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Oakville Beaver, 4 Sep 2002, Classified, D02

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D 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday S ep tem be r 4, 2002 The Oakville Beaver L A - Z - B O Y S all URNITURE g a lleries S o fas fo r Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905 845-3824 OR 905 337-5610 FAX: 905 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm - C lassified houses for sale houses for rent W A TE R D O W N - 3 bedroom, fridge, stove washer dryer, dishwasher, a/c, ga rage. 2 car driveway, close to all am enities. O ctobe r 1st. $895/m o + u tilitie s . 905-525-5212_____________ BU R LIN G TO N execu tive 3-bedroom , 2-baths, ap pliances, c/a, rec room, ga rage, decks. First/ last, ref erences. $1550/mo. +utilities. Oct. 1st. 905-569-7257. BU R LIN G TO N Northshore. Im m aculate 3+1 bedroom s, near s choo ls/ shopping. 1-yr. lease. $1900/mo. +utilities. Oct.lst. References. 905-962-7592; evgs. 905-975-2878.________ BURLINGTON. 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, c/a., fireplace, finished basement, s in gle garage, double driveway, no pets, immed ia te, $1425/m o. +u tilitie s . 905-845-9413; 905-469-9312. RENT Alternative. Rent to Own optio n s or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/ Max E scarpm ent R ealty, Realtor, 905-639-5258 email: ucanbuy2 @hotmail.com W EST O a kville, Im m acu late 3-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, finished basement, C/A, fireplace. Immediate. $1825/mo.+ utilities. Trafal gar (O akville) Realty Inc., Realtor, 905-338-1130 LARGE 4-bedroom house, North B u rlington near schools, am enities, QEW. Finished basement. O ct.lst. $1400 /m o.+ utilitie s . 905336-1824__________________ O A K V IL L E Place area. O c t.ls t. Renovated 4-bed room detached. 5 new ap p liance s, c/air, garage, huge fenced yard, very pri vate, $1495/mo.+ First/ last. Days M-F, 905-279-2600; evgsJ weekends, 416-523-2600. CO URT Location: B rant/ Plains. 1-yr. old 3-bed rooms, 3 appliances, c/air, fenced, $ 1 550/m o. -»-utilities. Debbie, 905-332-3542. O A K V IL L E $ 1 ,7 0 0 /M 0 . G o rg e o u s , 5 y e a r old , 3 bedroom , 2-1/2 bathroom home, bleached oak kitch en, s in g le a tta c h e d g a rage,fully fenced. Available S eptem ber 1st. C all Lauric e A lb e rt, A sso c, broker,Re/Max (905)257-2414 O A K V IL L E off Kerr St, 3 bedroom , 2 bath, garage, fenced yard, 4 appliances, gas stove, C /A, gas fir e place in family room. Nons m okers/ No pets. R efer ences. $1450/mo. plus util itie s F irs t/L a s t. A v a ila b le October 1st. (905)842-4036. O A K V IL L E lo v e ly room . Furnished, kitchen , ba th room , la u n d ry (s h a re d ). Parking, cable, library, bus es. $450/month (905)8278768 shared accommodation KERR/SPEERS: Two bed room a p a rtm e n t +d e n , pool, saun a, gym & spa. M a tu re w o rk in g p e rs o n . $450./mo. (905)337-7486 BU RLING TO N. Furnished bedroom in 2-bedroom apartment. Suit mature em ployed female. Non-smoker preferred. $400/mo. inclu sive. First/ last. References. 905-637-9893______________ A P P L E B Y / Upper M iddle area. Furnished room in modern townhouse. Suites fem ale. A va ila ble im m e diate ly. $650/m o. F irs t/ Last. R eferences. 905335-0423 Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A a a a a a An Extraordinary Selection \ | 1 | 1 f l QQ of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Ip I f U U iU U Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at l l ] J1 prices that will Delight you! W W W B u r lin g to n P ow er C e n tre * Q E W & B ra n t St. · 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 career training * Real Estate 100-135»Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% * Leisure Living 200-239 * Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 | | T | 1 houses for sale I can m axim ize the sale price of your B u rlin g to n / W aterdown/ Flam borough Property by listin g on the Toronto real estate board, Ask how? James Boyd. Re/ Max A boutow ne Realty Corp Realtor. 905-842-7000 3-UNIT custom home. Ex cellent income, near O ak v ille Place, C all Fran at Commonwealth Real Estate at 416-428-3726 $200 CASH BACK + FREE.... Utilities, Cable & Parking (tor 12-mos,)! APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $900. Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites We will give you $200 cash back to help you pay for moving costs etc., on every new lease of a 1-bdrm apt. signed between Aug. 1/02 & Sept. 30/02. A FTER school care fo r 2 c h ild re n C o rn a tio n P ark. W ill consider m ature teen W e e k d a y s 4 -7 p m 90 5 825-0032_________________ PA R T-TIM E lo ving c a re giver required for 2 children (18-mos, & 5-yrs.) Burling ton, 1-3 days/w k. during school year. References required. 905-319-0897. W ANTED m ature reliable c aregiver fo r two children ages 5 & 7. Must be on bus route or walking distance to W est Oak T ra ils School. Receipts & references re quired. 