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Oakville Beaver, 30 Oct 2002, C05

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 30, 2002 - C5 T h e Oakville B eaver LA-Z-BO YW S o f a s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A ^ ^ ^ >> An Extraordinary Selection QQ of the Finest Custom Fabrics. ^ X U U Imagine. Genuine La-Z-Boy at I I bI bI prices that will Delight you! w W w fo r Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm houses for sale $234,000 W atedow nGreat financing available! B eautiful detached 3bedroom. Private sale. 24/hr InfoL ine: 905-515-8515 www.hom esellcanada.com #2916_____________________ WATERDOWN Core. Quality & location. Custom-built 4bedroom s, loaded with upgrades. 60' lot. $369,000. Call 905-690-2124._________ BURLINGTON North. 4 yr Townhome. Reverse Rent to Own. Asking $195K/ $1400/m o.. M ichael Wan R ealty Inc., B roker 905877-2221 __________ HOUSE fo r sale. South Burlington, minutes to lake and shopping. Recent up grades. Asking $239,900 416-802-5204 C la ssified · f a 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k 'k ' k ' k ' k ' k Rivers of Money last year alone over 39 billion dollars flowed through our industry. Why not get a bucket & join in! Learn how to turn a secured investment of $19,000 into a lifetime potential income of up to $2000 cash/week working only P/T hours being your own boss. All you do is stock & collect cash. Please call only if you can be your own boss, have the time & the investment to start earning a cash income right away. Call Now for info pack. 24/hrs 1-800-661-6250 R E C E N T LY re n o v a te d h ou se w ith 3 -b e d ro o m apartment, on 1st floor. Novem ber 1st. All new a p p lia n c e s in c lu d in g d is h washer, c/a, wood burning stove in familyroom, park ing fo r 4 cars plus double garage . C lose to d o w n town Oakville. $1800/mo + utilities. 905-847-5374 PRIME Downtown Bur lington, Upgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Scenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643_______ W ATER DOWN: John St. W alk to Everything. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905-690-4454 · Circulation: 905-845-9742 ' Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 B urlington Towers The H otel A ltern a tive SHORT-TERM ACCOMMODATION T astefu lly F u rn ish ed Su ites · F u lly E q u ip p ed K itch en s · M ag n ificen t In d o o r P ool · Sau n a & F itn ess C en tre C O M E H O M E T O . CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedroom s · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · Playground · Parking L IV E -IN C a re g iv e r from C h in a , sp e a ks E n g lish . P rofessional experience, c o m p a s s o n a te care fo r children, elderly or d isa b le d . H e len 416708-8686________________ LO VING , caring daycare from one who loves child ren. Non-sm oker. Refer ences. Reasonable rates. Fun outings, walks, wellbalanced meals. All ages. Palm er area. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 4171. Beautiful Lakefront 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2 Bedroom Available Nov./ Dec. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. C A R EFR E E L IF E S T Y L E Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited BURLINGTON 1285 Ontario St. (at Maple) TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms With on-site Maintenance houses for rent 90 5*639*8583 O pen 7 Days per Week Trendy Burlington Neighbourhood 505 Lo cu st St. (Brant & Ontario) Walk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air Large 1&2 Bedroom Suites From $1'005/mo. · Dec. O ccupancy Call 9am-5pm: www.ontim.com________________ 905-639-3301 WORLD Vision needs vol unteers to help staff a booth at Sherway Mall from Dec. 2-22. Schedule flexible. Contact Rhonda: 905-5656200, X3512 or rhonda_ robinson@worldvision.ca y S i r f lost & found Early Education and Child Care with Wee Watch Private Home Day Care Just a short note to say how happy I am w ith the care that my son gets from his Provider. I am so happy that I chose Wee Watch over another source of child care. My son is so happy at his Provider's home. I think he is learning a lot with her and that h is individual needs are always m et' Tracy, Oakville, ON. CONDO- 1 bdrm, 1 den, open concept. All 5 major a ppliances in cl. Open House Sunday 2-4pm , 4013 Kilm er Dr. Unit 305. Asking 134,000. P rivate Sale. 905-315-8294________ WE specialize in C ondo minium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R ealtor, (905)333-4347 BEAUTIFUL W aterdow n! Edith Court Clean Apartments! Available Nov.,/Dec. Includes utilities. Parking Available. | 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim.com I I Tel: 905-333-9008 APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. ONE MONTH FREE!! (on 1-bedroom units) Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suiles EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE Very spacious executive duplex penthouse on the 20th floor spectacular views, private patios, 5 appliances, excellent securities. Amenities include indoor pool & sauna. Rental is $1850/mo (includes utilities cable & free underground parking for 12 months) L-- _ J 3250 Sq.ft. D rive-in door, 10% office, 18' clear. MSzoned. 