephen Desmond Nelson 27:35 13 Matt Turner Loyola 28:25 14 Cam Shephard Q.E. Park 28:37 17 Chris Georgas Appleby 29:28 18 Paul Simmelsgaard-Brown I. Ridge 29:36 25 Andew Filice Loyola 30:20 TEAM: 1, Q.E. Park 15; 2, Notre Dame 35; 3, Georgetown District 65; 4, Loyola 112; 5, Bishop Reding 147; 6. Appleby College 174 Q.E. Park finishes third to help the Q.E. Park team win the midget boys title and qualify for OFSAA. The other OFSAAbound Q.E. Park competitors are Sterling Holmes (9th), Shea Johnson (15th), Andrew Edwards (19th) and Damien Molicard-Chartier (20th). Also qualifying as the third best individ ual from G-HAC (not already on an OFSAA bound team) is Phil Thevenin of White Oaks with a fifth-place finish. MIDGET GIRLS: Caitlin Cross of Aquinas finished second j n G-HAC to qualify as an individual for OFSAA. Q.E. Park finished second in the team competition to qualify its five-member team to OFSAA, including Rebecca Tresham (8th), Amanda Lee (17th), Katy Hughes (18th), Victoria Povilaitis (20th) and Lauren Ioannou (40th). Oakville Rangers triple-A rep hockey round-up PAIR OF TOUGH LOSSES The Oakville Rangers peewee AAA rep team were doubled 4-2 by Welland Tigers October 24, the last goal into an empty net. Oakville had fought back from a 2-0 deficit on a pair of gods by Patrick Marsh, but Welland broke the tie well into the third period. Assists went to Tyler Stothers (2) and Matthew Lorito. Andrew Neuwald made a key play on the second goal, keeping in a Welland clearing attempt at the blue line. The Rangers couldn't quite overcome a 3-0 deficit, los ing 3-2 to Brampton Battalion on Oct. 27. Oakville goals were scored by Cameron Watts and Patrick Marsh. Assists went to Glen MacDonald (2), Max Mihaichuk and Tyler Stothers. HAT-TRICK BEFORE LEAVING Kelly Barchan only played a period before being thrown of the game on a controversial call, but he still managed to earn a hat-trick as the Oakville Rangers minor peewee AAA rep team defeated host St. Catharines Sabres 9-3. Other goals were scored by Mark Bennett (2), Austin Gregoris and Mathew McKeown. Assists went to Justin Pereira (3), Mathew McKeown (2), Bryce McRae (2), Bradley Morris and Michael Mirabelle. Halton high school standings and scores BOYS FOOTBALL - final (Senior Volpe) (Junior Volpe) Division one Team W L T PF PA P A ssum ption 6 0 0 205 240 12 Nelson 5 1 0 139 76 10 M.M. Robinson 4 2 0 101 128 8 · Notre Dam e 4 2 0 154 101 8 A quinas 2 4 0 91 154 4 L ord Elgin 1 5 0 103 186 2 Loyola 1 5 0 59 130 2 Iroquois Ridge I 5 0 71 201 2 L ast w eek's results: N elson 28, Lord Elgin 21; Aquinas 17, L oyola 12; Notre D am e 37, Iroquois R idge 7; A ssum ption 35, M .M . Robinson 21. PLAY OFF A S S U M P T IO N VS N E L S O N a t Ivor W ynne Friday, 10:30 a.m. (G olden Horseshoe Bowl playdow n game) F R ID A Y (2 p.m .): Iro q u o is R idge at Aquinas; Loyola at Lord Elgin. Division one Team W L T PF PA P Burlington Cent. 5 I 0 198 38 10 Assum ption 5 1 0 142 66 10 Notre Dame 4 2 0 111 71 8 Nelson 4 2 0 134 77 8 Loyola 3 3 0 127 80 6 Lord Elgin 1 5 0 91 183 2 Aldershot 1 5 0 62 194 2 M .M . Robinson 1 5 0 53 209 0 L ast w eek's results: N otre D am e 21, A ldershot 6; Robinson 33, Lord Elgin 30; Assum ption 14. Loyola 7; Nelson 16, Burlington Central 7. PLAYOFF THURSDAY, 2 p.m.: M.M. Robinson at Burlington Central; Aldershot at Assumption; Lord Elgin at Notre Dame; Loyola at Nelson. Division two Team W L T PF PA P Holy Trinity 6 0 0 254 46 12 Iroquois Ridge 5 1 0 148 49 10 Oak Trafalgar 5 1 0 162 61 10 Blakelock 4 2 0 132 45 8 M ilton 2 4 0 51 118 4 W hite Oaks 1 5 0 34 138 2 Q.E. Park 1 5 0 39 164 2 Aquinas 0 6 0 12 211 0 Last w eek's results: Q.E. Park 