905-469-4194 M OVIN G: Diningroom su ite, (w rought iron), livingroom furniture including so fas & chairs, table s plus lo t's m ore... No dealers! 905-578-1609_____________ M OVIN G: high end an tiques, diningrooom , bed room & oth e r item s. No dea lers. C all for appointment, 905-578-1609.________ M O V IN G s a le - w a s h e r and d ry e r, e x tra d ry e r, k itc h e n se t, h o u s e h o ld items. Call 905-842-2622 M O V IN G -S A L E M APLE table 2/leaves/4 chairs, Pd. $1300 askin g $60 0., A n tiq u e la m p $ 3 5 ., C e ilin g fa n $ 4 0 ., 5 'x 7 ' a re a rug w ith pad $ 3 0 ., A n tiq u e Repro radio $50., Custom m ade fa b ric v e rtic a ls fo r s lid in g do o r and w in d o w $20 0 fo r both obo. C a ll (905)842-5902____________ MUST s e ll/ m oving. Big screen 60" RCA Home En tertainm ent centre $1800; Danby 30" stove, like new, $350.905-978-1536. _ NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! U nlim ited AOL & in te rn e t free fo r 1 year! The Buck a Day Com pany, call 1-800-772-8617. www.buckaday.com PIANO Sale. Living Arts Centre, October 4-6. Call 1800-281-7172 for more in formation or to make an ap pointment QUEEN bed/ frame, $100.; co ffe e / end table s, (oak/ brass), $100.; dinette table, 4 chairs, (pine / w hite), $250.; Lazy Boy chair, blue plush, $150. 905-469-8893 QUEEN mattress, box spring, frame, $400 new, 2-yrs. old, great shape, $150; student's full-size adjustable drawing/ drafting table w/lamp, $60; 30"x60" grey melamine office desk, great shape, $55. 905827-9078._________________ SAMSUNG fla t screen TV's 27", 20" & DVD player all for just $999 or a $1 a day..no money down! The Buck A Day Co. 1-800-3328318, www.buckaday.com SOFA, black leather, 79" & modern 5-pce. kitchenette, w hite enam el, $55 0/all, both 3-mos. old. 905-3316303._____________________ TV cabinet, pine, 42W x48H x2D and 100 G allon fish tank com plete w ith pum p. 60W x18D O.B.O. 905-633-9512 _____ W AS HER /D RY ER, Inglis, good con d itio n , alm ond, $150 for the pair. Call 90515-9341__________________ K | L i articles wanted JO B T R A IN IN G · Micro Computers · MS Office · Simply Accounting · Office Administration · Medical/Legal Assistant · Dental Receptionist THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will be at the HAL TON JOB & CAREER FAIR, on SEPT. 18, 2002 to discuss your training options for a brighter future! www.thecentre.on.ca P L A T O IN T E R A C T IV E Virtual Academy, www.pla tointeractive.com Personal ized learning and teaching online . Earn your high school English credits via the internet. Limited space a vailab le. C ontact us at: a dm in istratio n @p lato inter active.com BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us at 905-639-4677 1 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t, hardw ood floors, $875./all u tilitie s in clu d e d . Im m e d ia te p o s s e s s io n . C a ll (905)845-9180 Adriano O A K V IL L E - T h ird L in e / B rid g e Rd. 2 -b e d ro o m basem ent apartm ent sepe ra te e n tra n c e $ 9 0 0 /m o inclusive first /last 905-8479219______________________ BURLINGTON. Easy QEW access, near downtown. 1bedroom, good-size base m ent a pa rtm e nt, parking, Oct. 1st. Non-smoking. $550 /mo. 905-633-9293. BU R LIN G TO N . 4-P lex, spacious 2-bedroom +den, 4 a p p lia nces, la undry in basem ent, no pets, $950/ mo. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -1 0 2 9 ; 905334-9115.__________________ W ATE R D O W N : John St. W alk to E ve ryth in g . New Appliances, New Windows. Com p. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905690-4454_______________ BRANT St., Burlington. 2& 3 bedrooms from $950, in cludes 1 free outdoor park ing, utilities & cable TV. To view call 905-639-1960 C A N A D IAN A . Q uiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedrooms available Sept./ Oct./ Nov. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486. O A K V IL L E - Near dow n tow n, brigh t 2-bedroom , large rooms, renovated w/ hardw ood flo o rs , quiet building, across from park $825/mo. Sept/1/15th 905277-4728._________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system . 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 O A K V ILL E . QEW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $829/ m o.*; 2-bedroom from $939/mo.* Well maintained bu ild in g . N ellie, 905-3392028. ("in c lu d e d 2% prompt payment discount) O A K V IL L E M orden/ Re becca. O c t.1st Large 2bedroom +den basem ent. S p acious kitchen, liv in g area. 4 appliances. Sep arate entrance. O ff-street parking. No-smokers/ pets. $890/m o. Includes cable, u tilitie s , (s u its 2 adu lts) 905-845-5518._____________ O A K V IL L E S o uthce ntral, 2-bedroom basement, sep arate entrance, laundry, parking, non-sm oking, no pets, su it 1-2 persons, $950/m o. in clu s iv e . 905849-1380 evgs. DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 1.2&3 Bedroom s, S e pt./O ct. F reshly deco rated, spa cious, w e ll m aintained & quiet w ith upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living . C all 905-6370321______________________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur ling to n . 