2212 W yecroft Rd., O akville. C all 905-847____ 6486. SPEERS Rd. 4,150 sq. ft. Speers frontage, $10. sq. ft. + 2.75 TMI, available im mediately. 5,000 sq. ft. unit T-1 zoning $5.50 sq. ft. + 2.75 TMI. A vailable Jan. 2003. Both facilities in multi-user building. 905845-5051 I industrial /commercial space 905-690-1896 O A K V ILL E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777______________ VERY la rge 2-Bedroom Suites a v ailab le in wellmaintained O akville build ings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 OLD O akville. B e autifu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet b uilding downtown. Step out to shops. Bachelor from $750/mo. 1-bedroom from $985./mo; 2-bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave mes sage) . O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm. New appliances, window s. From $845./mo 905-844-5474 ____________ OAKVILLE 2-bedroom apart ment A va ila ble Nov/1 st Bronte, walk to lake. Close to all amenities, parking induded. Call 905-847-5505 DOWNTOWN O akvilleLarge 1 bedroom a p a rt ment (Duplex), natural pine flo o rs , deck, C/A, stove, fridge, dishwasher, washer/ dryer. Includes parking for 2 cars. $ 1 100/mo. + utilities. A fte r 2pm 905-3309449 or leave m essage, 905-639-5405._____________ W A LK to dow ntown O ak ville. Kerr St., Quiet build ing. Immediate. 2-bedroom. Parking. $825/m o. 905257-1669______________ O A K V ILL E , Eighth Line. Luxury 1-bedroom , new, basement apartment, park ing, separate entrance, se curity. No sm oking/ pets. W alk to am enities. $900/ mo. in clusive. D ec.1st. 905-257-9554._____________ O A K V ILL E . M ainfloor of small bungalow, available Dec.1st., near GO. Mature non-sm okers. $850/m o. + utilities. 905-337-3351. O A K V ILL E . 2-bedroom basement apartment, sep arate entrance. $900/m o. in clusive. No pets, no smoking. 905-829-1721 O A K V ILL E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2 -b e d ro o m - $1040/m o., avail. Sept. 1st. 3-bed ro o m - $1375/m o., avail, im m ediately (+parking). 905-844-9006 _____ ______ OAKVILLE: 392*Pine Ave. at C ornw all & T rafalga r. Renovated, large suites. W alk to E verything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905337-0910_________;________ O A K V IL L E - Near dow n town, brigh t 2-bedroom , large rooms, renovated w/ hardw ood floors, quiet building, across from park $800/mo. November or De cember 905-277-4728. FRESHLY painted, hard wood floors! 1&2 Bedroom apartments available Nov./ Dec. $849/mo.- $949/mo.+ parking. Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near GO & Malls. 905-639-7805________ BU RLIN G TO N - Large, 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near down town. P arking. $750/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885. BURLINGTON 2-bedroom, fireplace, 3-appliance, look ing over garden, Tyandaga area. Quiet building. Mature adults. 1011 sq.ft. Available December 1st. $1025/mo + parking. 905-336-6379 BURLINGTON Downtown. Spacious, 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet building. Avail able Dec. 1st $836/mo. 905-336-6690._____________ BURLINGTON. Quiet, bright, bachelor basement, parking, laundry, separate entrance, BBQ., private patio, nonsmoker, no pets. First/ last. D e c.1st. $725/m o. all inclusive. 905-631-9237. BU RLIN G TO N - 1 bdrm duplex, cen tra l location. Private entrance. Suit sin gle person non-sm oking. No pets. A va il. D e c.15. $850/m o. Inclusive. 905631-9095_________________ BURLINGTON Lakeshore/ Brant. Large, bright, completely renovated, lots of s tora ge. Clean, quiet building. 1&2 bedrooms starting from $899/mo. Call Stella, 905-681-8506 .______ VERY Nice 1 bdrm, small building. Downtown Oak v ille . $790/m o. + hydro. Call 905-469-0894_________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. Century building. Recently renovated 1-bedroom apt., available immediatly Please call Derek, 905-510-6529 SP AC IO US 1.2&3 Bed room s. Freshly painted, brigh t. C om petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846, Noon8pm______________________ BACH ELO R apartm ent, ground floor, quiet 5-plex. Speers/ 4th Line. Jan. 1st. $700/m o. inclusive. 905849-0423 RENOVATED 2-bedroom , from $999. includes utilities, one indoor parking, new fridge, stove, dishwasher. Oversize suites, steps from bus, GO, minutes to QEW/ w alking tra ils . G leam ing hardwood & ceramic floors. Fabulous view s from b a l conies/ large windows. Huge storage space. Sandra, 905-844-7355 2-BEDROOM apartm ents. 110 South Foster Park, O akville. Includes every thing. Nov. 1st. 905:8498411; 10am-8pm. __ 1-BEDRO O M, spacious basement apartm ent. Dec 1st. Parking, laundry, utili ties, cable, c/a. $795/mo. Non-smoker, no pets. Sin gle or couple. Upper M id dle / Sixth Line. