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Oakville Beaver, 30 Oct 2002, Artscene, C08

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C8 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 30, 2002 NOVEMBER 300 2 Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com THE Ilim \R Y SEASON Bookers Bookstore. 172 Lakeshore Rd. E, Oakville · 905 · 844-5501 · bookers@sympatico.ca ARTSCENE \\'\ A >MLSI). w . <x :\ ( >1 m-:i < :?<). 2 0 0 2 · 1 >;i^ e ( :<s m O F F IC O O K IIC S l l \ l ( I H O \ l i t I K I IO N 1. QUENTINS, by Maeve Binchy Place of work driving force behind paintings Ford assembler inspired by people, personalities and the environment at truck plant By Paula Henriques OA K V ILLE B E A V E R S T A F F 2. THE LOVELY BONES, by Alice Sebold 3. IN THIS MOUNTAIN, 4. by Ja n Karon BAUDOLLNO, by Um berto Eco 5. NIGHTS IN RODANTHE, by Nicholas Sparks 6. CROW LAKE, by Mary Lawson 7. BLESSINGS, by A nna Q uindlen 8. THE TRADE MISSION, by Andrew Pyper 9. RUSH HOME ROAD, by Lori Lansens 10. THOUSAND COUNTRY ROADS, by Robert Jam es Waller 11. THE BEACH HOUSE, by Jam es Patterson 12. THEJANSON DIRECTIVE, by Robert Ludlum 13. RED RABBIT, by Tom Clancy 14. Q IS FOR QUARRY by Sue Grafton 15. GRAVE SECRETS, by Kathy Reichs T H E IJ T E K A R Y B E S T 1. TESTAMENT, by Nino Ricci (Brunch Event, Nov. 3) 2. THE PETTY DETAILS OF SO AND SO'S LIFE, by Camilla Gibb (Brunch Event, Nov. 3) 3. THE LAST CROSSING, by Guy Vanderhaeghe (Brunch Event, Nov. 3) 4. FRAGRANT HARBOUR, by John Lanchester (InStcm Signing, Non 17) 5. THE NAVIGATOR OF NEW YORK, by Wayne Johnston (Giller/Govenor General' s Nominee, Brunch Event, Feb. 2, 2003) 6. LOST GARDEN, by H elen H um phreys (Brunch Event, Feb. 2, 2003) 7. LIFE OF PI, by Yann Martel (Booker Prize Winner) By day, Peter Marangi is an assem bler at Ford's Oakville Truck Plant, by night he's an artist. The faces, friends, personalities, and environment at the Ford plant are the inspiration behind his newest compila tion of art entitled, The Ford Series. "I take a personal element of the people I work with home. I'tn inspired every day," he said. His good friend Akbar Khan started it all. A Muslim, Khan would pray at work maybe five times a day, said Marangi. "In the middle of steel, sparks, he could pause and capture such peace. I said to myself, `wow'." Using aluminum siding as his canvas, Marangi put his respect for Khan into illustra tion. The grey aluminum background captures the Ford environment and in the centre, framed with lines of blues, yellows, reds, and whites is Khan, his graceful form in a bow, praising his God. The Ford Series continues with "M ommy", a tough Jamaican woman, who he loved having around at work, "because nobody messed with us" when she was on the job. The others in the series capture the "dark time" when Ford announced the truck plant was to close. All paint ings have the same alu minum background, all with a crisp, hard edge outlining the figures. Marangi said the work is a tribute to all the workers at Ford. "I wanted to put some thing together that was time less." The Ford Series and other paintings will be presented at the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre in Hamilton Jan. 10-F e b . 15. There is no cost. Opening night is at 7:30 p.m. Marangi, age 30, calls his work a fusion, or a culmina tion of different styles and mediums. But it was all accidental, he said. He likes to experi ment with different textures, like cardboard, and just "bang the hell out of it." In his Ford Series, he cre ated paint chips, scratched the aluminum, and produced a rough edging along the painting to create an industri al look. "Ford has been a 100 per cent influence on me. I take Ford home with me," he said. Due to his Ford Series his artwork has graced the cov- Peter C.McCusker · Oakville Beaver As an assembler at Oakville's Ford