1&2 bedroom apa rtm e nts ava ila b le O c to b e r/ N ovem ber. From $845/mo. 905-632-0129 C E N TR A LLY lo cate d, well- maintained, spacious 1&2 bedroom s- O c t.1st. M ust see to app reciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-637-3921 O A K V ILL E - 2 bedroom in triplex building. All ameni ties, laundry, parking, Nov. $975/mo. +eiectricity. 9058 4 5 -9 0 8 8 w w w .pla ces4rent.com LU XUR Y penthouse suite -2 -b d rm , 2 washrooms. Steps to shopping, lake & Spencer Sm ith Park, se curity, 5 appliances, balco ny & well appointed rooftop terrace w/highest 360 view in the City. Immediate. Long term preferred. Chambers Hall Real Estate Inc., John Molnar 905-525-5991_______ B U R L IN G T O N - St. Paul S tre e t2-Bedroom , N o v .1st. $823/m o. (in clu des u tilitie s , parkin g). Call between 5-9pm, 905639-7072._________________ TYANDAGA T errace A p artm ents: 2&3 B ed rooms, Sept./Oct. Situated on p rivate, p ark-like grounds. Freshly decorated 1&2 storey with w/o to pri vate cedar patio. Tyandaga Terrace, 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905 -33 6-00 16; 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-3360015______________________ S P AC IO U S 1 ,2&3 Bed room s. Freshly painted, brigh t. C o m p e titive rent. B urlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo cation . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm SPACIOUS 3 bdrm condo townhome in College Park. Ceramics. Neutral decor. 1.5 baths. Newly finished basem ent. P riva te deck. $179,900. Open House: Sept. 71 8, 1 -4pm. 1212 Kirstie Crt. Unit-3, Oakville. Call 905-339-2364 $49,995. Bachelor a p a rt ment. Adult co-op. No pets. Low m aintenance fee. Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. O pposite S pencer Sm ith Park. John Baxter, 905631-1802__________________ O A K V ILLE , G len Abbey. Spacious, luxurious 3-bed rooms, ravine, 5 applianc es, A/C, 1-1/2 baths. $165,000. 905-850-1369 AB A Therapist wanted 1015hrs per week, M ondayFriday m ornings to work with autistic 8yr. old in our hom e. No expe rience re quired. Will train. 905-8151779 Fulltime & Part-time Classes HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE (905) 637-3415 careers professionals careers professionals M U SK O K A. Lake front cottages. 2 & 3 bedrooms. Fully equipped. A va ila ble weekly/ weekends in Sep tember, October. Bob 905331-8312. PIANO Lessons available. 15-years expe rience in North Oakville. I make mu sic fun! Please call 905337-1083. PIANO Lessons. Teacher w ith D o ctorate and U n i versity- Level teaching ex perience. Singing lessons also availa b le . 9 0 5 -8 4 9 1737 H U N T C H R Y S L E R L IM IT E D New Car Sales Manager required for busy Car Dealership. Successful candidate must offer: · Leadership · Gold Key Lease knowledge · Ability to appraise used vehicles · Valid OMVIC license · Good driving record · Reynolds & Reynolds Automotive experience · Chrysler experience preferred (but will look at manufacture knowledge) Hunt Chrysler offers a weekly salary, monthly bonus, company vehicle, commission, benefits and a growing customer base. Fax or email resume in confidence to: Gary Hunt (F) 905-876-0297 (P) 905-876-2580 huntltd@cogeco.net W A N T E D - e x p e r ie n c e d s e c re ta ry or la w c le rk in fam ily-law . P roficient in fa m ily -la w c o n tra c ts , litigation. Wills, estates, Ereg filing for residential real e s ta te and a s s e ts . W e ll established law firm. Reply with CV- box 1011 Upper M id d le Rd. S u ite 1489, Oakville, ON L6H 5Z9 INVESTM ENT property for sale- 2 storey Oakville office building. Approx. 11,000 sq.ft close to QEW & Go station. M ulti tenants, fu lly licensed @ average $17 P.S.F. gross. Asking $829,000, T rafalgar (Oak ville) Realty Inc. Jim Lachapelle, 905-338-1130, ext. 24 F IT -T O -A -' T " in home personal training for wom en. Email or call for rates and information fittoat@ go sym patico.ca or 90 5 -6 3 1 0498 K J a W l lost & found FO UND: 2 brown tabby and white young cats. Brant and Upperm iddle. We call Nick and Nicole 905-6377325______________________ FOUND: D iam ond ring, M ountainside playground, A u g.27th. C all 8am -3pm 905-332-0278; evgs 905545-8517._________________ FOUND: Orange tabby cat in the LaS alle park area. We call Saul. Please call 905-637-7325 Brfll*] drivers AZ D river 2-years reefer and produce expe rience. No touch, clean abstract. B u rlington based. W ee kend/ even ings 416-5649236 30" "Admiral" electric range, white, excellent condition. You pick-up. $100 o.b.o. 905338-3357_________________ BIKE, girl's 24" 12-speed, like new, $50. 905-825-2914 BR EA STPU M P, M edela L actina double pum ping com plete kit, paid $110, asking $60. 905-336-3874. C ARPETcom m ercial u nderlay, 15ft, $25. 905319-7282_________________ D E S K - w hite, sm all, 3 drawer, $35. 905-319-7282 DESK, student, large white, with drawers, 66"x30" $100. Call 905-845-6123. _____ HOCKEY Equipment, Mats Sundin sta rte r set fo r 4-5 year old. $50. 