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 1313______________________ ALDER SH O T (W est B u r lington) Newly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, availab le O ct./1st, $625+ hydro 905-633-8547________ ALDER SH O T- 3 rooms, full bath, 2nd floor, Plains Rd., parking, appliances, $875 u tilitie s included. 905-333-3449_____________ _ HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t., close to la ke/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, Dec., $975/mo.; 2-bedroom, Dec., from $975/m o. (+parking) 905-825-0816_____________ LUXURY Penthouse. 2bdrm, 2 washrooms. Steps to shopping, lake, Spencer Smith Park, security, 5 ap pliances, balcony & w ell appointed rooftop terrace w /highest 360 view in the city. Immediate. Long term preferred. $2200/m o. Chambers Hall Real Estate Inc., John Molnar 905-5255991 _________________ B E A U T IF U L 5-b e d ro o m fam ily home, w alking dis tance to O akville's dow n town. Hardwood floors, 5appliances, fresh ly paint ed, mature lot, a must see! N o n -s m o k e r, no pets. $1550m o. +utilities. Avail Nov 1st. C all J u lie 9053 3 7 - 8 5 0 6 ___________ B R O N TE a rea. 3 -b e d room cottage style house on oversized lot, heat and a ir, 1 b lo c k n o rth of Lake shore. $ 1 5 0 0 .mo + utilities. 905-317-9953 C O R N A TIO N P ark area. Charm ing farm house with ex te n s iv e renos. 3-bedroom s, 2.5 baths, 2 fire p la c e s , in g ro u n d pool. $2900/mo. Dec. 1st. Call Ruth Anne W inter, Royal Lepage Real Estate ServicesLtd. 905-845-4267 AP PLE BY Mall, 3-bed room semi, new broadloom, $995/mo. Guelph Line area. 4-bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1030/mo. Call 905632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. EXECUTIVE 3-bedroom , 2 firepla ces, double ga rage, ravine view, Nov/1 st $1950/m o + u tilitie s refe r ences. Non-sm oker, no pets preferred. 905-8473364________________ BRONTE- C om fortable 4 bdrm home, familyroom w/ FP, separate dining room, 2.5 bath, C/A, mature gar den, fenced yard, applianc es. Available Dec. 1 or Jan.1. Non-sm okers. $1650/mo. CaH 1-800-206-6548 O A K V ILL E in town. 4bedrooms, double garage, newly renovated, fireplace. Available Nov.1st. $1600/ mo. Call 905-257-1669. O A K V ILLE Place. Reno vated 4-bedroom, (3 levels of 4) 5-new appliances, (non-smoker/ no pets pre ferred.) $1495/mo. Private large lot. Realty System 75 Ltd. 905-844-2023._________ LOOKING for an execu tive rental? $1500- $5000/ mo. C all 905-847-5095, Ext.29, Active Management, w w w .theactiveoffice.com / _ rent________________ _ BURLING TO N. Headon Forest. Executive 4-bed room house, 2-baths, 5 ap pliances, fenced yard, ga rage, J a n .1st., $1300/mo. 905-336-5858.____________ RENT Alternative. Rent to Own options or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/ Max Escarpm ent Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258 email: ucanbuy2 @hotmail .com SPACIO US brick bunga low, 3-bedrooms, living/ di ningroom s, kitchen, bath room, attached garage, fin ished basement, large lot, backs onto creek, quiet lo cation, near schools/ buses/ shopping. Rebecca/ Fourth Line area. $1500/mo. +utilities. 905-845-3118.________ S1550/M 0. B eautiful 2storey detached home, 3bedroom s, 2-1/2 bath rooms, 5 appliances, wind ow coverings, C/A, C/V, fenced yard, quiet Oakville area. No smokers/ pets. Im mediate. Call Victor Saric, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty, 905-842-7000._____________ GLEN Abbey. $2600/m o. approx. 3100 sq.ft, 4-bedrooms, 2-1/2 bathroom s, main floor den, big fam ily room, mature fenced back yard, large deck. Long lease preferred. D e c.1st. Call Victor Saric, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty, 905842-7000._________ _______ O A K V ILLE 3-bedroom semi detached, C/A, private yard. A va ila ble N o v.1st. $1200/m o.+ u tilities. Call 905 -84 4-54 41, 905-5805441_____________________ 3-BEDRO O M S, finished basem ent, 2 bathroom s, garage, $1200/m o. 905847-1770________________ ALDERSHOT, Burlington. Well appointed semi, nice area. 2-bedroom s, near amenities, $960/mo. +utilities. No pets. 905-681-0262 EXECUTIVE house- 3000 sq.ft, 4 bedrpoms, finished basement, large yard, near schools, S.E. Burlington. No pets, $1800/mo. Immediate. 905-639-2674 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr, Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDR00MS $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 FOUND Cats: Torti. cat in Costco parking lot. We call " A shley"; O range tabby, M apleview M all area, we call " Irwin"; Grey cat, Brant/ G reenbank area. We call " Banks". Please call 905637-7325__________________ FOUND: Large orange & white male cat Brant & Up per Middle. "Matt" Call 905637-7325__________________ FOUND: Tattooed black young dog. F airview / Guelph Line. Call to identify. Call 905-637-7325 FOUND: young male grey/ w hite cat w/w hite paws. G rosvenor St. (between Grand & Kim berley) 905842-6749 F T T 1 nannies live-in/out overseas caregivers/ nanTiies available fo r hire/ sponsorship. No fee to em ployer. D etails: 416-2369070 _______________ FU LL-TIM E Nanny re quired. Burlington. Must be reliable, experienced, lov ing to care for 6 month old infant. ECE beneficial. Nonsm oker only. References required. Fax resume: 905315-9998.