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Oakville Beaver, 8 Aug 2003, p. 13

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday A ugust 8, 2003 -1 3 W o x g l j i p LIMITED M APLE G R O V E U N IT E D C H U R C H 346 Maple Grove Dr. Oakville 905-845-5721 Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes J B i v t t i a v p PRESBYTERIAN B A P T IS T CALVARY BAPTIST CH URCH 1215 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-4157 w w w .c a lv a r v o a k v ille .c o m U N IT E D ST. PA U L'S U N IT E D 454 Rebecca St 905845-3427 IN V IT E S Y O U T O SU N D A Y W O R S H IP C0WHMTY CIIIRCH KING'S FAMILY CHURCH Iroquois Ridge Community Centre A Praying Church... A Growing Church... A Going Church KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN (D undas R d. W . &L ionsV alievParkRd.) Feu G. Walter Read Dr. Ron Baxter Sunday* Summer Hours 9:30 a.m. * Praise & Worship Guest Speaker: Dan McDougall "An Unexpected Invitation" Concurrent Children's Program & Nursery Care Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. i n Youth - W ednesday at 7:00 pm Eu 905-335-3433 " W HERE THE SPIRITSO A RS ANDTHE HEART FIN D SAHOME" S u n d a y , A u g . 10 9 :3 0 a m G u e s t S p e a k e r: P e te r B a r b e r Actixnties a n d program s fo r congregation <2f com m unity maple_grove_united_church@ sympatico.ca The Little Church With The Big Welcome During AUGUST we will be meeting in homes Please call Chris and Rachel for more information 905-825-8091 kingsfamilychurch(S)cogeco.ca Nurserv Care Junior Congregation Lemonade on the lawn Minister R ev. Paul Crittenden R ev. Lexie Chamberlain M inister Emeritus: R ev. Alan Harley Dir. M usic -Michal Rozvcki CHARTW ELL B A P T IS T C H U R C H " People Who Care" WALTON UNITED 1 0 :3 0 a .m . S e r v ic e 2489 Lakeshore RtLW . 905-827-1643 Comer of Bronte &Lakeshore Rd. W . "The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ' www.waltonmemorial.com W a lto n W e lc o m e s Y o u Starting September, we're back at I.R.C.C. Sundays @ 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Services Summer Hours at 228 Chartwell 10:00 a.m. 228 Chartwell Road MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH "Where rdnm l faith metis caring m m n ity ' ANGLICAN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville Sunday, Aug. 10 10:00 am Family Service Chartwell @ Kings 10:00 a.m. Kings Christian Collegiate, 528 Burnhamthorpe Road W est Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 www.munnsunited.com Sunday, Aug. 10 1 0 :0 0 a .m . S e r v ic e O u r C reed: J e s u s Hie H e a le r Junior Congregation and Nursery Message - "Our Grieving God": - Rev. GiU "Fust Place" Christian Weight Loss Group, Tuesday Mornings, Starting in September. Call Office for more information 905-827-1643 Scott MacIntyre In Concert Internationally Acclaimed Singer, Composer and Pianist for Arizona Saturday, August 30 - 7 pm Tickets at Office or Door R ev. Harry M cW illiam s, R ev. M ike M arcden 905-844-3472 Sunday, Aug. 10 1 0 :3 0 a .m . W o rs h ip `G od' s Call To Freedom " Saturday Night Worship Services 5:30 p.m. at 228 Chartwell Road Full Learning Centre provided at each service for children of all ages w w w .chartw ellchu rch.org W ORSHIP · TEACHING · CELEBRATION St Columba's Anglican Church Inde p e n d e n t, C a n a d a S ynod 404 Morrison Road, Oakville, Ontario 1 -8 0 0 -8 2 2 -1 5 4 9 w w .stm atthewscathedral.com S u n d a y 1 1 :3 0 a m m . SUM M ERADVENTUREW EEK August 11-15 - Ages 4-11 Nursery