905-331-0283 KITCHEN ta b le - heavy pine, 30"x53", $50. 905335-6975_________________ M ATTR ESS & boxspring, double, hardly used, spot less, very nice cond ition, $65 .905-634-3448. ___ RO LLER Blades, m en's size 10-1/2, by "R o lle r Blade". Good shape. $50. Call 905-257-1789__________ W ALN U T look e n te rta in ment unit, 50x50x18. $100. Call Gail 905-681-5441 O AKV ILLE D ow ntow n. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 2,000 sq.ft. $2100/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135._____________ SPEERS/ Third. 1200sq.ft. Best industrial investment in O akville. O verhead door, skylight. Call Sandy Collect: 1-705-684-8258 For rent or sale. IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED Night Shift 6 weekends premium wages, benefits Apply: Tim Horton's 2316 Royal Windsor Dr (at Ford Dr.) Oakville. Fax 905-338-1966 or call 905-338-1966 CAR Rental Jockey (Wash, vacuum, drive)- F/T. clean driving record, honest, punctual. O akville. C all 905-337-9373______________ AU TO BO D Y R epair Per son & P reppers required full-time. Good wages. Fax resume to: (905)-875-2222 or call (905)-875-1111 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from S709* 1-Btfnn$ from_$84a! 2-Bdrms from $979.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) NO RTHSHORE Tow ers, 1-bedroom , $790/m o. N o vlst. (+$33. parking). 2bedrooms $850/mo. Sept./ Oct. U tilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am -7pm . 9 05 -68 1-13 07* Burlington. FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A p artm ents. 1,2&3 Bed room s. S e pt./ O c t./ Nov. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905 -63 9-04 56, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm EXECUTIVE 1-bdrm, (1100 sq.ft.) jacuzzi, dressing room, all amenities. Great location near downtown Burlington. $1000/mo. 905-632-6494Joe/ 905-631-0201 - Jean O A K V IL L E , 1-bedroom basement apartm ent, sep arate entrance, suit mature non -sm oker w o rking p ro fessio n a l. Ide a lly located for bus/ rail/ highway/ shop ping. $625/m o. all in c lu sive. References required. 1-car parking. No pets. 905842-4058._________________ O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2 -b e d ro o m - $1040/m o., ava il. Sept. 1st. 3-b e d ro o m - $13 75/m o., avail, im m edia tely (+ parking ). 905-844-9006______________ O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom s, sm all quiet building, close proximity to GO/ downtown & park. $950/m o. +hydro. 416-254-2178._____________ O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm . New app lia nces, w indow s. From $845./m o 905-844-5474______________ 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents. 110 South Foster Park, O a kville. Includ es e v e ry thing. Sept. 15th. 905-8498411; 10am-8pm. LA R G E A ttra c tiv e 2 -b e d room a v a ila b le Sept. 1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $825/mo.+ parking. No pets. Burlington. 905-632-0961 KERR / Stew art. $850/m o. 1-bedroom apartment (above store) 10' ceiling, hardwood floors. Large windows. Very clean. Just painted. No pets. Non-smoker. Paul, 905-3026600.______________________ BU R LO A K , near Lake. 2bedroom basem ent. Park ing, private entry, fireplace, new ca rp e t/ paint. Nonsmoker/ pets. 905-681-6587. HUGE one bedroom apa rtm e nt in B u rlington home. Separate entrance, parking, laundry, bar. Close to everything, beautiful area, non-smoker, no pets. $890 +. Sept. 1st. 905-632-5638 BR O N TE: H ixon/ Nelson area. 2-bedroom, parking included, $900/m o; 1-bed room basem ent $745/m o. Imm ediate. O akville Place area 2-bedroom s, $975/ mo. 1-bedroom $875/m o. Heat/ hot water/ parking included. 905-847-1138. OLD O akville. B e a u tifu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $98 5./m o; 2bedroom from $1250./mo. No lease. 905-84 5-82 54 (leave message) REFINED T enants fo r 2 bedroom suite s in lu xury buildings close to Burling ton M all. C all the " P rin cess", 905 -63 9-80 09 or "Regency" 905-681-8115 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., clo se to la ke/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, avai lable Sept./1st $960/mo. (+parking) 905-825-0816 lower food p ric e s O FFICE and /or W are house Space, North Serv ice Road, Burlington. Fur nished or unfurnish ed, parking included. Available im m ediately on m onthly basis. Contact Janet, 905330-7571._________________ OFFICE space (1180 sq.ft.) for lease, great Oak ville location, steps to GO station, QEW , new Home Depot Plaza. $1600/mo. all included. Ideal for medical/ profession al tenants. Please call 905-616-5586. O F F IC E a n d /o r re ta il space 1000sq ft. for lease (short or long term) $1,400 per m onth on Church St., Oakville. (905)845-4438 EXPER IENC ED live-in overseas caregivers/ nan nies available for sponsor ship. No fee to em ployer. www.live-in-nanny.com/ p artn e r/s a d o c o s or 416236-9070__________________ F ILIP IN A N anny, liv e -in / o ut ava ila b le . No fee to em ployers. Please call Amah Intl. 416-221-3303 FU LL-TIM E Nanny re quired live-in/ out, 6-mos. old baby, start a.s.a.p. Light housekeeping, Tyandaga area. 905-319-9681. LIVE-O UT nanny required Mondays & Wednesdays in B u rlington fo r 1 child & 3 a fte rs c h o o l. N on-sm oker, driver preferred. 