____________ · Exclusive "Wee Learn" Program · Small number of children · Caring, screened Providers · Full time and part time care · Back up service 1* 1^ . ·T a x Receipts IW v For more information ^ W & t c h Please call: TM P r h a * Home Dbt Care Oakville 905-337-9221 Burlington/Waterdown 905-632-0551 articles for sale A king pillow -top m attress set w ith fram e. New in plastic. Cost $1599. Sacri fice $650. 905-567-9459 BAR (5-1/2x3-1/2x20") w/2 full shelves and 3 matching swivel chairs. All 4pcs. ex ce lle n t cond ition, $225. 905-332-8345, leave message. MOVING- W hite w asher/ dryer. Fridge & stove all in e xcellen t condition. 905335-2059__________________ NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! U n lim ited AOL & in te rn e t fre e fo r 6 months! The Buck a Day Company, call 1-800-7728617. www.buckaday.com J F r n BURLOAK PLACE Mm@ uem§ On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 From$1075./mo. +parking. 416-921-9812 A V AILAB LE Imm ediately3 bdrm, 5 appliances, C/A. $1175/mo. + utilities. Call Sandy 905-338-7482 BRONTE. 3-bedroom townhouse. 2 minute walk to lake. Dec. 1,5th. $1250/ mo.+ u tilitie s . 9 0 5 -8 2 7 8983______________________ PRIME Bu rlington office space, 600 sq.ft. ground floor, also 275 sq.ft on 2nd floor. Commerce Crt. Fairvie w / W alkers Line. C all 905-336-1950._____________ O FFICE- 2 room s, 1st floor, A/C, parking, storage, Plains Rd., $1200 all inclusive. 905-333-3449________ O FFICE- 3 rooms, private bath, A/C, 2nd floor, Plains Rd., Parking, $1150 all indusive. 905-333-3449 LAKES H O R E/ Bronte900 sqft. Includes bathroom & kitchenette. Dec.1. Suit able for chiropractor/ medical. 905-632-0364 _ O A K V ILL E Downtown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 1400 sqft. $1475/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135. PublicN otice W e h a v e th e a p a rtm e n t y o u 're lo o k in g fo r! 2-Bedroom s · O ctober 6 John Street, O akville 905-845-4751 1 D a y A p p ro v a ls *M a n a g e d b y G reen w in P ro p e rty 431 Martha St., Downtown Burlington. 2- 2 bedrooms from $75 0./m o. Includes heat, water, parking. First/ la st required. 905-6372820 I 2-BEDRO O M S: $870 / mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Rental O ffice Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761____________ " B R O N T E - 2-bdrm . suite in small building. South of Lakeshore, 77 Nelson. $1050/mo includes utilities. 905-634-2628__________ ___ BR O N TE- 2220 M arine Dr, lakeviews, freshly reno vated, quiet building. Start ing from $1100/mo includ ing parking. 905-825-9616 2-BEDRO O M available Dec. 1st. $995/mo. includes heat, hydro & parking. Quiet building on Bronte Rd. & Lakeshore area. Close to everything . C all Steve, 905-827-6783______________ REFINED Tenants for 1&2 bedroom s uites in luxury buildings close to Burling ton M all. C all the " P rin cess", 905-639-8009 or "Regency" 905-681-8115 1&2 Bedroom Apartm ents A v a ila ble D e c.1st from From $795./m o. C onven ie n tly located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265______________ Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore O n the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 Bdrms Avail. Dec. rom $980/mo. BO OKKEEPING Services a vailab le fo r sm all b u s i ness. Over 15 years experi ence. Call 905-319-2945 or fax: 905-319-1406._________ [ j u ] mortgage, loans M O R TG A G E S . R e sid e n tia l/ Comm ercial. Lines of Credit. Best rates. In-home s e rv ic e . L e n d in g D ire ct Corp., 905-566-1403 C A LL Sinclair- Cockburn, 1-905-844-1245 1-yr 4.10; 5-yr 5.30, ARM 1.99. Also equity mortgage programs, > regardless of incom e or ' credit. m furnished rentals EXECUTIVE Coronation Park re n ta l- 3bdrm , fu r nished split-level home. 2 fu ll baths, inground pool, large property w/m ature trees, near lake. Rent ne gotiable on maintenance of swimming pool. Credit ref erences/ employment letter required Non-smoking/pets. $2650/m o. Steve Kolbuc, Royal LePage 905-845- 4267 FURNISHED B urlington Luxury 1&2 bedroom pres tig io u s condos. From $48.95/day. 24-hr. security. Im m ediate. S h ort/ long term . 905-632-8354; 905632-6189._____________ NEW LY Furnished base ment apartm ent. Palm er area. Includes utilities, ca ble, laundry, separate en trance. A vailable im m edidately. m onth-to-m onth. $900/m o. No pets, nonsmoking. 905-332-6742. STUCK between homes?. Beautifully furnished upscale tow ns! O ak/B url, fu lly equipped. Daily, weekly, m onthly. From $99/day. w w w .fu rn is h e d c o rp o ra te rentals.com 905-616-3667 TR AVE LSU ITE S.N E T ... Log on! " New" C orporate Luxury Accommodations. 