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Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A21

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The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 - 21 a special , iePr S h e rid a n N u r s e r ie s J Finished Basements.com M ORTGAGE INTELLIG ENCE 6 0 6 Southdown Rood, Mississauga www.sheridannurseries.com AN D Y WEISS Manager Q 905- 338-6179 THE & BASEMENT BUILD DESIGN EXPERTS T s a ts s r ,, __ (905) 822-Q251 _ _ Q: What Makes a G reat Basement? T h ere seem to be so m any types o f C hristm as trees available today. H ow d o I decide w hat is right for m y home? For many, choosing the C hristm as tree is an im portant A : In a word, design. Design is truly what makes or breaks the basement you will either choose to spend time in or n o t The design of the basement should be an extension of the rest of the home. Thus providing a continuous flow from the main floor earning it right through to your unfinished storage space in the basement. The process begins with the expertise of a professional struc tural engineer who will aid you in the elimination of some, if not all of those annoying jack posts, or load bearing rails. It is from this point that the great room of the house begins to unfold. Open concept basements, that begin at the foot of die stairs, allows for multiple uses in one large space. Home the atres, bars, gyms and spas are just some of the ways people are utilizing their new found living space. Basements arc no longer the cold un-inviiing storage spaces diey used to be. The base ment has become a new dynamic living space in its own right. Finished Basements.com would be more than happy to assist you in planning your basement renovation. Please contact .Ashley Trapman at 903-338-6179 Three consecutive years of weak stock markets along with continued global B economic uncertainty have changed the way many Canadians are investing . their hard earned dollars. More and more Canadians are venturing into the rental property market, some swayed by the real estate appreciation that we've seen over the last few years. Others want to add real estate to their investment mix to better diversify their investment portfolios Q A CIMBL « · TM«*» o r E-MAIL ewen.aneell8sympatico.ca 905 469-4598 . · H ave you th ought abo ut investing in a re n ta l property? C onsider your m o rtgage fin a n cin g optio ns c a re fu lly . A part o f fam ily tradition for th e holidays, and you are quite right, there are m any choices available today. H and-picked, C anadian grown fresh-cut Scots' pine has been a popular choice for m any years d u e to its lovely evergreen scent and long-lasting, soft green . needles. W h ite spruce has a narrow pyram idal form and m edium j green needles evenly spaced m aking it ideal for decorating, while the W h ite pine lias soft light green needles sim ilar to a Scots' pine. O f course, o u r now fam ous Fraser Fir has a sym m etrical narrow ; form an d soft green needles w ith a silver underside, w hich hold ' o n well th ro u g h the season. Look for th e new variety, the C anaan ; Fir... It has th e colour an d beautiful scent o f a Balsam an d the great form an d needle retention o f a Fraser Fir. A nd don't forget to pick-up a bottle of Sta-Fresh preservative to provide lasting freshness to yo u r tree. D rop by the store for m ore holiday design tips an d expert advice i o n m aking your holiday season a m em orable one. Approximately 25 per cent of the condominium units built in Canada will be used as rental apartments Additional investment is occurring in multi-unit residential properties such as duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes, as well as single-family detached housing. Canadians are looking to have the rent from these investments at least cover their costs and. over the long term gain a reasonable return on their investments. Investors who consider adding real estate assets are Qften confused about their mortgage financing options. Since the Bank Act allows only up to 75 per cent of the value of a property to be in uninsured financing, many investors who put 15 per cent down use an insured mortgage for the difference. The cost of the insurance premium can be as high as 4.5 percent, which can translate into a $10,000 cost on a $225,000 mortgage. Even so. not all investors can meet the strict requirements that go along with an insured mortgage on rental property. These requirements include having a relatively high net worth and demonstrating that you can carry the mortgage payments in addition to your other debts without factoring in all the rental income you will receive. This certainly doesn't leave room for many Canadians who want an investment property Another option if you have a good amount of equity in your principal residence is to take some of the equity out. typically through a line of credit, to get a big enough down payment that then may qualify you for a regular first mortgage To simplify the process, you can also now consider those lenders who have mortgage products specifically designed for small investors who own or are purchasing a residential investment property Canadian investors can now access up to $500,000 without costly mortgage insurance premiums, or leveraging the equity in their principal home Up to 85 per cent financing inclusive of applicable fees ts available for single family units or up to a fourplex located in major urban centres. Properties on well and septic systems located in a town or subdivision can also qualify. Typically. 