905-5267920 PRODUCE M ANAGER Rob's No Frills requires F/T Produce Manager im mediately. Responsibilities: daily management of pro duce department including ordering, merchandising, customer service & supervisory responsibilities. Candidate will possess 3-5yrs. of relevant exp. & be available for F/T employment with weekend work re quired. We offer competitive wage/benefit package. Interested candidates may fax their resume to: (905)-331 -3325, Attention: Store Owner 2400 Guelph Line, Burlington. $20-$25/HR National company with lots of work looking for: REMODELLERS RENOVATORS HANDYMEN Own vehicle/tools. +10 years experience Call Mr. Arthur 905-578-4405 L ITTLE C aesars now h ir ing p art-tim e day shift, M on.-Fri. Please apply at 4055 New St., B u rlington (at W alke r's Line); 1500 Upper Middle Rd., (at Brant) NOW hiring an enthusiastic and ambitious individual to join our team. Days, nights, weekends. Drop off resume to Hobby and Toy Central, M apleview Centre. Unit BB#42. Burlington, L7S 2J8 or e -m a il hobbyandtoy central ©cogeco.ca JUBILEE Fruit Market, 104 Allan St., Oakville, requires F ull-tim e C a shier/ C lerk and P/T Produce C lerk Please apply with resume. CAFE, Seats 30, licensed, in M ilton. Entrance from building and stre e t. M ust sell. 905-279-5732__________ O A K V ILL E - A n tique D is trict. 3000sqft store front for rent. $2500/mo. ^utilities. Price N egotiable. Please call 905-339-3801 G LEN Abbey. O c t.ls t. 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a/c., 5 app lia nces. W alk-out to backyard. Near shopping/ rec. No pets/ smoking. Em ploym ent le tte r/ cre d it check required. $1650/mo. + u tilitie s . S teve Kolbuc, Royal LePage 905-845- 4267 BU R LIN G TO N ` T ansley Gardens". 1-bedroom +den, balcony,5 appliances, lock er, c/air, parking, O c t.ls t. $950/mo. Call 905-319- 1069. NEW 2 or 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath tow nhouse located in South Burlington enclave. Open concept w /lo ft, fire place, A/C, 5 appliances. $1825/mo. 905-333-0002 IM M AC U LA TE Headon Forest. 3-bedroom s, 4baths, c /a ir, app lia nces, fireplace, deck, wetbar, no pets, immediate, $1500/mo. 905-332-7215._____________ NEW R enovations- A va il able O c t.ls t, 2-bedroom , parking. $850/m o. + u tili ties. North Burlington. 905319-9104__________________ BU R LIN G TO N - Luxury 3 bdrm $1175, 4 bdrm s $1275. Familyroom, base ment, yard. Utilities extra, parking $40. 905-639-0950 B U R LIN G TO N . 3-bedroom. Francis Road near N orthshore. Parking, 1.5 baths. Quiet area. Available Oct. 1st. 905-574-9180. G UELPH Line area. 4bedrooms, 1.5 baths, recroom , garage, $1030/m o. Call 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. NORTH O akville, 3-b e d rooms, 1-1/2 baths, 4 ap pliances, 2 parking, rec.room. Im m ediate. $1250/m o.+ utilities. Trafalgar (Oakville) R ealty Inc., Realtor, 905338-1130_________________ BURLING TO N 2&3 bed room s ava ila b le Septem ber/ October. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parkin g. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 905-333-1190._____________ SOUTH B u rlington core: Executive. 1 year old townhome, end unit, will suit the profe ssio n a l. 2-bedroom with loft, beautiful setting. 5 appliances, gas fireplace, Jacuzzi, C/A, hardw ood flo o rs , fu lly m aintained grounds. G arage + drive. No sm oking. S e pt.15th. $1625/m o. M arcella Kammerer, 905-544-9949 We're back and we are growing! w w W ANTED A ll- Jew ellery, C hina, S ilve r, C rystal, sew ing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477_____________ FLUTE for student wanted. Please call 905-637-1227. firewood C LIP C oupon. Get your firew ood now! seasoned m ixed hardw ood, $6 5 ./ a cord. Delivered. Minimum 5 cords. 1-519-582-4628. AFTER School helper. G len Abbey, T hird Line/ Upper Middle. Busy family needs a fun, energetic per son. Homework, make din ner, laundry, some driving required, Boy-12, Girl-9, hrs approx. 3:45-6:30, Mon-Fri. N on-sm oker preferred. Daytim e 416-359-7502. Evenings 905-847-9849. BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice', $650. 905-304-5573. BED, new, d ou ble-size , mattress, boxspring, frame, exce lle n t cond itio n , cost $650, asking $300. Call 905-336-1333._____________ BEDS, New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Com-plete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" c olour TVs, porta b le CD players. 905-681-9496. BEDS, s in g le / double w/ m attresses; 7-pce. dining set; 6 office chairs; stove, $50; desk $50; rocking chair $20; new C u isin art toaste r; free fridge. 905842-5923. _____________ B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic p illo w top m attress, boxs pring & fram e. New, in p lastic. Cost $1125, sell $450. W ill d eliver. 