B lIS H Contact: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com \V lil > N K S I )AY, S E i n i l M B K K 4 . 2 ( K ) 2 · \ r< AS Company game to try something new Manufacturer o f tabletopfantasy games moves head office to Oakville By Liz Campbell S P E C IA L T O T H E B E A V E R When Games Workshop first came to Canada from the United Kingdom in 1995, the manufacturer of tabletop fanta sy games settled in Mississauga. But seven years later, with 17 locations and 120 staff across Canada, the compa ny's head office has moved to Oakville. It seemed a logical choice since many of its staff already lived in the community. "We wanted to find a location that offered us three things: commercial office space, industrial warehouse space, and a good retail location for our store," says Games Workshop CEO Dave McFarlane, himself an Oakville resident with his wife, Kathryn, and two children. "I was delight ed to find what we needed in Oakville. This is a great community." McFarlane has made a point of hiring Oakville businesses for the preparation and construction work. The Oakville loca tion has a staff of 32 in the head office, warehouse and retail outlet. Games Workshop games and models are mainly designed and built in the UK though some are made in Baltimore, MD. Tabletop fantasy games are a cross between Chess and Risk, explains McFarlane and their appeal crosses gener ations. It's not unusual, he says, to find a 15-year-old son and 40-year-old father coming in together. The growing interest in fantasy games has been fueled by recent films like Harry Potter and Lord o f the Rings. Games Workshop has the rights to the miniature tabletop version of the latter, and it is prov ing to be one of the company's most popu- Fall Bridge Lessons Mississauga-Oakville Bridge Centre & The American Contract Bridge League F o r B e g i n n e r s . . . 10 w e e k s , $ 1 3 4 Monday evenings 7:45, beginning September 16th Wednesday afternoons 1:30, beginning September 18th Friday Mornings 9:45, beginning September 20th F o r " R u s t y " P l a y e r s . . . 8 w e e k s , $ 1 1 4 .0 0 Monday mornings 9:45, beginning September 16th Wednesday evenings 7:45, beginning September 18th N o v ic e B r id g e G a m e s f o r N e w e r P l a y e r s Monday mornings weekly at 9:30, beginning September Tuesday evenings weekly at 7:45, beginning September 3rd P lease call (9° 5) 8 2 0 -5 7 2 8 w w w .rayn erbridge.com lar series. In addition, they make and market the medieval fantasy battle game, War Hammer, and the futuristic ver sion of the same game, War Hammer 40,000. "The great thing about these games is that they are exactly the opposite of computer games, which you play alone and which you can tire of in a week or two," explains McFarlane. "These are social and interactive. They keep growing and changing. And they're creative -- you design your own environment." The stories tap into real historical events and the direction the plot takes is dependent on the throw of the dice as well as on the resourcefulness of the individuals playing. This can range from two to as many as 10 play ers. Creativity is also involved in the assembling and painting of the models "The little kid in me wants to put them together, then paint them," says McFarlane. "And, at the end, there's some pride in something you've constructed." Since its arrival in Oakville, Games Workshop has seen a huge influx of visitors drawn in by its sign. The staff is only too pleased to do an intro-gaming session to introduce customers to fantasy games. These are more than games, but tend to become a hobby as new charac ters and scenarios are released and gamers add them to their collection. "Our customers are very obsessive and even fanati cal," explains McFarlane. And, he adds, being heavily involved in a hobby keeps kids off streets and away from loitering in malls. Games Workshop was voted No. 1 by a parents magazine, for best toys to buy for kids aged 12 and up. The Games Workshop offices and store is located on the southeast comer of Dundas Street and Hwy. 403. -;v v , .. & | i ® P v > . . > . - , * iL( jH L jJL * > | | , S i «* * I i Jamie Smith · Special to the Oakville Beaver Dave McFarlane says his company's games are "social and inter active.' r~ j C LIP & SAVE! CLIP & SAVE This Special Family Pass allows 2 adults and their children FREE admission to Oakville's Newest Home Show - The Oakville Fall Home Show! FREE FAMILY PASS! , Chosen as Oakville's # 1 ladies W ear Store by readers of the Oakville Beaver w your support over You W ill See: · hundreds of new products * and services (. / · terrific, one time specials '/ Y / · / f ·local, reliable companies SHOWHOURS · great selection, great Fridav qualitygreat prices - all 1 p^ l^tfa y p m' under one roof 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. · a super family outing! ,, a .S 'p .m . P °sf 25 years HOME SHOW Looking for mature person to work part-time, please call for appointment September 13,14,15,2002 OAKVILLE ARENA Corner of Rebecca and Kerr St. K p sc o kL a d ie s(Oear Reynolds Street at Lakeshore Road East Downtown Oakville 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 5 1 0 Come and experience a Different Kind of Car Company. SATURINLof Oakville 507 Speers Road (905) 845-1610 wwwbuddssaturn.saturncanada.com Dudds' COMPANY 2002 Satums come with a 5 year or 100,000 km Powertrain Warranty.'Lease payments are plus all applicable taxes, license and insurance. 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If you'd like to buy your 2002 Saturn vehicle at lease end, its $6,950 for the 2002 S L 1 IX . $8,101 for the 2002 SCI 1SA. Retailers are free to set individual selling and lease prices. Rates subject to change without nobce. Additional options are extra See Retailer for futher conditions and details.