1-4 bedroom s/ baths. All amenities. 40++ locations. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. From $49.95* per night. (Visa MasterCard/ AmEx). Leave mess: 905-681 -7355 LIVE-IN Nanny required BRONTE. $1,450/mo. Ex a.s.a.p., 2 children in Bur ecutive townhom e. Near lington. Flexible. English a Lake & Harbour. 3-bed must. Legal. References. rooms, 4-baths, fireplace, eat-in kitchen, appliances, , 416-699-6931._____________ finished recroom, garage. MATURE reliable live-out Immediate possession. Call Nanny required full-time for Carm an M unro 905-8474 children, South Burling 5677._____________________ ton. Car required. R efer ences. 905-333-0053. BRONTE. 3-bedroom s, 11/2 baths, 4 appliances mother's helpers hardw ood floors, $1100/ mo. + u tilitie s. A vailable Mother's Helper: Dec.lst. 905-338-8041 S.E. O akville fam ily lo ok GEORGIAN Court E s ing for help due to illness. tates, King/ Plains Rd., Bur Duties include childcare, lington. Large 2&3 bed w ith a m ixture of driving, room townhouses, full h o u se h o ld d u tie s . Boys basements. Call 905-632aged 4 & 6, (JK and Grade 8547______________________ 1). Cell-phone voice mail 9 0 5 -6 0 1 -8 1 6 8 , le ave O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom name and phone number. townhouse available Dec.lst. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 BEFOR E/ after school BURLINGTON short-term care in my home. Maple rental. Exclusive Fairwood Ave./ Maple Crossing. 905PI. Executive 2+ Br. town 6 3 1 - 9 1 0 4 ___________ house, 4-baths, 2-gas fire ECE Mother provides day place, skylights, state of art care, references, lunches, kit. -sub-zero fridge, etc. receipts. 3-10 years, Pros A va ila ble N ov.1-A pril/30 pect/ Guelph Line. Please (flexible). NO smokers/No call, 905-633-8232._________ pets. $2000/mo + heat/hy. dro. Call 905-628-8861 BURLING TO N- Executive end unit overlooking Bay, 2+1 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5appliances, $1395/m o. -^utilities. 905-634-2628. BURLING TO N, Brant Street, Large 2-bdrm townhouse (no basement), fenced yard, hardwood, laundry. N ov./Dec. $895/ mo. 905-336-7207 SW EET Pea Path re g is tered daycare offers caring, le arning environm ent. Mt. Forest/ Guelph Line/ Brant. 905-336-6559. 905-681-7126 O A K V ILL E . Steps from dow ntown. 1-bedroom , $900- $925/mo. Dec./ Jan. U tilities/ parking included. Quiet building, wheelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 B U R LO AK 2-bedroom basem ent, 4 appliances, parking, $675/mo. Kerr/ Lakeshore, Oakville- 1-bdrm second flo o r, parking, $695/mo; Mapleview, 2-bdrm condo/apt., indoor pool, sauna, exercise room, cable, parking, $875/incl. 905-632-5690 A lbert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor C E N TR AL O ak v ille lo ca tio n - 1& 2 bdrm units. $800-$1000/mo. Includes cable, u tilitie s , parking. 905-842-5095 LA KES H O R E/ Maple. Burlington. 2-bedroom , $950/m o., a vailab le Dec. 1st. 3-bedroom , $1150/ mo., availab le N o v .1st. + parking. H eat/ hydro in cluded. Lakefront view. In doo r pool. Bus stops at door. Near M apleview / hosp ital. Hwy. access. 905-632-5258______________ HUGE 1-basem ent a p a rt ment close to QEW & Ap pleby GO. Separate en trance, laundry, parking. Immediate. 905-632-5638 1 and 2-bedroom a p a rt ment a vailab le for im m e diate occupancy. 2-blocks W est of O akville Place. Close to am enities. Heat, hot water, parking, includ___ ed. 905-847-1138 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-Bedroom , D ec.1st. 1363 Lakeshore, B urlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905637-8431, 7-days, 9am6pm, (Ring Apt. #101) TY AN D AG A Terrace A partm ents: One 2-bed room, 2-storey, Nov./Dec. Situated on- private, park like grounds. Freshly deco rated 1&2 storey with w/o to private cedar patio. Tyandaga Terrace, 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0016; 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336-0015______________ DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 1,2&3 Bedrooms, Nov./Dec. Freshly decorated, spacious, well m aintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321___________ __ CE N TR ALLY located, well- m aintained, spacious 1&2 bedrooms, Nov./Dec. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Bur lington, 905-637-3921 NEW LY R enovated- for rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all ameni ties. $1050 to $1275./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Q ueen Mary Drive 905844-9670 BA BYS ITTER needed for 3yrs old child in my home. FT flexible hours, may bring your child. 905-336-6579 FULL-TIM E live-out nanny for ten month old boy. SE O a kville . S ta rt Jan. 905338-2570_________________ LIVE-IN position (Oak Park) in v o lv in g b e fo re / a fte r sch o o l care fo r 2 elementary school children with occasional babysitting. Exchange of services for re n t in new , p riv a te , detached apt. Ideal for Sheridan student. January start. (416)-604-- 4062 BED, queen pillo w -to p mattress, box, frame. Never used. Still packaged. Cost $1,025. Sell $450. 