905971-3315._________________ C A RPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 C H ES TER FIE LD (blue), loveseat (green), futon, din ing set, rug, all only 2-yrs. old, e x c e lle n t c o nd ition. 905-681-0577._____________ DESK, $50; storage chest/ bed w /m attress & bed spread, $150.; TV cabinet $30.; Sharp stereo, $200. 905-336-5048_________ ____ DINING RO O M cherry 11pce. w /P a lla dian china 69x85h, chairs & leg table w/intricate carving. $11,500, sell $5199. New from modei home. 905-336-0786. DINNING set- table, 6 chairs, hutch, $375. Dresser, night stand, $75. Hockey equip, ages 9-11/ ages 7-9, $100/ea. set. BBQ, $50. TV, $30. 905-527-2220________ FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired lo oking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090_____________ FRIDGE & stove, Harvest Gold, great working condi tion, $175/set. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 4381______________________ FUTON sofa b e d - green futon m attress with wood sofa/bed frame, $240. 905465-0244_________________ IMAC 350 MHZ G3 P ro cessor 128 MB of RAM, + p rin te r +lom ega Predator CD-RW and software pack age. A sking $1000 416699-4230._________________ LOVE seats (2) burnt orange in colour, p erfect cond itio n , you pick up $150/both. 905-637-3269 LO VE S E A T, refinish ed, old pine, new springs, re upholstered floral cushions, $250; curio cabinet, $100 obo. 9 0 5 - 5 2 9 - 1 7 1 4 . ___ MAYTAG dishwasher, $75. GE stove with solid burners, $150. Table, 4 chairs buffet and hutch, modern, $250, appraised $800. Glass top k itchen table , $50. 905849-6191__________________ M OVIN G: GE w hite con vection self clean oven, ce ramic cooktop, side by side fridge/ice/water. Sofa bed, couches, lo veseats from Debors, m aple harvest table, 6 chairs, 32" goalie pads, double bed/fram e, much m ore. O ffers. 905335-3672 MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pay m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bankruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600 | [ ! u ] mortgage, loans C A LL Sinclair- C ockburn, 905-844-1245. 1-yr4.25; 5yr 5.49, ARM 1.99. Also eq uity m ortgage pro g ra m s, re g a rd le ss of in co m e o r credit. "JU S T Like H o m e "- F u ll tim e, perm anent daycare availab le. Hugs & kisses, lot's of TLC, non-smoking, receipts. M em ber of H.C.C.P.A., with 14yrs. ex perience. G uelph Line & Upper M iddle. C all W illa 905-332-9383___________ ECE Mom has openings starting immediately. Nutri tious meals/ snacks, fenced yard, m any a c tiv itie s . St. P a tric k 's / M ohaw k area. 905-631-7256.__________ EN ER GETIC , reliable , caring & experienced ECE in Falgarwood area. 905337-8148_______________ GLEN Abbey C a reg iver ava ila b le before & after Kindergarten. Excellent ref erences. Receipts. 905827-9809________ ________ H.C .C .R . home daycare, fu ll-tim e spaces. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. 905-319-3826. PR ES CHO O LER SFun afternoon reading program using "Hooked on Phonics" with teacher/ Mom. Please call, 905-631-1019._________ THE H alton C hild Care Providers Association o ff ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372._________________ HOME daycare. Bridge Rd. E x p e rie n c e d w ill p rovid e education, nutrition, TLC, C om e v is it us (9 0 5 )8 4 7 8430 AN CA STE R D epression G lass 25th A nniversary Show and Sale: Sun. Sept.8th. 10am-4pm. Marritt H all, Fairgrounds, G arner Road, Ancaster. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! GERM AN Shepherd pup pies C ham pion line. All black, sables and Black/tan Fam ily raised. C all 905648-7998 VALLEY Bulldogs for sale, m ales/ fem ales. $1000. 905-257-5927 ^ pets, supplies boarding Magic Lantern Communications Ltd, the largest learning video content provider in Canada has relocated back to Oakville, and we are growing to meet the needs of Canada's educators. We are looking for team players, which are comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, with a blend of technologies and are excited about how technology can assist young Canadians succeed today and tomorrow. We currently have the following full time positions: RECEPTIONIST: duties include welcoming guests, answering telephones and some clerical duties. You are able to get the most out of Microsoft Office to help the management team. Bi-lingualism an asset. MARKETING ASSISTANT: duties include strategy and tactical employment of multiple marketing tasks to support education-related opportunities. Bilingualism is an asset. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: to support the CEO and COO who travel, work in multiple environments and are multi-tasking. A challenging opportunity for the night person. Magic Lantern Communications Ltd encourages all qualified persons to respond to these opportunities, as we are an equal opportunity employer. Please forward your resume to: Magic Lantern Communications Ltd. Attn: COO Fax: 905-827-2655 Telemarketers needed for AM & PM shifts Call for interview 905-681-8102 Licensee for Sears HomeCentral ©Licensed for use in Canada by Sears Canada Inc. UPSC ALE Home & G ift Store requires experienced Sales Person. Decorating & merchandising skills an as set. Please fax resum e: 905-637-1834______________ D E TAILER required for busy shop. Must have valid d rive r's license. Drop re sume off at 1084 King Rd., Unit 3, Burlington, between 8-9am or fax to 905-3361244.