and Church Schoolfor children andyouth W eprovide support (s' caring in tim es ofneed through Stephen Ministries W eekly small Groupsfor Youths & Adults "Summer" Sunday School & Nursery Provided Minister Rev. Meg Grieve Staff Associate: Lyn Workman Director of Music Rita Lamplugh FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 1415 Trafalgar Rd. 905-842-0938 www.faithbapdst-oakville.com 9am Worship Serna will resume September 71 New Small Group Study, Mondays Starting 7:30 pm, Sept 8 on Everyone Welcome ___ "Building Relationships" | [H | E-mail: knoxoakviIle(& on.aibn.com M H O L Y C O M M U N IO N Book of Common Prayer Sunday, Aug. 10 1 1 :0 0 a .m . Pastor Chris Myers M ST.JOHN? ® UNITED E S T . 18 3 2 Downtown At Dunn & Church Streets Office: 262 Randall 905-845-0551 C H ECK O U Twww w akonm em oriaLcom Websiterwww.knoxoakville.com |S | PRESBYTERIAN PEN TECO STA L OAKVILLE PENTECOSTAL APOSTOLIC CENTER Sunday Bible Teaching and Worship Service 1 2 :3 0 -2 :3 0 p m ( N o r t h R id g e R o o m ) VINEYARD A w akening Join us for a night of vineyard worship and awaken your passion for God! "The Role of God's Servants Part 2" Corinthians 3:9C-17 6:30 pJH "Is Therea Future For Israd?" TRAFALGAR PRESBYTERIAN 354 Upper Middle Rd. at Trafalgar (Enter from Trafalgar to White Oaks B KA E^ N. on Litchfield to the end) Minister Rev. Kristine O'Brien S u n d a y, Aug. 1 0 10:00 am Worship Service S e rm o n : Rev. V alerie R e e d 11:00 am Fellowship on die lawn k % 905-842-2800 IROQUOIS NORTHRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Glenashton & Eighth Line tunUyJunel? @ Q M ttrirtiu S chool, t123rd L iao . bkvifit R ev. Don Gibson - Res. David W alker A Church for Your Heart. Mind & Spirit Youth Leader - K imBelanger D ir. of M usic - Brian L Turnbull M eeting at White Oaks Secondary School, Parish Nurse - Mary Lynn Hull 1055 M cG raney St. E. Website: www.stjohnsunited.ca S unday, A u g . 1 0 1 0 :0 0 a m Sunday Service 10:00 am Church School and Nursery iM |S 9 Thursday Bible Teaching 7 :0 0 -8 :0 0 p m Call for details: 9 0 5 -8 2 0 -7 7 0 8 - 4 1 6 - 9 9 5 ^ 3 2 5 the vineyard Christian fellowship navigating the adventure of your life JESUS IS LORD H0PEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 Minister The Reverend Sean Foster leL river®Dfc^ '* Y u \ community church J 2435 M unn' s Ave. E. (QSixth Line, South o f Dundas) S un d a ys 10:30m @ O akville (kritfun S ch o o l 1 1 23rd U m, O akville Weekly in Neighbourhood Small Groups fOS.S49.SH3 M lnm«v*rtf@ iymp*fi<o.M w*3jy»y*tk«.cVulmiMViH "H ow to F ace y o u r C ritics w ith a C lear C o n sc ie n c e " P a s to r a l S ta f f J e f f C h r i s t o p g j r s o n , b a . M.Div Ic.u hing I'.t-stor G a r r y K t> |> , b . Music W o r s lS S > astor J i m D a n i e t s q p , b.a., M.Div E x e c u j t t ! Pastor J e f f H i l l , B.A, r - Youth P astor THIS SUNDAY (Sum m er Schedule) S u n d a y ,A u g .1 0 M o rningW o rs h ip 10:30 a.m . Church School · Nursery Provided Email: churchoffice^hopedalechurch.ca 10:00 A M Worship Celebration - Nursery and Children's Ministry Available- SUM M EREX PLO SIO ND A YCAM P Full Day Activity Camp for Children 6-12 years o ld Call f o r R e g is tra tio n In fo rm a tio n C a U 9 0 5 .2 5 7 .3 9 8 7 w w w .th esan ctua ry.ca Y o u c a n b e Y o u r s e lf . Pentecostal Assem blies of Canada Inviting all to be alive in Christ ' " i' 1 1 * i 'i.i!i;i'i'ii:i (905) 257-3864 w w w .rive ro a ksch u rch .ca ,

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