P E T P E O P L E 19 | Thursday, February 26, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com oakville's NEW DISCOUNT STORE BRaND NaMes aT loW PRiCes! CHECK OUT THESE BIG DEALS! oral B ProFessional recharGeaBle TooThBrush Deep sweep 1000 Reg. $89.99 The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides received a big boost from PJ's Pets, the result of a national charitable campaign the retailer kicked off in November of last year to support the Foundation's Autism Assistance and Diabetic Alert Dog Guide programs. Pictured at the presentation of the $21,253.00 cheque, from left, are: Tammy Johnson (treasury clerk), Frank Linhart (controller, PJ's), Amy Young (marketing manager, PJ's), Brad Hamilton (vice president, PJ's), Julie Jelinek (director of development, Lions Foundation Canada), and Ragu the dog guide. PJ's Pets is a long-time supporter of the Lions Foundation, and since launching its first campaign in 2005, customers and staff have raised more than $388,000. | photo by Eric Riehl Oakville Beaver (Follow on Twitter @halton_photog or facebook.com/HaltonPhotog) GeorGe Foreman Grills assorted Models NOW 20% our regular low price. only with this coupon. off $ 3999 Mattresses Assorted sizes PilloW PeTs Reg. $25 ea. Twin $139 to $299 Double $159 to $349 Queen $199 to $449 King $649 Made in Canada $ 99 ea. 15% OFF 9 OR 2/$1749 Discount applies to regular priced items. Valid only with this coupon. Expiry March 8, 2015 or while quantities last. Your Purchase Like us on Facebook.com/ Big Deal Oakville BIG-DEAL.ca 5111 New Street Appleby Vi 520 Kerr Street Burlington Check for our daily updates. 905.842.0221 519-333-DEAL (3325) Oakville BIG-DE · f a s h i o n · e l e c t ro n i c s · h o m e d e c o r · t o y s & g a m e s · h e a l t h & b e a u t y · h o u s e w a re s · b e d d i n g & l i n e n s · household supplies · seasonal · luggage & bags