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Oakville Beaver, 11 Sep 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 11, 2002 - A7 Population boom hits Halton public elementary schools By Tim Whitnell S P E C IA L T O T H E BEAVER B allooning class sizes are an issue w ith many school boards in Ontario and H alton's public entity is no different. Enrolment growth at the prim ary level in some schools has the Halton District School Board coniem plating splitting some ju n io r and senior kinder garten classes to make them m ore m anageable, w hich m ay result in teacher hir ings. There are some JK and SK classes brimming with as many as 33 little ones. The board 's executive directo r of hum an resources said she doesn't know which schools in par ticu la r are w ell-beyond norm al capacity, but noted re-organizing staff and stu dents is a common occur rence in the first few weeks o f any new school year. "With JK classes in par: ticular w e're seeing signifi cant interest," said Dawn B eckett-M orton. JK was brought back to the public board last year on a partial basis and is being fully im plem ented this year. "O ur collective agree m ent (w ith elem entary teachers) uses 23 (pupils) as a guideline for kinder garten. We always try to keep them smaller, but we do have some large classes out there. "It could mean a large class with an educational assistant (added) or that we split classes" , which could entail the hiring o f more kindergarten teachers. H er departm ent should have a better handle on those staffing needs and school space availability by next week, said BeckettM orton. As for the board's new schools, the opening of two elem entary sites in B urlington and O akville has also resulted in higher than anticipated enrolment. In Burlington, the new Florence M eares P.S., on Berwick Drive in the north east end o f the city, has started its first year with about 40 more students than the facility, which can hold 650, had initially planned to accommodate. H ow ever, the greater influx has not resulted in the need for portables at Florence M eares though, noted board facilities super intendent Gerry Cullen, as less than capacity numbers of students were expected in its first year. The situation is more difficult in O akville w here W est Oak Public School is rated to serve 650 pupils but instead has seen 818 swarm the north- central community school in its first year of operation. Four portables, which were antici pated, are in use. OAKVILLE TENDER NO: T-18-2002 TE N D E R FO R: TH E R EN TA L O F C A B A N D C H A S S IS E Q U IP M E N T O N L Y F O R W IN T E R S N O W C O N T R O L N O W O P E N C o b b le ^ IO N E m b e r^ S "Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists" D e s ig n &in s ta lla tio n o f gas a n d c o n v e n tio n a l fire p la ce s: - stone & brick facings % - wood surrounds - cast stone mantels - built-in cabinetry PETERSO N TENDER NO: T-19-2002 R e a l- F y r e G as Logs Q ____ _L T E N D E R F O R : P R IN T IN G O F T H E P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T IO N B RO CHURES AND THE YO UR TO W N ' CORPORATE BRO CHURE Q u a lity b ra n d n a m e s gas & e le c tric fire p la c e s a va ila b le All types of masonry work & restoration: SEALED TENDERS on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 2:00 p .m ., lo cal tim e on TU E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 24, 2002 - chimneys -walkways - planters - stairs -patios - tuck pointing V IS IT T H E S P E C IA L IS T S T O S E E T H E D IF F E R E N C E ... Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone 905-338-4197. Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting of the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, on Tuesday, S e p te m b e r 2 4, 2 002, a t 2:30 p.m . local tim e . 406 Speers Road, Oakville (across from Rona Lansing) 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -2 0 6 6 9/11 peace tonight at George's Square A Peace Vigil For A Peaceful Planet is being held today in memory of Sept. 11 last year and will run from 8-9:15 p.m . at George's Square Park. The park is at Trafalgar Road and Sum ner Avenue (just north of Lakeshore Road). Organized by the Oakville Community Centre For Peace, Ecology And Human Rights (OCCPEHR), the vigil will give local people the opportu nity to voice their concerns, beliefs, visions, fears and hopes for the world. The evening will commence with a minute of silence in which to remember the victims of 9/11, as well as all victims of war and terrorism. Local artists will then lead in singing the songs "M owin' In The Wind" and "We Shall Overcom e" among other songs that will allow those attending to reflect on the causes of the terrorism. Speakers will share their concerns and then there will be a symbolic tying together of "ribbons for peace" by those attending, said Dankowich. Call 905-849-5501 for information or to volunteer for the event. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. OAKVILLE QUOTATION NUMBER: Q-37-2002 S N O W C L E A R IN G A N D /O R S N O W R E M O V A L A T T H E M U N IC IP A L B U IL D IN G A N D T R A N S IT P R O P E R T IE S Purchasing Services, Finance Department Town of Oakville's 2001 Financial Report Now Available The Town's 2001 Financial Report, which over the past four years has been recognized nationally for its high program standards in government reporting, is now available from the Finance Department at the Town Hall. The Report includes the following information: · Financial statements for: Town of Oakville Town of Oakville Trust Funds Oakville Public Library Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area Bronte Business Improvement Area Oakville Galleries · Statistical Information for the last five years covering: population households staff complement tax rates long term debt impacts operational results for both the operating and capital funds · Provincially Mandated Municipal Performance Measurement Program Introduced in 2000 by the Province, the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) was established to move beyond the traditional financial analysis and provide a tool that gives taxpayers the ability to assess how well municipal services are delivered. As well, it was seen as a means to strengthen accountability and promote greater understanding of the municipal government's responsibility to its citizens. The results provided are for 2000 and 2001 Copies of the 2001 Financial Report can be obtained by calling (905) 845 6601, ext. 3081, or by e-mail - mwestern@ town.oakville.on.ca. The Report has been posted on the Town's web page - www.town.oakville.on SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6, until 1 2:00 noon, local tim e on M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 30, 2 00 2 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6; Telephone (905) 338-4197. P LE A S E N O T E - M A N D A T O R Y P R E -B ID S IT E V IS IT Two pre-bid meetings for potential bidders will be held on following dates and times: 1) O a k ville M u n ic ip al B uilding, 1225 T ra fa lg a r R oad, O akville, on W ed n esd ay, S e p te m b e r 18, 2 00 2 a t 10:00 a .m ., and Friday, S e p te m b e r 20, 2 0 0 2 a t 10:00 a.m . 2) O a k ville Transit O ffices, 4 7 6 -4 8 0 W y e c ro ft R o ad , O a k ville , on W ed n e sd ay , S e p te m b e r 18, 2 00 2 a t 1:00 p .m ., and Friday, S e p te m b e r 20, 2 0 0 2 a t 1:00 p.m . The purpose of the meetings is to review the particulars of the project. Potential bidders are required to attend and register. FA ILU R E T O A TTE N D A N D R E G IS TE R AT O N E O F T H E S IT E V IS IT S FO R E A C H S IT E B E IN G B ID , W IL L R E N D E R A N Y B ID S U B M IS S IO N S IN F O R M A L . IN F O R M A L B ID S W IL L N O T BE C O N S ID E R E D FO R AW ARD. Wrong number A story about the Oakville Choral Society in the Sept. 6 edition of the Oakville Beaver included the wrong contact number for the group. For more information about joining the Oakville Choral Society, or provid ing financial support, call 905-2758156. The Oakville Beaver regrets the error and any inconvenience it may have caused. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. Purchasing Services, Finance Department NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Z o n in g A m e n d m e n t & D r a f t P la n o f C o n d o m in iu m 8 2 L a k e s h o re R o a d W es t A P P L IC A N T : D o n m a r C o n t r a p la n In c . F ile Z . 1 7 1 5 .1 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Z o n in g A m e n d m e n t B lo c k s 2 , 8 , 9 , 1 3 , 2 3 . a n d 2 7 , P la n 2 0 M - 7 0 1 P a r k h a v e n B o u le v a r d A P P L IC A N T : S ilw e ll D e v e lo p m e n t s L td . F ile Z . 1 4 1 4 .0 3 Please be advised that a public information meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Condominium as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Department at which time details of the application will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on O c to b e r 1, 2 0 0 2 , c o m m e n c in g a t 7:00 p .m . in the O a k v ille R o o m , Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend the meeting and the subsequent meeting, which is yet to be determined, and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal and a key map may be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment and draft plan of condominium to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment and draft plan of condominium is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to B ob Z s a d a n y i a t th e T o w n 's P lan n in g S e rv ic e s D e p a rtm e n t, Tow n o f O a k v ille , P.O. B ox 3 1 0 ,1 2 2 5 T ra fa lg a r R o a d , O a k v ille , O N . L6J 5A 6. Tel: 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 , E xt. 3 0 4 1 , email address: Public meeting Sept. 18 ((Continued from page A1) b u t because w e w a n t to keep it a safe place to liv e ." Please be advised that a public information meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Department at which time details of the application will be presented and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on S e p te m b e r 2 6, 2 0 0 2 , c o m m e n c in g a t 7 :30 p .m . in the O a k v ille R oom , Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend the meeting and the subsequent meeting, which is yet to be determined, and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal and a key map may be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to D avid N elso n at the T o w n 's P la n n in g S e rv ic e s D e p a rtm e n t, Tow n o f O akville, P.O. B ox 3 1 0 ,1 2 2 5 T ra fa lg a r R o a d , O a k v ille , O N . L6J 5A 6. Tel: 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 , E xt. 3 0 3 9 , email address: dnelson@town.oakville.on.ca. L o c a tio n - The subject properties are Hendry is well aware that hate crimes in Halton (a handful each year, mostly property mischief and assaults) are under-reported. She loathes the idea of seeing the numbers increasing, but expects the stats to spike as more people step forward. "If w e're policing the community, we need to know," said Hendry. The Sept. 18 meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., and topics will include how to recognize hate, why it is important to call police, how police deal with hate crime, how courts deal with hate, the impact of hate on the community and proactive initia tives in the community. Special guest speaker will be Dr. Karen Mock, executive director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. Other speakers include Police Chief Ean Algar, Deputy Chief Gary Crowell, Laila Eiriksson, of the Multicultural Council, and Jim Coppolino, from the Halton Crown Attorney's Office. Hendry understands the event won't solve "all the world's problems," but she does hope many important local issues will be aired out to help make Halton an even better place to live. Partners Against Hate, funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, is also supported by The Federation of M uslim Women, The Halton Sikh Cultural Association and the Vaishno Devi Hindu Temple. For further information contact Const. Diane Hendry at 905-825-4727, or Sophia M akridis, Halton Multicultural Council, at 905-842-2486. bzsadanyi@town.oakville.on.ca. L o c a tio n - The subject site is located on the south-east corner of Lakeshore Road West and Kerr Street. The municipal address is 82 Lakeshore Road West. O ffic ia l P lan - Figure H2, Old Oakville located along Parkhaven Boulevard between Roxton Road and Georgian Drive. X2X U I U I I 1 S L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T K fij U i 1 in I \ § O ffic ia l P lan - Figure P, Uptown Core Community West of the Creek, designates the subject land as Central Business District. U I L A N D S § 2 B U R N E T S T R E E T c c Community, designates the subject land a s Residential Medium Density at a density of 75 units per site hectare. Residential uses of all forms are contemplated within these blocks. Z o n in g - The site is zoned UCR1B. Special Provision 592 in Subsection Z o n in g - The site is zoned C3R, Commercial-Residential. P ro p o s a l - An application for a zoning amendment and related draft plan of condominium has been filed to permit the development of a three storey commercial-residential complex in a "live - work" format. The commercial elements are located at ground level and front on to Lakeshore Road West. P le a s e N o te : This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at a public meeting in the future. 89 of the Zoning By-law permits a range of residential uses to a maximum of 42 dwelling units and a minimum of 38 dwelling units. P ro p o s a l - The applicant proposes a reduction in the number of units permitted under the by-law to allow the blocks to be used for townhouses. Currently, the range of units permitted on each of the blocks will only allow for the construction of apartment buildings to meet the minimum requirements of the Zoning By-law. P le a s e N o te : This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the subsequent public meeting, of which you will be notified at a future date. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 11th day of Septem ber 2002. David Nelson Acting Manager, Current Planning Planning Services Department Dated at the Town of Oakville this 11th day of September, 2002 David Nelson Acting Manager, Current Planning Planning Services Department 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD (905) 845-6601 · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5 A 6 www.town.oakville.on.ca

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