The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday September 6, 2003 - 9 Oakville councillor charges province with cover-up (Continued from pasje 5) results have been considered an impor tant element to Halton's comprehensive West Nile prevention battle plan for this year. In fact. Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton's Medical Officer of Health had hoped the results would have been in his hands in May to be used in some form of public education this summer. He differs with what the province is saying. "1 don't agree with (the govern ment's) comment," Dr. Nosal said in an interview this week about the province not intending to use the blood test results this year. "I would've used the information this year. I don't understand that com ment, and I think I'll leave it that." Oakville Regional Councillor Allan Elgar is charging the provincial govern ment is covering up the results, saying he thinks the study likely shows how prevalent the disease was in Halton. He said he thinks the results risk showing how ineffective the govern ment has been in protecting the public's health against the virus. "1 cannot accept the fact it's taking so many months to get this informa tion," Elgar said. "It makes you wonder - has there been a cover up. It begs the question." Even if the ministry plans to use the results next year, "a year later is too long," he said. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale said she would like to see a report sent to regional councillors as soon as possible outlining what the blood study's overall intent was to help eliminate any confu sion. She said she's encouraged to see Halton hasn't yet experienced any human cases of the vims. Last year at this time there were 25 human cases in Halton. Said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline: "I have to know more about their (the province) reasoning for (not wanting to release information this year). We would have to ask the same questions you're asking." Oakville was North America's West Nile hot spot last year from an infection rate point of view. One person in Halton died from West Nile in 2002 - an elderly female from Oakville. 4 D A Y S O N LY ! WWW.OWNATUB.COM FACTORY DIRECT Police investigate pellet gun incident Halton Regional Police chase, one of the pursuers are investigating the danger twice fired a pellet gun at the fleeing cyclists. No one was hit ous use of a pellet gun outside an Oakville mall on Aug. 18. and no injuries were reported. The incident began at 8:15 If you have any informa p.m. when five youths, age 9 S i m tion that leads to an arrest in -11, were cycling out of the this or any other matter, you C jI parking lot at Upper Oakville 825-TIPS of 1-800-668-5151 may be eligible for a cash Shopping Centre, 1011 Upper reward. 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