905- « O F F IC E furniture: ex e cu tiv e / s e cre ta ria l desks, 567-4042__________________ chairs, credenza s, misc. BEDROOM set. 8-pce, item s (m ostly oak). View cherrywood. Bed, chest, tri10-4pm Lease Truck Inc. dresser, m irror, night 412 1B M orris D rive, Burstands, dovetail construc lington.____________________ tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice PIAN O Kaway CE7 $2800. 905-567-9459 upright, value $3800 sell $2500. 905-631-6402 BEDS, New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/ P IN E d re s s e r w / m irro r frame. Futons. Free Delivery. $75; m a tc h in g h ig h b o y Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" $50; 48" round steelcase colour TVs, portable CD pedestal table, wood lam players. 905-681-9496. inate top $50; Ikea black entertainment console $50. BRASS Bed- Double size 905-847-0425__________ __ m attress & box spring. PORTABLE facial/ waxing $200. 2 bikes, 10 speed, 125/ea. 905-335-5487 b e d - exce lle n t cond ition, never used, $175. 905BRIDGESTO NE B lizzak 332-1559_________________ 175/70R 13-inch set of 4 on rim s, 2-seasons old PRINTS, "Children in art", $100. OBO B ridgestone signed by a rtist, fram ed, Blizzak 195/60R 15-inch set $400, unfram ed $250. of 4, one season old $150 G reat as gifts. 905-466OBO Please call 905-3317625._____________________ 2754______________________ SENIOR m obile w alker, CAMERA, 35mm M inolta seat, basket tray height adj. Maxxum 7000 with 70-210 folds, navy, excellent con telep hoto lens & case, dition, $235. Manual fo ld $300. Call 905-639-9625. ing w a lkin g fram e, $25. 905-319-0774_____________ CAR hauler tra ile r- heavy duty tandem w /toolbox, SERGERS, various makes, $2200. Industrial power from $200. Good condition. washer hot/cold, 3000 PSI, Call 905-631-0894._________ like new, $5500. 500 gallon SNOOKER table, Dufferwater tank, plastic, $350. in, 4'x9' with accessories, 905-336-7359 excellent condition, $1200 CARPETS, Lam inates, obo. CaH 905-639-8187. Ceram ics. 62 warehouses SO FA set, 3-pce, b e ig e / across Canada. No one b row n flo ra l. E x c e lle n t has the buying pow er we condition. $225 obo. 905do. We will better any price 827-3508___________ on Berber, Stainm aster, Nylon BCF, Hardtwists. We also in stall what we sell. Contractors welcome. Call John, 1-905-208-1946 CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CHESTERFIELD and chairneutral colours, taupe, beige& cream, pulls out to queen bed. E xce lle nt condition, $400. 905 -33 35610______________________ D IN IN G R O O M - 8pc. an tique, large, carved walnut, 6 highback chairs, $1695. 905-336-3464_____________ DINING RO O M , 14-pce, cherryw ood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459___________________ __ ENTERTAINM ENT unit, 2yrs. old, oak/black with glass front. Excellent condi tion. Adjustable to most size rear projection TV's. Media storage, lighting, ful ly pow ered. $2000 firm. 905-331-6437_____________ FIREPLACE, 2-sided, one year old, with oak mantle. $975. Call 905-257-9357 FREEZER, 12cu.ft., chesttype, $225; Hoover Mach3 upright vacuum, $200; F.P. toddler carseat $45; child's bicycle seat, $85. 905-8450925._____________ . FU TO N d ou ble h u n te r green w ith fram e $1 8 0 ., box & m attress (queen size) brand name, o rth o p e d ic $42 5., both brand new , w ill d e liv e r 905 257-3743________________ HOME W ater P u rification System , UV & C arbonblock; kills e-col, meets 42, 53 & 55. 905-633-6933 LADIES winter wear- des ig n e r la bel, new. La Parka coats, sweaters and sports wear. Call 905-3302794__________________;___ M AYTAG 22 cu. ft. sideby sid e frid g e / fre e z e r. 68"hx33"wx29"d, light al m ond, like n e w .* $58 5. A n tiq u e ceram ic la u n d ry tu b , (1 9 2 0 's) $95. F ire pla ce iro n s (1 9 2 3 ) $45. 905-825-0954, leave mes sage_____________________ MINK Coat- like new, light brown. 905-335-4242 S O LID oak & ve n e e r d i ningroom suite, 6 u p h o l s te re d c h a irs , hu tch w / g la s s d o o rs & sh e lv e s , s e rv in g u n it w ith do o rs, drawer & glass top $2500; 18' ro ll-u p a w n in g w ith c assette hood, 2 yrs. old $1800; computerized mag netic exercycle $50 905827-0101_________________ SPAS.. Spas... Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 905-567-9459 ST O V E - Beaum ark, good cond ition. 4 snow tires, P195/70/R14, good condition, bargain! 905-257-6508 TV Stand 35", dresser, night stand & bookcase; also an exercise bike. Call 905-331-0540. TWIN captain bed w/m attress, $125. 6' butcher block kitchen table w/4 chairs, $400. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 5191, after 6pm.____________ VERY p re tty o v e rs tu ffe d love seat, pastel floral pat te rn , 2 ye a rs old. $325. 