______________________ S TART Now! G reat pay! Full training. FT/PT. Stud ents welcom e. No door to door telem arketing. Sales/ C u stom er S ervice. 905842-8045__________________ A B S O LU T E LY free info on line. W ork from home. $25-$75/hr. Part/ full-tim e. C all 1-888-246-962 4 or www. 123takecontrol.com M ATU RE, c o u n te r help required at Club Sub, flexi ble hours. Apply in person, 2080 Appleby Line, Bur lington. IN D U STR IO U S person w anted to work with brick laying crew $18/hr and ride a vaila b le . C all Donna or lino 905-689-4516 LAKES H O R E/ M aple, Burlington. 2 bdrm ~($950/ mo), available Nov. 1st. 3bdrm~ available Oct. 1st ($1150) +parking. Heat/ hy dro included. Lake front view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Maplevie w / hospital. Hwy. access. 905-632-5258________ VERY large 2-Bedroom Suites available in w e llm aintained O akville build ings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 ATTRACTIVE 2-bedroom , Central Burlington, clean, quiet adult building w/balcony. $975/m o. available Od/Nov.1st Cal 905-634-0697 BU RLING TO N C e ntral, Ghent Ave. Spacious, clean 1-bedroom , .fridge, stove, parking, $625/m o. Newly renovated. Immediate. 905639-0354 after 6pm_________ BURLINGTON Downtown. Spacious, 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet build in g . Available Oct. 1st $836/mo. 905-336-6690._____________ PRIME Downtown B u r lington, Upgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartments. Scenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Peart. 905-632-1643________ BURLINGTON Lakeshore/ Brant. Large, bright, comp le te ly renovated, lo ts of storage. Clean, quiet build ing. 1& 2-bedrooms starting from $899/mo. Call Stella, 905-681-8506._____________ 1 -BEDROOM apa rtm e nts available Sept. from $795./ mo. C o nveniently located W oodw ard/ G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265 LAKE View & Sunset. Old Oakville, top floor. Beauti fu lly m aintained b uilding. $135CVmo. 905-845-8254 ALDER SH O T (W est B u r lington) newly renovated bachelor with full kitchen, available Oct. 1st, $625 + hydro 905-633-8547________ BU RLING TO N, N orth- 1 bdrm basement suit, private entrance, 1 parking, $695/ mo. +utilities. 905-308-1585 BU RLING TO N- C entral, 2-bedroom. New hardwood. No pets, $680/mo. +hydro, includes parking, available Oct. 1st. 905-388-5236; 905634-7088._________________ B U RLING TO N- Large, 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n town. Parking. $750/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885. Edith Court 2-Bedroom, $845. AGENT SERVICES SECRETARY cars for sale 1993 Buick LeSabre auto., good co nd ition, 1-owner, new fro n t tire s / brakes, em ission-tested, certified, $3800. 905-637-3608. 2001 Volvo S 4 0 - blue ex te rio r, beige in te rio r, a/c, pw, pi, heated seats, 25K. $26,000. 905-464-1390 1990 Dodge C a ra va n Blue, runs w ell, needs som e w ork, E-tested, $1500.905-333-4209 ___ 2001 Sonata V 6 - 22K, take over lease. Pictures & info @ w w w .th iscarz4 sale.com 905-257-4075 2000 Saturn- auto, p/w, p/ m, rem ote lo cks, air, plus pow er drive r seat, alloys. 5yr. extended w a rranty. 55K, $18,700. 905-333- 3070 1988 M ercedes Benz 560 SL, convertible, 2 tops, p/w, p/s, p/b, p/l, ABS, SRS, clean, classy, $22,900 obo. 905-849-5882._____________ 1992 C a valier, Red, 4door, automatic, air. E-tested. One owner, well main tained. Good shape. 905633-7664, L/M_____________ 1999 Plym outh Breeze, Top condition, 62K, loaded, Lady driven , w ell m ain tained. C ertified, $10,500. 905-333-4978_____________ 1997 Acura Integra auto. 81,000km, air, p/windows, p/locks, air bags, alarm , remote start, CD, tinted, im m aculate, $13,000. 905842-5318. Available Sept. Includes utilities. Parking Available Required for a large, productive Real Estate Office, the successful candidate should.... · Have strong clerical skills, be extremely organized, detail oriented and capable of multitasking · Be computer literate If you are efficient, enthusiastic, enjoy working in a fast paced environment, if you're able to show lots of initiative while at the same time, function well in a team-oriented office environment, we'd like to hear from you All applications kept in discreet confidence. Salary will commensurate with experience. 905-690-1896 I furnished rentals B U R L IN G T O N Fur n ished 1-bedroom large, attractive apartments avail able immediately. Heat/ hy dro included. From 950/mo. No pets. 905-632-0961 BURLINGTON. Lovely fully furnished 2-bedroom con do. C o nvenient lo cation. V ery quie t, m any e xtra s, private garage. Short/ long term. No smokers or pets. $18 0 0 /m o .+ . 