21, Aquinas 0; Blakelock 22, M ilton 8; Holy Trinity 41, Oak Trafalgar 19; Iroquois Ridge 22, W hite Oaks 0. PLAYOFF TODAY (Wednesday), 2 p.m.: Holy Trinity vs Aquinas; Q.E. Park at Iroquois Ridge; W hite Oaks at Oakville Trafalgar; M ilton at Blakelock. (Division two) Team W L T PF PA P Q.E. Park 6 0 0 170 37 12 Pearson 5 1 0 109 98 10 Burlington Cent. 4 2 0 95 38 8 Oak Trafalgar 4 2 0 115 76 8 M ilton 3 3 0 109 104 6 Aldershot 2 4 0 75 92 4 Blakelock 1 5 0 83 144 2 Bishop Reding 1 5 0 51 168 2 W hite Oaks 1 5 0 39 105 2 Last week's results: Q.E. Park 24, White Oaks 12; Milton 43, Bishop Reding 0; Pearson 38, Blakelock 29; Burlington Central 29, Aldershot 7. FRIDAY (2 p.m.): Bishop Reding at Q.E. Park; Blakelock at Pearson; Aldershot at Burl. Central; M ilton at Oakville Trafalgar. GIRLS BASKETBALL (Senior Volpe) W L PF PA P Team Aquinas 6 0 402 163 12 Iroquois Ridge 1 270 151 10 5 Blakelock 4 2 258 196 8 4 Bishop Reding 2 218 196, 8 4 Loyola 3 246 253 8 Oak. Trafalgar 4 3 205 177 8 Q.E. Park 3 3 151 217 6 Milton 1 6 136 275 2 King's Christian 1 6 107 287 2 W hite Oaks 0 6 212 128 0 Last week's results: Bishop Reding 46, Loyola 36; Milton 38, King's Christian 20; Aquinas 68, Oak Trafalgar 31; Q.E. Park 31, White Oaks 30; Bishop Reding 40, Q.E. Park 17; Iroquois Ridge 57, Milton 12; Loyola 39, King's Christian 12; Oak Trafalgar 32, W hite Oaks 18. (Junior Volpe) Team W L PF PA P E.C. Drury 7 0 350 206 14 1 323 248 12 Iroquois Ridge 6 2 401 196 10 Holy Trinity 5 Oak Trafalgar 5 2 244 175 10 Aquinas 5 3 366 238 10 Loyola 5 3 326 223 10 Blakelock 5 258 306 6 3 Milton 2 5 194 325 4 W hite Oaks 1 6 121 294 2 Bishop Reding 1 6 128 302 2 King's College 0 7 74 359 0 Last week's results: Loyola 32, Bishop Reding 19; E.C. Drury 44, Iroquois Ridge 28; Milton 52, King's Christian 18; Oak Trafalgar 30, Aquinas 26; Holy Trinity 49, Blakelock 27; E.C. Drury 58, Blakelock 41; Iroquois Ridge 68, Milton 18; Loyola 51, King's Christian 7; Oak Trafalgar 33, White Oaks 18; Aquinas 46, Holy Trinity 31. BOYS VOLLEYBALL (Senior Volpe) Team G W L P Blakelock 7 7 0 14 Oak Trafalgar 6 5 1 10 Q.E. Park 6 4 2 6 Loyola 6 4 2 6 Aquinas 7 3 4 6 Bishop Reding 6 2 4 4 E.C. Drury 7 1 6 2 K ing's Christian 7 0 7 0 Last week's results: Loyola 2, Bishop Reding 0; Oak Trafalgar 2, A quinas 0; Q.E. Park 2, Bishop Reding 1; Blakelock 2, E.C. Drury 0; Loyola 2, K ing's Christian 0 (Junior Team Holy Trinity Oak Trafalgar Milton Blakelock W hite Oaks Aquinas Iroquois Ridge Loyola Bishop Reding E.C. Drury Q.E. Park King's Christian Volpe) G w 10 10 10 9 10 8 10 7 10 6 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 3 10 3 10 2 10 0 L 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 P 20 18 16 14 12 8 8 8 6 6 4 0 L ast w eek's results: Loyola 2, B ishop R eding 0; Iroquois Ridge 2, E.C. D rury 0; M ilton 2, K in g 's C h ristian 0; O ak T rafalgar 2, A quinas 0; W hite O aks 2, A quinas 0; W hite Oaks 2, Q.E. Park 0; Holy T rinity 2, B lakelock 0; B ishop Reding 2, Q.E. Park 0; B lakelock 2, E.C. D rury 0; M ilton 2, Iroquois R idge 1; L o y o la 2, K in g 's C hristian 0; O ak T rafalgar 2, W hite O aks 0; H oly T rinity 2, A quinas 0. Open house The O akville Swords Fencing Academy is hold ing a free open house at the Burloak Canoe Club (150 Water Street) on Sunday, Nov. 10, noon to 4 p.m. For more information, contact Kelly Litowski at (905) 639-7180 or O akvillesw ords@ OAKVILLE D E S Friday, Nov. 1 at 7:45 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2 at 7:45 p.m. ,» · * at Oakville Ice Sports Centre HAM ILTON K IL T Y As ! vs 'y \y j OAKVILL6 ftlfllW r^ V " -- . ... M ILTON M ERCHANTS vs OAKVILL ftLADCS at Oakville Ice Sports Centre