905-849-0772_____________ W ALL unit, light colored, 4-sections w ith lig h tin g , glass doors and TV shelf $350 O.B.O. 905-827-8974 W H IR L P O O L - th in tw in sta cka b le w a s h e r/ dryer, one-year old, excellent for a p t/c o n d o . A skin g $800 obo. 905-844-9414 I articles wanted ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt PREMIUM bungalow south Burlington. Available Dec.1 $1 ,550/m o. 5 appliances, C/A, gas fire p la ce , 3bedrooms, 2 baths, vaulted ceilings, garage, maintained private grounds. This is a pristine, quiet location and offers the best of lifestyles. Non-smoking. Call Marcella Kammerer: 905-208-0681 O A K V IL L E 3 bed roo m tow nhouse, appliances, g a ra g e . N e ar schoo ls. $ 1 4 00/m onth + u tilitie s ., N e w ly d e co ra te d . (905)270-2693 1-BDRM APT. AVAILABLE NOVEMBER Indoor pool, sauna, fitness centre. Call Now 90S 276 private tuition /schools 639-8583 FOR Rent- 1-bedroom apartm ent, close to all am enities. 262 Reynolds S treet, O akville. 905-3388876______________________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1-bedroom apart m ents a v ailab le Im m ed./ Nov. $845/mo. 905-632-0129 LAKESHO RE & B ra n tluxury is having... an exer cise room, b illia rd s room, outdoor heated pool, un derground parking and large newly renovated suite in beautiful lakeshore buil ding. Bachelor suites star ing at $795/m o. Call Sharon or Freem an 905333-9141 for further details. LA KES H O R E/ Appleby. Luxurious newly renovated suites w ith picturesque la ndscaping and beautiful lake view. S tarting at $1025/m o. Includes 3 ap pliances, A/C, outdoor pool, sauna, partyroom , billiard room. Please call Stella, 905-333-6968 for fu rth e r information________________ C A N ADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedroom s available Im m ed./ N ov./Dec. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. i_________ CE NTR AL Oakville, base m ent a p t. S e p a ra te e n trance. Near all amenities. Suit non-smoker. No pets. 905-845-0869____________ 1& 2 bedroom apartments. 80 S p e e rs Rd. O a k v ille , S p e e rs & K e rr. 905842-0565_________________ BURLINGTON, off Brant. 2bedrooms $850/mo. all in clusive. Near all amenities. A v a ila b le N o vem b er 1st. CaH 905-631-1826._______ DOWNTOWN O akville, Lakeshore. C om pletely renovated, with parking, 2bedroom , Im m ed./ Dec. 416-420-3952, 905-842-9275 ABA Therapist has limited space available. Call for in dividua lize d one on one programming for your child. Peter 905-335-7170 lessons U A H N h 1 StudiO Art C lasses. Draw ing & Painting in M ulti Media. Beginner & Advanced Levels. 905-335-4077 UPPER duplex for rent. Country living, 2-minutes to the city. 3-bedroom, eat-in kitchen, sunroom , 4-ap pliances, parking, heat /hy dro included. No/pets $950/ mo. 905-335-6333 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from S679* 1-Bdrms from S859* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % prompt pay. disc.) O A K V ILL E . Free indoor parkin g. O versized reno vated suites. Bright eat-in kitchen, new fridge, stove, dishw asher, ensuite s to r age. Lakeviews from great balconies. Treed grounds. Walk to GO, bus. Easy QEW access. Near Sheridan. Lim ited tim e. 2-bedroom s from $999./mo. utilities included. Kathy, 905-844-7355 W ATERDOW NOpen con cept. 1-2 bedrooms. Very la rg e / quiet home. F ire place, patio, bay window, no pets. Dec.1st. Suit pro fessionals. $1,100/mo. in clusive. 905-689-6497. DOWNTOWN O akville, Lakeshore. Open concept, large 2-bedroom, 2 baths, soaker tub, C/A. Immediate/ Dec. 416-997-0687, 905842-9275 __ _____ B R O N T E - large 2 store y 1 bdrm. apa rtm e nt near lake. Livingroom , d in in g room, kitchen on main floor, bedroom & 4pc. bath sec ond floor. Nov. 1st. $990/ mo in clusive. No pets/ smoking. 905-827-8397 285 health & homecare Walk to GO 2067 Prospect St at B rant St. Huge 2-Bdrm Dec. ~ S935/mo. » Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring * Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 1-BEDROOM + den available December. From $935/ mo. Indoor pool, sauna. Ravine setting. QEW/ Traf algar area. 905-844-1106 FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A partm ents. 1,2&3 Bed rooms. O c t./ N ov./ Dec. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905-639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm________ NORTHSHORE Towers, 1-bedroom, $792/mo. Dec./ Jan. (+$33. parking). Utili ties included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 905 -681-1307* Burlington.