9 0 5 -6 2 8 8861______________________ CO RPOR ATE Residence, accom m odations for ex tended stay professionals. 1&2 bedroom furn ished a pa rtm e nts a v ailab le w e e k ly / m onthly. G reat Burlington location. Please call 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 7 3 4 even ings, 416-948-9715 days RE/MAX GARDEN CITY REALTY INC. »C&r Please forward resume to: June Carter Fax 905-333-5907 Email to jcarter@rgcmail.com OAKVILLE TOYOTA LIMITED TOYOTA __________ EXECUTIVE SALES $50 ooo PLUS++ T 5 " B U R LO AK 2-bedroom basem ent, 4 app lia nces, parking, $675/m o. B u rlington M a ll- 2-bedroom , ground flo o r, 4 ap pliance s, $860/m o. K e rr/ Lakeshore, O a k v ille - 1-bedroom sec ond floor, parkin g, $695/ mo; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor condominiums for rent BU R LIN G TO N . Im m acu late 3-bedroom townhouse, 4-baths, c /a ir, finished basem ent, 5 app lia nces, g arage, park, O c t.ls t., $1500/mo. includes condo fees. 905-334-8868.________ H A M ILTO N upscale 3bedroom +++ townhome on C hedoke G olf Course. $1,675/mo. 905-528-4944 houses for rent O A K V IL L E S o uthe ast. Quiet street near private & public schools. 4-bedrm, 2bath, fa m ily room , large deck, fenced yard, lo vely g ardens. $2500/m o. Oct 1st. No pets. References. 905-338-8834. ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt VERY large 4-bedroom , Im m ediate, $1299/m o. (+ utilities).; 3-bedroom, Oct./ N ov., from $11 85./m o. (+ utilities), 5 appliances, ga rage, p a rk -lik e setting. Longm oor Drive, B u rlin g ton. 905-681-0070 AFTER school care need ed for 2 boys, 6th Line/ McCraney area. Our home or yours. Would suit responsible student, 905-849-9722 BA B Y S IT TE R required M onday-F rida y from 2:45pm -6pm in my home W alke r's Line & Hwy#5. Meal preparation required. 905-336-0597____________ BA B Y S IT TE R required after school for only child, in my 6th Line area home. ECE & references a must. 905-842-6550_____________ BE FO R E/ A fte r school care until 6pm for 3 child ren (5,7,11). Light house keeping, evening meal pre paration. Car/ references. S tart m id-O ctobe r. River Oaks. 416-304-5556. C A REG IVER required for 5 & 2-yr. old boys, 4 days/ wk., my southeast Oakville home. Experienced, refer ences, driver required. 905815-8355._________________ D E P E N D A BLE & loving caregiver required in Bur lington home for 2 boys (2 &4). M onday-Friday 8am5:30pm. Light housekeep ing, own tra n s p o rta tio n . Days: 416-947-4651, even in gs/w eekends: 9 0 5 -3 1 9 2215 Start Your NEW Career Today! If you are interested in a top professional commission, benefits and an exciting working environment Oakville Toyota may have a position for you. We will give you a realistic look at retail auto sales. Equip you with the "MBA" skills you need to succeed. Show you why this program is the place to start or relocate your ca reer. Experience preferred but no mandatory. We are willing to train the right Candidate. Fax your resume or call in confidence at: Attn: Steve Stripe / Paul Sadowsky managers of vehicle sales. OAKVILLE TOYOTA 1091 Speers Rd, Oakville, L6L 2X5 ??905-842-8400 ^Hamilton 905-681-4038 Fax 905-842-7385 or 416-946-1492 email: hr@oakvilletoyota.ca Full-Time trucks for sale 1995 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5 4 cyl., standard, low kms., hitch, certified, e-tested, $10,950. Call 905-8453364. Exp. Fresh Meat Cutter Apply in person: Oenninger's 2410 Lakeshore Rd West, Oakville LO O K IN G fo r dishw asher $7/hr. Full-time or part-time 2pm-10pm shift. Please call Eddie 905 -8 4 5 -0 2 3 1 ext. 2 0 4 ______________________ O A K V IL L E Printing C om pany has an immediate per manent fulltime position for a reliable and mature team p la ye r in it's bindery and photocopying area. O ther responsibilities include, fil ing and general shop du ties. Willing to train the right candidate. Fax resume to: 905-825-8313 general help wanted 510 general help wanted 2 room s in 4 bdrm house av a ila b le $500/m o. each inclusive. Shared kitchen/ bath. Im m ediately. 905847-9107__________________ ROOMS available in Ranch style home. North Burlington. Share kitchen/ bath. $100/ week. 905-319-3460 BR O N TE/ D undas. room in clude s cable, parking, utilities. Shared bathroom/ kitchen, no sm oking/ pets. $350/mo. 905-847-5603 motorcycles 2000 Suzuki VS800 In trud er, in cludes a cce sso ries, 6.475K, Imm aculate. One ow ner. $6,600. 416450-4057 ACTORS / Models Christmas filming has begun. Toronto production is exploding. Scouting new people, (no experience needed) with different looks, shapes and sizes, (newborn to senior) for Commercials, TV Shows, Movies, Catalogs. MTB will be holding Auditions in your area on Tues. Sept. 10, by appointment only. Audition fee of $34.50 +GST is refundable if you do not qualify. To schedule an audition phone 519-2490700 between 9-5pm. Model and Talent Bureau is a member of BBB of Midwestern Ontario. W AN TED : perm anent parking spot for one car, 4th Line & W estview Terrace, O akville vicinity. 905-8252348

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