Truck Plant, Peter Marangi was able to capture his on-the-job experiences through his unique artwork. His latest paintings are called The Ford Series. ers and pages of magazines such as Edge Magazine, E Business Journal, and is currently work ing on a cover for Microsoft Ideas. But it took him nine years to finally realize his talent. Marangi returned to Sheridan College after a nine-year hiatus and graduated from the illustra tion program in April and was presented with the 2002 Illustration Program Faculty Award for his achievements. But, he said, he never would have gone back to school if it weren't for Ford, and his volun teer work at a local church. With the rumours flying about the intended closure of the Ford Truck plant, Marangi decided it was time "I got off my butt and did not wait for someone to tell me if I have a job or not. It was frustrat ing to wait." At the same time he wanted to volunteer at his local church, St. James, but didn't know in what area he could offer his services. So he gave them art in the form of a calendar commem orating the 500th anniversary of Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria. in getting me back into the art work. She made me realize my talent." Marangi's first indication that he had a knack for visual cre ativity came about when he was very young. O f Italian heritage, Marangi would regularly visit Montalbano, Italy, his parents' hometown. From these summer visits stemmed the The Things I Learned Series, a collection of work dedicated to the people he met at Montalbano. His creativity also stems to music. A musician in a band called The Syndicate, Marangi said their music translates into his art. He said it's this culmina tion of influences from his life that have allowed him to create his unique pieces. "It all beautifully relates. Working at Ford for nine years, the confidence gained from being on stage. It all helped." Marangi can be reached at petermarangi @sympatico.ca. 8. UNLESS, by Carol Shields (Giller/Govemor General' s Nominee) 9. FAMILYMATTERS. by R ohinton Mistry (Booker Nominee) " I wanted to put some thing together that was timeless. Ford has been a 100 per cent influence on me. I take Ford home with me." · Peter Marangi He said it was a lot of work and a huge job, but "if it wasn't for the Catholic calendar I never would have gone back to school. I told myself, `God gave you this talent. You gotta do something about it.'" A father of two, Marangi said his wife was also a big inspira tion. "She was very instrumental 10. THE STORY OF LUCY GAULT, by William Trevor (Booker Nominee) 11. THE POLISHED HOE, by Austin Clarke (GiUer Nominee) 12. CASE OF LENA S, by David Bergen (Governor General' s Nominee) 13. EXILE, by A nn Ireland (Governor General' s Nominee) 14. THE AUTOGRAPH MAN, by Zadie Smith (Booker Nominee) 15. MOUNT APPETITE, by Bill Gaston (Giller Nominee) Best Bets provided courtesy o f Custom Designs, Custom Finishes, Top Quality Cabinetry, Competitively Priced, Free In-Home Service, Lifetime Warranty B o o Ic e r s 632-0029 South Service Rd w w w .E u r e k a 4 y o u .c o m / u n iq u e c a b in e ts | Appleby | W alkers 4 1 5 0 South Service Rd. Burlington QEW Imque Cabinet Concepts | | I 50 f* to Nov. 3 International Centre, Hall 3 Mississauga no . i This is where you w ant to be! V IS I T y j Oestinaca AT BOOTH #423 FOB TOUR CHANCE TO WIN 1 A K U N f TICKETS AROUND THf WORLD! 50+ DAY FRIDAY! Attendees 50+ World E n te rta in m e n t 2 FO RI ADMISSION on Friday November 1st! Visit us online for a chance to win a tr ip fo r 2 to th e D om inican R epublic th roughout th e weekrnd W IN! With 0 D O W N , 0 IN TEREST and 0 PAYMENTS for 1 YEAR, or N O GST, there's nothing this sale can't do!* Introducing the La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries® "Super Sale"! 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