____________________ O A K V IL L E - F u lly re n o vated: 3-bedroom apa rt ment, main floor bungalow, $1275/mo. * 2-bedroom b a se m e n t a p a rtm e n t $875/m o. + utilitie s. Hopedale Mall area. No pets/ s m oking . N o vem b er 1st. 905-469-1577 PINEDALE Estates!! Mar velous view/ location. Walk to GO. One bedroom, 5 ap pliances, 24hr security w/ indoor pool, whirlpool, sau na, gym, tennis, indoor parking, A/C. Available De cem ber 1st. $1000/m o. 905-464-6400______________ BRONTE- Loft 2 bdrm , 2 full bath, private entrance, gas fireplace, jacuzzi, 5 ap pliances, parking, A/C, walk to lake. No pets/ smoking. $1475/mo. +utilities. Dec. 1st. 416-993-1622 IEE1 rooms for rent & wanted O A K V IL L E : a ttra c tiv e room , ga rd e n view , furnished, utilities, parking, la u n d ry , ca b le . $450. Library, buses, mall. 905827-8768, (905-616-2330). C A R E G IV E R - Brantford area for adult female with 3 dogs. Live-in 5 days, must have own transportation, bondable, caregiver certifi cation required. Resume to: Mrs. J. Rich, 268 Lakeshore Rd. Blvd, East, Suite 245, Oakville, L6J 7S4 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1&2 Bdrm Suites Available with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! SIXTH Line/ U pper M id dle. 3-bedroom condo, 2.5 baths, $1600/mo. +utilities. Dec.15th. References. No pets/ sm oking. 9 0 5 -2 7 8 0600._____________________ BRANT/ QEW. Burlington. 3-bedroom townhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A, fireplace, ga rage, fenced rear, near GO. $1090/mo.+ utilities. Imme diate. Warren Hill, Trafalgar Property M anagement, 905-338-1130_____________ $1 275/M O. 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, ceramics in kitchen & baths, c/air, gas, firepl, downtown Burl. Available Nov.1. Call Betty McMahon 905-308-7555______________ BURLINGTON 3-bedroom a v ailab le December. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Parklike setting. 905-333-1190. NEW Renovations- Avail able mid-Nov. to mid-Dec., 3-bedroom, parking. From $950/mo. +utilities. Sign in bonus (with excep tions!). North Burlington. 905-3199104 RIVER Oaks. Separate entrance, basement, clean bright, fresh paint, private ensuite. Sitting room, satel lite ready. C leaning lady. Cable, hot tub. No pets/ sm oking. N o v.1st. $750/ mo. 905-257-7285.________ ROOM in townhouse, $380/mo. Full use of facili ties. Near Burlington Mall. N on-sm oker preferred. Nov.lst. 905-637-0010. BU RLING TO N. Fully fu r nished bedroom in apart ment. Suit m ature, em ployed person. Female preferred $395/m o. inclusive. 905-637-9893.________ B U R LIN G TO N share house. All inclusive $575. No pets. Available Nov. 1st. 905-631-1861____________ _ BU R LIN G TO N near Lakeshore, to share 2 bed room apartm ent. Near all a m enities/ bus route. Im mediate. 905-631-6808 I shared accommodation DOG House, insulated, shingled, fits 50-75 lbs. $75. Call 905-335-2954. FOUR piece white wrought iron garden set $75 Lawn trimmer $10 905-639-6045 FREE: 40' Television an tenna & tuner. You removeyou can keep. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 5242._____________________ LOVE seat and m atching chair $100. Call 905-8251944______________________ PINE kitchen table, bench and two chairs. $50. 905338-5432_________________ SNOW BLOW ER - Toro, 5hp, as is, $80. 905 -33 39068______________________ TWIN bed with mattress & headboard, $75. Call 905336-5191 after 6pm V V V w w W A N T E D - All China, S il ver, Crystal, Tea Cups, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Jewellery, old toys, colle ctib le s, estates. C all John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 BCfCTll firewood GUARANTEED dry 100% hardwood. P rope rly sea soned. O ntario's largest Firew ood reta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-257-6366 0905-315-8993= BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom, diningroom , enclosed balcony, pool, gym, games room, $850/m o. inclusive, immediate. Pets okay. 905631-5695._________________ K | ! U 1 houses for rent OLD W aterdown. Cosy 900sq.ft., 2-bedroom du plex. No basement. Park ing. Suit professional cou ple. Immediate. $845/mo. + utilities. 905-304-7411 O A K V ILLE downtown, Brant. R enovated 3-bed room, living roo m , d in in g room, walk to lake. Large fenced backyard. $1350/ mo. 905-338-0622. ORGAN Low rey M agic Genie 88 w/bench. Excel lent condition. $800. obo. 905-681-9517 F L O R ID A - Fort Lauder dale beach front studio in luxury hotel resort, weekly/ monthly. Water sports. 905320-8953 A Christm as Bonanza, Skis, boots, toys, books, student supplies, H a llo ween & Christmas decora tions, trees, furniture, crafts, building supplies. Reason able prices. Reuse Centre, 3335 N.S. Road, B u rlin g ton. Hours Wed, Thurs, Fri day 12noon-8pm , Sat. 95pm, Sun 12-4pm. Closed Mon. Tues. MOVING SALE! Fu rn i ture, appliances and other household items. Sat No vember 2. 11am-2pm. 1425 G hent Ave. S ecurity code #877 905-631-3010 MOVING Sale: kitchen table, 6 chairs; couch, loveseat, chair; large dressers. All excellent condition. 905631-5695. NEEDED: loving home for 9 week old black Lab, due to allergies. Vet checked and first shots, $150. 905331-5898__________ . G ERMAN Shepherd pup pies: 3 males, $300 ea.; 4 females $250. ea. Please call 905-257-8275_________ CHINESE Shar-pei- Male, 8yrs., neutered, looking for loving home with yard, and w ith o u t y o u n g c h ild re n . Shots. Call 905-609-3576

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