75 per cent financing is available for condominium units and all properties must generate a positive cash flow Perhaps now more Canadians can heed the wisdom offered by many financial professionals and diversify, diversify, diversify by including real estate in their investment portfolios Gwen Angell-Mighton is a Mortaaqe Consultant with Mortgage Intelligence ® www.anfl8llmongaQes.com. or call 905-469-4598._____________________________ Q u e s tio n : Royal School Of O ntario G - Why do I need a Personal shopper or Fashion consult ant'.' A n s w e r: r a d e 9 to 12 You never have time to manage your wardrobe needs... You h a v e g r e a t c lo th e s, b u t n e e d h e lp to m ix a n d m a tc h ... D r. E ric D a w tre y , D C C lin ic D ir e c to r O a k v il l e R e h a b C e n t r e 4 6 5 M o rd e n R oad, O a k v ille 9 0 5 829-2212 You are starting a new job... You n e e d a q u a lity w a r d r o b e u p g ra d e ... (905) 845-2293 a W h y s h o u ld I en ro ll m y c h ild at th e R oyal S c h o o l o f O n tario? A . T h ere are m any reasons for you to enroll your child at o u r school. O u r program s are w ell-structured and co ntinuously m odified to cater to the needs o f the everchanging technological w orld. T hese carefully structured an d appropriately im plem ented program s are well suited for the students w ho w an t to pursue an academ ic/professional career such as M edicine. E ngineering in one stream and A ccounting, Law in th e o th e r stream . Secondly, o u r m ethods an d approach at Royal School o f O n tario develop a better understanding o f the subjects, increase self-confidence, and enhance knowledge irrespective of the stu d en t's past educational attain m en t. A t the lower grades we concentrate o n language skills an d m athem atical concepts. M athem atics im proves the intellectual capacity o f a child, and language provides them w ith the ability to express their knowledge and understanding. A t G rade I t and 12, students are encouraged an d facilitated to set th eir ow n pace to folly utilize their abilities and talent; they will be m otivated, guided, an d directed tow ards th eir goal. T hirdly, the academ ic experience at Royal School o f O n tario fosters self-discipline, initiative, responsibility, creativity, selfconfidence a n d highest personal standards o f achievem ent. Intellectual curiosity and love o f learning are som e o f the products o f o u r un iq u e approach. In addition, maximum o f 10 students per class. You need certain pieces to complete your wardrobe, but you re not sure which will work... You n e e d h e lp id e n tify in g w h a t sty le / c o lo u r w o rk s b e s t f o r y o u ... Q You simply have difficulty finding what you like... You n e ed a n o u tfit f o r t h a t S p e c ia l E v e n t c o m in g u p ... You just don t like to shop and /or find it overwhelming... I f you have answ ered yes to I or m ore o f these questions, I recently visited a ch iro p ra c to r for the first tim e for w hat » I th o u g h t w as a pinched nerve in m y neck. A fter th e con su lta tio n , exam , and x-rays, this w as confirm ed and I began my first chiropractic care tre a tm e n t program . T h e pain seem ed to dim in ish significantly w ith each visit, and a fter 3 days I was com pletely cured! H ow ever due to the co n d itio n s found on m y x-rays (o steo arth ritis) and exam (spinal m isalignm ents and problem s w ith posture) 1 was advised to c o n tin u e w ith chiropractic care. W hy w ould I co n tin u e d to get treated?" you need a Personal Shopper & Fashion C onsultant... D eva can help! D eva shops for you and you don t have to go anyw here. We com e to you! Call D eva today for your free first consultation! e i/a ^ _ _ P ersonal S hoppers & Fashion C o n s u lta n ts A la n n a G a rc ia O w ner 905-617-3226 agarcia(a de vashoppers.com w w w .deva shop pers.com T h is is a great q u estio n , a n d o n e th a t I have heard m any tim es in m y 16 years o f practice. T raditionally, a sym ptom is w hat initially drives us to the doctor. O n c e there, a diagnosis is given an d tre a tm e n t rendered u n til the sy m p to m is gone, a n d we are "c u re d ". Your experience tells you "all is w ell', b u t is it? C h iro p ra c tic is based o n the law o f C ause a n d Effect w hich states: " For every cause there is an effect, a n d fo r every effect, a cause". A lthough in m ost cases, the care received helps the pain to go aw ay quickly (and happily), th e cause o f th e problem rem ains. A ddressing just th e pain is sim ilar to p u ttin g black tape over yo u r cars "oil low " light, sim ply because th e b rig h t light b o th ers you! T h e problem isn't th e light (effect) it is the low oil (causc). T rue health an d wellness is achieved th ro u g h addressing th e cause o f the problem and settin g a course to co rrect it. If im p ro v ed h e alth a n d w ellness is y o u r goal, stick w ith the d o c to r's re c o m m e n d a tio n s, y o u 'll b e glad yo u did! Dr. E ric Dawtrey I f you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask the Professionals" c/o The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 or fax to: 905-337-5568

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